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Gold Account: Your Account Arranged Overdraft Limit 250.00

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This bank statement provides information about account balances, transactions, fees and charges, and services offered by the bank.

This statement is for a Gold bank account held with TSB Bank.

Fees mentioned include the monthly account fee of £15, returned item fee of £3 per returned item over £10, and overdraft fees.


Mrs S Ali
33 East Street
DE23 6JN
Call us on: 03459 758758 (from UK)


ROAD (770806)
Sort Code: 77-08-06
Account Number: 32689460
IBAN: GB27TSBS77080632689460


Gold Account
Statement number: 115
Effective from: 14 May 2021 to 13 June 2021

Your Account Arranged Overdraft limit £250.00

Date of previous statement 13 May 2021
Balance on 14 May 2021 £99.33 Fees, Interest and Charges Quantity Total
Money in £4,489.80 Monthly account fee 1 £14.52
Money out £4,256.86 Total fees 1 £14.52
Balance on 13 June 2021 £332.27

Your Interest Rates

Balances of AER% Gross p.a.% Net p.a.%
£1.00+ 0.00 0.00 0.00

Amount of Arranged Overdraft and Interest Payable Amount of Unarranged Overdraft and Interest Payable
£150.00+ 2.84% per month (39.90% EAR* variable) £0.00+ 2.84% per month (39.90% EAR* variable)

* EAR is the Equivalent Annual Rate. This is the actual annual interest rate of an Overdraft. It does not take into account other fees and charges.
AER is the Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded once each year. Gross is the contractual rate of interest
payable before the deduction of income tax at the rate specified by law. Net is the rate of interest which would be payable after allowing for deduction of income tax at the specified
We will give you at least 14 days notice before we take any Overdraft fees or interest out of your account. Interest rates and fees are detailed as at the date of this statement.

Fees Explained
Returned item fee - The fee we charge when you do not have enough available money to make a payment you requested and we did not agree to give you or
extend an Unarranged Overdraft to cover that payment. The fee is £3.00 for each returned item over £10.00 in value.
Monthly account fee - The maintaining the account fee (monthly) for Gold Account is £15.00.
Other services - These are fees for other services you have asked for. You can find more details in our Banking Charges guide or at www.tsb.co.uk
The monthly cap on unarranged overdraft charges for the Gold Account account is £30. Further details can be found online at tsb.co.uk/overdrafts
Fees and interest rates may have changed during the period covered by this summary. For details please see your regular statements.

TSB Bank plc Registered Office: Henry Duncan House, 120 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4LH. Registered in Scotland No. SC95237. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Registration No 191240).
TSB Bank plc is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and the Financial Ombudsman Service. (Please note that due to the schemes' eligibility criteria not all TSB business customers will be
covered by these schemes). Page 1 of 5
Useful information
Please keep your contact information up to date
To update your contact information please write to us at: TSB, PO Box 373, Manston Lane, Leeds. LS14 9GQ or visit any TSB branch. Some of the information
below may not apply to you depending on your account type.

Contact us immediately if you think your Cards, PINS or Cheque books have been lost or stolen
Z Cards or PINS: please call us on 0800 015 0030 or +44 (0) 2074 812567 if you're outside the UK
Z Cheque book: please call us on the telephone number on the front of your statement.

We have a range of tools and features to help you manage your Is your current account (and any overdraft) still right for you?
money and stay in control Z There may be other options that are more suitable for your
Z Internet Banking: go to tsb.co.uk/registerquick needs
Z Mobile App: download the app on the App store or Google Z To find out more about other TSB products visit tsb.co.uk or
Play and sign up once you've registered for Internet Banking pop in to one of our branches.
Z Telephone Banking: call the number at the top of the Z Remember you can find out how much your current account
statement (available 24/7). For your everyday banking needs costs you each year by looking at the Statement of Fees
you can use our fast automated service any time and when which we send you annually

you need to speak to us we have a dedicated team of
advisors available between 7am and 11pm. Between 11pm If you're thinking about switching your TSB account to another
and 7am our advisors are dedicated to helping customers provider, the Current Account Switch Service is free-to-use and
who need to report lost or stolen cards. makes it easy to switch your account in just 7 working days. Your
Z Text Alerts: If we have your mobile number, we'll switch is also backed by the Current Account Switch Guarantee.
automatically send you text alerts to let you know when Find out more about the Current Account Switch Service at
you're using an arranged or unarranged overdraft. To find tsb.co.uk/current-accounts/switching-bank-account/
out more or to sign up to our other handy text alerts, visit
tsb.co.uk/help/mobile-banking/text-alerts/ Independent service quality survey results
As part of an independent survey, customers of the 16 largest
Z Get your statements electronically: Once you're registered
Personal Current Account providers are asked if they would
for Internet Banking you can choose to stop receiving paper
recommend their provider to family and friends. The results are
statements and get them electronically instead. Simply go to
published every six months to enable you to compare TSB's overall
Your Account Tools to manage your preferences.
quality of service, online and mobile banking services, branch
service and overdraft services. Find the latest published results
Fees and charges
here tsb.co.uk/help-and-support/personal-service-quality/
There are fees and charges for certain transactions, such as using
your debit or ATM card abroad, when we refuse a payment due to
Open Banking
lack of funds or when you use an arranged overdraft. For more
Open Banking is a secure way you can give regulated third parties
information, please see the Banking Charges Guide which can be
access to your financial information. If you're an Internet Banking or
found on our website.
Mobile App customer you'll be able to securely share your current
account, credit card and some savings account data with your
Interest rates
chosen third party. Open Banking services could make banking
You can find the rates used to calculate the interest you have
easier for you, for example by helping you budget or finding the
earned or been paid on tsb.co.uk or by asking at any TSB branch
best deals on products and services that suit you, as well as
or call 03459 758 758 (8am-9pm Mon-Fri; 9am-5pm Sat-Sun).
offering new ways to pay. Find out more at
Checking your statement
Please read through the entries on your statement. If you think
Making a complaint
something is wrong, please contact us straight away on the
If you have a problem with your account, please let us know and try
telephone number on the front of your statement. The earlier you
to resolve it with us first. If you don't, you won't be able to complain
contact us, the more we may be able to do. For example, we may
to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you're not happy with how
not be able to refund you if you tell us more than 13 months after
we handled your complaint or the result. We can provide details of
the date of the payment. Take care when storing or disposing of
how to contact the Ombudsman.
information about your accounts.

Important information about compensation arrangements

Deposits held with us are covered by the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme (FSCS). We will provide you with an
information sheet and exclusions list every year.

For further information about the compensation provided by the

FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at www.FSCS.org.uk

Please contact us if you'd like this in Braille or large print.

If you have a hearing or speech impairment and would prefer to use Textphone, please feel free to contact us on 03458 353 843 (or 01179 743664 for offshore customers) or via text relay. Calls may be monitored
or recorded in case we need to check we have carried out your instructions correctly and to help improve our quality of service.

TSB Bank plc Registered Office: Henry Duncan House,120 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4LH. Registered in Scotland No. SC95237. Telephone 0131 225 4555. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority
and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under registration number 191240.

TSB Bank plc is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and the Financial Ombudsman Service. (Please note that due to the schemes' eligibility criteria not all TSB business customers will be
covered by these schemes).
Sort Code: 77-08-06
Account Number: 32689460


Statement number: 115

Gold Account

Your Transactions
Date Payment type Details Money Out (£) Money In (£) Balance (£)


14 May 21 WWW.DERBY.GOV.UK CD 8509 30.00 69.33

14 May 21 eBay O*10-07050-75222 CD 8509 10.79 58.54
18 May 21 HOME BARGAINS CD 8509 0.79 57.75
20 May 21 CENTRAL ENG COOP CD 8509 8.30 49.45
21 May 21 W M MORRISON PETROL CD 8509 19.72 29.73
21 May 21 WM MORRISONS STORE CD 8509 9.30 20.43
24 May 21 FASTER PAYMENT Mohammed Ali MEHRAN STUFF 25.00 45.43
25 May 21 TESCO STORES 6060 CD 8509 3.10 42.33
26 May 21 DIRECT DEBIT H3G REFERENCE: 10.22 32.11
26 May 21 LIDL GB DERBY CD 8509 37.46 5.35 OD
27 May 21 FASTER PAYMENT Mohammed Ali MEHRAN STUFF 25.00 19.65
28 May 21 DIRECT CREDIT NETWORK PLUS SERVI 1,451.00 1,470.65
1012841302 9076358
28 May 21 TRANSFER TO Easy Saver 770806-32689868 250.00 1,124.98
28 May 21 FASTER PAYMENT Card ending 2168 16.00 1,108.98
30 May 21 FASTER PAYMENT Sofia Begum 45.00 1,153.98
30 May 21 TRANSFER FROM Easy Saver 770806-32689868 200.00 1,353.98
01 Jun 21 DIRECT CREDIT 100I42J8P DWP UC REFERENCE: 343.80 1,697.78
01 Jun 21 DIRECT DEBIT SEVERN TRENT WATER 57.04 1,640.74
REFERENCE: 770010453920211461
01 Jun 21 DIRECT DEBIT TSB PLC REFERENCE: 546.91 1,093.83
01 Jun 21 DIRECT DEBIT H3G REFERENCE: 8.00 1,085.83
01 Jun 21 DIRECT DEBIT MBFIN S0MM16OTL02 232.59 853.24
01 Jun 21 ALDI CD 8509 8.90 830.97
01 Jun 21 DEPOSIT OF 91267769370001 BENEF DETAIL: 350.00 1,180.97
CASH 002144654

Continued on next page

TSB Bank plc Registered Office: Henry Duncan House, 120 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4LH. Registered in Scotland No. SC95237. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Registration No 191240).
TSB Bank plc is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and the Financial Ombudsman Service. (Please note that due to the schemes' eligibility criteria not all TSB business customers will be
covered by these schemes). Page 3 of 5
Sort Code: 77-08-06
Account Number: 32689460

Statement number: 115

Gold Account

Your Transactions
Date Payment type Details Money Out (£) Money In (£) Balance (£)
01 Jun 21 DEPOSIT OF 91267769370002 BENEF DETAIL: 730.00 1,910.97
CASH 002144654
01 Jun 21 DEPOSIT OF 91267769370002 BENEF DETAIL: 900.00 2,810.97
CASH 002144654
01 Jun 21 DEPOSIT OF 91267769370002 BENEF DETAIL: 420.00 3,230.97
CASH 002144654
02 Jun 21 SERVICE MONTHLY ACCOUNT FEE 14.52 3,216.45

02 Jun 21 REMITLY CD 8509 300.00 2,916.45
02 Jun 21 TESCO STORES 6060 CD 8509 8.20 2,908.25
02 Jun 21 TRANSFER TO Easy Saver 770806-32689868 100.00 2,808.25
02 Jun 21 FASTER PAYMENT Card ending 2168 7.00 2,801.25
03 Jun 21 remitly com CD 8509 2,400.00 401.25
07 Jun 21 TESCO STORES 6060 CD 8509 9.05 392.20
08 Jun 21 SumUp *P b and sons h CD 8509 5.00 387.20
10 Jun 21 SAINSBURYS S MKTS CD 8509 26.36 360.84
10 Jun 21 ALDI CD 8509 17.32 343.52
10 Jun 21 DAY-NIGHT PHARMACY CD 8509 11.25 332.27
13 Jun 21 STATEMENT CLOSING BALANCE 4,256.86 4,489.80 332.27

TSB Bank plc Registered Office: Henry Duncan House, 120 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4LH. Registered in Scotland No. SC95237. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Registration No 191240).
TSB Bank plc is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and the Financial Ombudsman Service. (Please note that due to the schemes' eligibility criteria not all TSB business customers will be
covered by these schemes). Page 4 of 5
Monthly Maximum Charge (MMC) for Overdraft Fees and Interest
To make comparing bank accounts easier for you, all banks and building societies are setting a maximum monthly charge. Each
bank may charge a different amount, but all banks are explaining this to their customers in the same way with the same
wording. This wording is in the box below.

We'll never charge you more than £30 each monthly billing period for all of the following fees added together:
ZReturned item fees
ZInterest charged on the amount you borrow using an Unarranged Overdraft

Monthly cap on unarranged overdraft charges

1. Each current account will set a monthly maximum charge for:
a. going overdrawn when you have not arranged an overdraft; or

b. going over/past your arranged overdraft limit (if you have one)
2. This cap covers:
a. Interest for going over/past your arranged overdraft limit
b. Fees for each payment your bank allows despite lack of funds; and
c. Fees for each payment your bank refuses due to lack of funds

If you'd like this in another format such as large print, Braille or audio please ask in branch.
If you have a hearing or speech impairment you can contact us using Text Relay or Textphone on 0345
835 3843 (lines open from 7am to 11pm, 7 days a week).
TSB Bank plc Registered Office: Henry Duncan House, 120 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4LH. Registered in Scotland No. SC95237. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Registration No 191240).
TSB Bank plc is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and the Financial Ombudsman Service. (Please note that due to the schemes' eligibility criteria not all TSB business customers will be
covered by these schemes). Page 5 of 5

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