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Complex-Systems Design Methodology For Systems-Engineering Collaborative Environment

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Complex-Systems Design Methodology for
Systems-Engineering Collaborative Environment
Guido Ridol1,2 , Erwin Mooij 2 and Sabrina Corpino1
2 Delft

1 Politecnico di Torino
University of Technology
1 Italy
2 The


1. Introduction
In the last decades man-made systems have gained in overall complexity and have become
more articulated than before. From an engineering point of view, a complex system may be
dened as one in which there are multiple interactions between many different elements of the
system and many different disciplines concurring to its denition. However, the complexity
seen from the system perspective is only partial. In more general terms complexity does not
only regard the system per se, but it is also related to the whole life-cycle management of
the system. This encompasses all the activities needed to support the program development
from the requirements denition to the verication, validation and operation of the system
in the presence of a large number of different stakeholders. These two interrelated views of
complexity, being bottom-up in the rst case and top-down in the second, both converge to the
system dened as an entity formed by a set of interdependent functions and elements that
complete one or more functions dened by requirements and specications.
Systems Engineering processes have been increasingly adopted and implemented by
enterprise environments to face this increased complexity. The purpose is to pursue time
and cost reduction by a parallelization of processes and activities, while at the same time
maintaining high-quality standards. From the life-cycle management point of view the
tendency has been to rely more and more on software tools to formally applying modeling
techniques in support of all the activities involved in the system life-cycle from the beginning
to the end. The transition from document-centric to model-centric systems engineering allows
for an efcient management of the information ow across space and time by delivering
the right information, in the right place, at the right time, and to the right people working
in geographically-distributed multi-disciplinary teams. This standardized implementation
of model-centric systems engineering, using virtual systems modeling standards, is usually
called Model Based Systems Engineering, MBSE.
On the other side, looking at the problem from the perspective of the system as a product,
the management of complexity is also experiencing a radical modication. The former
adopted approach of sequentially designing with separate discipline activities is now being
replaced by a more integrated approach. In the Aerospace-Engineering domain, for instance,
designing with highly integrated mathematical models has become the norm. Already from



Systems Engineering Practice

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the preliminary design of a new system all its elements and the disciplines involved over the
entire life-cycle are taken into account, with the objective of reducing risks and costs, and
possibly optimizing the performance.
When the right people all work as a team in a multi-disciplinary collaborative environment,
the MBSE and the Concurrent Engineering nally converge to the denition of the system.
The main concern of the engineering activities involved in system design is to predict the
behavior of the physical phenomena typical of the system of interest. The development and
utilization of mathematical models able to reproduce the future behavior of the system based
on inputs, boundary conditions and constraints, is of paramount importance for these design
activities. The basic idea is that before those decisions that are hard to undo are made, the
alternatives should be carefully assessed and discussed. Despite the favorable environment
created by MBSE and Concurrent Engineering for the discipline experts to work, discuss
and share knowledge, a certain lack of engineering-tool interoperability and standardized
design methodologies has been so far a signicant inhibitor, (International Council on Systems
Engineering [INCOSE], 2007). The systems mathematical models usually implemented
in the collaborative environments provide exceptional engineering-data exchange between
experts, but often lack in providing structured and common design approaches involving
all the disciplines at the same time. In most of the cases the various stakeholders have
full authority on design issues belonging to their inherent domain only. The interfaces are
usually determined by the experts and manually fed to the integrated models. We believe
that the enormous effort made to conceive, implement, and operate MBSE and Concurrent
Engineering could be consolidated and brought to a more fundamental level, if also the more
common design analytical methods and tools could be concurrently exploited. Design-space
exploration and optimization, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, and trade off analysis are
certainly design activities that are common to all the disciplines, consistently implemented
for design purposes at the discipline-domain level. Bringing fundamental analysis techniques
from the discipline-domain level to the system-domain level, to exploit interactions and
synergies and to enable an efcient trade-off management is the central topic discussed in this
chapter. The methodologies presented in this chapter are designed for their implementation
in collaborative environments to support the engineering team and the decision-makers in the
activity of exploring the design space of complex-system, typically long-running, models. In
Section 2 some basic denitions, terminology, and design settings of the class of problems
of interest are discussed. In Section 3 a test case of an Earth-observation satellite mission is
introduced. This satellite mission is used throughout the chapter to show the implementation
of the methods step by step. Sampling the design space is the rst design activity discussed
in Section 4. Then in Section 5 and Section 6 a general approach to compute sensitivity and
to support the engineering team and decision makers with standard visualization tools are
discussed. In Section 7 we provide an overview on the utilization of a unied sampling
method for uncertainty and robustness analysis. Finally, we conclude the chapter providing
some recommendations and additional thoughts in Section 8.

2. Basic definitions
The discussion and the methodologies presented in this chapter are based on the assumption
that the activity of designing a complex system is performed by a team of designers (the
engineering team), using mathematical models to determine the physical and functional
characteristics of the system itself. A mathematical model is a set of relationships, i.e.,


for Systems-Engineering
Collaborative Environment
Complex-Systems Design Methodology
for Systems-Engineering


Design Space


Variable range


Semimajor Axis
Objective Space


Variable range




equations, providing gures-of-merit on the performance(s) of the system to the engineering

team when certain inputs are provided. The inputs are represented by the design variables,
i.e., factors that are responsible for inuencing the performance(s) of the system. For this
motivation, the design variables will also be called design factors, or more generally inputs,
or simply variables. The domain of existence of the design variables forms the design
space, where they can assume certain values between a minimum and a maximum. The
design-variable range determined by the minimum and the maximum can of course only
be as large as the domain of existence of the variable. Mimima and maxima for the design
variables are usually set by the engineering team to limit the analysis to a specic region
of the design space or to avoid infeasible conditions. For instance, the design range of the
eccentricity, e, of a closed orbit about the Earth should not exceed the interval 0 e < 1.
In the upper-left Cartesian diagram of Fig. 1 a hypothetical design space, formed by two
variables, is shown. The limits of the variable ranges are represented by the dash-dotted lines.
The subspace of the design space determined by all the design-variable ranges is addressed as
the design region of interest, and it is represented by the rectangle formed by the dash-dotted
lines and the vertical axis of the Cartesian diagram.


Mission Cost

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the design space and the objective space of the model.
Design variables can be continuous or discrete. A continuous variable can assume all the
values between the minimum and the maximum. A discrete variable, instead, can assume
only few specic values in the design-variable range. In this case the values are called levels.
Discrete variables can be further distinguished into two classes, namely ordinal or categorical.
The length of a solar array on a satellite system, for instance, is a continuous variable. It can
assume, in principle, any value between a minimum and a maximum set to limit the weight or
to provide a minimum performance under certain circumstances. The number of cells used to
build the array is an ordinal variable. It can only assume the levels represented by the natural
numbers, and certain characteristics increase (decrease) when the number of cells increases
(decreases), e.g., the total mass. The type of solar cell, instead, is a categorical variable. This



Systems Engineering Practice

and Theory

means that it can only assume certain levels (e.g. type#1, type#2, and so on), but in this case
the order is not important. It is not always the case that, for instance, the efciency of the
solar cells increases going from the rst type to the second type and so on. It depends on
the order in which they appear in a database, for instance, that may be an arbitrary choice
of the engineering team. The model of the system may be also subject to other sources of
variability representing the non-deterministically known parameters typical of the operating
environment of the system. The residual atmospheric density on orbit, the solar radiation, the
orbit injection errors, just to mention a few, are factors that may not be directly controlled at a
design stage therefore they must be taken into account in a statistical sense. These factors are
called uncontrollable.
One of the main tasks of the engineering team during the design process of the system is to
set the values and/or the levels of the design variables in such a way that the performance(s)
of the system assume a certain optimal level under certain circumstances (optimal design),
and/or such that the nal system is insensitive to variations of the uncontrollable factors
(robust design). The performance(s) of interest are called objective(s) of the analysis. The
space in which the objectives can be represented, i.e., the domain of the images of the
mathematical equations of the model, is called objective space. Thus, the model is responsible
for relating points in the design space with points in the objective space. The term certain
circumstances is used to indicate the constraints and boundary conditions of the analysis. As
already mentioned, the boundary conditions are represented by the design-variable ranges,
the dash-dotted lines of Fig. 1. The constraints, instead, are determined by an infeasible
condition in the objective space, e.g., the mass of the satellite exceeding the mass that the
launcher is able to deliver in a given orbit. Further, the constraints can also be determined by
infeasible conditions on the design space, when certain combinations of the values or levels
of the design variables are not allowed. This may happen, for instance, with the eccentricity
and the semimajor-axis of an Earth-orbiting satellite. Their combined values must ensure that
the perigee altitude of the orbit is at least larger than the radius of the Earth. Constraints
may be linear or non-linear, continuous or discrete. The dashed lines in Fig. 1 represent the
constraints in the design space (non linear in this case), and in the objective space (linear in
this case). The thick dots in Fig. 1 represent the design points. In the design space they
are a representation of the values of the design variables, while on the objective space they
represent the corresponding set of output values. Considering a deterministic model, there
is a one-to-one correspondence between one point in the design space and one point in the
objective space. However, the engineering team must make sure to provide design points that
do not violate constraints in the design space. For instance, an orbit with a semi-major axis
of 7000 km and eccentricity of 0.7 would lead to a negative value of the satellite altitude at
perigee (i.e., non existing orbit) thus with the impossibility of computing relevant parameters
such as, for instance, time-in-view at perigee passage on a specic region on Earth. Therefore,
in Fig. 1 the design point C does not have a corresponding image on the objective space. In
this case, the semi-major axis and the eccentricity are classied as correlated inputs.
The problem of developing and implementing the mathematical model of a complex
system is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, a brief discussion on the type of
modelization approach is benecial for a better understanding of the discussed design
methodologies. The development of a mathematical model is tackled considering two main
sub-problems, namely problem decomposition, (Sobieszczanski-Sobieski, 1989), and problem


for Systems-Engineering
Collaborative Environment
Complex-Systems Design Methodology
for Systems-Engineering


formulation, (Cramer et al., 1993; Tedford & Martins, 2006). In the literature, authors
propose several model-decomposition techniques. However, two main classes may be
identied, namely Hierarchical Decomposition and Non-Hierarchical Decomposition methods,
(Sobieszczanski-Sobieski & Haftka, 1995). Non-Hierarchical Decomposition methods (NHD)
are advised when there is no clear separation between two or more elements/disciplines,
i.e. when the coupling between them is not negligible a priori. The formulation of the
complex-system design problem is related to the allocation of the resources to the various
elements of the architecture. Single- and multiple-level formulations are discussed in the
literature, (Cramer et al., 1993; Tedford & Martins, 2006; Yi et al., 2008). The former must
be executed on a single machine, the latter, instead, allows for more exibility in allocating
the computational resources. The mathematical models of a collaborative environment are
most likely developed using a NHD approach, because it is the most general one, and
with a multi-level architecture because resources are usually geographically distributed. An
example of the multi-level architecture of a complex-system design problem is presented in
Fig. 2. It represents the architecture most likely adopted in a collaborative environment with
team-members responsible for element analysis and others responsible for system analysis.
The thick lines represent input/output interfaces.


Element A
Discipline A
Discipline B

Element B
Discipline A
Discipline C

Element C
Discipline D
Discipline B

Complex System

Fig. 2. Schematic of the Collaborative Bi-Level (COBiL) formulation for complex systems

3. Design case: Earth-observing satellite for natural disaster and land-use

Earth-observation satellites can observe areas over a wide range rather quickly. It is
expected that their observation data combined with information obtained by aircraft and
helicopters will be useful for a regular disaster condition assessment. This would make rescue



Systems Engineering Practice

and Theory

operations more effective, would allow for extracting topographical information reecting
latest land-usage changes, and identifying disaster risks.
In this chapter, the preliminary design of an Earth-observation mission to support the
world-wide disaster management process and land-usage monitoring is deployed and
discussed to show a practical implementation of the proposed design approaches. The
following mission statement is considered as driver for the design process:
Design an Earth observation mission to provide world-wide disaster-management capabilities, for over
a period of 7 years
The limited available space and at the same time the willingness to effectively convey the
message of this chapter led us to take several assumptions to determine boundaries of
the analysis presented here. A satellite system with an optical payload (staring sensor) is
considered. The main purpose is to achieve a compromise between the design variables
in such a way to obtain the best possible image resolution, at minimum cost. The satellite
shall revisit the same area on the Earth surface within 24 hours, and shall be able to send
the acquired data back, in real time, to any equipped ground station (the reference ground
station is considered with 1 m aperture antenna diameter) with a link margin of at least 4
dB. The selected launcher is of the class of the Delta II 6920/25, with a maximum payload on
polar orbit of 2950 kg. A highly inclined, circular orbit has been selected, with i = 98 . The
main mission geometry parameters and few of the equations implemented for computing the
coverage and the resolution are presented in Fig. 3.
In Table 1 the design variables taken into account in the analysis, and their intervals or levels
(in case of discrete variables) are summarized.
The mathematical model of the satellite system is composed of all its main subsystems
(i.e., payload, Attitude Dynamics and Control System (ADCS), communication system,
Design Variables

Code Min


Max Levels

Design Variables

Code Min

Max Levels

Number of days
(rep. ground track)

Number of slew
maneuvers [-]



Number of orbits
(rep. ground track)a

Transmitting output
RF power [W]


Instrument aperture
diameter [m]


Antenna diameter



Type of solar array


Type of thrusters

Payload heritage [-]

Min. [deg]

Max. slew angle



Min. maneuver time




Table 1. Settings of the design variables.a When A = 1, B = 13, 14 or 15. When A = 2,

B = 28, 29 or 30. When A = 3, B = 43, 44 or 45.


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Complex-Systems Design Methodology
for Systems-Engineering


1 day, 13 orbits rep. ground track H = 1258 Km equatorial coverage/day 75%

1 day, 16 orbits rep. ground track H = 277 Km

equatorial coverage/day 25%


Swath Width, Sw
Swath Width full equatorial coverage 1 day, S


2 days, 26 orbits rep. ground track H = 1258 Km equatorial coverage/day 75%

First day passage Second day passage
Full coverage within 2 days

Satellite Velocity

3 days, 48 orbits rep. ground track H = 277 Km equatorial coverage/day 25%

First day passage Second day passage Third day passage

Altitude, H
H= 30
Max Elevation Angle RE
i = 98
Orbit Inclination
O = 5E-7 m Wavelength
P = 1/60 x ((RE + H)3/P)1/2

Orbital Period [min]

U = asin(RE / (RE + H))

Earth angular radius [deg]

'L ~ P/1436 x 360

Longitude shift [deg]

K = asin (sin U cos H

Nadir angle [deg]

Sw = 2 (90 HK)

Swath width [deg]

S = asin(sin 'L sin i)

Swath width full equatorial coverage 1 day [deg]

D = RE sin O / sin K

Slant range [km]

XSw-end = 2.44 D x 1000 O/d x 1/sin H

(a) Repeating


Slant Range, D

Radius of the Earth [km]
Earth gravitational parameter [km3/s2]
Instrument aperture diameter [m]

Resolution at swath edge [m]




Instrument Swath

Subsatellite Point

Edge of the
Swath Width, SW

on the Earth surface

Fig. 3. Satellite mission geometry. Equations adapted from (Wertz & Larson, 1999).
power and avionics system, propulsion system, structure and thermal-control system) and
a ground control station model. The cost is computed using the Unmanned Spacecraft Cost
Model presented by Wertz & Larson (1999). Cost is mostly related to the mass and power
consumption of the satellite, the type of technology used (e.g., type of payload or type of
attitude control), and on the technology heritage of its components (the higher the cheaper).
From database, two types of solar arrays and two types of thrusters are taken into account. The
two types of solar arrays present an efciency, , of 0.14 and 0.2, and a power density of 115
[W/kg] and 100 [W/kg] respectively. The two thrusters are the STAR48A and the IUS-SRM2
with a specic impulse of 250 [s] and 300 [s], (Wertz & Larson, 1999), and a percentage of inert
mass with respect to the propellant of 0.13 and 0.21, respectively. The two levels of payload
heritage foresee an adapted design from an existing one and a new design, respectively. The new
design is more expensive, but allows for a better management of the acquired data on board,
i.e., reduced data rate. The results of the analysis are discussed in the following sections, for
every design step and for every type of design methodology presented.



Systems Engineering Practice

and Theory

4. Sampling the design space

Sampling the design space is the rst step necessary when the mathematical model of a system
needs to be studied. A sample is a set of points in the design region (a k dimensional
hyperspace) whose coordinates are the values of the design variables taken from their
variability ranges, ( x1 , x2 , , xk ), in their marginal (for independent inputs) or joint (for
correlated/coupled inputs) distribution, see the black dots in Fig. 1.
The simplest, and possibly most straightforward approach to sampling is to generate a
sequence of random points in the design region, as shown in Figure 4(a). The Latin Hypercube
Sampling (LHS),developed by McKay, McKay et al. (1979), is an alternative method seen
as a subclass of the stratied-sampling class. The LHS provides full stratication of the
design region, thus increased design-space coverage characteristics if compared to the generic
stratied sampling and the random sampling, see Figure 4(b). However, good space-lling
characteristics are not always guaranteed, in the sense that points in the design space may
still form separate and disordered bunches. Viana et al. (2010) propose an algorithm for
near-optimal Latin hypercube designs (i.e., maximizing the distance between the samples)
without using formal optimization, see Figure 4(c). This method provides results with a
negligible computational effort if the number of design variables k is not so large. According
to our experience using this algorithm, it requires the generation of matrices with at least
2k elements, irrespective of the number of samples actually required. The number of
matrix entries to be stored to compute the near-optimal LHS can become cumbersome
already for 20 variables. The Sobol LP sequence,Sobol (1979), is a quasi-random sampling
technique that provides low-discrepancy sample points. Here discrepancy indicates a measure
of non-uniformity and proximity between the samples. In Bratley & Fox (1988) and Press et al.
(2007) there are useful indications on how a Sobol LP sequence, or its variant proposed
by Antonov & Saleev (1979), can be computed. The (modied) Sobol LP sequence has the
particular characteristic of providing a sequence of points for which successive points at any
stage know how to ll in the gaps in the previously generated distribution, Press et al. (2007),
see Figure 4(d). This aspect is particularly useful for the re-utilization of previous sample
points when additional points shall be sampled to improve the quality of the results, as will
be demonstrated later in the case of regression analysis. The modied Sobol LP sequence
demonstrates that the additional sample points, the circles in Fig. 4, are placed in such a way
to ll the gaps following a pre-dened pattern, allowing for a more efcient re-utilization of
the samples previously generated.
4.1 Design of experiments

An experiment is a test performed to evaluate the outcome of a process given certain settings
of the factors believed to inuence it. The experiments considered in this chapter are all
computer experiments performed on the mathematical model in correspondence of the sample
points. However, the Design of Experiment (DoE) practice has older origins than the computer
era, indeed it was rst introduced by Fisher in 1935. The sampling methods belonging to
the category of DoE can be distinguished in Factorial Designs (full or fractional), Orthogonal
Arrays and other methods, amongst which, for instance, Central Composite Design (CCD).
The common characteristic of these sampling methods is that they are all deterministic. The
samples are placed on the design space according to a certain pre-dened geometry, so that



for Systems-Engineering
Collaborative Environment
Complex-Systems Design Methodology
for Systems-Engineering

















0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Fig. 4. Scatterplots of sampling points in a 2-dimensional design space based on (a) random
sampling, (b) Latin Hypercube sampling, (c) sub-optimized Latin hypercube sampling,
(Viana et al., 2010), (d) modied Sobol LP sequence. Initial sample, 100 points.
Additional sample, 100 points.
















Fig. 5. Full factorial design with (a) 2 variable-levels and (b) 3 variable-levels in a
3-dimensional design space.
also ordinal and categorical variables can be used in the analysis, rather than only cardinal (i.e.,
continuous) variables as in the previously described sampling techniques. In this case the
values of the variables are more properly called levels.
4.1.1 Factorial design

Factorial design, or full factorial design, is a sampling method that foresees one experiment
for each possible combination of the levels of the factors. If factor A has a levels, factor B
has b levels and factor C has c levels, the total number of experiments is N = a b c. There
are special cases of factorial design where for all the factors only 2 or 3 levels are considered.
They are usually called 2k and 3k factorial designs respectively, where k indicates the number
of factors. The experimental structure obtained for 2k and 3k factorial designs is shown in Fig.
5 where the dots indicate the sample points.
Full-factorial design requires a number of experiments that increases with the power of the
number of factors. Thus, already in the case of 2k or 3k factorial designs, the experimentation
(i.e., the simulation of the model) can become cumbersome very soon. Therefore, fractional
factorial designs were introduced as an attempt to reduce the computational effort for the
analysis. As the name suggests, fractional-factorial designs only foresee a fraction of the



Systems Engineering Practice

and Theory





Factors Assignment





Table 2. L8 orthogonal array

number of experiments required by a full-factorial design with the same number of factors
and the same number of levels. For instance a one-half fractional factorial design, or 2k1
design, requires half of the experiments of the original 2k design.
All the designs belonging to the category of DoE are also called matrix designs. Indeed
their visualization, and their construction, is better understood if represented in the form
of a matrix with the factors in the columns and the experiments to perform in the rows.
A graphical structure for more than 3 variables becomes hard to visualize, see Table 2. A
2k1 design is also called Resolution 5 design (for k > 4). It is also possible to generate
fractional-factorial designs that require less experiments than Resolution 5. However, the
smaller the number of experiments, the lesser the information that can be obtained, as will be
discussed in Section 5.2. Box et al. (1979) provide a thorough discussion on DoE, in general.
Montgomery (2001), instead, present a complete overview of factorial designs, methods for
obtaining several kinds of designs and their implications. For more detailed analysis we
advise to refer to their original work.
4.1.2 Orthogonal arrays

Orthogonal Arrays, OAs, are special matrix designs originally developed by Taguchi (1987).
OAs can be used as Resolution 3, Resolution 4, and Resolution 5 designs by properly
arranging the columns of the design matrices, (Phadke, 1989). The term orthogonal is related to
the balancing property, which means that for any pair of columns, all combinations of factor
levels are present an equal number of times. In Table 2, the 1s indicate the low levels, while 2s
indicate the high levels of the design factors.
The L8 orthogonal array of Table 2 is only one amongst the many OAs discussed in (Taguchi,
1987). It is possible to build also three-, four-, and ve-level OAs, and also mixed-levels OAs
for factors having a heterogeneous number of levels, (Phadke, 1989). An efcient algorithm to
generate three-level OAs is discussed by Mistree et al. (1994) while standard tables for other
types of orthogonal arrays can be found in (Taguchi, 1987) and (Phadke, 1989).
4.1.3 Other experimental designs

The major distinction amongst the experimental designs is usually made between rst- and
second-order designs, as already hinted before. In the rst case the design variables can
assume only two levels, while in the second case at least three levels per design variable


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Complex-Systems Design Methodology
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Sobol Sequence
Continuous variables

Matrix design
Discrete variables

Fig. 6. Mixed-hypercube sampling with 3 discrete and 2 continuous variables.

are considered. The development of second-order designs is mainly related to the need of
obtaining information on the curvature of the design space for tting second-order response
surfaces. Box et al. (1979) present a method to compute fractional 3k factorial designs,
the Box-Behnken designs, obtained by combining two-level factorial designs with balanced
incomplete block designs. The Central Composite Design, CCD, introduced by Box & Wilson
(1951), is build instead using a 2k factorial design, plus a central point (in the geometric center
of the design hyperspace), plus 2k points on the axis of every design variables at a distance
from the center. In a hyperspace normalized in the interval [1, 1], a CCD with = 1 will
present 5 levels for each variables, while with = 1 it will only require the variables to assume
3 different levels. The interested readers may refer to Box et al. (1979) and Montgomery (2001)
for a good overview and discussions on the many types of available experimental designs.
4.2 The mixed-hypercube approach

The purpose of the mixed-hypercube approach is to exploit both stratied sampling and
DoE to efciently sample the design space for obtaining information on the effect of both
the continuous and the discrete design variables on the performance(s) of interest. The main
idea is to separate the continuous variables and the discrete ones in two groups. A matrix
design is then created for the discrete variables while for every row of the matrix design a
Sobol sequence is generated for the remaining continuous variables. An example with three
discrete and two continuous variables is presented in Fig. 6.
The advantage of using a matrix design instead of a space-lling technique for the discrete
variables is that it allows to deterministically select the levels of the factors. When only
few factor-levels can be selected (e.g., in a database there is a certain number of batteries,
or only a limited number of thrusters is considered in the analysis of a satellite system) the
maximum number of simulations is determined by a full factorial design. Therefore, its
relative Resolution 5, 4, and 3 designs are the best way of obtaining samples by avoiding
to disrupt the balance characteristics of the sampling matrix. The modication of a random or
pseudo-random technique for sampling only at certain levels does not immediately provide
such a balance, especially when the number of samples is kept low. On the other hand,
in case of continuous variables matrix designs alone are less exible in lling the design
region and less suitable for the re-sampling process than the Sobol technique. The proposed



Systems Engineering Practice

and Theory

mixed-hypercube sampling approach allows for covering the design region more uniformly
when compared to all the other techniques mentioned in this section, already with a low
number of samples. The sensitivity-analysis technique described in Section 5, will directly
benet from these characteristics, since convergence of the variance is obtained with a reduced
computational effort, for instance. Further, response surfaces for the continuous variables, and
linear and interaction graphs for the discrete ones can be directly computed from the outcome
of the simulations, with no additional data manipulation, see Section 6. A more detailed
description of the implications of using specic implementations of the mixed-hypercube
sampling method in combination with the design approaches presented in this chapter is
discussed in the following sections.

5. Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis can be dened as the study of the effect of a certain input x on a given
output Y. This effect can be the result of a local measure, e.g., the measure of a derivative as
for instance (Y/x ) x= x , which requires an innitesimal variation of the input x around a
specic value x . However, the measure of sensitivity can also be obtained when the input
ranges in a specied nite interval. In this case sensitivity analysis is valid over the entire
interval of variation spanned by the input factor rather than only a single point. Therefore
this type of sensitivity analysis is often called global. The settings of the problem of designing
a complex system by selecting the most appropriate combination of input-factor levels is
particularly suitable for the implementation of global sensitivity analysis. Indeed, in this
context sensitivity analysis is aimed at nding the set of relevant factors in the determination
of the output, providing information that is valid over the entire design region, even if it
represents only a (small) subset of the design space. The main design questions that can be
answered by using the global sensitivity analysis technique are the following:
Amongst all the design factors of the system model, what are those actually influencing the performance
of interest? To what extent do these factors influence the performance?
The answer to these questions, already at an early stage of the design, could bring several
advantages to the engineering team. First, it allows to identify the design drivers, i.e., those
factors or group of factors that shall be carefully assessed, because they will be the main
responsible for determining the performance of the system. The extent of the inuence
identied may be useful for checking the adequacy of the model being used for the analysis
and for corroborating the underlying analysis assumptions.
5.1 Sensitivity indices

The relative importance of the factors can be determined on the basis of the reduction of the
(unconditional) variance of the output Y, V (Y ), due to xing that factor to a certain (yet
unknown) value. A global quantitative measure for the importance of the factors, based on
their contribution to the variance of the response, was rst introduced by Sobol (1993). In
(Sobol, 1993) and in (Sobol, 2001), the author presents a formal demonstration of his approach
and a method for computing the sensitivity indices (sometimes called Sobol indices). Consider
Y = f ( X ) as the model of interest. Y is the response vector while X = ( x1 , x2 , , xk ) is


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the vector with the k independent input factors. The method of Sobol discussed here and
the regression-based sensitivity analysis described later in this section are in general valid
for independent input factors. The case with correlated inputs implies that the correlation
structure must be taken into account during the sampling of the design space, leading to
higher computational cost, (Saltelli et al., 2004). An effective technique for imposing the
correlation between input variables has been proposed by Iman & Conover (1982). However,
in the case of systems design using mathematical models, dependencies between factors are
very often accounted for within the model itself, leaving only the independent factors as
design variables. Sometimes instead, input variables can still be considered independent if
the design ranges are carefully selected. In the case of the semi-major axis and the eccentricity
discussed in Section 2 one could limit the value of the eccentricity to the maximum possible
with the minimum semi-major axis, for instance.
To compute the sensitivity, a sample of N points is taken from the model Y (performing N
evaluations of the model Y). The unconditional variance V (Y ) can be decomposed as shown
in Eq. (1), (Sobol, 1993). The expression in Eq. (1) is the ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance)
representation of V (Y ), (Sobol, 2001).
V (Y ) =

Vi + Vij + + V12k


i j >i

All the terms of Eq. (1) are conditional variances of the factors indicated by the subscript
indices. For instance Vi is the fraction of V (Y ) due to factor xi only. Vij , instead, represents
the contribution of the interaction of xi and x j to V (Y ). The Sobol sensitivity indices are
dened as in Eq. (2), (Sobol, 1993). Si , Sij , or Si,jk are sometimes called rst-order sensitivity
indices. They refer to the contribution to the variance of the single factors of Eq. (1). An
additional measure of sensitivity is represented by the so-called total-effect sensitivity indices,
STi . A total-effect sensitivity index takes into account the unconditional variance of a certain
variable xi considering the rst-order and all the higher-order effects in which it is involved.
The total-effect sensitivity indices can be computed using Eq. (2) where Vi indicates the
contribution to the variance due to all factors but xi and all the higher-order effects in which
it is involved (Saltelli et al., 2004).
Si =

V (Y )

STi = 1

V (Y )


Global sensitivity indices can be estimated using qualitative or quantitative methods, it

depends on the purpose of the analysis, on the complexity of the problem and on the
available computational resources. A qualitative approach, like the method of Morris, (Morris,
1991), allows to determine the relative importance of the factors with a relatively limited
computational effort. It is not possible to obtain a precise measure of the percent contribution
of the factors to the unconditional variance, thus these methods are usually used as a
preliminary analysis to detect and x the unimportant factors. Therefore, qualitative methods
are also called screening methods. Techniques like the method of Sobol, (Sobol, 1993), or the
FAST (Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test), (Cukier et al., 1978), require a large number of
model evaluations to provide quantitative sensitivity indices of the design factors, especially
the terms like Vij , or Vijk . The regression-based sensitivity analysis method described in



Systems Engineering Practice

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the following section provides a quantitative measure of the global sensitivity indices with a
limited computational effort. The sensitivity indices computed with this method are based on
the decomposition of the variance computed by a regression model, providing information on
the rst-order as well as on higher-order effects of the factors on the response.
5.2 Regression based sensitivity analysis

If the design region of interest is not stretched out so much, a polynomial regression model
is often sufcient to accurately describe the behavior of the system. This is true for typical
models of engineering systems, especially when the source of complexity is represented by
the large number of elements and their interrelated behavior rather than the mathematical
models of every single component. However, also when the complexity is related to the
highly nonlinear and non-smooth behavior of the mathematical equations linking the design
variables, in a relatively small portion of the design space a polynomial regression model is
still able to describe the system and explain most (if not all) of the variability of the data.
The Regression-Based Sensitivity Analysis (RBSA) method proposed here, is general enough
to be applicable to regression models of any order. However, the choice of the regression-order
depends on several aspects that will be discussed throughout this section. For ease of the
discussion the method will be explained using the second-order model presented in Eq. (3) as
a reference.
Y = 0 +

k 1

i =1

i =1

i xi + ii xi2 +

ij xi x j


i =1 j = i +1

Here, i , ii and ij are the so-called regression coefcients that are calculated by tting a
response surface through the points sampled from the model, using the least-squares method.
The estimate of the regression coefcients can be computed with the least-squares estimator,
for instance:

= XX
The tted model is therefore represented by the following equation:
= X


Given a set of observations of a mathematical model, the variance of the data can be computed
with the well-known equation:
N (Yi E(Y))
V = i=1


where E(Y) is the expected value, or mean value, of the model output. The expression at the
numerator of Eq. (6) is called sum of squares. Since in this case all the observations are taken
into account we will refer to it as the total sum of squares, SST . The sum of squares of the
regression only, instead, can be computed as follows:


i =1


Yi E(Y)



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The SSR , represents the portion of the total variability that can be explained by the regression
model. In case the regression model perfectly ts the data then SST = SSR . When residuals
are present, in case of lack-of-t, the portion of the total variability not explained by the
regression model can be computed in the form of the error sum of squares, SSE :


i =1

Yi Yi



The regression sum of squares, as already mentioned, indicates how much of the observed
variability is explained by the tted model. To obtain the sensitivity indices of all factors that
contribute to the total variability of the regression model, the regression sum of squares should
be divided into its components, as done in Eq. (1). The main idea is to associate a sensitivity
index to the additional variability calculated when a factor is added to the regression model.
In Eq. (9) an alternative form of Eq. (5), combined with Eq. (4), is presented.

= X XX 1 X Y = HY


The matrix X (XX ) X is called the hat matrix. It transforms the vector of the observed
Using the hat matrix, the total, regression,
responses Y into the vector of the tted values Y.
and error sums of squares can be expressed with the following relationships:

SSE = Y [I H] Y
where I is a N N identity matrix, and J is a 1 N vector of ones. Given these settings the
RBSA is easy to compute. Let us consider a model in the form of Eq. (3) with three variables
only. The compact notation Y f ull denotes the model computed taking into account all the three
factors, 2-factor interactions and quadratic terms, Eq. (10). In this notation Y x1 x2 denotes the
model computed excluding the factor x1 x2 ., Eq. (11). The sensitivity index for the factor x1 x2
can thus be computed as shown in Eq. (12).
Y f ull = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 + 11 x12 + 22 x22 + 33 x32 + 12 x1 x2 + 13 x1 x3 + 23 x2 x3 (10)
Y x1 x2 = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 + 11 x12 + 22 x22 + 33 x32 + 13 x1 x3 + 23 x2 x3
S x1 x2 =

V (Y ) V x1 x2
SST SSR (Y x1 x2 )
V (Y )


The conditional variance term SSR (X xi ) can also be computed and interpreted as the
variance determined by excluding the ith design variable from the model. It is equivalent
to the notation Vi used before. In this case the sensitivity indices provide a measure of the
total contribution of the variable xi to the variance of the performance, considering all the
interactions and higher order effects in which xi is involved, see for instance Eq. (13) and Eq.
(14). The sensitivity indices Si are computed for all the terms of the model indicated in Eq. (3)
while the total sensitivity indices STi are computed for every design variable.
Y x1 = 0 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 + 22 x22 + 33 x32 + 23 x2 x3




Systems Engineering Practice

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STx1 =

V (Y ) V x1
SST SSR (Y x1 )
V (Y )


The validity of the sensitivity indices computed with RBSA depends on the lack-of-t of the
regression model with respect to the sample data. Indeed, particular attention must be paid
to the ratio between the regression and the total sum of squares. If SSR is close to SST ,
then the regression model is able to account for a large part of the output variance, and
as a consequence the sensitivity indices are meaningful measures. If this is not the case,
lack-of-t is present meaning that important terms are missing from the initially assumed
regression model. However, this information is still important to decide whether to proceed
with sensitivity analysis anyway or to modify the initial assumption and increment the order
of the regression model by adding extra terms, i.e., higher-order terms like cubic or higher
order interactions. Regression models of higher order require a larger number of samples to
estimate the effect of all the terms included in the model.
The minimum number of samples for building a regression model is equal to the number
of factors present in the model plus one. However, we suggest to collect a set of additional
samples that may vary from 4 to 6 times the number of variables to allow for the values
of the SST and SSR to stabilize. At rst sight, this iterative approach may seem inefcient,
due to the re-sampling of the design region. However, if the design space is sampled using
the mixed hypercube approach presented in the previous section, the samples taken in one
iteration can be efciently re-used also for the subsequent one. For continuous variables this
is demonstrated in Fig. 4. For discrete variables the possibility of reusing the previous samples
to compute new results is due to the deterministic structure of a factorial design. Going from a
Resolution 3, to Resolution 4, Resolution 5, or eventually to a full factorial design guarantees
that the additional samples are different from the previous ones allowing to maintain the
balancing structure of the matrix design.
When working with factorial design, the problem of aliasing, or confounding, is often
experienced. The aliasing effect is the impossibility of discerning the effect of two different
factors or interactions of factors. Observing Table 2, it is clear that the effect of factor C
is equal to (is confounded with) the effect of interaction AB. In fact, column C is obtained
by xor operation between columns A and B. In general, for a Resolution 3 design no main
effects are confounded with any other main effect, but main effects are confounded with
two-factors interactions (and higher order) that may also be confounded with each other.
The design in Table 2 is a Resolution 3 design, for instance. For a Resolution 4 design
no main effects confounded with any other main effect or with any two-factor interaction,
but two-factor interactions can be confounded with each other and with higher-order
interactions. Resolution 5 designs allows for experimentation with no main effect or
two-factor interaction confounded with any other main effect or two-factor interaction,
although two-factor interactions can be confounded with higher-order interactions, (Box et al.,
1979) and (Montgomery, 2001). For this motivation, when selecting the type of matrix design
for the discrete variables in the mixed-hypercube sampling approach it is necessary to match
the resolution of the matrix design with the number of samples required to compute the desired
effects. For instance, a Resolution 3 design is sufcient to compute linear effects only, more
sample points are needed to take into account also the interactions (Resolution 4 and 5 for



Coverage constraint



Factors Contribution [%]

Factors Contribution [%]

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B C D H I L II Other




L CC CL Other



Fig. 7. Bar plots indicating the rst-order sensitivity indices computed with the RBSA
2-factor interactions, full factorial for higher-order interactions) and, as mentioned already,
even more than two levels per variable are required to estimate quadratic effects.
5.3 The Earth-observation mission, sensitivity analysis

In Fig. 7 the results from the sensitivity analysis on the model of the Earth-observation
mission, computed using RBSA, are presented. The rst-order sensitivity indices are
visualized for the constraints (top three graphs) and the objectives (lower two graphs)
discussed in Section 3. The results are obtained using a second-order model, see Eq. (3),
re-sampled for additional cubic terms of the factors. Two full-factorial designs (3-level and
2-level) have been used for the discrete factors (A) and (B), and (J), (K), and (L), respectively
(Table 1). For the continuous variables, instead, the Sobol sequence required 60 samples.
The bars represent the percent (divided by 100) contribution of the factors indicated on the
horizontal axis of the graphs, their interactions (when the product of two factors is indicated),
and their quadratic effects (when the product of the factor by itself is indicated) to the
variability of the constraints and the objectives. Cubic effects were limited. Their contribution
and the contribution of all the other effects that are not explicitly shown in the bar plots, have
been encapsulated in the bars named Other.
The rst conclusion is that the factors (E), (F), (G), (J), and (K) have a limited effect on the
objectives and constraints, probably less then one would expect since some of them are related
to the propellant utilization on-board, which is usually a mass driver, thus with an effect on
the cost. They can eventually be xed to a certain level/value with a minor impact on the
mission. The other design variables, instead, present contrasting behaviors. The instrument
aperture diameter (factor C), for instance, affects the mass of the satellite and the satellite cost
(the larger the diameter the larger the mass and the cost, reasonably) but also the down-link
margin. The minimum elevation angle for the observation (factor D) has an effect on coverage
(the smaller D is, the better) and on the resolution at the edge of the swath (the larger D is,
the better). However, factor (D) also has some inuence on the down-link margin constraint.



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The effect of factors (C) and (D) on the down-link margin constraint, rather than the more
obvious impact of the antenna diameter (factor I) and the transmitter RF power output (factor
H), can be explained as follows. After these results were obtained, a close investigation on the
model lead us to the relationship between the instrument aperture diameter and the angular
resolution, that is related to the pixel angular resolution, thus to the number of pixels and nally
to the real-time data rate, which causes the inuence on the link margin. The elevation angle,
instead, is related to the atmospheric attenuation that increases as the path to the receiver
increase (so as the minimum elevation angle decrease). Many conservative assumptions were
made for this applicative case. One of them is actually the fact that communication takes place
with a ground station at the edge of the instrument swath width. The results of the sensitivity
analysis will be used in the subsequent phase of the design methodology, as presented in the
following section.

6. Graphical support to the engineering team

The information gathered during the sensitivity analysis is a roadmap for the engineering
team to efciently direct the design effort. The non-inuential design factors can be xed to
a pre-determined level, because they will not affect the performance much, de facto reducing
the dimensions of the design search-space. However, the inuential design variables and the
behavior of the system under the effects caused by their variation and their interactions shall
be investigated in more detail. Indeed, the same samples used for sensitivity analysis can
be used again to compute and present the response surfaces and the variable-trends linking
the most inuential design factors to the performance, in case of continuous variables. For
discrete variables, linear and interaction graphs are computed and presented instead. The
design questions that need an answer at this stage of the design process of a complex system
are the following:
What is the shape of the design-region? What are the best parameter settings to optimize the objectives
and meeting the constraints? What are the best system alternatives?
6.1 Response surfaces for continuous variables

The subject of Response Surface Methods, RSM, includes the procedures of sampling the
design space, perform regression analysis, test for model adequacy and optimize the response,
(Kuri & Cornell, 1996). The rst three steps of the RSM are already in place, as previously
discussed. The iterative approach of the RBSA, besides giving quantitative information on the
sensitivity indices, also provides the regression coefcients, computed with Eq. (4), related
to the best-found sample-tting regression model. Thus, at this stage of the methodology,
a surrogate model that links the design variables to the performance is available, see Eq.
(5). Therefore, it is possible to visualize the trends of the objectives and the constraints
as a function of the continuous design variables for each combination of discrete-variable
levels. Response surfaces, and their bi-dimensional representation called contour plots, can
effectively represent the shape of the subspace formed by two continuous variables. When
only one continuous variable is of interest, single-variable trends are a valid alternative to
contour plots.


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Contour plots and single-variable trends could in principle also be computed for discrete
variables, since the regression coefcients are available from the RBSA. However, the
regression of a continuous function for intermediate discrete-variables levels would not be
signicant. To visualize the average effect of the discrete variables on the objectives and the
constraints, linear and interaction graphs can be computed instead with the method shown in
the following subsection.
6.2 Linear and interaction graphs for discrete variables

Consider the analysis of a system with M discrete factors [ A, B, , M], each with a different
number of levels [ a, b, , m], and L continuous ones. Thus, there are M + L = K design
variables that form a k dimensional design space. Referring to Figure 6, the matrix-design
for the discrete variables would be a a b m hypercube (considering a full-factorial)
while, concerning the Sobol sequence for the continuous factors, let us assume that l sample
points are required for each combination of discrete design-variable levels. Once the design
space has been sampled and the simulations executed, the responses of the systems model
can be analyzed.
Let Y represent the sum of all the responses obtained during the simulations, Y = y =
ia=1 bj=1 . . . m
w=1 s=1 yij...ws . Let Yi... represent, the sum of all the responses with the factor
A at level i, Yi... = bj=1 . . . m
w=1 s=1 yij...ws .

Considering the values of Yi normalized with the number of experiments, n = b m

l, for which the variable A is at level i, we compute the average value of the performance for
A at level i:
C Ai = i
The values of the C Ai plotted against the objectives values provide the so-called linear graphs.
Besides showing the trend of the objectives to the variation of a single discrete variable (with
all the other variables effects averaged out), they also show the eventual presence of higher
order effects, if more than two levels per factor are available from the sampling procedure. In
case of ordinal discrete variables, e.g., the number of batteries in a satellite, the higher-order
effects may have a certain signicance indicating that the performance is not linear with
increasing value of that factor. In case of categorical variables instead, e.g., the type of batteries
to be implemented in the power subsystem or the type of launcher to be used for the mission,
the higher-order effects are not so signicant per se since there is no increasing or decreasing
direction. This aspect have an implication on the type of matrix design selected for sampling
the sub-space formed by the discrete variables only. In principle all the combinations of
categorical design factors shall be experimented. Each one of these combinations represent
a different system architecture that needs to be explicitly assessed. For the ordinal design
factors instead, fractional-factorial designs may sufce to compute their effect on the output
due to the fact that these types of variables usually have monotonic trends. However, this
does not always have to be the case thus accurate matrix-design selection have to be made by
the engineering team depending on the type of problem at hand.
The interaction between two discrete variables can be computed using an approach similar to
that used before. For the interaction between factor A and factor B, for instance, a matrix with



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(a) Synergistic Interaction

(b) Anti-synergistic Interaction

(c) No interaction

Fig. 8. Interaction graphs with 2 discrete variables at 3 levels. Adapted from (Phadke, 1989).
dimensions equal to a b is lled with the following coefcients:
C Ai B j =



In this case Yij... indicates the sum of the r = c m l responses with the factor A at
level i and factor B at level j. For each level of A, for instance, b average performance can
be plotted against the objectives values, providing the so-called interaction graphs, see Fig. 8.
When the lines of an interaction graph are not parallel it indicates the presence of synergistic or
anti-synergistic effects, i.e., interactions. A synergistic effect is present when the improvement
of a performance given the variation of a factor is enhanced by the variation of another one.
An anti-synergistic effect is the exact opposite, (Phadke, 1989). In Fig. 8, the higher-order
behavior of the objective to the variation of the variable levels is indicated by the fact that the
lines are not perfectly straight over the three levels of variable A, for instance.
The interactions between continuous and discrete variables, eventually detected by sensitivity
analysis, can be graphically presented using a mix of contour plots, or single-variable trends,
and linear graphs as will be shown in the following subsection.
The synergistic utilization of the results from sensitivity analysis with the RSM and linear and
interaction graphs allows the engineering team to study only on the most relevant trends,
identied with the sensitivity analysis, and to more effectively select the best combination
of design-variable levels. The purpose of this methodology is to support the engineering
team and the decision-makers design process and trade-off analysis, and we believe that
with this combination of mathematical techniques and graphical results the initial goal is
accomplished. However, at this stage of the methodology, the surrogate model could also
be used with automatic optimization techniques to provide an optimum (in case of single
objective) or a Pareto front of optima (in case of multiple objectives) solutions. A discussion
on single- or multiple-objectives optimization techniques is beyond the scope of this chapter.
A vast amount of literature dealing with this topic can be found by the interested readers.
Coello Coello et al. (2007) and Back et al. (2000), for instance, provide a broad overview and
many references.


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6.3 The Earth-observation mission, visualization of the design region

The results obtained with the sensitivity analysis in the previous section suggested that some
variables inuence the objectives and the constraints more than others. This allowed us to
reduce the number of important graphs and to focus the attention on only a few of them.
Indeed, the graphs in Fig. 9 are an alternative, more detailed and more focused, way of looking
at the same data used to compute the sensitivity analysis.
In the interaction graph of Fig. 9(a) the two discrete variables related to the orbit of the
satellite are considered. For all the levels of (A) and (B) the average (as previously discussed
in this section) value of the equatorial coverage is plotted. The number of days for a repeating
ground-track and the total number of orbits in that time period have a synergistic effect on the
coverage. In particular, as expected with a higher orbit (e.g., 13 orbits in 1 day and H = 1258.6
km) the average equatorial coverage is larger compared to a case with a lower orbit (e.g.,
29 orbits in 2 days and H = 725.2 km). The combinations of factors levels A1-B3 (i.e., 15
orbits in 1 day), A2-B3 (i.e., 30 orbits in 2 days), and A3-B3 (i.e., 45 orbits in 3 days) lead
to the same conguration since the altitude of the orbit is the same, H = 567.5 km. The
comparison between the performances of an A1-B1 conguration and A3-B2 conguration
on the resolution at swath-edge, and on the equatorial coverage, as a function also of the
minimum elevation angle and the instrument aperture diameter (factor C) is presented in Fig.
9(b). The light-gray area represents the revisit time constraint for the A3-B2 conguration,
set as 100% of equatorial coverage in 24 h. The dark-gray area represents the same constraint
for the A1-B1 conguration. A higher orbit (dashed lines in Fig. 9(b)) allows to meet the
re-visit constraint with a larger minimum elevation angle thus also improving the resolution
performance at the edge of the swath. For the A3-B2 conguration, with = 30 and the
instrument aperture diameter equal to 0.7 m the resolution at the edge of the swath is 12.7
m/pixel, and 1.26 m/pixel at subsatellite point. For the A1-B1 conguration, instead, the
resolution at subsatellite point is slightly worse, i.e., 2.2 m/pixel, but at the edge of the swath
a resolution of 7 m/pixel can be obtained. Further, for an A1-B1 conguration, the fact that
the minimum elevation angle can be up to 30 gives the satellite the possibility to actually
observe over the entire geometrical swath width with the maximum possible slewing angle,
i.e., ( E) = 50 , and at a higher resolution than a A3-B2 conguration. The aperture diameter of
the instrument, paradoxically, plays a more relevant role in the determination of the data rate,
thus on the down-link margin than on the actual resolution, as demonstrated by the sensitivity
analysis. Indeed, in Fig. 9(d) the down-link margin constraint is plotted as a function of the
instrument aperture diameter and the minimum elevation angle, for the conguration A1-B1
and with ( H ) = 30 W and ( I ) = 1 m. An A3-B2 conguration would push the coverage
constraint down, with the side result of allowing less exibility in selecting the instrument
aperture diameter. The effect on the cost is plotted in Fig. 9(c). The assumption is that
a higher orbit, would require less manouvers for pointing the instrument of the satellite in
one particular direction and the effect is in a reduced cost (difference between the full and
the dashed lines). The constraint on the launcher mass availability is mainly driven by the
instrument aperture diameter. Indeed the mass and power consumption of the payload is
scaled with the diameter, and so does the mass of the satellite and its cost. The Delta II class of
launchers allows for enough exibility until the payload aperture diameter of about 0.9 m.





Number of Orbits (factor B)





0 Increasing C


0.5, 0.6, 0.7

3. Down-link



Satellite Cost [M$FY2010]

A3 B2 G15k
A1 B1 G10k
New Instrument



0.3 0.44 0.58 0.72 0.86 1
Instrument aperture diameter
(factor C) [m]

Launcher residual mass available [kg]











14 23 32 41 50
Min. elevation angle (factor D) [deg]



A3 B2
A1 B1







Min. elevation angle

(factor D) [deg]



Down-link margin [dB]





Resolution at swath edge [m]


Coverage [%]

Average Coverage [%]

Systems Engineering Practice

and Theory


0.3 0.44 0.58 0.72 0.86 1
Instrument aperture diameter (factor C) [m]

0.3 0.44 0.58 0.72 0.86 1

Instrument aperture diameter (factor C) [m]

Fig. 9. Analysis main results. is a tentative selected baseline. The light-gray area of (b)
represents the revisit time constraint for the A3-B2 conguration, set as 100% of equatorial
coverage in 24 h. The dark-gray area of (b) represents the same constraint for the A1-B1
The triangles in Fig. 9 represent a tentative selection of the baseline. In particular an A1-B1
architecture has been selected, with (C ) = 0.7 m, ( D ) = 30 , ( E) = 50 , ( F ) = 120 s,
( G ) = 10000, ( H ) = 30 W, ( I ) = 1 m, ( J ) = 2, (K ) = 2, ( L) = 1. With these settings of
the design variables a conrmation experiment was performed on the model. The simulation
yield to a cost of the satellite of 188 M$FY2010, a mass of 1330 kg and an overall power
consumption of 1 kW. The resolution at the edge of the swath is 7.3 m/pixel and 2.2 m/pixel
at sub-satellite point. The equatorial coverage after 24 h is 100% and the down-link margin
is 4.1 dB. The results from the verication experiment are very close to the values that can be
read from the graphs in Fig. 9. This indicates that the sampling technique and the regression
analysis provided reliable results. Sensitivity analysis and graphical support in the form of
contour plots, variable trends and interaction graphs enabled a thorough reasoning on the
phenomena involved. This allowed us to quickly select a system baseline that meets the
constraints balancing the objectives under analysis.

7. Uncertainty analysis and robust design

Uncertainty analysis and robust design are often considered complementary design activities
implemented for determining the performances of the system under uncertain operating
conditions. In particular, uncertainty analysis is the study of the uncertain distribution
characteristics of the model output under the inuence of the uncertainty distributions of
the model inputs. With these settings, the purpose of uncertainty analysis is to simply


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propagate the uncertainty trough the model. When the analysis presents both controllable
and uncontrollable factors, the latter being intrinsically uncertain parameters (e.g., operating
environmental conditions), the purpose of the uncertainty analysis is to obtain settings of the
controllable design variables that optimize the performances while at the same time minimize
the impact of the uncertainties on the system. In this case we talk about robust design.
In general, uncertainty can be classied in two types, stochastic and epistemic. The
stochastic or aleatory uncertainty describes the inherent variability associated with a certain
phenomenon. It is usually modeled by stochastic processes when there is enough information
to determine the probability distributions of the variables. The epistemic uncertainty is
characterized instead by the lack of knowledge about a specic characteristic of the system.
If seen in this perspective, the value of the controllable design variables and its related
uncertainty can be classied as epistemic and, as discussed in the previous section, these
variables are modeled as uniformly distributed between a minimum and a maximum value.
However, epistemic uncertainty can also be related to uncontrollable factors for which there is
too little information for determining a proper probability distribution. In this case the use of
uniform distributions to characterize their uncertainty has been criticized for the main reason
that a phenomenon for which there is lack of knowledge cannot be represented by any specic
probability distribution (Helton et al., 2006).
For the design of a complex system, in case of both epistemic and stochastic uncertainty,
probability theory alone is considered to be insufcient for a complete representation of the
implications of the uncertainties on the performances. Therefore, in the following subsection
we introduce a unied method for propagating the uncertainty through the model, in the
presence of stochastic and epistemic uncertain factors. The main design questions we will try
to answer in this section are the following:
In case of uncertainties of any type, how do they propagate through the model of the system? What are
the factors that are mostly responsible for performance dispersion? How robust is the design?
7.1 The unified sampling method

In this subsection we introduce a modied implementation of the Sobol sampling technique.

A Sobol sequence only allows to sample uniformly on the design space. Uniform distributions
are the only necessary distributions of the design variables when the purpose of the analysis
is to select a certain baseline that optimize the performances, as discussed in the previous
sections. The unied sampling technique, instead, allows to cope with any type of epistemic
and stochastic distributions of the uncertain factors, typical when the focus of the analysis is
that of propagating the uncertainty throughout the model.
The problem of determining the probability distribution of the output, given the probability
distributions of the inputs of a model is related to the computation of a multi-dimensional
integral. A direct numerical integration or the analytical solution of the integral can become
practically infeasible with already few uncertain variables. Therefore, the direct Monte-Carlo
simulation is amongst the most widely adopted methods for uncertainty analysis, since it does
not require any type of manipulation of the model. When it comes to long-running models, as
is usually the case for complex space systems in a collaborative environment, the method
of Monte Carlo, using random-sampling techniques, has the recognized disadvantage of



Cumulative BPA factor B

Cumulative BPA factor A

Systems Engineering Practice

and Theory


Intervals factor A


2.86 5.71 8.57

1.43 4.29 7.14 10
Intervals factor B

Fig. 10. Representation of the cumulative distributions of (a) the epistemic uncertain variable,
and (b) the stochastic (normal) uncertain variable. The dashed lines connect the BPAs to the
relative uncertainty intervals. The arrows represent the projection of the sample points from
the BPSs domain to the uncertainty-intervals domain.
being computationally expensive, since it generally requires a large number of simulations to
compute the mean, the variance and a precise distribution of the response (Rubinstein, 1981).
Helton & Davis (2003) compare LHS with a random sampling technique for the propagation
of uncertainty into mathematical models. Their analysis corroborates the original results
obtained by McKay et al. (1979), and demonstrates that stratied sampling provides more
stable Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDFs) of the output than random sampling, with
the result that less samples are required for a given accuracy in the determination of the CDFs.
As discussed previously, also epistemic uncertainty must be considered for the design of a
complex system. Thus, for the development of the unied sampling technique presented in
this section we inherit some ideas and some nomenclature from the evidence theory derived
from the initial work of Dempster (1967; 1968) and Shafer (1976). When lack of knowledge
about a certain system behavior is present, and when the available historical and statistical
sources become sparse, the engineering team is forced to evaluate and combine disparate
data sources not perfectly tailored to the purpose at hand based on judgmental elements.
Structured expert judgment is increasingly accepted as scientic input in quantitative models,
and it is dealt in a number of publications, see for instance (Cooke, 1991) and (O Hagan &
Oakley, 2004). The result of the combination of experts judgments on the uncertainty of a
specic phenomenon leads to the creation, for every single uncertain factor, of so-called Basic
Probability Assignments, BPAs. The BPAs represent the level of condence that the engineering
team has on the fact that the value of the factor of interest lies in a certain interval of possible
values. The uncertainty interval is divided into n subsets and for each of them a certain belief,
or probability, that the actual value of the uncertain parameter will lie within that subset is
assigned. The set of the n beliefs form the BPA for the factor under analysis.
Consider for instance the epistemic uncertain factor (A) in Figure 10(a). The uncertainty
interval of factor A is equal to [0, 1], divided into 3 subsets [0, 0.2] [0.2, 0.5] [0.5, 1]. Suppose
that the judgment of the engineering team-members on the uncertainty structure of factor
A leads to the conclusion that the actual value of A will lie in the subset [0, 0.2] with a
probability equal to 0.4, in the subset [0.2, 0.5] with a probability equal to 0.3 and in the
subset [0.5, 1] with a probability of 0.3. Thus the BPA of factor A is equal to [0.4, 0.3, 0.3]
and its cumulative function is reported on the y axis of Figure 10(a). The idea is to extend


for Systems-Engineering
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Complex-Systems Design Methodology
for Systems-Engineering



Intervals factor A

Cumulative BPA factor A



0.159 0.37
0.63 0.841 1
Cumulative BPA factor B


1.43 2.86 4.29 5.71 7.14 8.57 10

Intervals factor B

Fig. 11. Unied sampling method. Representation of (a) the uniform sampling in the BPAs
domain, and (b) the corresponding sample points in the uncertainty-intervals domain.
the concept of the BPA also to the stochastic variables in such a way to obtain a unique
representation of the uncertainty structure of the inputs. For a stochastic variable the
cumulative distribution function is continuous. If the uncertainty interval of the stochastic
factor is discretized in m subsets, then the discretized CDF can be expressed in the form of
Basic Probability Assignments as in case of the epistemic uncertain factors. Consider the
normally distributed uncertain factor (B) of Figure 10(b). Its uncertainty interval is equal to
[0, 10], divided in 7 subsets, for instance, as reported on the x axis of Figure 10(b). According to
the CDF of the normal distribution, the BPAs associated to this discretization are the following
[0.0480, 0.1110, 0.2106, 0.2608, 0.2106, 0.1110, 0.0480]. The cumulative BPAs are reported in the
y axis of Figure 10(b). In the case of stochastic uncertainty, there is the possibility of having
innite tails of the distributions, as in the case of the normal one. However, if the minimum
and the maximum values of the uncertainty intervals represent a high percentile, e.g., 0.95
and 0.05, or 0.99 and 0.01 (as in the case of factor A), the error is acceptably small in most
of the cases. In Figure 10(b) the gray areas represent the error that arise when considering
a truncated normal distribution. The probabilities of the rst and the last intervals are
overestimated of a quantity equal to the smallest truncation percentile (0.01 in this case).
The unied sampling method is executed in two steps. First, a uniform sampling on the space
formed by the cumulative values of the BPAs is executed, Fig. 11(a). Then, each sample
point within each interval in the BPA domain is mapped to the corresponding point in the
uncertainty interval domain, Fig. 11(b). This passage from the BPAs domain to the uncertainty
intervals domain is also represented by the arrows in Figure 10. With this procedure the nal
sample is collected according to the aleatory/epistemic probability distribution of the factors.
Experience and common sense tells that the more the BPA intervals, the better the
approximation of the output probability distribution. However, in the case of epistemic-factor
uncertainty the number of BPA intervals depends on the degree of knowledge of the
engineering team on the behavior of the factors themselves. If the initial uniform sampling
is performed according to a stratied technique, the resulting response CDF will be more
stable than what could be obtained by using a random technique, as demonstrated by Helton
& Davis (2003) and McKay et al. (1979). Further, if a Sobol sequence is implemented all the
advantages already discussed in the previous chapters would still hold. This is particularly



Systems Engineering Practice

and Theory

true if seen in the perspective of computing the sensitivity analysis using the RBSA, which
is directly applicable if the unied sampling method is used. The computation of sensitivity
analysis under uncertainty settings allows to identify the contribution of the inputs to the
uncertainty in the analysis output, so to drive the effort in better describing the uncertainty of
only the most relevant factors.
7.2 The Earth-observation mission, uncertainty analysis for cost, mass and power budgets

In the traditional system engineering process, design margins are used to account for technical
budget uncertainties, e.g., typically for cost, mass and power. A certain percentage of
the baselines performance is added to account for both uncertainties in the model and
uncertainties about eventual assumptions made at a preliminary phase that will likely be
modied in advanced phases, due to an increased level of detail and knowledge. For instance,
the results presented in the previous section were obtained with a 15% margin on the total
satellite mass, total power consumption and propellant stored on board. The results without
margins would be different. In particular, the satellite mass would be equal to 1048 kg, the
power consumption euqual to 830 W and with a cost saving of 15 M$FY2010. The unied
sampling method allows the engineering team to obtain more insight in the uncertainty
structure of the solution by focussing on every single source of uncertainty. This will enable
a more informed decision-making process on the allocation of the budgets to each subsystem
and each element.
In the case of the Earth-observation mission we considered the uncertain parameters and
the uncertainty structure presented in Table 3. A mix of normal, log-normal and epistemic
distributions has been considered. The normal and the log-normal uncertain variables are
centered on the values needed to obtain the results presented before. The epistemic uncertain
intervals and BPAs are determined in such a way that the value of the factors needed to
obtain the previous results is at the center of the rst epistemic interval. Using the unied
sampling method, with 200 samples, we obtained the results shown in Fig. 12. In Fig.
12(a,b,c) the probability density estimates of the performances are presented. The histograms
are plotted with an adjusted scale, so to obtain a total area of the bars equal to 1. The black
and gray arrows are positioned in correspondence to the values of the performance previously
computed with and without margins, respectively. It is clear that the margins approach does
not provide the same insight provided by the PDFs and the histograms on the performances
of the system under uncertain factors. In particular, the PDF and CDF trends shown in Fig. 12
allow the engineering team to better understand the behavior of the system under analysis,
bringing two main advantages. First, the uncertainty can be allocated to single subsystems
and single elements more effectively using the unied sampling method. Second, the nal
performance can be precisely assessed according to the desired condence level. Further,
having a precise distribution of the performances allows for more effective budget-allocation
management for subsequent phases of the design process. In Fig. 12(d,e,f) the empirical
cumulative distribution functions of the performances are presented. The CDF estimate,
computed with 2000 samples using a random sampling method, is also represented. The
fact that the empirical CDF and the CDF estimate are very close to each other corroborates the
initial statement that the unied sampling method, being a stratied sampling method, is able
to provide accurate results with a reduced computational effort.



for Systems-Engineering
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Complex-Systems Design Methodology
for Systems-Engineering

Uncertain Variables
Margin V [%]
Specic Impulse [s]
Thrusters inert mass
fraction [%]
ADCS sens. mass
ADCS sens. power
[W ]
Antenna mass
density [Kg/m2 ]
Solar cells [%]

Min Max Distribution

















Min Max Distribution

Uncertain Variables
Solar array power
dens. [W/Kg]
Batteries energy
dens. [W h/Kg]
PCU mass [Kg]
Regulators mass
Thermal subs. mass
Struct. mass margin

















Probability Density Function

Table 3. Settings of the design variables.a Intervals [0, 0.04, 0.1, 0.17, 0.25], BPA
[0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1]. b Intervals [0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4], BPA [0.4, 0.35, 0.25]. c Intervals
[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1], BPA [0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1].d = 0 = 1, Min and Max are the 0.01 and 0.99
percentile respectively.e = 1, Max is the 0.99 percentile, Min corresponds to X = 0.


Cost [M$FY2010]
P= 185.5
V= 6.69


No margins


Mass [kg]

8 x 10

P= 1192.4
V= 77.74

Power Consumption [W]

P= 812.4
V= 19.42


No margins

No margins











Cumulative Distribution Function







Cost [M$FY2010]

Mass [kg]









Empirical CDF
200 sample points
CDF estimate
2000 sample points







Fig. 12. Uncertainty-analysis results


Empirical CDF
200 sample points
CDF estimate
2000 sample points


1200 1300







Power Consumption [W]

Empirical CDF
200 sample points
CDF estimate
2000 sample points

780 800 820 840 860



Systems Engineering Practice

and Theory

7.3 Robust design and the augmented mixed hypercube approach

Robustness is a concept that can be seen from two different perspectives, at least according
to the discussion so far. One can dene robustness of the system with respect to the effect
of uncontrollable factors (aleatory and/or epistemic) and, if interested in obtaining a robust
design, one can select that combination of controllable design-factor values that minimizes
the variance while optimizing the performance. This concept was already expressed in the
previous section, and it is the most common way of thinking of robust design. However,
robustness can also be dened as the insensitivity of a certain design baseline to modication
of the design variables in subsequent phases of the design process, thus providing an intrinsic
design-baseline robustness gure. The modication of the levels of the design variables is
likely to happen, especially when the baseline is at an early stage of the design process (phase
0/A). In this sense, robustness can be linked to the programmatic risk encountered when
modifying a set of design parameters at later stages of the design process. In the rst case,
instead, robustness is more related to the operational-life risk of the system (if the uncertainties
derive from the operational environment, for instance).
In both cases the Mixed Hypercube approach and the unied sampling method, and the
utilization of the design techniques proposed in this chapter, provide a valuable tool in
the hand of the engineering team. The sampling approaches described in this chapter are
summarized in Fig. 6 and Fig. 13. When the purpose of the analysis is to study the best
settings of the controllable design variables to optimize the performances while meeting the
constraints, the mixed hypercube approach (see Fig. 6 in conjunction with RBSA, response
surfaces and linear and interaction graphs) provide a way to answer many of the most
common design questions. When the purpose of the analysis is to obtain a robust design, thus
studying the settings of the controllable design factors that optimize the performances while
keeping the system insensitive to uncertain factors, then the Augmented Mixed Hypercube,
AMH, approach shall be used, see Fig. 13(a). For every combination of the levels of the
controllable design variables, an uncertainty analysis can be executed using the unied
sampling method to obtain the performance of the system, and the relative statistics, due
to uncertain factors. When, instead, the effect of the modication of the controllable design
variables in later stages of the design process is under investigation, the general case presented
in Fig. 13(b) can be implemented. The variables used to determine the baseline can be studied
in perspective of their uncertain future variation. The continuous variables are more likely to
be modied, since the discrete ones commonly represent different architectures of the system
(whose change usually bring more radical modications of the design, thus most likely high
costs). However, in general a gure of robustness can be computed for each combination of
discrete-factor levels. The approach in Fig. 13(b), without architectural variables, was also
used for the budget-margins analysis presented in the previous section.
One last remark regards the possibility to use the Augmented Mixed Hypercube for a wider
search. The analysis performed with the AMH, as presented in this chapter, is restricted to
the portion of the design space delimited by the variability ranges of the design variables.
Sometimes a single hypercube is sufcient to entirely cover the design space, sometimes
instead a narrower hypercube might be needed to avoid major lack-of-t conditions. In this
case more than one hypercube may be implemented to study different regions of the design
space as different alternative baselines of the system. In this case, the methodologies presented


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for Systems-Engineering
Controllable - Continuous

Controllable - Discrete


Uncontrollable - Stochastic/Epistemic

Uncontrollable Stochastic/Epistemic Controllable - Discrete



Fig. 13. Augmented Mixed Hypercube sampling procedure for robust design.
in this chapter will not only support the engineering team in selecting the best conguration
for each single baseline, but will also allow to compare and trade between the baselines based
on their performances, constraint-violation conditions and robustness.

8. Conclusions
Design-space exploration is the fundamental activity with which the model of a complex
system is analyzed to understand the effect of the design choices on the performance(s) and
to set the values of the variables in such a way that the nal product will perform as required
by the customer(s). This activity often involves many stakeholders, with many objectives to
be balanced, many constraints and many design variables, thus posing the problem to be
extremely difcult to solve with a non-structured approach. The purpose of this chapter was
to discuss on subsequent analysis steps and synthesis methodologies that could serve as a
guideline for exploring the design space of complex models in a standardized and possibly
more efcient way. In particular, the goal was to bring fundamental analysis techniques
from the discipline domain level to the system domain level. This is done to support the
decision-making process and provide a unied design approach that could be implemented
in a collaborative environment, in the presence of long-running models with limited time
available for the design process. For this motivation, all the proposed techniques do not
require any kind of manipulation of the original model and they are developed pursuing the
reduction of the required computational effort as much as possible.
The Augmented Mixed Hypercube approach developed and presented step-by-step in this
chapter demonstrated to be a exible sampling method with which many fundamental design
questions could be answered. The AMH is slightly more elaborated than other conventional
sampling techniques but it allows the engineering team to gain a great deal of insight in
the problem at hand with continuous and discrete, controllable and uncontrollable design
variables with one unied method. The nal baseline of the Earth-observing satellite, for
instance, was selected according to a non-conventional mission architecture for an observation
satellite, i.e., quite a high orbit altitude. This choice was mostly driven by the need to balance
the coverage requirement and the resolution performance, while keeping the cost down. The
risk of obtaining conventional design baselines is behind the corner when non-structured,
expert-judgment driven, approaches are implemented. However, very often, especially in
preliminary design phases, expert judgment is a fundamental ingredient to a good system



Systems Engineering Practice

and Theory

baseline. In fact the AMH also allows to take expert-judgment into account with a unied
epistemic-stochastic sampling approach. The Regression Based Sensitivity Analysis presented
in this chapter, coupled with the AMH, allows to compute global variance-based sensitivity
indices with a reduced computational effort if compared to other global sensitivity analysis
methods. The great advantage of sensitivity analysis performed already at an early stage of
the design process, as demonstrated with the Earth-observation mission, is that it could speed
up the process itself providing the engineering team with an X-ray machine that allows to
efciently understand the effect of their design choices on the system.
We would like to close this chapter with few nal thoughts on possible implementation of the
methods proposed here. In case of low-complexity systems, when few variables are under
analysis, and when previous experience on similar systems is present, these methods could
be used as a conrmation of the expected trends, or as a proof for the analysis underlying
assumptions. For complex and new systems, the implementation of the methods could
reduce the engineering-team effort in exploring different solutions and architectures. In the
cases where very experienced specialists are present within the engineering team (that would
probably have already a clear picture of the priorities of the factors for the inherent problem),
the standardized graphical approach could be a valid tool for them to explain thoughts and
solutions. However, understanding performance trends in the presence of constraints and
multiple objectives beforehand could also for them be a non-trivial task. On the other hand,
the less experienced team members could benet from the tool even with easy problems and
expected behaviors, thus improving the overall design process, quality and effectiveness.
The contribution of the human factor is fundamental for obtaining a nal product with a high
cost/effectiveness value. With the integrated design approach presented in this chapter we
do not mean to substitute the humans in the process of designing but, quite on the contrary,
to better support their activities.

9. Acknowledgments
The authors are grateful to Ron Noomen (Section Astrodynamics and Space Missions, Faculty
of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology) for many useful discussions on the
test case presented in this chapter.

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and Theory

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Systems Engineering - Practice and Theory

Edited by Prof. Boris Cogan

ISBN 978-953-51-0322-6
Hard cover, 354 pages
Publisher InTech

Published online 16, March, 2012

Published in print edition March, 2012

The book "Systems Engineering: Practice and Theory" is a collection of articles written by developers and
researches from all around the globe. Mostly they present methodologies for separate Systems Engineering
processes; others consider issues of adjacent knowledge areas and sub-areas that significantly contribute to
systems development, operation, and maintenance. Case studies include aircraft, spacecrafts, and space
systems development, post-analysis of data collected during operation of large systems etc. Important issues
related to "bottlenecks" of Systems Engineering, such as complexity, reliability, and safety of different kinds of
systems, creation, operation and maintenance of services, system-human communication, and management
tasks done during system projects are addressed in the collection. This book is for people who are interested
in the modern state of the Systems Engineering knowledge area and for systems engineers involved in
different activities of the area. Some articles may be a valuable source for university lecturers and students;
most of case studies can be directly used in Systems Engineering courses as illustrative materials.

How to reference

In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Guido Ridolfi, Erwin Mooij and Sabrina Corpino (2012). Complex-Systems Design Methodology for SystemsEngineering Collaborative Environment, Systems Engineering - Practice and Theory, Prof. Boris Cogan (Ed.),
ISBN: 978-953-51-0322-6, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/systems-engineeringpractice-and-theory/complex-systems-design-methodology-for-systems-engineering-collaborative-environment

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