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System Architecture: Satellite-Based Navigation

a detailed overview of the process of developing a system architecture for a satellite-based navigation
system, focusing on principles of object-oriented analysis and design. Here's a breakdown of key points:
1. Object-Oriented Principles: The passage emphasizes that the principles of object-oriented analysis
and design, as well as UML notation, are applicable not just to software development but also to the
development of system architecture. This means that the approach involves understanding system
requirements and partitioning the system into segments or subsystems.
2. Abstraction and Scope: System architecture concerns are described as abstract, large in scope, and
impactful, but not involved in implementation or technology details. The focus is on creating a
system with long-term viability, operability, maintainability, and extensibility.
3. Satellite Navigation System Example: The example used in the text is the development of a
Satellite Navigation System (SNS). The choice of this domain is based on its technical complexity
and interest, compared to simpler invented examples. The text mentions existing satellite-based
navigation systems like the U.S. GPS, Russian GLONASS, and the European Galileo system.
4. Inception Phase: The first steps in developing the system architecture are categorized as systems
engineering rather than software engineering. The focus is on defining the problem boundary,
determining mission and system use cases, developing functional and nonfunctional requirements,
and identifying constraints.
5. Systems Engineering Approach: The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
defines systems engineering as an interdisciplinary approach to enabling successful systems
realization. System architecture, within this context, involves arranging elements and subsystems and
allocating functions to meet system requirements.
This passage sets the stage for the subsequent development of the system architecture, highlighting the
importance of understanding requirements, abstraction, and the interdisciplinary nature of systems

The inception phase in the development of system architecture, emphasizing its alignment with systems
engineering principles.
1. Systems Engineering Focus: The passage underscores that the initial steps in developing system
architecture are fundamentally systems engineering activities. This implies a broad, interdisciplinary
approach to problem-solving, rather than focusing solely on software engineering aspects.
2. INCOSE Definition: The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is referenced for
its definitions of systems engineering and system architecture. Systems engineering is characterized
as an interdisciplinary approach aimed at realizing successful systems. System architecture is defined
as the organization of elements and subsystems to meet system requirements.
3. Objectives of Inception Phase: The primary goal of the inception phase is to determine what needs
to be built for the customer. This involves several key activities:
 Defining the problem boundary: Establishing the scope and context of the system.
 Determining mission use cases: Identifying the primary tasks or functions the system needs to
 Analysing mission use cases: Breaking down mission use cases to derive system use cases,
which represent specific interactions and functionalities of the system.
4. Requirements Development: The inception phase involves developing both functional and
nonfunctional requirements, as well as identifying any constraints that may impact system design and

1.1 Requirements for the Satellite Navigation System

For the Satellite Navigation System, the initial step in building solutions involves utilizing the provided
documentation, including the vision statement and associated high-level requirements and constraints.
 Provide effective and affordable Satellite Navigation System services for our customers.
Functional requirements:

 Provide SNS services

 Operate the SNS
 Maintain the SNS
Nonfunctional requirements:
 Reliable enough to guarantee good service.
 Accurate enough to meet user needs now and in the future.
 Backup systems in place for critical functions.
 Lots of automation to keep operating costs low.
 Easy to maintain to reduce maintenance expenses.
 Able to be expanded to add more features later on.
 Ensure that space-based elements have a long lifespan.
 Compatibility with international standards
 Maximal use of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software.

1.2 Defining the Boundaries of the Problem

The requirements and constraints do permit us to take an important first step in the design of the system architecture
for the Satellite Navigation System.

Figure 8–1 The Satellite Navigation System Context Diagram

This context diagram provides us with a clear understanding of the environment within which the SNS must function.
Actors, representing the external entities that interact with the system, include people, other systems that provide
services, and the actual environment. Dependency arrows show whether the external entity is dependent on the SNS or
the SNS is dependent on it.
Users, operators, and maintainers rely on the SNS for navigation services, operation, and maintenance, respectively.
While the SNS can generate its own power as a backup, primary power services come from an external source,
represented by the ExternalPower actor. Similarly, ExternalCommunications provides communication services to the
SNS, serving as a primary or backup option, distinct from internal system communications. Prefixing these actors with
"External" distinguishes them from internal system services.
The Atmosphere/Space actor, though seemingly unusual, serves as the transmission medium for communications
between the Satellite Navigation System's ground-based and space-based assets, making it a crucial service provider.
Its condition directly impacts the quality of these communications. Additionally, considering the constraint of
"Compatibility with international standards." Numerous national and international regulations and treaties govern
satellite transmissions; thus, we have important reasons to specify this actor.
A critical point about our context diagram is the actual boundary of the system, that is, what is inside our system and
what is not. Placing the Operator and Maintainer actors outside the boundary reflects the viewpoint of a specific
stakeholder—the customer—whose focus is on providing navigation information to users. While users perceive
operators and maintainers as part of the system, the customer's perspective prioritizes the system's core functionality.
However, in scenarios where the system includes operation and maintenance services, the Operator and Maintainer
actors would be within the system boundary. This highlights the importance of considering different perspectives
when defining system boundaries.
the variability in presenting context diagrams, ranging from elaborate to simple formats. Elaborate diagrams offer
detailed information on the flow of information between actors and the system. In mature development environments,
this information is often known earlier in the cycle and may be included in the diagram. Regardless of complexity,
clarity and consistency are crucial. The preferred approach emphasizes simplicity, conveying the system as a container
interacting with external entities, providing and receiving services. This understanding is vital at the outset of
High-level nonfunctional requirements like reliability and accuracy, along with design constraints, are provided for the
Satellite Navigation System (SNS), documented in a supplementary specification. This document also includes
functional requirements applicable to multiple use cases. Establishing a glossary ensures consistent understanding of
terms among the development team.
The development process for the Satellite Navigation System must allow the architecture to evolve over time and rely
on existing standards during implementation. While a comprehensive analysis or design isn't possible in a single
chapter, the focus is on designing the first and second levels of the architecture. Functional requirements serve as
containers for mission-level use cases, providing a high-level functional context for the system. Object-oriented
analysis and UML notation are used to depict these use cases, ensuring clarity in understanding the system's

1.3 Determining Mission Use Cases

The vision statement prioritizes providing effective and affordable Satellite Navigation System services,
requiring the architect to focus on developing practical mission use cases to avoid analysis paralysis and
ensure solvability.
Large projects like this often have a centralized team for system architecture, while development tasks are
subcontracted. The system architecture divides into four segments: Ground, Launch, Satellite, and User
segments for satellite-based systems.
Figure 8–2 Packages for the SNS Mission Use Cases

While some may argue that defining a logical architecture is design rather than analysis, but it's crucial to
start constraining the design space. At this stage, the system architecture is principally object-oriented, with
complex objects representing major system functions. Refining these objects during analysis resembles the
process during design.
Even before conceptualizing a package diagram for the architecture, analysis begins by articulating primary
mission use cases with domain experts to understand system behaviour.
This black-box perspective avoids unnecessarily constraining the architecture, focusing on use case
functionality before allocating it to individual segments. Activity diagrams are used to illustrate expected
system behaviour, emphasizing success scenarios of mission use cases, while alternate scenarios are
addressed later.

Figure 8–3 The SNS Logical Architecture

In this context, success scenarios represent the main objectives of system interactions, as exemplified by the
ATM's "Withdraw Cash" use case.
The Withdraw Cash use case, like all others, comprises various scenarios, with the primary scenario
representing successful execution. Alternate or secondary scenarios branch off the primary scenario,
addressing situations like exceeding withdrawal limits. Real-time systems, such as the Satellite Navigation
System, often rely heavily on secondary scenarios, which are critical but receive less attention. Analyzing
these scenarios is crucial for system development efforts to ensure complete and safe operation.
We define four mission use cases for the Operate SNS package:

 Initialize Operations
 Provide Normal Operations
 Provide Special Operations
 Terminate Operations
These are based on our analysis of the overall SNS operation and rely on domain expertise, past experience,
and possibly simulations or prototypes. Activity diagram modeling aids in developing these mission use
cases, with Figure 8–4 illustrating the results for OperateSNS. Our focus now shifts to analyzing the
Initialize Operations mission use case to identify necessary system activities for enabling SNS initialization
by the operator.

Figure 8–4 Refining the OperateSNS Mission Use Case Package

1.4 Determining System Use Cases

We construct an activity diagram for the Initialize Operations mission use case to identify system use cases
without considering SNS segments. This approach avoids constraining our analysis by predefining
architectural solutions and treats the SNS as a black box. Our focus is on understanding the control flow
between the operator and the SNS, emphasizing high-level execution behaviour.
The activity diagram focuses on SNS activities rather than messaging, simplifying its representation. To
define all SNS activities, we would analyse each mission use case, considering the continuous operations
required for system functionality. For instance, visualizing the multitude of activities needed for 24/7 system
operation is daunting. However, in this instance, we concentrate on the Initialize Operations mission use
case, as depicted in Figure 8–5.
Figure 8–5 The Black-Box Activity Diagram for Initialize Operations

The activity diagram informs the creation of system use cases through experienced systems engineering
judgment. Actions like Prepare for Launch and Launch are merged into one use case, Launch Satellite, while
other actions, deemed to embody significant system functionality, become individual use cases. This process
yields the system use cases for the Initialize Operations mission, detailed in Table.
Figure 8–6 illustrates an updated use case diagram featuring system use cases from Table 8–1. The
InitializeOperations package encompasses system use cases derived from the Initialize Operations mission
use case, while other SNS operation-related mission use cases are labeled «mission use case». This
modeling approach is deemed effective, though each team should document their preferred techniques.
Figure 8–6 System Use Cases for Initialize Operations

Table 8–1 System Use Cases for Initialize Operations

System Use Case Use Case Description

Launch Satellite Prepare the launcher and its satellite payload for launch, and
perform the launch.
Fly to Separation Fly the launcher to the point at which the satellite payload will
Point be separated. This involves the use and separation of multiple
launcher stages.

Activate Satellite Perform the activation of the satellite in preparation for its
deployment from the launcher.

Separate Satellite Deploy the satellite from the launcher.

Move Satellite into Use the satellite bus propulsion capability to position the satel-
Orbit lite into the correct orbital plane.

Perform Satellite Perform the in-orbit checkout of the satellite’s capabilities.

Prepare for Operations Perform the final preparations prior to going operational.

Transmit Initial Go operational and transmit initial position information to the

Position Information users of the SNS.
The Elaboration Phase focuses on establishing the system architecture to meet the developed system use
cases. It begins with addressing architectural concerns and activities, followed by validating the proposed
system architecture and allocating nonfunctional requirements. This macro-level analysis precedes segment
decomposition and subsystem specification, ensuring alignment with system use case functionality.

2.1 Developing a Good Architecture

Good architectures are typically object-oriented and exhibit organized complexity. They feature well-defined
layers of abstraction with clear interfaces, allowing for easy modification without disrupting client
assumptions. Additionally, they prioritize simplicity, achieving common behaviour through shared
abstractions and mechanisms. Effective communication of the architecture to stakeholders is crucial for its
success, as outlined in the Creating Architectural Descriptions sidebar.

2.2 Defining Architectural Development Activities

Architectural development activities for the Satellite Navigation System involve:
1. Identifying architectural elements to establish problem boundaries and initiate object-oriented
2. Defining the behaviour and attributes of the identified elements.
3. Establishing relationships among elements to delineate boundaries and collaborations.
4. Specifying interfaces and refining elements for analysis at the next abstraction level.
These activities focus on defining segments, their responsibilities, collaborations, and interfaces, providing a
framework for evolving the architecture and exploring alternative designs, often conducted concurrently
rather than sequentially.

2.3 Validating the Proposed System Architecture

During the Elaboration Phase, system architects experiment with alternative decompositions to ensure robust
global design decisions, often through modeling or prototyping. Macro-level analysis validates assumptions
and decisions, particularly focusing on problematic areas like Initialize Operations. Caution is advised
against skipping validation, as early architectural changes are less costly. Redundancy requirements drive
strategic architecture decisions, such as hot-swappable hardware for critical components across segments.
In allocating system functionality to segments, we ensure each segment contributes to the overall
functionality of the Satellite Navigation System (SNS). This allocation aligns with object-oriented
principles, including abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, and hierarchy. Segments are delineated with
clear boundaries, compartmentalizing subsystems while maintaining cohesion and loose coupling.
Performing a comprehensive analysis of system functionality allocation to segments, especially for complex
systems like the SNS, may require several months. To validate architectural decisions efficiently, a quick
proof-of-concept is recommended before diving into detailed analysis. Throughout this process, questions
regarding segment responsibilities, knowledge, delegation, and potential issues must be continuously
addressed, resembling those in software engineering. Object-oriented principles and UML notation are
equally applicable at the system architecture level as they are in software development. Now, transitioning
from black-box to white-box analysis, we delve into the internal structure of the SNS, examining segment
functionality and collaboration to meet system requirements.
In developing the system architecture, individual activity diagrams would be created for each of the eight
SNS system use cases, with actions apportioned across segments to adhere to object-oriented principles.
However, in this macro-level analysis, all eight system use cases are analyzed on one activity diagram to
provide a broader perspective of functionality. With the four logical SNS segments identified, functionality
allocation begins, aiming for loosely coupled segments with functional cohesion, akin to designing good
Analysing the Launch Satellite system use case, we construct the white-box activity diagram in Figure 8–7.
For instance, actions from the Launch Satellite use case are allocated to the GroundSegment and
LaunchSegment. GroundSegment initiates preparations, while LaunchSegment executes them, reflecting the
collaborative effort in the Satellite Navigation System's operation.
Analysing the Launch Satellite system use case, we allocate actions to the GroundSegment and
LaunchSegment. The GroundSegment prepares for launch and commands the LaunchSegment to do the
same. Upon completion, the GroundSegment initiates the launch. Continuing this process, we develop the
complete activity diagram for Initialize Operations, focusing solely on this portion of functionality.
Remaining actions leading up to and following this point are contained within other mission use cases but
are not our current focus in this macro-level analysis.
In addition to preparing for launch, the Ground Segment engages in various activities during normal
operations, such as monitoring system status, managing satellite flight dynamics, handling alarms, and
optimizing satellite operations. This analysis provides a glimpse into the functionality of the Ground
Segment, but further analysis of other mission use cases is required to fully define the architecture of the
Satellite Navigation System. However, for our current quick look, we'll focus on analyzing the Initialize
Operations capability.
Figure 8–7 The White-Box Activity Diagram for Initialize Operations

In the GroundSegment partition, actions like "Prepare for Launch," "Prepare Ground Segment," and
"Command Launch" form the "Control Launch" use case. Following a similar approach, the "Command
Flight" action constitutes the "Control Flight" use case. This method is repeated for all partitions to define
segment use cases, as summarized in Table 8–2.
Table 8–2 Segment Use Cases for Initialize Operations

SNS Segment Segment Use Case Segment Use Case Action

GroundSegment Control Launch Prepare for Launch

Prepare Ground Segment

Command Launch

Control Flight Command Flight

Command Satellite Command Satellite
Activation Activation
Command Satellite Command Satellite
Separation Separation
Control Orbit Command Orbit
Positioning Positioning
Command Satellite Command Satellite
Checkout Checkout
Conduct Satellite
Conduct Operation Command Operation
Preparations Preparations
Conduct Operation

Table 8–2 Segment Use Cases for Initialize Operations (Continued)

SNS Segment Segment Use Segment Use

Case Case Action
LaunchSegment Launch Prepare Launch Segment
Launch Launcher
Fly to Fly to Separation
Separation Point
Command Satellite Command Satellite
Activation Activation
Separate SatelliteSeparate Satellite

SatelliteSeActivate Satellite Activate Satellite

Maneuver to OrbitMove into Orbit
Prepare for Perform Checkout
Perform Operation
Transmit Initial Transmit Initial
Position Position
Information Information

2.4 Allocating Nonfunctional Requirements and Specifying

Given the new nonfunctional requirement, we must allocate the 7-day timeline among the use cases
identified in Table 8–2, ensuring the entire process from launch preparation to satellite navigation
transmission spans fewer than 168 hours. This involves careful planning and coordination to meet the
customer's specified timeline and operational needs, potentially impacting the scheduling and sequencing of
various activities within the system.
To allocate the nonfunctional requirement of 168 hours among the segment use cases, domain expertise is
crucial. We rely on the knowledge of domain experts and development teams, supplemented by techniques
like simulation, to determine the impact of different allocation schemes. In this example, 48 hours are
allocated to Initialize Operations segment use cases, while the remaining 120 hours are allocated to
preparatory activities such as activating the Ground Segment and checking satellite integrity.
Documenting the results of allocating nonfunctional requirements depends on the tools and process used by
the team. While many tools offer ways to document results, such as in a requirements database, we prefer a
visual representation. Here, we've utilized Table 8–3 to clearly present the allocation of 48 hours across
segment use cases. These techniques extend recursively from the system to segment levels, down to their
subsystems, ensuring comprehensive allocation of requirements.
Constraints such as "Compatibility with international standards" and "Maximal use of COTS hardware and
software" impact system design significantly. For instance, the former necessitates interaction with
regulatory agencies for airwave usage, influencing the external interfaces of segments like Ground, Launch,
and Satellite. It's vital to address constraints early in the development cycle to ensure compliance and avoid
overlooking critical nonfunctional requirements.
Table 8–3 Launch Time Allocations for Initialize Operationsa

Allocated Time
SNS Segment Segment Use Case (hours:minutes)

GroundSegment Control Launch 11:22

Control Flight 0:17

Command Satellite 0:01


Command Satellite 0:01


Control Orbit 0:05


Command Satellite 16:30


Conduct Operation 4:30


Command Operation 0:01

LaunchSegment Launch 11:30

Fly to Separation Point 0:17

Command Satellite 0:01


Separate Satellite 0:04

SatelliteSegment Activate Satellite 0:03

Maneuver to Orbit 13:45

Prepare for Operations 21:29

Transmit Initial 0:03b

Position Information

Developing and documenting interface specifications for the Satellite Navigation System involves analyzing
its functionality and considering various actors such as User, Operator, and Maintainer. Human/machine
interface specialists play a crucial role in this task. Interfaces with actors like ExternalPower and
ExternalCommunications can be specified early due to existing standards, while interfaces with the
Atmosphere/Space actor are largely governed by regulations and treaties set by national and international

2.5 Stipulating the System Architecture and Its Deployment

The logical architecture of the Satellite Navigation System (SNS) depicted in Figure 8–3 has been validated
through behavioral prototyping efforts. This architecture is represented at the highest level by a component
diagram (Figure 8–8), which hierarchically decomposes the system into segments and illustrates their
relationships. Interface between segments is shown using both the ball-and-socket notation (e.g.,
LaunchSupport interface) and dashed dependency lines connecting required and provided interfaces (e.g.,
PositionInformation interfaces).
In Figure 8–1, three system actors, ExternalPower, ExternalCommunications, and Atmosphere/Space, are
not represented in the interfaces shown in Figure 8–8, which depict the logical architecture of the Satellite
Navigation System (SNS). Although these actors provide crucial services to the SNS, they are not the
primary focus of our efforts in developing its logical architecture.

Figure 8–8 The Component Diagram for the Satellite Navigation System

Figure 8–9 illustrates the deployment of components from Figure 8–8 onto the architectural nodes of the
system. While this usage deviates from typical UML 2.0 notation, it effectively communicates the
information. The interfaces facilitating interaction with the Satellite Navigation System by the Operator,
Maintainer, and User actors are encapsulated within its segments, depicted through dependencies.
The decision to enhance functional redundancy by distributing the GroundSegment and LaunchSegment
across two geographically dispersed sites is depicted in the architecture. Each segment now has backup sites
ready to assume primary roles if needed, safeguarding against complete loss due to events like natural
disasters. This is symbolized by the multiplicities of 2 on the communication association between the
GroundSite and LaunchSite nodes, ensuring resilience in critical operations.
Figure 8–9 The Deployment of SNS Segments

The SatelliteConstellation node represents the satellites comprising the Satellite Navigation System, aiding
the SatelliteSegment artifacts by providing necessary support, such as gravity for orbit stability and the
atmosphere and outer space for communication. The {1..*} multiplicity on SatelliteSegment indicates the
minimum number of satellites in the constellation. The specific coverage area is pending determination by
the customer to ascertain the required number of satellites for optimal service provision to SNS users.

2.6 Decomposing the System Architecture

With the validation of our assumptions and decisions regarding the Satellite Navigation System's
architecture for the Initialize Operations use case, we're ready to detail its segments and subsystems. Any
encountered issues would prompt architecture adjustments. It's crucial to note that our behavioral prototype
has fulfilled its purpose and should be discarded, similar to how prototype code isn't the basis for final
To refine the SNS architecture into manageable components, we need to delve deeper into each segment,
breaking them down into nested subsystems. This involves applying comprehensive analysis techniques,
similar to those used in prototyping the architecture for the Initialize Operations functionality. We repeat
these steps across all levels of abstraction within the system, allocating nonfunctional requirements to each
component accordingly.
The analysis techniques employed for developing the SNS architecture are outlined as follows:
1. Conduct black-box analysis for system use cases to identify their actions.
2. Conduct white-box analysis to allocate these actions across segments.
3. Define segment use cases based on the allocated system actions.
4. Perform black-box analysis for each segment use case to determine its actions.
5. Conduct white-box analysis to allocate segment actions across subsystems.
6. Define subsystem use cases based on the allocated segment actions.
These steps provide a comprehensive framework for analyzing and decomposing the system architecture
into manageable components.
It's important to emphasize that our approach to decomposing the system architecture should be applied
horizontally across each architectural level rather than vertically from one system use case to subsystems
and so on. This ensures a comprehensive view of the system that can be validated at any point. Each step
should be completed across the entire architectural level before proceeding to the next step.
We continued our analysis—not shown here—by performing the following activities:

 Performed black-box analysis for the Launch Satellite system use case to determine its actions
 Performed white-box analysis of these system actions to allocate them across segments
 Defined GroundSegment use cases from these allocated system actions
 Performed black-box analysis for the GroundSegment’s Control Launch use case to determine its
 Performed white-box analysis of the GroundSegment’s Control Launch actions to allocate them
across its subsystems
Figure 8–10 provides a detailed breakdown of the actions required from each GroundSegment subsystem to
fulfill its role in controlling the launch. This analysis allows us to develop the architecture for each segment
of the Satellite Navigation System. Subsequent pages will showcase the resulting architectures for each
The architecture of the GroundSegment comprises five subsystems:
1. ControlCenter: Provides command and control functionality for the entire Satellite Navigation
System, supported by TT&C and SensorStation.
2. TT&C (tracking, telemetry, and command): Monitors and controls the SatelliteSegment.
3. SensorStation: Provides position information from the SatelliteSegment and environmental data.
4. Gateway: Facilitates communication between the ControlCenter, LaunchSegment, and
SatelliteSegment for launch activities and satellite operations control.
5. UserInterface: Grants access to GroundSegment functionality for the Operator and Maintainer
This breakdown ensures effective coordination and functionality within the GroundSegment of the Satellite
Navigation System.

The logical architecture of the LaunchSegment consists of three subsystems:

1. LaunchCenter: Offers command and control functionalities for the LaunchSegment, akin to the
ControlCenter of the GroundSegment.
2. Launcher: Provides the necessary capabilities to deploy the SatelliteSegment into its initial orbit.
3. Gateway: Facilitates communication between the LaunchCenter and the GroundSegment, enabling
launch control support from the GroundSegment and providing launch assistance to the Launcher.
This architecture ensures seamless coordination and operation within the LaunchSegment of the Satellite
Navigation System.
Figure 8–10 The White-Box Activity Diagram for Control Launch
Figure 8–11 The Logical Architecture of the GroundSegment

The SatelliteSegment breaks down into two subsystems:

1. SatelliteBus: Offers infrastructure support for the NavigationPayload subsystem. It hosts equipment
for power, attitude control, propulsion, and other services.
2. NavigationPayload: Contains equipment such as a high-accuracy clock and position signal
generation, enabling the provision of position information to users of the Satellite Navigation
This architecture ensures that the SatelliteSegment efficiently delivers navigation services by separating
infrastructure support from navigation payload functionalities.
Figure 8–12 The Logical Architecture of the LaunchSegment

Figure 8–13 The Logical Architecture of the SatelliteSegment

The UserSegment is composed of several subsystems:

1. Receiver: Obtains position information from the SatelliteSegment and delivers it as position data.
2. Processor: Translates received position data into navigation information.
3. UserInterface: Facilitates user access and utilization of navigation services through various
specialized interfaces like push buttons, touch screens, and audible alerts.
This decomposition ensures efficient processing and delivery of navigation information to users through a
well-structured interface system.
Figure 8–14 The Logical Architecture of the UserSegment

Decomposing the system architecture into segments and subsystems creates manageable units for work
assignments, configuration management, and version control. Each segment or subsystem is owned by an
organization, team, or individual, facilitating detailed design and implementation while managing interfaces
effectively. This approach enables the management of complex development programs by breaking down the
problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Thus, it demonstrates the applicability of object-oriented
analysis and design principles, along with UML 2.0 notation, to both software and system architecture

At the end of the Elaboration phase, as we pointed out in Chapter 6, a stable architecture of our system
should have been developed. Any modifications to the system architecture that are required as a result of
activities in the Construction phase are likely limited to those of lower-level architectural elements, not the
segments and subsystems of the Satellite Navigation System that have been our concern. In line with the
stated intent of this chapter—to show the approach to developing the SNS system architecture by logically
partitioning the required functionality to define the constituent segments and subsystems—we do not show
any architectural development activities in this phase.
In the Construction phase, modifications to the system architecture typically focus on lower-level
architectural elements rather than segments and subsystems, which should have been stabilized during the
Elaboration phase. Therefore, our focus remains on implementing and refining the previously defined
segments and subsystems without significant architectural changes.

In the post-transition phase, we evaluate how well the Satellite Navigation System's design meets the
requirements of extensibility and long service life. As new users and implementations emerge, we assess the
system's ability to accommodate new functionality and adapt to changes in target hardware while ensuring
reliable operation. This evaluation helps us gauge the effectiveness of our design in meeting evolving needs
and sustaining the system over its intended lifespan.
4.1 Adding New Functionality
Adding the capability to use position information from other systems like GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo is
feasible with minimal impact on the Satellite Navigation System. Since the change is isolated to the User
Segment, existing components can be upgraded, such as the Receiver subsystem and firmware in the
Processor subsystem. This illustrates the flexibility of well-structured object-oriented systems, where new
requirements can often be accommodated by building upon existing mechanisms.
The introduction of the capability to support search and rescue (SAR) missions by receiving distress beacons
would primarily impact the Satellite Segment, with some minor impact on the Ground Segment. Ideally, if
we had anticipated this requirement, we would have already incorporated the necessary capability into the
Satellite Segment, resulting in no design impact but only operational considerations. Otherwise, we would
need to add an additional subsystem to the Satellite Segment to support this functionality. The impact on the
Ground Segment would likely involve minor software or operational modifications to relay information
about distress beacon reception to civil authorities.
Indeed, despite the challenges posed by modifications to space-based assets, adding the SAR capability to
the Satellite Segment would still have minimal impact on the overall SNS architecture. Even in the worst-
case scenario, integrating this capability into future Satellite Segment elements would entail minimal
disruption to the existing architecture or functionality.

4.2 Changing the Target Hardware

The pace of hardware technology advancements often outstrips our capacity to develop software, and early
decisions driven by political or historical factors can lead to choices that may later become regrettable.
Consequently, the target hardware for large systems tends to become obsolete much sooner than the software
it supports.
“1”For example, after several years of operational use, we might decide we need to replace the entire
ControlCenter subsystem of the Ground Segment. How might this affect our existing architecture? If we
have kept our subsystem interfaces at a high level of abstraction during the evolution of our system, this
hardware change would affect our software in only minimal ways. Since we chose to encapsulate all design
decisions regarding the specifics of the ControlCenter subsystem, no other subsystem was ever defined to
depend on the specific characteristics of a given workstation, for example; the subsystem encapsulates all
such hardware secrets. This means that the behavior of workstations is hidden in the ControlCenter
subsystem. Thus, this subsystem acts as an abstraction firewall, which shields all other clients from the
intricacies of our particular computing technology.
“1”Maintaining high-level abstraction in our subsystem interfaces ensures minimal impact on existing
software when replacing hardware components like the ControlCenter subsystem. By encapsulating design
decisions and hiding hardware specifics within the subsystem, other subsystems remain independent of
workstation characteristics. This approach establishes an abstraction firewall, shielding clients from the
intricacies of specific computing technology.
“1” Replacing the entire ControlCenter subsystem of the Ground Segment after several years of operational
use would likely have minimal impact on the existing architecture if the subsystem interfaces have been
maintained at a high level of abstraction throughout the system's evolution.

By encapsulating all design decisions regarding the specifics of the ControlCenter subsystem and keeping
subsystem interfaces abstract, other parts of the system are shielded from the intricacies of the ControlCenter
hardware. This means that dependencies on specific characteristics of the hardware, such as workstations,
are hidden within the ControlCenter subsystem.
Therefore, when replacing the ControlCenter subsystem, as long as the new hardware adheres to the same
abstract interfaces, the software in other subsystems should require only minimal changes, if any. The
abstraction firewall provided by the ControlCenter subsystem ensures that the behavior of the workstations
remains transparent to other components of the system, thus preserving the system's overall stability and
reducing the risk of disruptions during the replacement process.
Maintaining a design where only the Gateway subsystem interfaces with network communications ensures
minimal impact from radical changes in telecommunications standards. Higher-level clients remain
unaffected, shielded from the complexities of networking by the Gateway subsystem. This design approach
provides resilience against shifts in real-world telecommunications technology.
None of the changes we have introduced rends the fabric of our existing architecture. This is indeed the
ultimate mark of a well-architected, object-oriented system.
Overall, the fact that your architecture can accommodate changes without disrupting its fundamental
structure underscores its robustness and the effectiveness of the design decisions made during its

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