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April 5, 2011 Ashby Primary School Newsletter

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Issue 9 Tuesday 4th April 2011


We are selling the Entertainment I wish everyone a happy and safe Friday 8th April
Book as a fund raiser for the term break. Last Day Term 1.
school. The brand new
2011/2012 Entertainment Book School finishes at
features many of the area’s best 2.15pm.
restaurants, cafes, hotel
accommodation, attractions, and Jenny Omachen
activities, many with valuable Principal Wednesday 27th April
25% to 50% off and 2 for 1 offers. First Day Term 2.
The cost of the book is $55.00.
For every book sold the school NEW FRESH FRUIT Wednesday 28th April
Entertainment Books Sent
receives $11.00.
This year the Entertainment Book
will be sent home to every child Monday 9th to Friday 20th
on Wednesday 28th April. Each May
child will bring a Book home (in a Intensive Swimming
Thank you to Sonya Dalton and Program 1 for Years 4 to 6.
personalised envelop) to their Heather Vine who have kindly
parents. Parents may buy the agreed to take over as joint Fresh
books, or sell them onto other Saturday 25th June
Fruit Coordinators, starting in Trivia Night & Silent
relatives, friends, and neighbours. Term 2.
If each family sells just two books Auction.
we will have raised substantial Please keep an eye out in the
fund – raising dollars in a short school newsletter for further
period of time. Books that are not updates from Heather and Sonya
purchased need to be sent back to next term.
Thanks to all the parent helpers
The Entertainment Book has many
good discounts that can be used
who have assisted me over the
past year or so with preparing CASUAL DRESS DAY
for children’s activities and with fresh fruit and veggies every week
the substantial discount the cost - your help has been very much
of the book is paid for very appreciated.
quickly with the savings made.
On Thursday 7th April, the SRC
Please note there will be no Tutti has organised a casual dress day.
Friday 8th April is the last day of Fruity Thursday this week.
the Term 1. As the Easter holidays
and A.N.Z.A.C. Day are included Please bring a gold coin donation,
Have a great Easter break with funds going towards a set of
in the Term 1 holidays school everyone!
does not return until Wednesday soccer goals.
27th April.
Diana Ojajune - Elisha and Ben D, SRC

Principal: Jenny Omachen www.ashbyps.vic.edu.au School email - ashby.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au

Ashby Primary School Page 2


GRADE 4 - 6
Students, mums and dads, please All deposits of $25.00 MUST be
come and look through the lost paid by Friday 8th April (last day
property box outside the school of Term 1).
office for any missing clothing.
Please notify the school if your
The clothing will remain till the child is NOT swimming as we
first week of Term 2 then it will need this information so we do
be sorted and emptied to start not book extra swimming
afresh. teachers than required.
It would be a shame to lose
clothing so please come and look!!
Ashby Primary School Page 3


Visit the FOA Blog http://friendsofashby.blogspot.com/ for more updates!

As we end the first term, we hope everyone has settled into the new school year. And what a busy start its been for FOA
with ongoing work to complete the chook/garden shed, weeding and cleaning up the garden beds, the Pako Festa
Parade and Stall, Tutti Fruitti Thursday, the parent managed head-lice program, the Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser, the
Entertainment Book Fundraiser and planning for Term 2 activities including the Silent Auction/Trivia Night and the
Mother’s Day Stall. Thank you to everyone who has assisted with these activities, as well as activities in the classroom,
like reading, cooking and excursions. Ashby is a better place because of your help!

Don’t Forget - 2011 Family Information Forms Due Wednesday, April 6th!
Thank you to all the families who have already returned their 2011 Family Information Forms. Who knew what a talented
and resourceful group of people we are! If you haven’t returned your form its still not to late. 2011 Family Information
Forms are due this Wednesday, April 6th to your child’s teacher or the school office. This form allows you to provide
information about how you might be a resource to the school and information for class friendship lists, so please be sure
to complete and return it right away! If you can’t find your form you can download it from the FOA blog (http://
friendsofashby.blogspot.com/ ) or get a copy from the office.

Seeking Silent Auction and Trivia Night Donations!

This year’s Silent Auction and Trivia Night will be held Saturday, June 25th. Our largest
fundraiser of the year, this event also provides an opportunity for fun and community

Money raised from this event allows us to increase the resources available to our school
and to improve the quality of education offered to our students. Last year the almost $7,000
raised went towards the purchase of needed furniture including tables, chairs, and mobile
learning centres for several of our classrooms and a four term whiteboard for our staff
room. This year monies raised will support the school’s fledgling performing arts program,
including teaching staff and the production of an all school performance.

Integral to the success of this event has been the support of our business friends. This year businesses can support the
event in two ways:

1) Donate an item for the event. This includes items for the silent auction, raffles on the night and mystery
2) Advertise in the Auction Catalogue.

If you work for or own a local business, please consider supporting us in one of the ways listed above. You can pick up
an information packet from the FOA board outside the staff office, or send an email to
friendsofashby@ashbyps.vic.edu.au to request an information packet.

You can also assist us by dropping off information packets at local businesses. There is a list of local businesses we are
targeting on the FOA board outside the staff office. Simply list your name by businesses you are willing to drop the
information packet off at and take the required number of packets.

Can You Help?

There are many ways you can get involved at Ashby. Below are some current activities we are seeking assistance with:

Cross Country Meet, Friday, April 8th, 9-11am – Volunteers are needed to help man the
course for this event for our senior school students. If you can assist, please contact Mrs.

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