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There are many ways in which to define systems engineering. For the purposes of this
book, we will use the following definition:
The function of systems engineering is to guide the engineering of complex systems.
The words in this definition are used in their conventional meanings, as described
further below.
To guide is defined as “to lead, manage, or direct, usually based on the superior
experience in pursuing a given course” and “to show the way.” This characterization
emphasizes the process of selecting the path for others to follow from among many
possible courses—a primary function of systems engineering. A dictionary definition
of engineering is “the application of scientific principles to practical ends; as the design,
construction and operation of efficient and economical structures, equipment, and
systems.” In this definition, the terms “efficient” and “economical” are particular con-
tributions of good systems engineering.
The word “system,” as is the case with most common English words, has a
very broad meaning. A frequently used definition of a system is “a set of interrelated

Systems Engineering Principles and Practice, Second Edition. Alexander Kossiakoff, William N. Sweet,
Samuel J. Seymour, and Steven M. Biemer
© 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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components working together toward some common objective.” This definition implies
a multiplicity of interacting parts that collectively perform a significant function. The
term complex restricts this definition to systems in which the elements are diverse and
have intricate relationships with one another. Thus, a home appliance such as a washing
machine would not be considered sufficiently diverse and complex to require systems
engineering, even though it may have some modern automated attachments. On the
other hand, the context of an engineered system excludes such complex systems as
living organisms and ecosystems. The restriction of the term “system” to one that is
complex and engineered makes it more clearly applicable to the function of systems
engineering as it is commonly understood. Examples of systems requiring systems
engineering for their development are listed in a subsequent section.
The above definitions of “systems engineering” and “system” are not represented
as being unique or superior to those used in other textbooks, each of which defines
them somewhat differently. In order to avoid any potential misunderstanding, the
meaning of these terms as used in this book is defined at the very outset, before going
on to the more important subjects of the responsibilities, problems, activities, and tools
of systems engineering.

Systems Engineering and Traditional Engineering Disciplines

From the above definition, it can be seen that systems engineering differs from mechani-
cal, electrical, and other engineering disciplines in several important ways:

1. Systems engineering is focused on the system as a whole; it emphasizes its total

operation. It looks at the system from the outside, that is, at its interactions with
other systems and the environment, as well as from the inside. It is concerned
not only with the engineering design of the system but also with external factors,
which can significantly constrain the design. These include the identification of
customer needs, the system operational environment, interfacing systems, logis-
tics support requirements, the capabilities of operating personnel, and such other
factors as must be correctly reflected in system requirements documents and
accommodated in the system design.
2. While the primary purpose of systems engineering is to guide, this does not
mean that systems engineers do not themselves play a key role in system design.
On the contrary, they are responsible for leading the formative (concept devel-
opment) stage of a new system development, which culminates in the functional
design of the system reflecting the needs of the user. Important design decisions
at this stage cannot be based entirely on quantitative knowledge, as they are for
the traditional engineering disciplines, but rather must often rely on qualitative
judgments balancing a variety of incommensurate quantities and utilizing expe-
rience in a variety of disciplines, especially when dealing with new
3. Systems engineering bridges the traditional engineering disciplines. The diver-
sity of the elements in a complex system requires different engineering disci-

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plines to be involved in their design and development. For the system to perform
correctly, each system element must function properly in combination with one
or more other system elements. Implementation of these interrelated functions
is dependent on a complex set of physical and functional interactions between
separately designed elements. Thus, the various elements cannot be engineered
independently of one another and then simply assembled to produce a working
system. Rather, systems engineers must guide and coordinate the design of each
individual element as necessary to assure that the interactions and interfaces
between system elements are compatible and mutually supporting. Such coor-
dination is especially important when individual system elements are designed,
tested, and supplied by different organizations.

Systems Engineering and Project Management

The engineering of a new complex system usually begins with an exploratory stage in
which a new system concept is evolved to meet a recognized need or to exploit a tech-
nological opportunity. When the decision is made to engineer the new concept into an
operational system, the resulting effort is inherently a major enterprise, which typically
requires many people, with diverse skills, to devote years of effort to bring the system
from concept to operational use.
The magnitude and complexity of the effort to engineer a new system requires
a dedicated team to lead and coordinate its execution. Such an enterprise is called
a “project” and is directed by a project manager aided by a staff. Systems engineering
is an inherent part of project management—the part that is concerned with guiding
the engineering effort itself—setting its objectives, guiding its execution, evaluating
its results, and prescribing necessary corrective actions to keep it on course. The man-
agement of the planning and control aspects of the project fiscal, contractual, and
customer relations is supported by systems engineering but is usually not considered
to be part of the systems engineering function. This subject is described in more detail
in Chapter 5.
Recognition of the importance of systems engineering by every participant in a
system development project is essential for its effective implementation. To accomplish
this, it is often useful to formally assign the leader of the systems engineering team to
a recognized position of technical responsibility and authority within the project.


No particular date can be associated with the origins of systems engineering. Systems
engineering principles have been practiced at some level since the building of the pyra-
mids and probably before. (The Bible records that Noah’s Ark was built to a system
The recognition of systems engineering as a distinct activity is often associated
with the effects of World War II, and especially the 1950s and 1960s when a number
of textbooks were published that first identified systems engineering as a distinct

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