A Field Guide To Boxology: Preliminary Classification of Architectural Styles For Software Systems
A Field Guide To Boxology: Preliminary Classification of Architectural Styles For Software Systems
A Field Guide To Boxology: Preliminary Classification of Architectural Styles For Software Systems
0730-3157/97 $10.00 0 1997 IEEE
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2. Styles for Software Architectures We focus on the abstractions used by designers in de-
fining their architectures. In practice, these are ultimately
In this section we classifL a set of archiitecturall styles implemented in terms of processes (as defmed by the oper-
that have been described previously (usually informally) in ating system) and procedure calls (as defined by the pro-
published literature. Software designers use an extensive gramming language). More abstract connectors allow
descriptive vocabulary to explain their system organiza- otherwise-incompatible components to share data and con-
tions. They use the vocabulary informally, almost casually, nectors augmented by performance monitoring, authenti-
and often ambiguously. Through a rigorous, classification cation, or audit-trail capabilities.
we attempt to capture the common meanings. The allowable kinds of components and connectors are
Table 1 shows the resulting classification. It is not com- primary discriminatorsamong styles. Selectingthe types of
plete, but it spans much of the diversity found in practice. constituent parts does not, however, uniquely identify the
Each row describes a style. Columns correspond to the fea- style. Control disciplines, data organizations, and the inter-
ture categories as described in Section 3. Indented ralws de- action of control and data all affect style distinctions. So do
scribe specializations of the styles in the primary rows they finer distinctions within types of components and connec-
follow. Because this is a multidimensional classificadon, it tors, some of which appear in Table 1. For example, both
is possible for a style to be a variant of more thm one program and transducer refine process; procedure culls
broader style; we handle this with cross-references. may be local or remote, and their binding may be dynamic
We describe the styles in their pure forms, although or static; batch data, data stream, and continuous refiesh
they seldom occur that way. Real systems hybridize and are all forms of dataflow.
amalgamate the pure styles, with the architect choosing A taxonomic treatment of architectural components and
useful aspects from several in order to accomplish the task connectors, filling out the conceptual framework begun
at hand. Our classification does not impede this heteroge- here, appears elsewhere [ 191.
neity, but rather enhances the selection and blending pro-
cess by making stylistic properties explicit. IJnderstanding 3.2 Control issues
the pure forms is helpful in understanding or explainingthe Control issues describe how control passes among
hybrids, and perhaps also in recognizing arid eliminating components and how the components work together tem-
unnecessary heterogeneity. porally. Control issues include:
After looking through the table many readers will say, Topology: What geometric form does the control flow
“But that’s not what Zmean by style X!”. Indeed, it may not for the system take? A pipeline often has a linear (non-
be. But it is, as far as we can tell, what someone means. branching) or acyclic control topology; a main-program-
This indicates that different readers use style names in dif- and-subroutines style has a hierarchical (tree-shaped)
ferent ways. A primary objective of this classification is to topology; some server systems have star (hub-and-
expose such differences and start constructive discussion. spoke) topologies; a style consisting of communicating
sequential processes may have an arbitrary topology.
3. Classification Strategy Some architectureshave quite specific topologies. It may
A system designer’s primary impression of an architec- also be useful to stipulate the direction of control flow.
ture often keys on the character of the interactions among Synchronicity: How dependent are the components’ ac-
components. Our classification strategy reflects this, mak- tions upon each others’ control states? In a lockstep sys-
tem, the state of any component implies the state of all
ing control and data interactions the major axes of classifi- others (e.g., a batch sequential system’s components are
cation, then making finer discriminationswithin the axes. in lockstep, since one doesn’t begin execution until its
Our analysis of common architectural styles suggests predecessor finishes). SIMD (single instruction,multiple
that they are discriminated by these categories of features: data) algorithms for massively parallel machines also
3.1 Constituent parts: Components &, connectors work in lockstep. In synchronous systems, components
Components and connectors are the primary building synchronize frequently, but other state relationships are
unpredictable. Asynchronous components are largely un-
blocks of architectures. A component is a unit of software
predictable in their interaction or synchronize occasion-
that performs some function at run-time. Examples include ally, while opportunistic components such as autono-
programs, objects, processes, and filters. A connector is a mous agents work completely independently and in par-
mechanism that mediates communication, coordination, or allel. Lockstep systems can be sequential or parallel,
cooperation among components. Implementations of con- depending on how many threads of control run through
nectors are usually distributed over many system compo- them. Other forms of synchronicity imply parallelism.
nents; often they do not correspond to discrele elements of Binding time: When is the identity of a partner in a
the running system. Examples include shared representa- transfer-of-control operation established? Some control
tions, remote procedure calls, message-passiing protocols, transfers are pre-determined at program-write(i.e.,
data streams, and transaction streams. source code) time, compile time, or invocation time (i.e.,
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when the operating system initializes the process). 0th- 4. Refinements of a style: Cooperative
ers are bound dynamically while the system is running. message-passing processes
3.3 Data issues The classification scheme of Section 3 maps out the
Data issues describe how data moves around a system. space of architectures, but it does not capture all the rich-
Data issues include: ness found in nature. Each row can be elaborated to capture
* Topology: Data topology describes the geometric shape more detailed distinctions. These distinctions may matter
of the system’s data flow graph. The possibilities are the because they determine whether pre-existing parts can be
same as for control topology used together, or because they affect system performance
Continuity: How continuous is the flow of datathrough- or other system-level behavioral quantities. Further, if the
out the system? A continuous-flow system has fresh data elaborations capture the disctinctions observed by others
available at all times; a sporadic-flow system has new and the table extends smoothly, this increases our confi-
data generated at discrete times. Data transfer may also dence in the relevance of the discriminators. We have per-
be high-volume (in data-intensive systems) or low-vol-
formed an elaboration on dataflow networks and
ume (in compute-intensive systems).
Mode: Data mode describes how data is made available cooperative message-passing processes; we present the lat-
throughout the system. In an object style, it is passed ter in this section.
from component to component, whereas in any of the Andrews [3] identifies 8 variants of the communiating
shared data systems it is shared by making it available in processes (CP) style in Table 1. We now show how each
a place accessible to all the sharers. If the components specializes the basic CP style, summarizing in Table 2.
tend to modify it and re-insert it into the public store, this One-way data flow through networks of filters. In
is a copy-out-copy-in mode. In some styles data is broad- this style, a piece of data enters the system and makes its
cast or multicast to specific recipients. way through a series of transformations, each transform ac-
Binding time: When is the identity of a partner in a complished by a separate process. The series need not be
transfer-of-control operation established? This is the linear; Andrews gives an example of a tree of processes
data analogy of the same control issue, forming a sorting network. Specializing the CP style by re-
3.4 ControYdata interaction issues stricting topology to one-way and synchronicity to asyn-
chronous yields this sub-style. Interestingly, it may also be
Interaction issues describe the relationship between
case as a specialization of dataflow networks by restricting
certain control and data issues.
that family’s data and control topologies to one-way flows,
* Shape: Are the control flow and data flow topologies
substantially isomorphic to each other? and relaxing the data-handling requirements from continu-
Directionality: If shapes are substantiallythe same, does ous to sporadic. That is, this style lies within two subspaces
control flow in the same direction as data or the opposite of our design space.
direction? In a data-flow system such as pipe-and-filter, Requests and replies between clients and servers.
control and data pass together from component to com- Clients and servers, a popular style, already occurs in Table
ponent. However, in a client-server style, control tends 1. It can already be seen to be a specialization of the CP
to flow into the servers while data flows into the clients. style in which the topologies, synchronicity, and mode are
3.5 Type of reasoning restricted from the general form. This is the naive form,
which ignores the usual requirement to maintain state for
Different classes of architectures lend themselves to an ongoing sequence of interactions between the client and
different types of analysis. A system of components oper- the server.
ating asynchronously in parallel yields to vastly different Back-and-forth (heartbeat) interaction between
reasoning approaches (e.g., nondeterministic state machine neighboring processes. A heartbeat algorithm causes each
theory) than a system that executes as a fixed sequence of node in the process graph to send information out (expand),
atomic steps (e.g., function composition). Many analysis and then gather in new information (contract). An example
techniques compose their results from analysis of substruc- of applying this algorithm is to discover the topology of a
tures, but this depends on the ability to combine sub-anal- network. On each “beat”, each process (representing a pro-
yses. The fit of an analysis technique to an architecture is cessor) communicates with everyone it can, broadcasting
enhanced if the software organization matches the analysis its idea of the topology. Between beats, every process as-
organization-that is, if software substructure and analysis similates the information just sent to it, combining it with
suejstructure are compatible. its current idea of the layout. The computation terminates
Thus, different architectural styles are good matches for when a completion condition has been met. Andrews pro-
different analysis techniques. Your choice of architecture poses two variations of this sub-style, depending upon
may be influenced by the kinds of analysis you require. whether or not shared memory is used. We model this form
of process interaction by restricting the synchronicity of the
CP style to lockstep-parallel (although asynchronous ver-
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sions are possible) and reflecting the shared-datddistribut- asynchronous, data mode to passed, and flow directions to
ed-data choice by describing the data and control same describes the probelecho sub-style.
topologies appropriately. Broadcasts between processes in complete graphs.
Probes and echoes in graphs. Probelecho cornputa- Broadcast algorithms use a distinguished process to send a
tions work on (incomplete) graphs. A probe is a miessage message to all other processes. An example is to broadcast
sent by a process to a set of successors; an echo is the reply. the value of a central clock in a soft-real-time system. Mod-
Probe/echo algorithms can be used to compute a depth-first elling the broadcast style in our classification simply re-
search on a graph, discover network topologies, or broad- quires restricting the data topology to star (for that portion
cast using neighbors. Specializing the CP style by restrict- of the computation involved in the broadcast) and the data
ing the topologies to an incomplete graph, synchronicityto mode to broadcast; the control topology remains arbitrary.
Constituent parts Control issues Data issues
Communicating ~
linear I asynch I linear passed yes same
Heartbeat message
irocesses protocols
hier 1 Idpar 1 w, c, hier
star spar,
incom- w, c
Probelecho plete passed
arb. passed
Token passing along edges in a graph. ‘Tokenpassing the availability of services (for example, in case of the fail-
algorithms use tokens (a special kind of message) to con- ure or backlog of a single server). The essence of the algo-
vey temporal rights to the processes receiving the tokens. rithm is to provide the appearance to clients of a single,
Token-passing is used, for instance, in algorithms tio com- centralized server; this requires that the servers coordinate
pute the global state of a distributed asynchronous system, with each other to maintain a consistent state. One server
or to implement distributed mutual exclusion of a shared cannot change the “mutual)’ state without agreement of a
resource. Token-passing is a refinement of the CP style that sufficient majority of the others. This weighted voting
restricts the synchronicity to asynchronous, data mode to scheme is implemented by passing multiple tokens among
passed, and flow direction to same. The topologies remain the servers. Architecturally, this algorithm is identical to
arbitrary, and the continuity remains sporadic low-volume. the token-passing sub-style discussed above.
Coordination between decentralized server process- Replicated workers sharing a bag of tasks. Unlike
es. In this model, identical servers are replicated to increase decentralized servers that maintain multiple copies of data,
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this style provides multiple copies of computational ele- If in addition each stage is incremental, so that later
ments. The replicated-workers style is a primary tool for stages can begin before earlier stages finish, consider
single-instruction,multiple-data (SIMD) machines. To see a pipeline architecture.
SIMD algorithms as a sub-style of CP, we restrict the topol- If your problem involves transformations on continuous
ogies to hierarchical, the synchronicity to synchronous, streams of data (or on very long streams), consider a
mode to passed or shared (depending on whether or not pipeline architecture.
However, if your problem involves passing rich data
shared data is used) and flow direction to same.
representations, avoid pipelines restricted to ASCII.
5. Using styles in system design If a central issue is understanding the data of the applica-
tion, its management, and its representation, consider a
5.1 Styles in architectural design languages repository or abstract data type architecture. If the data is
Specific styles are supported by a variety of frame- long-lived, focus on repositories.
works and architectural description languages (ADLs) If the representation of data is likely to change over
[I 11. For instance, every ADL in one survey was able to ex- the lifetime of the program, then abstract data types
press a pipe-and-filter style, though few provided it as a can confine the change to particular components.
built-in primitive [7]. Some ADLs, however, go beyond If you are considering repositories, the input data is
that to support a diverse and open-ended (architect-de- noisy (low signal-to-noise ratio), and execution order
fined) collection of styles. Two languages do this: Aesop cannot be predetermined, consider a blackboard [23]
[lo] and UniCon [30]. If you are considering repositories and the execution
Aesop is an object-oriented notation and system for de- order is determined by a stream of incoming requests
veloping style-specific architectural development environ- and the data is highly structured, consider a database
ments. Its basic elements of architectural description are management system.
If your system involves controlling continuing action, is
components, connectors, and configurations. Styles are embedded in a physical system, and is subject to unpre-
created by subtyping; style-specific vocabularies of design dictable external perturbation so that preset algorithms
elements are created by defining the desired component go awry, consider a closed loop control architecture [32].
types as subtypes of the generic component, the desired If you have designed a computation but have no machine
connector types as subtypes of the generic connector, and on which you can execute it, consider an interpreter ar-
so on. Configuration rules are captured as part of the sub- chitecture.
type definitions. If your task requires a high degree of flexibilitytconfig-
UniCon also defines components and connectors as the urability, loose coupling between tasks, and reactive
basic elements. Here, however, the language provides a tasks, consider interacting processes.
collection of specific component and connector types. The If you have reason not to bind the recipients of signals
set is manually extensible, and specializations are defined from their originators, consider an event architecture.
via property lists. Styles will be defined as restrictions on If the tasks are of a hierarchical nature, consider a
the available vocabulary. replicated worker or heartbeat style.
If the tasks are divided between producers and
5.2 Choosing styles to fit the problem consumers, consider clientherver.
We expect that the distinctions established in this clas- If it makes sense for all of the tasks to communicate
sification provide a framework for offering design guid- with each other in a fully connected graph, consider a
ance of the general form, “If your problem has token passing style.
characteristic X, consider architectures with characteristic 6. Conclusion
Y”. This form of design guidance was explored for the user
interface component of systems by Lane [21], who was Architectural styles are becoming the linguufiunca of
able to recommend candidate implementations for a given architecture-level design, in the same way that design pat-
problem. The choice of an architectural style to fit a re- terns are moving to center stage in establishing the vocab-
quirement is a similar task. We expect that an approach ulary and defining the solution space for finer-grained
based on Lane’s will be fruitful. However, organizing this design problems. In order to capitalize on the shared expe-
information is a major undertaking for each domain. In the rience represented by the repeated use of styles by system
interim, we can at least state rules of thumb. Some of these builders, it is necessary to establish a common vocabulary
are stated explicitly in analyses of architectural styles by and a common descriptive framework for communicating
cited authors; others are observations that derive directly about styles and the circumstances in which they are usehl.
from our classification. This paper provides such a framework. Based on the
e If your problem can be decomposed into sequential stag- components and connectors that populate a style and how
es, consider batch sequential or pipeline architecturek. control and data are handled throughout the style, the
framework serves as a set of distinguishing features for
styles. Finer-grained distinctions may be made, leading to
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