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The Engineering of Concurrent Simulations of Complex Systems

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The engineering of concurrent simulations of complex systems

Fiona A. C. Polack Paul S. Andrews Adam T. Sampson

AbstractConcurrent process-oriented programming is a
natural medium for simulating complex systems, particularly
systems where many simple components interact in an environ-
ment (which may itself be complex). There is little guidance
for engineering complex systems simulation. In the context of
simulation work to support immunological research, we explore
relevant approaches to modelling, and draw on concepts from
dependable and high-integrity systems engineering, including
the emphasis on the need to validate all aspects of the simula-
Two software engineering issues in simulations of complex
systems are design modelling and validation. We explore
how these can be addressed, based on the experience of two
research projects on complex systems engineering
. We focus
on simulations designed to assist immunological understand-
ing, developed in close collaboration with immunologists at
the York Centre for Immunology and Infection (CII).
Our work addresses systems that are complex in the sense
of having elaborate behaviour at a high level that is the
consequence of many simple behaviours at a lower level.
The high-level behaviour cannot be deduced as a simple
combination of low-level behaviours. Time and the environ-
mental context are also critical. In a complex system, many
things happen in parallel, and thus a concurrent paradigm is
an obvious choice for computer simulation. Here, we focus
on simulations constructed as concurrent process-oriented
programs (POP).
Engineering guidance for such systems is limited. In
agent-based systems, support for complex systems sim-
ulation and agent modelling tends to be at the im-
plementation level (see, for instance, the ACE re-
sources, www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace.htm), and engi-
neering, though widely discussed, tends to focus on low-
level design and architectural issues. Our work draws heav-
ily on principles from state-of-the-art dependable systems
engineering. A guiding principle in dependable systems
engineering is that it must be possible to demonstrate how the
quality attributes of a system are met that risks associated
with the system are as low as reasonably practicable (as
in UK Health and Safety Executives guidance on risk,
www.hse.gov.uk/risk/index.htm, and the UK MoD defence
standard 00-56 on safety requirements management). In
Fiona Polack and Paul Andrews: Department of Computer Science, Uni-
versity of York, YO10 5DD, UK: email{ona,psa}@cs.york.ac.uk. Adam
Sampson: Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK: email
The CoSMoS project, EPSRC grants EP/E053505/1 and EP/E049419/1,
www.cosmos-research.org/, is building capacity in generic modelling tools
and simulation techniques for complex systems; it follows on from a
feasibility study, TUNA, EPSRC grant EP/C516966/1, that investigated ways
to model and engineer complex systems using the occam- language.
general, the safety (or security, reliability etc) of a system
is evaluated via a case that argues that risks are identied
and suitably mitigated; the argument is assessed by indepen-
dent evaluators (as, for instance, in the UK Civil Aviation
Authority air-safety certication processes).
Traditionally, computer simulation can be used in depend-
able systems engineering, but it is not considered suitable
as evidence in a dependability case. However, the need
to validate complex systems (such as human-scale systems
of systems command and control, evacuation simulation)
has raised the prole of simulation in dependable system
development see for example, recent work on the validity
of simulation evidence in safety assurance of systems of
systems [1].
There is a similar scepticism about the ability of computer
simulations to contribute to scientic research (see [2], [3],
[4], [5]). Computer simulations are often built by computer
scientists who are interested in a visual result (a game, an
imitation of Life), rather than any scientic reality. Typically,
a valid simulation is any program that produces the expected
(visual) results. At a slightly more rigorous level, there might
be an attempt to produce the expected results by a process
that looks a bit like reality, but there has generally been
little concern for the quality of the underlying simulation
[6]. Note that this lack of rigour extends also to the well-
respected mathematical models of many natural scientists
it is rare to nd an in-depth justication of the choice of
variables in models using differential equations, Markovian
or Bayesian processes. In the context of articial life, Bullock
[4] represents an increasing concern in noting that, to assess
the role and value of complex systems simulation, we need
to address deep questions of comparability: we need a record
of experience, of how good solutions are designed, of how
to chose parameters and calibrate agents, and, above all, how
to validate a complex system simulation.
Our simulations are built in process-oriented programming
(POP) languages mainly in the occam- language (for
details of why we choose this approach see [7]). This is
a fast, efcient concurrent implementation medium. Because
there is typically a close analogy between complex system
components and programming processes, the construction
and maintenance of simulations is intuitive, and it is easy to
modify, adapt and reuse simulation programs [8]. Currently,
there are no software engineering methods for working with
POP media. Here, we report on our attempts to extend and
adapt approaches to the modelling and validation of computer
217 978-1-4244-2959-2/09/$25.00 c 2009 IEEE
A. Some existing work on simulation engineering
Sudeikat et al [9] have an insightful review of multi-agent
system development methods, which focuses on matching
methods to the requirements of specic simulation targets.
Some of the reviewed methods are sophisticated software-
engineering approaches. For example, the Prometheus devel-
opment method for agent-oriented systems is illustrated in
Figure 1.
Fig. 1. The Prometheus development method [10]
Approaches such as Prometheus are based on general
object-oriented (OO) or procedural design methods. The
focus is on different system views (the agents, their data
and interactions, actions and object message-passing), rather
than on critical features of complex systems the compo-
nents, their environment, and desired or undesirable emergent
behaviours. In software engineering terms, these approaches
do not provide the right tools for our POP approach. We can
characterise the general problem as one of continuity.
Continuity of paradigm is an important consideration in
software engineering. For example, object or class models
map cleanly on to OO programming, reducing the scope for
introducing inconsistencies between design and implemen-
tation. Problems arise where inappropriate design models
are used as the basis for implementation. Historically, this
has arisen whenever a new paradigm appears, as witness
methods from the 1990s that use procedural models such
as Jackson structures to design information systems (ie.
relational database applications for example, SSADM [11])
or OO applications (as reviewed in [12, chapter 12]).
Continuity is improved if design models are compact.
However, the need to express designs through multiple views
can lead to continuity pitfalls. For example, an OO design
language such as UML [13] support many different views
of a system, but, currently, there is limited support for
consistency checking across views (this is being addressed in
the context of metamodelling and model-driven engineering,
but is not yet widely accepted). Although a UML class
diagram maps well to an OO program, the mapping from
the other design diagrams to OO program concepts is less
than obvious.
If design modelling can achieve continuity and consis-
tency, this helps in verifying a program. For POP, we need
modelling tools that are as simple as is compatible with
expressivity, and that allow us to identify and design the
components of a complex system, the environmental context
of the simulation, and the interactions of components with
each other and the environment. The design concepts also
need to map cleanly to POP programming concepts.
B. Some existing work on simulation validation
Validation checks that the right system is built it is
about meeting requirements and quality (whereas verication
checks that the system is built right it is about correctness
of construction). Here, we are concerned with scientic
validity as well as engineering validity. It must be possible
to demonstrate, with evidence, how models express the
scientic realities. Validity implies both adequate abstraction,
and adequate development processes.
In high-integrity systems engineering, the validation of
simulation has been a focus of interest since the late 1970s.
Although several groups [1], [14], [15] are now applying this
research to complex system simulations, until recently the
work had little impact outside its original context. The central
theme is Sargents development lifecycle [16], shown in Fig-
ure 2. The problem entity is the phenomenon to be modelled.
From understanding the problem entity, a conceptual model
is developed in a suitable representation Sargent reviews
diagrammatic models [17], and also considers mathematical
or logical representations [16]. The computerised model
implements the conceptual model as a simulation.
Problem Entity
and Experimentation
Conceptual Computerized
Computer Programming
and Implementation
Fig. 2. Sargents model of the simulation development process [17]
The experimentation link between the problem entity and
the computerised model allows iterative trial-and-error sim-
ulation, with the models and results compared to the prob-
lem entity at each step. The model explicitly incorporates
verication (in the software engineering of the computerised
model) and validation of all models against the problem
entity, and of the data used to test or populate the conceptual
218 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2009)
and computerised models. The lifecycle has much in com-
mon with conventional software engineering lifecycles it
presents a high-level summary of the necessary attributes of a
development, rather than a comprehensive guide to achieving
a high-quality engineered product.
Elsewhere [18], we consider how complex systems differ
from conventional systems, and use this understanding to
propose an extension to Sargents process [15], [19]. Essen-
tially, the components of a complex system can be designed
and veried by a conventional engineering process, but the
complex effects of the components only become apparent
when they are considered in their environmental context. A
small change in the environment can change the nature, and
even the occurrence, of high-level behaviours. In describing
the problem entity and developing the conceptual model,
the extraction of relevant environmental characteristics is as
important as the modelling of the components. As we noted
above, the quality of software engineering, and particularly
the feasibility of verication, is enhanced by continuity and
consistency. Given that we now have to model environment,
components and their interactions, there is an even greater
need to follow principles of continuity.
In relation to validation, Sargent [16] reminds us that a
model should be developed for a specic purpose... and its
validity determined with respect to that purpose. The level
of assurance also depends on the purpose of the simulation,
and should be set independently of the development of the
simulation good software engineering practice.
Work on validation of non-complex system simulations
does not transfer easily to complex systems. Zeigler [20]
presents a theory for modelling and validation of simulations
predicated on a homomorphism between conceptual models
and simulations; he does not show how the homomorphism
is established. Sargent [16], focusing on the validation of the
computational model against the problem entity, proposes a
range of approaches to validation, summarised in Table I.
Many of Sargents validation techniques are inappropriate
for complex systems work. For instance, if we knew the
workings of the complex system well enough to understand
event validity and traces, we would not need a computer
simulation to help us understand it. The the most useful of
Sargents suggestions is the analysis of assumptions which
he disguises under the historical theories of rationalism and
empiricism. It is rare for a research simulation to document
its assumptions and design decisions.
We wish to engineer simulations of complex systems in
a process-oriented concurrent programming paradigm. We
need design notations that we can use to validate our models
with domain experts. The design notations need to admit
continuity in development, and be veriable. We also need
to view the development process as part of the construction of
an argument of validity, which requires us to systematically
identify and record assumptions. In this section, we rst
consider issues and possible solutions to the design problem.
Technique Comments on Sargents suggestions
Animation Graphical visualisation, of system be-
haviour or of operational parameters
Comparison Comparison to valid analytical models
or other simulation models
Degenerate and extreme
tests, parameter variability,
sensitivity analysis
Typical domain-style testing of be-
haviour under normal and extreme input
and operations
Event validity Compare the events in real and simu-
lated systems
Face validity Appeal to logic or domain experts to
validate model components or data
Historical data validation,
predictive validation
Either drive a simulation with historical
data and compare results to reality; or
drive a simulation on current data and
compare to independent predictions
Combination of traditional
Combine approaches using sound the-
ory, assumptions and empirical validity
Rationalism Assumptions are rationally justiable;
valid models arise from valid assump-
Empiricism Assumptions and outcomes are empir-
ically validated
Positive economics The model can predict the future, so
causal relationships and mechanisms are
of no concern
Internal validity Used on stochastic models: comparison
of consistency of results across runs
Turing tests Can experts distinguish it from reality?
We then review the sorts and sources of assumptions in our
A. Modelling for POP
Design processes targeting OO or procedural implemen-
tations are too elaborate for the POP paradigm. This can be
seen by considering POP and the way it is used in practice.
Here we consider design of occam- programs, but many of
the principles apply more generally.
The occam- programming language [21] is a practical
implementation of the concepts from Hoares CSP [22] and
Milners -calculus [23]. As in CSP, an occam- program
is a composition of parallel processes that communicate
using channels (two-way events) and barriers (multiway
events). Channels carry messages (structured data) between
processes; allowable messages on a channel are specied
using a protocol (see [24]). Each channel has a writing end
and a reading end; they may be used in a point-to-point
manner, or a channel end may be explicitly shared between
processes to allow any-to-one communication.
From the -calculus, occam- takes the concept of mo-
bility. Channels and barriers can be created dynamically;
channel and barrier ends are rst-class objects that can be
transferred between processes at any time. Mobility allows a
processs alphabet of events to vary during its execution, and
the network of processes to be dynamically recongured as
appropriate. New processes can be started dynamically, and
may themselves be rst-class objects mobile processes that
can be suspended and transferred over channels.
2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2009) 219
In terms of verication, occam-s formal basis allows
the programmer to reason about the behaviour of concurrent
programs, and simple rules, expressed as design patterns,
make it possible to construct programs that are guaranteed
to have properties such as freedom from deadlock [25].
In addition, the occam- compiler applies extensive static
checks that detect common concurrency errors. occam-
is particularly appropriate for complex system simulation,
as a specialised language for process-oriented programming
with an efcient run-time scheduler, that allows real-time
simulation of millions of processes.
Process-oriented programs are often described using infor-
mal process diagrams of connections in a process network
at a particular instant (see [26]). Processes are drawn as
labelled boxes, triangles, circles, and so on. Different shapes
can be used to distinguish different uses of process in a
system. Channels are drawn as arrows in the direction of
communication, and shared channels as thick arrows to
which multiple processes may be connected. Figure 3 shows
a representation of part of our CII case study (below) with
agent processes drawn as circles.
Fig. 3. The design of an occam- program. Four processes, Blood
Circulation, HEV Lumen, Rolling and Lymph Node, are connected to each
other via each processs shared channel (thick arrow). A lymphocyte process
(L) can also connect to a shared channel (based on [15])
Processes are used to represent the lymphocytes, and
the different states of lymphocytes. At a higher level of
abstraction, this is neatly expressed by a state chart Figure
4 is a basic example.
In the design described in Figure 3, (at least in process-
oriented languages, using the client-server design pattern
which has been proved to be free from deadlock), the
simple state chart is sufcient to dene the interaction of
this system. Each state machine transition is associated with
a biologically-derived probability; a lymphocyte has this
probability of engaging in a transition in any time step. In
the implementation, the channel connecting a lymphocyte
processes to a state process is passed to the next state
processes upon a transition. This is a common occam-
pattern of channel mobility, used in many other simulations.
In a non-POP context, a method such as Prometheus has to
include separate interaction models to dene object message
passing protocols. This is also the case in perhaps the
most impressive simulation of the immune system, Reactive
Animation [27], [28], [29], where the conceptual model
uses object diagrams, state charts, and live sequence charts
Enter HEV
Exit HEV
HEV Blood
Fig. 4. A state chart abstraction of Figure 3. The four states (boxes) map
to the state processes. The linking lines are the permitted transitions, and
give rise to the directional channels (based on [15])
(for protocol description). The Harel state charts used by
Reactive Animation have transitions labelled with guards
(necessary ring context), and details of events generated by
the transition, to model cascading events; these alone would
be sufcient for the conceptual design of POP simulations.
In [19], we discuss other limitations of diagrammatic
models for simulation design. Diagrams represent static
structures of data, of interaction. Spatial and temporal
characteristics of systems, that determine how components
can be laid out and evolve over time, cannot be captured in
static views. Furthermore, current diagramming approaches
focus on single components, and have difculty expressing
the idea that there are many components. Even in OO
modelling approaches where a class represents a set of
objects, each of which behaves as an individual in the
system there are only limited ways of describing the
number of components that take part in the overall system
behaviour. Whilst we might use simulation to overcome the
temporal and spatial limitations of static modelling, we need
to be aware that we are always making assumptions about
the temporal, spatial, and collective aspects of the problem
entity to be simulated. However, within these limitations,
the state chart approach used here supports concurrent POP
implementation naturally. Our designs have led to very fast
simulations (of tens of millions of processes). The design
models and the implemented programs are easy to reuse and
adapt, and have been used in a range of applications from
robotics to biological simulation by researchers and student
B. Assumptions at each stage of development
In our work with CII, the collection and analysis of
assumptions has improved our understanding of the envi-
ronmental context. Furthermore, our biological collaborators
can see exactly the extent to which our simulations capture
their knowledge, and how gaps in their knowledge (as well
as ours) affect the understanding of the simulated biology.
220 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2009)
The CII case study focuses on the behaviour of the
mammalian immune system, and in particular on rates of
transfer of lymphocytes (specialised white blood cells) be-
tween bodily blood circulation and lymph nodes. An account
of the biological background for a non-specialist audience
and a fuller account of the assumptions and issues can be
found in [15]. Here, we summarise the biology very briey,
then consider the sorts of assumption made.
Lymphocytes migrate from the blood to the lymph node
through high-endothelial venules (HEV small blood vessel
with a specialised endothelial cell lining). The biological de-
scription, after [30], has lymphocytes in a HEV encountering
the cell wall and being captured with a certain biochemically-
determined probability. A captured lymphocyte can initially
disassociate back into the HEV lumen (the inside, or content,
of the HEV), or it may become bound. Binding starts a
rolling effect, during which biochemical activation results in
slowing and nally adhesion to the endothelial cells. Finally,
the lymphocyte passes through the HEV membrane into the
lymph node. In the presence of infection, experimentalists
observe hypertrophy (swelling) of the lymph node. The case
study with CII aims to produce simulations that can be
used to explore hypotheses about why and how hypertrophy
occurs. For example, ultimately we should be able to test
hypotheses such as the increase in lymphocytes in the lymph
node during infection is due to HEV dilation.
In constructing suitable simulations, we follow a develop-
ment cycle similar to that in the Sargent model; we use that
structure here to summarise our assumptions.
1) Problem entity: Our starting point is the biological
literature, interpreted for us by expert collaborators at CII.
Thus, our problem entity is not the lymphocyte migration
and its context, but a particular biological understanding of
that reality (note that immunologists are unclear about some
aspects of the biological process).
We focus on a level of abstraction above the biochemistry
of attraction (an adhesion cascade of various cell-surface
receptors and molecules), and we ignore the wider context
of the lymphatic and blood circulations. This accords with a
proposition that we are exploring in CoSMoS, that complex
simulations can be layered if we had a simulation of the
biochemistry, and a simulation of the circulation system, then
these could be used in the environment of the simulation of
the migration process, in place of some of the probabilities
that we use at the higher level.
Even in arriving at a mutually-acceptable understanding
of the problem entity, we have made a number of signicant
assumptions. The main one is to reduce the multi-stage adhe-
sion cascade, with its biochemical receptors and activators,
to (a) the capture of a lymphocyte on the endothelial wall;
(b) rolling, to encompasses all processes from initial binding
to receipt of the chemokine signal for migration; and (c)
migration. Other stages in the cascade are assumed to be
Some more of the assumptions about the migration pro-
cess and about the environmental context, are given in the
following two lists, summarised from [15].
C1: The biological background, including CII experts
advice on quantities and probabilities, is a sufcient,
correct and consistent basis for the simulation.
C2: There is no interaction between lymphocytes.
C3: A captured lymphocyte that reaches the rolling stage
will always migrate.
C4: All lymphocytes eventually exit to re-enter blood
circulation they do not die during migration.
C5: All lymphocytes in a given state are equivalent: there
is no difference between a lymphocyte that enters the
HEV for the rst time, a lymphocyte that has gone
through capture-and-disassociation, and a lymphocyte
that has already migrated and re-entered the HEV.
C6: There is no proliferation of lymphocytes during
C7: The probabilities of each change of state do not
change on the time scale of the simulation.
The environment of the system represents the parts of
the body with which lymphocytes interact in the migration
process. In our work so far, the environment model is
signicantly simplied.
E1: All necessary environmental information is encoded
in biologically derived quantities and probabilities.
E2: The details of the structure of the HEV and its
biochemistry are not relevant to the simulation.
E3: No detail of the lymph node (that lymphocytes enter
if they migrate) is needed in the simulation.
E4: The different environmental conditions that the lym-
phocytes pass through can be represented as simple lym-
phocyte states, and the lymphocytes moving through
different environmental conditions can be represented
as transitions of lymphocyte state.
E5: There are no relevant effects from blood circulation
blood ow is constant.
In our research, a crucial activity is recording how and
why we arrived at each assumption, and to what extent
it is accepted by the CII experts. (A similar approach is
taken in Reactive Animation [27], where the data that drives
the simulation is selected from explicit research reports, so
different researchers theories and ndings can be compared).
2) Conceptual model: A conceptual model is a model that
has enough detail to understand and analyse the problem, but
does not commit the developer to a specic implementation.
Our conceptual model, Figure 4, can be implemented in many
different ways.
The conceptual model was derived from the problem entity
with several reviews by the CII experts. The validation of the
conceptual model is expressed in the process of acquiring
knowledge, extracting what is relevant to the chosen level of
abstraction, and checking that the understanding and assump-
tions were consistent with expert opinion. Note that, like any
validation of a non-deterministic system, the conclusion of
the validation is not that the conceptual model is correct, but
that within the abilities and understandings of all concerned,
it is a sufcient starting point. As in dependable systems
2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2009) 221
engineering, a validation conclusion can change in the light
of new evidence.
The assumptions about the problem entity translate into
assumptions about the conceptual model. Perhaps the key
assumption is that the transitions in the model represent
all the allowable transitions that are consistent with the
biological information and the assumptions.
3) Computational model: design: In moving from a con-
ceptual model to a simulation, we produce an occam-
program design in which states map to processes and the
potential transitions map to appropriate channels. In the
design, a lymphocyte is created in the Blood circulation
state. At each time step in the simulation, a random variable
is used to determine whether each lymphocyte remains in
its current state or makes one of the possible transitions to
another state. On a transition, the communication channel for
the lymphocyte is transferred among state processes, using a
well-known and veried pattern in occam-. The necessary
synchronisations are handled using the client-server design
pattern, which is proven deadlock free for this usage. Appeal
to well-dened and formally proven programming patterns
contributes to the verication of the simulation construction.
The conceptual model is a static representation of the
process structure, that maps cleanly on to the process ar-
chitecture of the occam- program (Figure 3, above). A
simulation is an execution of a model over time. We assume
that it is realistic to implement time as atomic steps, and that
a lymphocyte process may change the state process to which
it is attached at each time step.
The update time step can be ner grained than the time
steps at which data is collected or a visualisation rendered.
The granularity of the different time steps can be adjusted so
that the simulation shows the ne detail evolving, or so that
the rendering (data collection) is more uid (for instance, for
visual realism and to focus on observation of any emergent
In general, a complex system simulation is also sensitive
to the quantities of interacting components. We have not yet
addressed issues of quantity in any detail here
. From other
work we know that we can produce an efcient occam-
implementation with enough lymphocyte processes to
approximate the biological scale (millions). Sufce to say
that the population of components in a model must also be
subject to validation activities Sargents data validity.
In engineering terms, we construct an occam- simulation
according to simple mapping assumptions that states map
to processes and that a lymphocyte maps to a process
connected to a state process, and so on. Although continuity
of concepts makes validation straightforward here, these
mappings are also recorded in the catalogue of assumptions.
If (when) the simulation is found to be unrealistic, the
engineering assumptions must be examined as well as the
component and environmental assumptions.
The TUNA project case study, which simulated articial blood platelets,
introduced considerable variation in quantities of components and rates of
movement, with some interesting results.
4) Computational model: simulation: From the occam-
design in Figure 3, we have so far constructed two simula-
tions. The rst simply measures and reports the number of
lymphocytes in each state (the original biological objective).
In this version, the transition probabilities are closely related
to biological observation supplied by the biologists from a
validation point of view, it is the biologists who are making
the assumptions, not the simulators.
The rst simulation allows simple comparisons between
biological data and the simulation-derived data, which is an
important validation of the simulation against the problem
entity, but gives little insight into what might be happening
just as monitoring vital signs has little to say about how a
mammal works.
A second simulation has been constructed from the same
occam- design (Figure 3), in which the environment is
enriched to include a spatial dimension. Lymphocytes are
visualised moving through the HEV, with colour-coding of
different states. The visualisation is programmed to refresh at
each simulation time-step. Again, we use relatively simple,
well-understood, and efcient, occam- patterns to create
this extension.
The inclusion of space in the simulation requires more
design decisions, which are added to the catalogue of as-
sumptions. Rather than detail these extensive assumptions,
here we summarise one set of issues, relating to simulation
of lymphocytes in the HEV. In consultation with CII experts,
we simulated the HEV as a homogeneous tube, the diameter
of which can be changed in a biologically-realistic manner.
However, we know that the simulation is not realistic that
the inner surface of a HEV is not smooth and its texture
changes with its diameter; that, in general, uid ow through
a tube is not even. Thus, our spatial assumptions are seen to
be more tenuous than the earlier assumptions. Essentially, we
need information from other branches of biology to complete
the spatial model and to use the simulation to address
hypotheses that relate hypertrophy to rates of migration. The
CII experts are consulting other experts, and designing new
experiments to explore the new questions that the spatial
simulation has raised.
When we add a spatial dimension to the simulation, we
raise new issues relating to the biologically-derived proba-
bilities. The data from biological experiments is for points in
time, and does not reect any three-dimensional or dynamic
aspects of the real HEV context. However, when we simulate
in three dimensions, we program lymphocytes to be captured
(with a certain probability) only when in contact with the
HEV lining. This is biologically accurate, but the point-
in-time data cannot provide the probabilities needed to run
the new simulation. It is ongoing, non-trivial, work to nd
good probabilities, but because of the way assumptions and
decisions are documented, we can easily determine where
and how the new inconsistencies affect the validity of the
simulation. Ultimately, we would hope to engineer in more of
the environmental context, to reduce reliance on probabilities
and increase the scope for hopefully realistic emergent
222 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2009)
lymphocyte behaviours, that can be analysed in simulation
to gain insight into the real process of lymphocyte capture.
Two nal observations are worth recording. First, the
creation of the computational model raised so many issues
that, even before the model was complete, validation against
the problem entity and experimental trial-and-error iteration
had started but the experimentation is as much about
improving the understanding of the problem entity as it is
about improving the simulation. Second, as it happens, the
CII experts do nd even the invalid spatial simulation
useful, so we could claim that we have met at least part
of the engineering goal!
This brief summary of our simulations of lymphocyte
migration using POP is the rst phase of our research into
engineering complex systems simulation. The development
that we have done so far uses intuition, ad hoc analysis,
and unstructured recording. Validation is based on recording
all the assumptions and decisions that we noticed, and
discussing each stage and the results with the CII experts.
We are looking to dependable and high-integrity systems
engineering for guidance as to how to systematise our
development process. Two areas are particularly relevant:
argumentation and systematic analysis.
Validation is the process of arguing the validity of some-
thing from the evidence available. This applies equally
in scientic research and in engineering systems such as
simulations. Support for argumentation is well developed
in safety-critical systems engineering, and has been applied
to other dependability areas. A safety case (for example as
part of the certication of a new aircraft) is made via a
safety case argument; the argument structure is summarised
diagrammatically, to assist evaluation of the case. Note that
just as a safety argumentation never establishes that a system
is absolutely safe (no system is safe unless it is totally
closed and inert), an argument of validity merely states
the case for validity, exposing it to critical consideration
exactly what is needed when working with domain experts
to construct simulations for scientic research. In any natural
complex system, we cannot expect to provide a gold-plated
guarantee of equivalence between our conceptual model and
the problem entity indeed, if the model contained all the
complexity needed to exactly mimic the natural system, it
would be intractably large, and too complex to provide any
new research insight.
An argument is expressed as a proposition, and is reasoned
on the basis of some premises, to reach a conclusion. A
variety of textual and diagrammatic techniques allow an
argument to be presented with a degree of formality
exposing the premises to analysis and scrutiny [31]. A
common approach is to represent the case using the Goal
Structuring Notation [32] this is used commercially for
safety cases, and has also been applied to aspects of system
dependability [33], including two thought experiments on
a hypothetical blood platelet system [34], [35]. Some work
already exists on the role of argumentation in design [36].
In [15], we present initial work on a validation argument for
the Capture transition in the CII case study.
Systematic analysis is also a feature of any form of
critical systems engineering. In constructing a dependability
argument, it is necessary to identify as many issues (hazards,
threats) as possible. Systematic deviational techniques are
used to challenge assumptions, decisions, and model com-
ponents (see [37], [38]). A typical example is Hazard and
Operability (HAZOP). Developed initially for analysing the
designs for chemical plants, the HAZOP approach comprises
systematic application of guidewords to components of a
model. The guidewords vary with application for example
the UK Defence Standard 00-58 provides guidewords for use
on systems containing programmable electronics.
A systematic deviational approach would systematically
challenge each of our assumptions and model components.
For example, we make assumptions, based on the biological
advice, about the size of a lymphocyte relative to the HEV.
A deviational analysis might ask us to consider at least the
All lymphocytes are larger/smaller relative to the HEV;
Some lymphocytes are larger/smaller than others;
Some HEV sections are larger/smaller than others;
Even though the relative sizes are correct, lymphocytes
differ in some other way, such as their attraction to the
HEV lining.
Having checked each deviation, we can then construct this
part of the validation argument, using as evidence the support
from (cited) literature and (named) experts that our sizes are
Because we are working in a developing area of biology,
we know that subsequent research may show that our as-
sumptions and evidence are inappropriate. The validation
argument, and the records of assumptions, decisions and
evidence, provide a basis for revising the models, and then
revising the simulation rebuilding all the necessary valida-
tion arguments accordingly.
Similarly, if we ultimately produce a layered simulation,
in which, for example, capture and rolling is an emergent
effect from a lower-level simulation (suitably validated)
of the biochemistry, then we would have to modify the
validity argument to refer to evidence of the validity of the
biochemical model and of the validity of assumptions about
the lymphocyte and HEV biochemical interaction.
Note that we have already encountered situations where
the interplay with the CII experts has produced revised
understanding of the problem entity either because the
experts have spotted places where we have misinterpreted
their advice, or because the experts have improved their
knowledge of the migration environment. Tables of assump-
tions and biological details support traceability through the
modelling and simulation process, and experts can inspect
them to highlight inconsistencies.
There is much work still be to done on validation of
complex system models and simulations. As well as reect-
ing state-of-the-art dependable and high-integrity systems
2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2009) 223
engineering analysis and argumentation techniques, we need
to investigate structured ways to lay out our assumptions,
design decisions and biological evidence. We also need to
establish schemes for mapping between our biological details
and simulator parameters. We intend ultimately to establish
patterns of development and patterns of validation that are
applicable to the validation of many different complex sys-
This work is part of the CoSMoS project, funded by
EPSRC grants EP/E053505/1 and EP/E049419/1. The orig-
inal immunological model is based on collaborative work
with Lisa Scott and Mark Coles from the York Centre for
Immunology and Infection, University of York, UK, and
extensive discussion with Jon Timmis of the Departments
of Computer Science and of Electronics, University of York,
UK. Work on continuity in modelling draws on discussion
with Tim Hoverd, Susan Stepney, and other CoSMoS re-
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