Metal-Salen Schiff Base Complexes in Catalysis: Practical Aspects
Metal-Salen Schiff Base Complexes in Catalysis: Practical Aspects
Metal-Salen Schiff Base Complexes in Catalysis: Practical Aspects
Schiff base ligands are considered ‘‘privileged ligands’’1 because they are easily prepared by the condensation
between aldehydes and imines. Stereogenic centres or other elements of chirality (planes, axes) can be
introduced in the synthetic design. Schiff base ligands are able to coordinate many different metals, and to
stabilize them in various oxidation states, enabling the use of Schiff base metal complexes for a large variety of
useful catalytic transformations. Practical guidelines for the preparation and use of different Schiff base metal
complexes in the field of catalytic transformations are discussed in this tutorial review.
1 Introduction active catalytic Schiff base metal complexes are obtained in situ,
and are not well characterized. However, the appropriate
Hugo Schiff described the condensation between an aldehyde choice of metal precursor and the reaction conditions are
and an amine leading to a Schiff base in 1864.2 Schiff base crucial for catalytic properties. Finally, a particular class of
ligands are able to coordinate metals through imine nitrogen Schiff bases will also be discussed. When two equivalents of
and another group, usually linked to the aldehyde. Modern salicylaldehyde are combined with a diamine, a particular
chemists still prepare Schiff bases, and nowadays active and chelating Schiff base is produced. The so-called Salen ligands,
well-designed Schiff base ligands are considered ‘‘privileged with four coordinating sites and two axial sites open to
ligands’’. In fact, Schiff bases are able to stabilize many ancillary ligands, are very much like porphyrins, but more
different metals in various oxidation states, controlling the easily prepared. Although the term Salen was used originally
performance of metals in a large variety of useful catalytic
only to describe the tetradentate Schiff bases derived from
transformations. In this article we show that Schiff bases are
ethylenediamine, the more general term Salen-type is used in
also able to transmit chiral information to produce non-
the literature to describe the class of [O,N,N,O] tetradentate
racemic products through a catalytic process; chiral aldehydes
bis-Schiff base ligands (Fig. 1). Basic guidelines for the design,
or chiral amines can be used. From a practical point of view,
the aspects involved in the preparation of Schiff base metal
complexes are spread out in the literature. We wish to sum-
marize and introduce some practical guidelines for the
preparation and use of Schiff base metal complexes in catalysis.
The present review will focus on the different ways of preparing
metal complexes and their use in catalytic processes. Generally,
(Switzerland), Aarhus catalysis will thus be surveyed with the emphasis on the
(Denmark) and he is a relevant problems in producing active and useful complexes.
member of two European
Networks in the Sixth Preparation of Schiff bases
Framework Program: the
European LigBank and IBA2C Condensation between aldehydes and amines is realized in
projects. different reaction conditions, and in different solvents. The
presence of dehydrating agents normally favours the formation
410 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2004, 33, 410–421 This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2004
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precursors can be difficult due to their sensitivity, their use the formation of a saturated inactive complex is detrimental to
can avoid the presence of an uncharacterized impurity or the catalysis. The formation of stable or saturated complexes is, of
formation of binuclear complexes. Alkyl titanium and zirco- course, a factor of lack of efficiency in the catalytic process. The
nium tetrabenzyl alkyl complexes are used in the preparation of introduction of bulky substituents near the coordination sites
Schiff base metal complexes, that are active as polymerization can eliminate this problem and enhance the catalytic perfor-
catalysts. These alkyl reagents are obtained from titanium and mance of the Schiff base metal complex, thus preventing the
zirconium halides by the reaction of a benzyl Grignard reagent. early transition Schiff base complexes from forming stable and
As indicated in route 4, many Schiff base metal complexes can catalytically inert octahedral complexes. Metals coordinated to
be obtained through the treatment of the Schiff base with the Schiff bases can transmit chiral information via the coordina-
corresponding metal acetate, normally by heating the Schiff tion of the electrophile to the Lewis acidic center, or via an
base in the presence of the metal salt under reflux conditions. activation of the nucleophile. Metal Salen complexes have the
Copper, cobalt and nickel Schiff bases are prepared using the unusual characteristic of activating, in certain reactions, both
corresponding acetate M(OAc)2 (M ~ Ni, Cu, Co). Instead of the nucleophile and the electrophile. In the transfer of carbene,
using acetate, a direct exchange with metal halides is also
Published on 13 August 2004. Downloaded by Fudan University on 27/03/2018 14:17:28.
tion imposed by the chelating diamine moiety, is thus enhanced metal, with the titanium assuming a fluxional L or D con-
in these Salens, compared to other Salen metal complexes. figuration (Fig. 7).
On the other hand, these effects can act conversely, reducing
the folding. In general, the fact of the absence of an axial
coordinating ligand can either reduce or enhance the folding of
the metal complex. This is important for the transmission of
chiral information. Theoretical calculations have shown that
axial donor ligands, which change the conformation of the
catalyst, bring the metal closer to the substrate in rate-
determining stereoselective processes, enhancing the enantios-
electivity (Fig. 5).
the presence of Ti(OiPr)4 to promote the addition of Me3SiCN Br, I), M(Salen)X are prepared using the alkyl reagents R2MX
to epoxides and imines.15 In a mechanistic analysis of the (X ~ Cl, Br, I). Difficulties in the isolation and characteriza-
reaction, the cooperative role of the Schiff base peptide ligand tion of the complexes can arise from the low solubility of the
was disclosed. These Schiff base peptide ligands are modular complexes. It is worth noting that Schiff base complexes can
ligands consisting of three assembled fragments. All three also combine and, sometimes, the oxygen atom of a Schiff base
fragments of the peptide catalyst work together in delivering can become the sixth ligand donor. In order to facilitate the
the nucleophile (CN2) to the substrate, coordinated to the isolation and characterization of Schiff base complexes, the
titanium.16 This is another example of the cooperative introduction of a tbutyl group in an ortho or para position, on
mechanism acting in asymmetric catalysis. Modular ligands the aromatic aldehyde, makes the complex soluble even in
assembled with different parts can be advantageously exploited hydrocarbon solvents. The structural characterization of the
whenever activation of both nucleophile and electrophile is compounds shows five-coordinate complexes that can be
necessary. Zirconium Schiff bases are well known, easily trigonal bipyramidal, or square pyramidal, depending on the
prepared by exchange with Zr(iOPr)4 or by the addition of nature of the backbone to which the two nitrogen atoms are
ZrX4(THF)2 to the sodium or potassium salt of the Schiff
Published on 13 August 2004. Downloaded by Fudan University on 27/03/2018 14:17:28.
Michael catalyzed addition of CN2, CNCH2COOR and N32 underlined the stepwise mechanism of epoxidation, which, to
to amides takes place in this way.21 The formation of the some extent, leads to the formation of a variable amount of
activated catalytic complex is obtained by exchange reaction trans epoxide, when the radical intermediate is stabilized by
in situ and commercially available Al(Salen)Cl 14 is used. The polar substituents on the alkene. The admittance of co-ligands
tendency to exchange the fifth apical coordination site in the to the reaction mixture, particularly pyridine N-oxides, is of
Al(Salen) complex can be attributed to the relatively weak practical importance. The ligand has multiple roles. As
bond between the group 13 element and the group occupying discussed earlier, the ligands force the manganese oxo to
the apical position. This type of bond can be described more come closer to incoming olefins. More importantly, the
appropriately as electrostatic. The particular substrates used in Mn(O)(Salen) is in equilibrium in different forms, while the
the Michael reaction are determined by the propensity of the oxo ligand can coordinate another Mn(Salen). Regarding
Salen to coordinate a carbonyl in the axial position via a epoxidation, the dimer is considered inactive. Axial ligands are
monodentate coordination. a,b-Unsaturated oxazolidinone, or able to stabilize the monomer form of the complex. Easy
other Michael acceptors, are not suitable for this chemistry. catalyst deactivation and irreversible ligand oxidation have
Published on 13 August 2004. Downloaded by Fudan University on 27/03/2018 14:17:28.
solution, the flask is exposed to the air and stirred. Complexa- by the Cr(Salen) mediated addition of stereogenic allyl halides
tion between CrCl3 and Salen does not take place, and the use to aldehydes, is of considerable interest.31
of Na2(Salen) or K2(Salen) in combination with CrCl3(THF)3
is essential. Synthesis with CrCl2 is sometimes difficult, since
this salt is highly sensitive to the air. Moreover, this route is not 5 Iron and ruthenium Schiff base complexes. A
recommended for certain applications, because CrCl2 contains useful source of carbene
a variable amount of water, which can modify the coordination
A variety of enzymes are able to catalyze different reactions
and properties of the Cr(Salen) obtained. However, water
such as oxidation, reduction and isomerization, containing iron
coordinated to Cr(Salen) is essential to promote a catalytic
bound to porphyrin (Heme). Given the similarity between
cycle. In the addition of Me3SiN3 to epoxides described by
Salen and porphyrins, recent work has been directed towards
Jacobsen,28 the formation of active Cr(N3)(Salen) complex 19
exploiting iron Schiff bases in order to promote different
(Fig. 1, 7, M ~ Cr(N3)) is determined by the water present
catalytic reactions. Preparation of Fe(Salen)Cl 23 (Fig. 1, 3,
in the reaction mixture. The difficulties in obtaining chiral
M ~ FeCl) seems quite straightforward, since FeCl3 hydrated
Published on 13 August 2004. Downloaded by Fudan University on 27/03/2018 14:17:28.
application of lanthanide Schiff base complexes in catalysis has substrate activation. Molecular recognition, supramolecular
been recently reported. RajanBabu53 described an interesting interaction and host–guest chemistry will almost certainly be
yttrium complex surrounded by chiral Salen 5 in the catalytic used to design the next generation of chiral Schiff bases.
kinetic resolution of alcohols. The complex is prepared by the
silylamide route. X-ray analysis shows that the large yttrium
ion is placed above the N2O2 plane, and two cis oriented Acknowledgements
coordination sites are probably involved in the catalytic
reaction. Morken describes another active yttrium complex, I would like to thank Sandro Gambarotta for sharing the finer
prepared by a different route in the enantioselective variant of a points of science, discussion and unpublished reports about
Tishchenko reaction.54 The combination between yttrium and Schiff base complexes. I would like to thank all my past and
the chiral Salen 5 was found in a combinatorial approach, in present coworkers for their enthusiasm and skill, and for their
which several other ligands and metals were examined. The practical efforts and contribution to the catalytic applications
complex prepared using Y5O(OiPr)13 is seven-coordinated and of Schiff base metal complexes. Dr Eleonora Rivalta is
acknowledged for proof reading. I am grateful for the financial
Published on 13 August 2004. Downloaded by Fudan University on 27/03/2018 14:17:28.
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