Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
I. Objectives
OL1C: Observe the right syllable stress pattern in a word stress.
A. Topic: STRESS
B. Materials: Multimedia Projector, Laptop, Visual Aids
C. Reference: Handouts, Speech Communication Book
D. Values: Develop unity and to become a good speaker.
III. Procedures
A. Daily Routine
ok, you may now take your seats according to (students go to their respective places)
your seat plan.
What is our past lesson? Student 1: Our past lesson was all about
Very Good
C. Lesson Proper
Very Good!
Now, can you tell me what is stress? (name of Student 3: Stress is the way you pronounce a
student) syllable or word in a louder or more forceful
way than the other syllables or words.
Very Good! Another name for stress is
There are four degrees of stress in English. Student 4: Primary stress ma'am. It is the
Can you give me one (name of student)... ? loudest and the longest.
Very Good! Next is.. (name of student) student 6: Tertiary stress- third in loudness
and length.
Very Good! And the last is, (name of Student 7: Weak stress/unmarked- the least in
student) loudness and length.
Very Good!
Since, you're ready, let us discuss first the Student 8: It says with increased force and
mono syllabic words. Tell us about it (name of loudness.
student)... ?
What have you noticed about the stress? (students raise their hands)
(pointing a student) Student 9: the stress is placed on the first
syllable in the first column. Then, on the
second column, it is placed on the second
What have you noticed? (name of student) Student 10: I've noticed the number words
that ends in -ty and -ieth, the stress is placed on
the first syllable. While the number words that
ends in -teen and -teenth, the stress is placed
on the second syllable.
Very Good!'
E. Application
Group Activity:
Form a group of five(5). Each group tries to
look for a popular song that they all like. Write
this song on a piece of paper manila paper.
Each two(2) member is assign in every stanza
or chorus. They need to put a stress on the
words then read the stanza to the class with the
correct stressing. After that they need to sang it
but still observing the correct accent or stress.
D. Generalization