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Copper’s rapid ascent in visible-light ise to meet this requirement (7). Consequently,
considerable advancements have been attained
by merging conventional Ir- or Ru-based photo-
photoredox catalysis catalysts with various nickel(II) salts or com-
plexes that are capable of effecting oxidative
addition to aryl, vinyl, and alkyl halides, leading
Asik Hossain*, Aditya Bhattacharyya*, Oliver Reiser†
to C- or N-arylation, -olefination, and -alkylation
(8). However, with very recent discoveries cop-
Visible-light photoredox catalysis offers a distinct activation mode complementary to
per has now come to the fore in the arena of
thermal transition metal catalyzed reactions. The vast majority of photoredox processes
photocatalysis (9), owing to its versatile redox
capitalizes on precious metal ruthenium(II) or iridium(III) complexes that serve as
characteristics that make it capable both of ini-
single-electron reductants or oxidants in their photoexcited states. As a low-cost alternative,
tiating a reaction by means of single electron
organic dyes are also frequently used but in general suffer from lower photostability.
transfer as well as directly interacting with sub-
Copper-based photocatalysts are rapidly emerging, offering not only economic and
strates in its coordination sphere. Moreover,
ecological advantages but also otherwise inaccessible inner-sphere mechanisms, which
copper complexes are highly dynamic; various
have been successfully applied to challenging transformations. Moreover, the combination
heteroleptic complexes with N- and P-based
excited-state lifetime (10–12). Here, we chron-
he recent resurgence and dramatic evo- orientation hinder their capacity to undergo icle the inception and evolution of copper as a
lution of visible-light photoredox cataly- oxidative addition with organic substrates. In visible-light photoredox catalyst.
sis has led to a paradigm shift in organic addition, although stereoselective transforma-
synthesis (1–3). The inventive yet intricate tions have been elegantly developed through Cu(I) complexes as standalone
design principles, accompanied by prac- the use of Ir- or Ru-based photocatalysts with photocatalysts
tical technological developments for ease of prefunctionalized substrates (6), synthesizing In 1977, McMillin et al. synthesized [Cu(dmp)2]BF4
implementation, have allowed chemists to acti- the appropriate chiral octahedral complexes with (dmp = 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline), which
vate small molecules, to contrive unconventional
modes of bond formation, and to access here-
tofore elusive reaction pathways by efficiently Fig. 1. Representa-
converting photonic energy into chemical energy. tive varieties
In order to circumvent the incapacity of small of commonly
organic molecules to absorb in the visible-light employed racemic
region of the electromagnetic spectrum, various and chiral ligands
external chromophores have been induced to for copper-based
undergo single-electron transfer (SET) or energy photocatalysts.
transfer processes from their photoexcited states,
generating radical species upon reduction or oxi-
dation of organic substrates. In turn, these inter-
mediates participate in nontraditional reaction
pathways complementary to common thermal
two-electron processes (4, 5). For this purpose,
appropriately ligated heavy transition-metal
catalysts such as Ru(II) or Ir(III)-polypyridyl
complexes or metal-free organic dye sensitizers
have been most commonly used, owing to their
favorable characteristics such as long excited-
state lifetimes, strong absorption in the visible
region, and high reduction or oxidation poten-
tials of the corresponding excited states (3).
However, organic dyes generally suffer from
lower photostability, and heavy transition metal–
based complexes are expensive as well as envi-
ronmentally unfriendly. Moreover, the high
oxidation states of conventional Ir- or Ru-based
photocatalysts and the inflexibility of their ligand
can be excited at 454 nm; the resulting metal-to- 2,9-bis(p-anisyl)-1,10-phenanthroline; Ered = heteroleptic Cu(I)-phenanthroline-bisphosphine
ligand charge transfer (MLCT) state can reduce –1.43 V versus saturated calomel electrode (SCE) complexes (16) and palladium-free Sonogashira
Co(III) in K[cis-Co(IDA)2]·1.5H2O to the corre- in CH3CN], was shown to induce reductive cou- couplings by means of light-activated copper(I)-
sponding Co(II) complex (13). A decade later, pling of nitrobenzyl bromide to the correspond- alkyne complexes (17), set in motion the recent
Sauvage introduced an ingeniously designed ing bibenzylic coupling product. Surprisingly, proliferation of studies involving Cu(I)- and Cu(II)-
Cu(I) complex that rigidly confined the copper this catalyst went into hibernation until it was complexes as effective visible-light photocatalysts.
ion within the concave portions of two crescent- resuscitated in 2012 for a C–C bond-forming The general mechanistic paradigm of Cu(I)Ln
shaped phenanthroline ligands, considerably en- atom transfer radical addition (ATRA) transfor- complexes as standalone photocatalysts is de-
hancing the lifetime of its MLCT excited state mation (15). That study, along with concurrent picted in Fig. 2A. Upon excitation with visible
(≤270 ns) (14). The complex, [Cu(dap)2]Cl [dap = reports on electrocyclic 6p-reactions catalyzed by light, an appropriately ligated Cu(I)Ln complex
transfers a single electron to an electron-accepting that transfers the newly coordinated nucleophile to deliver the desired cross-coupled product
substrate, producing a radical species (R•) [which to R• to furnish the cross-coupled product (R–Nu) (R–Nu) and regenerate the initial Cu(I)Ln com-
can further be intercepted by an alkene or alkyne, and reverts to the initial Cu(I)L n complex by re- plex with L.
resulting in a more nucleophilic radical species uniting with the previously departed ligand (L);
(R′•)] and a transient Cu(II)Ln intermediate. At this and (ii) the incipient radical (R•) can rebind to the Bifunctionalization of olefins
stage, two possibilities emerge: (i) The Cu(II)Ln Cu(II)Ln intermediate to generate a high-valent A wide range of functionalities can coordinate
intermediate can exchange a ligand (L) with R-Cu(III)-Ln intermediate (18) that exchanges to the Cu(II)-intermediate generated by means
an incoming nucleophilic cross-coupling part- a ligand with Nu to form R-Cu(III)L(n−1)-Nu, of SET from the photoexcited Cu(I)*, and con-
ner (Nu) to generate a Nu-Cu(II)L(n−1) intermediate which undergoes facile reductive elimination sequently, the process of ligand transfer to the
intermediate radicals gets accelerated in vari-
ous ATRA reactions. The first such example was
A demonstrated in 2015 with the development of
vicinal trifluoromethylation/chlorosulfonylation
of olefins (Fig. 2B, i). Cognizant of the impor-
tance of fluorinated and trifluoromethylated
organic compounds in the pharmaceutical sec-
tor (19), when unactivated olefins were exposed
to triflyl chloride (CF3SO2Cl) in the presence
of 1 mole % [Cu(dap)2]Cl, the corresponding
trifluoromethyl-chlorosulfonylated products were
obtained in high yields (20), contrasting with
[Ru(bpy)3]Cl2, which yielded trifluoromethyl-
cycloketone oxime esters, styrenes, and aryl bo- mary aliphatic amines circumventing usual syn- amines with unactivated secondary alkyl iodides
ronic acids provides a strong case for the in- thetic problems such as overalkylation and steric for the exclusive synthesis of the corresponding
termediacy of Cu(III) species by means of a encumbrance. The same groups used a photo- mono-alkylated amine derivatices under mild
rebound pathway (Fig. 2C, i) (25). The proposed active Cu(I)-binaphtholate complex to mediate reaction conditions (Fig. 3B, iii) (33). The rac-
mechanism involves photoexcited Cu(I)(dtbbpy)– the desired cross-coupling between the primary BINOL ligand was found to be essential in this
catalyzed SET-assisted formation of a cyanoalkyl
radical that reacts with an olefin to generate
another intermediate radical. Simultaneously, A
the newly formed Cu(II) species undergoes trans-
metalation with aryl boronic acid to form an
aryl-Cu(II) intermediate; it subsequently cap-
tures the intermediate radical to form a new
aryl-Cu(III)(alkyl) species that undergoes re-
ductive elimination to yield the cross-coupled
reaction. According to the proposed reaction with the Cu(II)-amine species, and subsequent esters are being widely exploited as superior
mechanism, the photoexcited Cu(I)/BINOL com- cross coupling furnishes the desired product. sources of alkyl radicals through a SET-reduction-
plex undergoes SET to generate an alkyl radical From the perspective of sustainability, carbox- decarboxylation process, leading to the devel-
and a Cu(II)/BINOL species that, upon ligand ylic acids are a more abundant, stable, and less opment of a wide variety of decarboxylative
exchange with an amine, forms the key Cu(II)- toxic chemical feedstock in comparison with cross-coupling methodologies (34). This prin-
amine species. Then, the alkyl radical combines alkyl halides. N-(hydroxy)phthalimide (NHPI) ciple was exploited for a decarboxylative C–N
Fig. 5. Photocatalysis with Cu(II) complexes (LMCT excitation). (A) Z, nucleophile; Y, heteroatom. Key steps are (B) [Cu(II)-N3]-species excitation.
(C) [Cu(II)-alkyl]-species excitation. Ar, 4′-(OMe)C6H4; X, counter anion.
Photoexcitation of in situ–generated
Cu(I) substrate complexes
B A mechanistically distinct class of reaction mani-
folds specific to copper has emerged in which suit-
able substrates can form visible light–absorbing
complexes by coordinating to Cu(I), obviating
the use of exogenous ligands. The excited Cu(I)
substrate complex reduces an electrophile by
and aliphatic alcohols in the presence of oxy- of an iminium species, which gets trapped by tion by ground state Cu(NCS)2–, is activated for
gen, stoichiometric 2-picolinic acid, and cata- Cu(I)-phenylacetylide to produce the desired the subsequent coupling with thiocyanide to
lytic copper(I) iodide furnished a-keto esters in product. Lalic and co-workers found that catalytic give rise to 2-aminothiazole derivatives.
high yields (44). Very recently, a CuCl-catalyzed amounts of CuCl in combination with a substi-
three-component reaction between N-alkylanilines, tuted terpyridine ligand can modulate the reac- Cu(II) complexes as standalone
terminal alkynes, and primary alcohols in the tivity of the photoexcited Cu(I)-acetylide complex photocatalysts
presence of stoichiometric benzoquinone as an to achieve the coupling of unactivated alkyl Very recently, the successful applications of
oxidant to furnish propargylamines is reported iodides and terminal alkynes (Fig. 4B, iv) (46). Wu Cu(II) complexes as visible light photoredox
by the same group (Fig. 4B, iii) (45). The photoex- and co-workers have reported a C–H functional- catalysts have been reported. Following the semi-
cited Cu(I)-phenylacetylide reduces benzoquinone, ization protocol in which Cu(II) salts can bind nal work of Kochi and co-workers, who dem-
and then the corresponding radical anion spe- 2-arylaminoacetates for the in situ formation of onstrated that CuCl2 undergoes homolysis to
cies triggers a hydrogen atom transfer process Cu(I) intermediates that can be excited with Cu(I)Cl and Cl• upon UV irradiation (49), the
with a primary alcohol to generate an a-oxy rad- visible light to promote the alkylation of enolates activation of Cu(II)X2 complexes endowed with
ical. It undergoes a radical-radical cross-coupling (Fig. 4B, v) (47). In situ–generated Cu(NCS)2– can suitable ligands to redshift absorption into the
with aminyl radical cation previously generated play the dual role of a photocatalyst and a Lewis visible region can produce radicals X• that ini-
upon ligand-to-metal charge transfer (LMCT) acid, as exploited by Liu and co-workers (Fig. tiate productive organic transformations (Fig. 5A).
excitation of a Cu(II)-amine species. Subsequent 4B vi) (48). Energy transfer from photoexcited Thus, rather than MLCT states fundamental to
intramolecular proton-transfer followed by elimi- Cu(NCS)2¯* to a vinyl azide effects rearrangement photoexcitation of Cu(I) complexes, Cu(II) com-
nation of water molecule results in the formation to an azirine intermediate that, upon coordina- plexes react from LMCT states (50, 51), which
oxidize the anionic nucleophile.
Following this concept, the synthesis of azido
ketones from vinyl arenes, TMSN3, and oxygen
deprotonation generates a Cu(I) amido complex. then undergo decarboxylation, radical recombi- Later, Li and co-workers substantially advanced
Efficient capture of the alkyl radical generated nation, and reductive elimination to furnish the the strategy with the development of its asym-
from the alkyl NHPI ester with the help of the cross-coupled product (Fig. 6A). In one such metric variant by using a chiral Cu-QUINAP com-
photocatalyst forms the alkyl Cu(II) species. The study, Liu and co-workers achieved difluoroacet- plex. It activates the terminal alkyne and forms
oxidized photocatalyst oxidizes this Cu(II) com- ylation of a,b-unsaturated carboxylic acids with a chiral Cu-QUINAP-acetylide species that acts
plex to a corresponding Cu(III) complex that ethyl iododifluoroacetate (Fig. 7B, i) (65). The as the active nucleophile toward the iminium
subsequently collapses through reductive elim- transformation proceeds by the Ru(II)*-catalyzed intermediate and furnishes the corresponding
ination to give the cross-coupled product, with initial oxidation of the Cu(I) cocatalyst to Cu(II), 1-alkynyl tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives with
concurrent regeneration of the initial Cu(I) com- which accommodates two coordinated carbox- excellent enantioselectivity (Fig. 8B) (70). The
plex. The benzophenone imine group can be sub- ylates. In turn, upon reoxidation of Ru(I) to Ru(II), strategy has also been successfully extended to
sequently hydrolyzed or transaminated to give the difluoroacetyl radical is generated and adds to the functionalization of isochromans with b-keto
corresponding primary amines (Fig. 6B, iv). Hu’s the a-position of the olefinic double bonds of the esters in which a catalytic amount of Cu(OTf)2
group has further expanded the scope of the C–N Cu(II)-carboxylate species, which subsequently has been used to activate the nucleophiles for
bond-formation to anilines (Fig. 6B, v) (60) as well undergoes simultaneous elimination of Cu(I) and their addition to oxonium intermediates (71).
as to C–O bond-forming reactions with phenols CO2 to produce the desired difluoroacetylated A photocatalyzed decarboxylative alkynylation
(Fig. 6B, vii) (61). olefin derivatives in good yields. of NHPI esters of a-amino acids with terminal
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of primary, secondary, and tertiary alkyl carbox- fluoromethylation of aliphatic carboxylic acids to generate the active nucleophile in the form of
ylic acids through in situ iodonium activation (Fig. 7B, ii) (66). Initially, the free carboxylic acid copper acetylide (72).
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Spotlight on copper
Photoredox catalysis relies on visible-light excitation to accelerate a burgeoning number of chemical reactions.
Initially, the technique relied primarily on complexes of precious metals, such as ruthenium or iridium, to absorb the light.
Hossain et al. review recent progress in the use of copper complexes as an alternative. In addition to its Earth
abundance, copper opens up a variety of distinct mechanisms involving electron transfer within the coordination sphere.
Science, this issue p. eaav9713
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