Wang Et Al 2024 Gold Chiral Amine Relay Catalysis Enables Asymmetric Synthesis of c2 Quaternary Indolin 3 Ones
Wang Et Al 2024 Gold Chiral Amine Relay Catalysis Enables Asymmetric Synthesis of c2 Quaternary Indolin 3 Ones
Wang Et Al 2024 Gold Chiral Amine Relay Catalysis Enables Asymmetric Synthesis of c2 Quaternary Indolin 3 Ones
org/OrgLett Letter
yield ee
entry [Au] solvent oxidant (%)b (%)c
1 t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 acetone DDQ 44 4
2d t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 acetone DDQ 8
3 t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 acetone 1,4-benzoquinone 70 80
4 t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 acetone 1,4- 75 79
5 t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 acetone chloranil 14 63
6 t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 acetone dichlone 40 79
7 t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 acetone menadione 80 81
8 t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 toluene menadione 90 75
9 t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 EtOH menadione 91 85
10 t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 CH3CN menadione 85 90
11 t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 DCM menadione 89 91
12 JohnPhosAuNTf2 DCM menadione 82 39
13 PhX-PhosAuNTf2 DCM menadione 62 43
14 BINAPAuNTf2 DCM menadione 38 91
15 t-BuXPhosAuBF4 DCM menadione 91 95
16 t-BuXPhosAuSbF6 DCM menadione 90 99
Figure 1. Selected natural products containing C2-quaternary indolin- Unless stated otherwise, the reaction was carried out with 5a (0.1
3-ones and strategies for the enantioselective synthesis of C2- mmol, 1 equiv), 2a (0.8 mmol, 8 equiv), H2O (1 equiv), and oxidant
quaternary indolin-3-ones. (0.4 mmol, 4 equiv) in the presence of 10 mol % (0.01 mmol, 0.10
equiv) of gold complexes. The resulting solution was stirred at room
temperature in solvent (1.5 mL) for 72 h. bYield of the isolated
products. cDetermined by chiral phase HPLC analysis. dWithout L-
photocatysis.10f 2-Alkynyl arylazides 5 are easily available proline.
substrates that could be converted to C2-quaternary indole-3-
ones 3 via palladium-catalyzed one-pot transformation (Figure
1D).11 Actually, in the presence of palladium catalyst and synthesis of the target product 3a with outstanding yield
sulfonic acid, 2-substituted-3H-indol-3-ones 1 could be formed (90%) and excellent enantioselectivity (99% ee).
first and subsequently undergo Mannich reaction. Unfortu- With the optimal reaction conditions in hand, the substrate
nately, only racemic products were obtained in this palladium- scope of the reaction was next investigated. As shown in
catalyzed one-pot transformation.11,12 Therefore, herein, we Scheme 1, this relay catalysis reaction displayed a wide
report the gold/chiral amine relay catalysis to enable the direct tolerance for various functional groups on a broad spectrum of
transformation from 2-alkynyl arylazides to chiral C2- 2-(alkynyl)phenyl azides 5. Electron-donating (MeO-, Me-, t-
quaternary indole-3-ones in the presence of oxidants (Figure Bu-) or electron-withdrawing substituents (F-, Cl-, Br-, CF3-,
1E). CN-) on the scaffold were all suitable for the reaction. It is
We commenced our investigation by choosing 1-azido-2- noteworthy that electron-donating groups significantly im-
(phenylethynyl)benzene 5a and acetone 2a as model proved the yields and greatly reduced the reaction times (3b−
substrates to optimize the reaction conditions with acetone f). However, electron-withdrawing groups led to longer
serving both as a substrate and as a reaction solvent (Table 1). reaction times and lower yields (3g−m), probably because it
Initially, in the presence of t-BuXPhosAuNTf2 (10 mol %), L- is more difficult to form 3H-indol-3-one intermediates.
proline, 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ), Substrate 5n with two methoxy groups provided the target
and H2O at rt for 72 h, the desired product 3a was obtained product 3n in moderate yield and excellent enantioselectivity.
in 44% yield and 4% ee (Table 1, entry 1). Interestingly, when In addition, esters 5o and 5p derived from L-menthol and
the reaction was conducted without chiral proline, the product estrone were subjected to the standard conditions to furnish
could be obtained in 8% yield (entry 2). It means that the gold 3o and 3p in good yields with excellent diastereoselectivities.
complex could also catalyze the Mannich reaction, which Naphthyl and thienyl-substituted substrates 5q−s also
should be prohibited through the condition optimization [for provided corresponding products with excellent enantioselec-
details, see the Supporting Information (SI)]. The screening of tivities, albeit in moderate yields. Substrates 5t−v with alkyl
oxidants showed that menadione afforded the best yield and groups could also be successfully employed in the reaction,
enantioselectivity (entries 1−7). Then, the amount of acetone which resulted in products 3t−v with slightly lower yields but
was reduced to 8 equiv, and several solvents were tested moderate to excellent enantioselectivities. Notably, alkyl-
(entries 8−11). Notably, DCM provided excellent yield and group-substituted chiral C2-quaternary indole-3-ones have
enantioselectivity for the target product 3a. Subsequently, rarely been synthesized in a direct enantioselective catalytic
ligands of the gold catalyst were screened, and no satisfactory manner, which further demonstrated the compatibility and
results were achieved (entries 12−14). Fortunately, anion superiority of the gold/chiral amine relay catalysis.10a,b The
screening (entries 15 and 16) revealed that SbF6− enabled the corresponding products 3w−f′ were produced in high yields
Org. Lett. 2024, 26, 1792−1796
Organic Letters Letter
All reactions were carried out with 5 (0.1 mmol, 1 equiv), 2a (0.8 mmol, 8 equiv), menadione (0.4 mmol, 4 equiv), t-BuXPhosAuSbF6 (10 mol
%), L-proline (0.01 mmol, 10 mol %), and H2O (0.1 mmol, 1 equiv) in DCM (1.5 mL).
(up to 88%) and excellent enantioselectivities (up to 99% ee) Scheme 2. Scope of Ketones 2b−ja
whether they had electron-donating (Me-, MeO-) or electron-
withdrawing groups (F-, Cl-, CF3-, and -CO2Me). Unfortu-
nately, when the methyl group was located on the 5-position of
substrate 5d′, only a 45% yield was obtained, probably because
of the steric effect. Two groups of substituted substrates with
different electronic effects were also shown to be well-suited
for the reaction, which yielded corresponding products 3e′ and
3f′ with excellent yields and enantioselectivities.
Encouraged by the above results of 2-(alkynyl)phenyl azides
and acetone, we also investigated different ketones 2b−j as
substrates on this tandem reaction (Scheme 2). Acyclic 2-
pentanone and 1-cyclohexylpropan-2-one reacted well with 1-
azido-2-(phenylethynyl)benzene to afford the corresponding
products 3ab and 3ac in satisfactory yields and with excellent
enantioselectivities and regioselectivities. Cyclohexanone was
also suitable for this reaction and gave products 3ad in a yield
of 56% with excellent stereoselectivities (>20:1 dr, 97% ee).
Besides cyclohexanone, 4-methylcyclohexanone, 4-tert-butylcy-
clohexanone, N-Boc-4-oxopiperidine, tetrahydro-4H-pyran-4-
one, and tetrahydro-4H-thiopyran-4-one also gave the desired
products in moderate yields with excellent dr and ee values All reactions were carried out with 5a (0.1 mmol 1 equiv), 2 (0.8
(3ae−ai). However, the reaction between cyclopentanone and mmol, 8 equiv), menadione (0.4 mmol, 4 equiv), t-BuXPhosAuSbF6
5a gave the desired product 3aj in 67% yield with 8:1 dr and (10 mol %), L-proline (0.01 mmol, 10 mol %), and H2O (0.1 mmol, 1
equiv) in DCM (1.5 mL).
84% ee. The absolute configurations of all products were
determined by comparison with chiral HPLC analysis reported
previously. in a lower but moderate yield of 56% with 96% ee. To verify
To assess the efficiency of the method, a gram-scale the potential reaction mechanism, control experiments were
experiment was conducted (eq 1). The reaction proceeded performed. To elucidate the origin of the oxygen at position 3
under the standard conditions and afforded desired product 3a of product 3a, isotope labeling experiments were conducted
Org. Lett. 2024, 26, 1792−1796
Organic Letters Letter
Data Availability Statement
The data underlying this study are available in the published
article and its Supporting Information.
sı Supporting Information
Corresponding Authors
You-Gui Li − School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
(eq 2). When H218O was used in the model reaction, the 18O- Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;
labeled product 3a was detected by HRMS analysis, which Email:
indicated that the oxygen atom of the carbonyl group Xiang Wu − School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
originated from water. When the starting substrate 5a was Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;
subjected to the reaction in the absence of 2a and L-proline; Email: wuxiang@
under standard conditions, the intermediate VI was produced
and confirmed by HRMS analysis, which is a pivotal
intermediate undergoing a Mannich reaction to afford the
product 3a (eq 3).8 Wen-Bin Wang − School of Chemistry and Chemical
On the basis of the above experimental results and previous Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009,
research, we preliminarily proposed a mechanism for the China
current Au/proline relay-catalyzed formation of C2-quaternary Ji-Chao Lu − School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
indolin-3-ones, as illustrated in Scheme 3. This process Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
Hao Bai − School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
Scheme 3. Proposed Mechanism Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
Yan-Ming Fu − School of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009,
Lan-Jun Cheng − School of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009,
Cheng-Feng Zhu − School of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009,
Complete contact information is available at:
involves the activation of the 2-alkynyl arylazide substrate
through coordination with the Au catalyst, which leads to the The authors declare no competing financial interest.
formation of the Au-coordinated intermediate I that undergoes
cyclization to give compound II. After the releasing of N2, α-
amino gold carbene complex III is formed and subsequently
We are grateful for financial support from Anhui Province Key
trapped by water to provide complex IV. Then, the proton Research and Development Program (202104e11020007). We
demetalation step of IV generates intermediate V. In the thank the support of Postdoctoral Scientific Research Station
presence of the oxidant, the crucial intermediate 2-phenyl-3H- of Materials Science and Engineering at Hefei University of
indol-3-one VI is formed. Imine intermediate VI interacts with Technology.
enamine VII generated from proline and acetone to form a
nine-membered transition state VIII,10a−c which undergoes
Mannich reaction and affords the desired product 3a.
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