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Water Level Indicator

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The water level indicator is a simple mechanism to detect and indicate the level of water in the overhead tank
and also in the other containers. Nowadays, all the householders/owners are storing the water in tanks by
using the pumps. When the water is stored in the tank, no one can identify the level of water and also, no one
can know when the water tank will fill. Hence there is an overflow of water in the tank, thus there is a
wastage of energy and water. To resolve this problem we decided to select this topic for our project. The
water level indicator with automatic off system is based upon the number of LEDs that glow to indicate the
corresponding level of water in the container and automatically switch off the water source when the tank is
full. The sensing is done by using a set of three probes which are placed at three different levels on the tank
walls (with probe3 to probe1 placed in increasing order of height, common probe (i.e. a supply carrying
probe) is placed at the base of the tank). The level 3 represents the “tank full” condition while level 1
represents the “tank empty” condition. This topic is selected so as to make peoples life easier as one should
not wait to turn off the switch of the water source when the tank gets full. Also, they should not go near the
tank to see the level of water.

The water level indicator was first invented by William Peters on October 27, 1902. But his experiment had
some limitations like a buzzer was turned on when water in the tank reached the predetermined level but
could not switch off the water supply in the tank to prevent overflow. Such various experiments has been
performed on this topic by various scholars and had some limitations. To overcome such drawbacks we
selected this topic for our project and modified the circuit with automatic off system.

The primary objective of our project is to make a reliable water level indicator with automatic switch off the
system. Further our project will address the following activities:

 To improve technical skills such as designing, fabricating, testing, etc.




Fig 1:- Block Diagram

Basically from the above block diagram we can be clear about the working principle of water level indicator
with automatic switch off, a power supply volt of 15V from DC source is given to the motor to pump water
from the reservoir to the water tank. In the tank there are set of transistors which is provided by a voltage of
9v using a battery work as sensor, when the water start to get filled in the tank those sensor works and
indicates the level by the glow of led. Finally when the tank is full motor is automatically switched off using




We started our project by discussing with the supervisor and seniors for getting required information related
to this project. For the better performance and operation various books, e-books and web pages were
consulted. All these sources were useful for us to get knowledge about different components and upgrading
our project.

The invention of water level indicator with overflow alarm was made in October 27, 1902 by a
United States citizen William Peter.
fig 2:first model of water level indicator[1]

Further in 1946 AD John R. Gomersall of United States developed the idea of water level indicator.
This idea was implemented by McGraw Electric Co. and they invented the circuit which was able to
check the level of water and bring it in to use[2]. It was specially made for the coffee lovers. The
figure was like of it was:
fig 3:Water level indicator[2]

Water level indicator with automatic off is a simply project and modification of water level indicator. Which
uses simple gadgets like transistor-bc547, Led, Resistor-1k, Relay-5V, battery in our project. Researchers
like Ganesh Subramaniam had made water level indicator with the help of transistors [3] likewise the project
can also be done by the use of timer 555 in spite of transistor having similar working principle of transistor.
Similarly gates like And gate can also be used for the detection of water level in the tank, even IR sensor can
be used for the detection of different level reached in the tank.
2.2.1 Light Emitting Diodes (LED):
LEDs are a particular type of diode that converts electrical energy into light. The positive side of the LED is
called the Anode and is marked by having a longer Lead or Leg. The other, negative side of the LED is called
the Cathode. Current flows from the anode to the cathode and never the opposite direction. We have used
three LEDs which indicates the three levels of water in the tank. When the water start to fill the tank then
blue colour of LED blinks.

Fig 4: LED

2.2.2 Resistors:
A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit
element. Resistors act to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, act to lower voltage levels within
circuits. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to limit current flow, to adjust signal levels, bias active
elements, and terminate transmission lines among other uses. We have used 1000Ω resistors at base of
transistors and at the anode of the LED’s for the required functions referring the datasheets.

Fig 5: Resistor

2.2.3 Breadboard
A breadboard is a rectangular plastic board with a bunch of tiny holes in it .A breadboard is a solderless
device for temporary prototype with electronics and test circuit designs. Most electronic components in
electronic circuits can be interconnected by inserting their leads or terminals into the holes and then making
connections through wires where appropriate. The breadboard has strips of metal underneath the board and
connect the holes on the top of the board. The metal strips are laid out as shown below. Note that the top and
bottom rows of holes are connected horizontally and split in the middle while the remaining holes are
connected vertically.

Fig 6: Breadboard

2.2.4 Transistor

Transistor is a device that regulates current or voltage flow and acts as a switch or gate for electronic signals.
Transistors consist of three layers of a semiconductor material, each capable of carrying a current. A
transistor regulates current or voltage flow and acts as a switch or gate for electronic signals. The transistor's
three-layer structure contains an N-type semiconductor layer sandwiched between P-type layers (a PNP
configuration) or a P-type layer between N-type layers (an NPN configuration).BC547 is general purpose
silicon, NPN, bipolar junction transistor. It is used for amplification and switching purposes. The current gain
may vary between 110 and 800. It can be used in circuits where voltages reach no more than 30V. In this
project this transistors are acting as switches. It will act as closed switch when voltage at base terminal is
greater than or equal to 0.7V, else it will act as open switch..

Fig 7: Transistor
2.2.5 Relay
Relays are switches that open and close circuits electromechanically or electronically. Relays control one
electrical circuit by opening and closing contacts in another circuit. The Relay consists of a coil, 1 common
terminal, 1 normally closed terminal, and one normally open terminal. When the coil of the relay is at rest
(not energized), the common terminal and the normally closed terminal have continuity. When the coil is
energized, the common terminal and the normally open terminal have continuity. In this project we have
connected the motor to the normally closed terminal due to which it can keep on working until the tank gets
completely filled and common terminal shifts to the normally open terminal which in turn disconnects the
motor from the circuit.

Fig 8: Relay

2.2.6 DC Motor

A DC motor is any of a class of rotary electrical machines that converts direct current electrical energy into
mechanical energy. The most common types rely on the forces produced by magnetic fields. Nearly all types
of DC motors have some internal mechanism, either electromechanical or electronic, to periodically change
the direction of current flow in part of the motor.

DC motors were the first type widely used, since they could be powered from existing direct-current lighting
power distribution systems. A DC motor's speed can be controlled over a wide range, using either a variable
supply voltage or by changing the strength of current in its field . we have used 5V Motor.

Fig 9: Motor

The operation of this project is very simple and can be understand easily. In our project "Water level
indicator and Automatic Turn Off" there are four main conditions:

 No water i.e. empty.

 Water at low level.
 Water at medium level.
 Water at high level i.e. condition of the motor to stop the pumping of water.

The working of process can be told by:

1. As we supply the power to the motor, the motor starts pumping the water from the reservoir to the
2. As the water starts coming in to the beaker/container, the water level touches the first wire which is at
the lower level and the circuit gets completed current starts flowing through that loop and the first
LED glows.
3. Gradually, as the level of water goes on increasing and similarly the other two loops also get
completed and the other two LED's glows indicating the water level at the certain height.
4. As the water level reaches the maximum height and it touches the wire of that height which is
connected with the relay and so on relay is connected to the motor and as the current passes through
the relay it goes on N/O mode and motor gets turned off.

Fig 6: Proteus circuit




1. MOTOR PUMP 350 1 350

2. JAR 350 1 350

3. BUCKET 200 1 200

4. WATER PIPES 35 2 70

5. BATTERY 35 1 35

6. RELAY - 1 -


8. RESISTOR - 5 -

9. LEDs - 3 -


We tested the water level indicator with automatic off system three times in the tank, objectives were met for
the three times on an average time of 4 minutes 30 seconds

Months April May June July

Week no. 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2

Proposal defense

Survey and


Circuit Testing

Matrix board


Table no 1

This is a simple model of water level indicator and water pump and automatic switch off system which can
be made at your home. This project is the solution to help the user to indicate level of water in the reservoir
or in the water tank that indicates different levels. Water level indicator can be used in Hotels, Factories,
Home Apartments, Commercial complexes, Drainage, etc. We are proud to express our delight as we
selected this topic for our project

[1] w.peters, "US Grant," pdf Dec 8 1903

[2] U. Grant, "Water Level Indicator," 1950.
[3] G. Subramaniam, "water level indicator," 2000.

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