LBN 2 - Feature Scope Document
LBN 2 - Feature Scope Document
LBN 2 - Feature Scope Document
2 Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
This feature scope description shows you which features and product documentation are available for SAP
Logistics Business Network, freight collaboration option.
Further restrictions may apply based on your license agreement with SAP. Functions and capabilities described
in the documentation of this product may exceed the functional scope of the product to explain integration
with other SAP products that must be licensed separately.
The following product documentation is available for the freight collaboration option:
The freight collaboration option for SAP Logistics Business Network provides an environment for logistics
business partners (shippers and carriers) to work together collaboratively.
The network supports business processes for subcontracting freight orders, tendering, and invoicing. The
network also supports the process of onboarding onto the network.
Feature Description
Subcontracting and tendering ● Via the network, send freight orders and freight re
quests for quotations to your carriers.
Dock appointment scheduling ● Define the docks that carriers can book.
● Manage the dock appointments that carriers have
● Restrict the dock appointments that a user can see to
only those that are relevant to their location.
● Overbook timeslots for dock appointments.
● View freight orders and appointments that are part of
the vehicle that is being checked in or checked out from
the gate.
● Update the start and end of the vehicle check-in and
checkout events in the gate logbook.
● Select two or more documents and maintain multiple
appointments in a single group.
● Report events for confirmed appointments.
● Maintain settings for loading points, docking locations,
gates, and yards.
● Share a loading point with multiple docking locations in
the same time zone.
● Share a gate with multiple yards in the same time zone.
● Share entities with a business partner.
● Block time in a loading point.
● Enable booking of appointments without selecting a
time slot.
Business operations ● Monitor the inbound and outbound messages that are
processed from SAP Logistics Business Network.
Experience management ● Request feedback from your business partners via sur
veys about logistics processes.
Feature Description
Freight order management ● Confirm, update, or reject freight orders. And, if allowed
by the ordering party, confirm them with an alternative
● Accept or reject freight requests for quotation. And, if
allowed by the ordering party, accept them with an al
ternative price and/or date.
● Automatically send a freight quotation to the ordering
party when you accept or reject a freight request for
● Receive notifcations when the status of a freight request
for quotation or freight order changes.
Business operations ● Monitor the inbound and outbound messages that are
processed from SAP Logistics Business Network.
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