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The key takeaways are that urine therapy, also known as amaroli, is an ancient healing practice that involves consuming or applying one's own urine for health benefits. The text discusses various ways urine can be used therapeutically and lifestyle factors that should accompany the practice.

According to the text, some ways urine therapy can be used include drinking it, applying it to the skin or hair, using drops in the eyes or ears, doing bowel enemas or douches with it, using wet compresses, gargling with it, or taking it as a medicinal drink.

The text mentions lifestyle factors that should accompany urine therapy include regular exercise, rest, massage, a vegetable-based diet with superfoods, fasting, intestinal enemas, and alternative medicine/health techniques.

Here is a summary of AMAROLI (URINE THERAPY):

By Tal and Johanne SCHALLER


Urine, in application on the skin, as a drink, subcutaneous injection or

homeopathic remedy (isopathy) is one of the oldest therapeutic methods in
the world to cure diseases and develop immunity and individual health.
Amaroli (the Indian name for urine therapy) is known from the ancestral
medicines of China, Tibet, India, North and South America, Europe (Celtic
tradition), Polynesia, Siberia, the countries of the Amazon basin, etc.
Hundreds of scientific studies were devoted to this therapy until the rapid
development of the pharmaceutical industry after the Second World War
blocked all research on a therapy that has the great defect, for the
merchants, of being completely free! There are no studies in all the world's
medical literature showing that this urine therapy could present the
slightest danger, unlike chemical drugs whose side effects are numerous
and often dangerous.
There are many ways to use urine: on the skin, on the hair, drops in the
eyes or ears, bowel enemas, douches, wet compresses, gargle or medicinal
drink. Fresh urine is used and, except in a few rare cases, you always take
your own "elixir of life".
If you drink your urine, start with small amounts (e.g. half a glass a day)
and gradually increase the dose. Amaroli, like all energetic and natural
medicines, has a great cleansing power and one wants to avoid triggering
too intense detoxification crises.
To move towards healing, amaroli must be accompanied by a holistic
lifestyle, which takes care of the well-being of the four bodies of the
human being:
-The physical body: regular exercise, rest, massage, a vegetable, living and
varied diet. Super foods such as sprouted seeds, algae, pollen, etc. Fasting,
intestinal enemas, health techniques and alternative medicine.
-The emotional body: take "childhood moments" to let off steam with
natural gestures, crying, crying, laughing, dancing and singing, out of sight
of adults, as grandchildren do so well!
-The mental body: positive thinking, creative visualization, inner journeys,
psychotherapies that allow healing of past psychic traumas, with the idea
that "it is never too late to have a happy childhood! »
-The spiritual body: yoga, meditation, prayer and techniques to connect
with the joy and wisdom of the worlds of light, listening to the inner voice
(intuition). It connects us to this body that never leaves the divine light and
constantly guides us towards happiness and fullness.
With amaroli, you become your own doctor: the smell and taste of your
urine allows you to make a precise diagnosis of your state of health and
you immediately have the perfect remedy to detoxify and regenerate
yourself. Amaroli is an alchemy that transforms lead into gold and
provides those who know it with all the medicines they used to buy in
pharmacies, with the difference that all the substances contained in the
urine are alive and perfectly dosed by the body itself. Therapeutically, they
are therefore far superior to all man-made chemicals. The fundamental
question we must ask ourselves is: "Is it better to trust the wisdom of our
own body, created millions of years ago by Mother Nature, with an
intelligence that exceeds the limits of our imagination, or should we
blindly obey modern science, which has only a century of existence and
which is led by sorcerer's apprentices who are still very little conscious?
In order to cure oneself, is it better to absorb chemical medicines prepared
by multinationals or living substances manufactured by the bodies
themselves? "There is no disease that has not been cured at least once by a
holistic lifestyle that includes taking amaroli. Everything can be cured
when you stop polluting your body and psyche to create new, positive and
natural life.
Amaroli is also a revolution, that of "inner ecology", which affects
millions of people around the world and brings health to Third World
countries. For all countries that cannot acquire chemical drugs because of
their high cost, Amaroli is a real blessing, a wonderful way to manage
one's health without becoming dependent on outside help. For rich
countries, dramatically intoxicated by the industrial way of life, amaroli
represents a royal road to regaining health. In Federal Germany, more than
ten million people know and practice amaroli and the awareness that our
health depends on us and not on the multinational pharmaceutical
companies can only grow worldwide.

How can the exceptional therapeutic effects of amaroli be explained? We

can try to explain them in various complementary ways:
-Living substances that the urine contains (enzymes, hormones,
neurotransmitters, vitamins, antibodies, antibiotics and other natural
-A process of self-vaccination and biological transmutations.
-Cleansing and regenerating effects of urinary mineral salts.
-Vital energy and biological information contained in amaroli.
Urine, contrary to what many people believe, is not toxic waste but filtered
blood. It is the most extraordinary medicine there is.
In fact, the secret of this method lies in the WISDOM OF THE BODY: the
body only takes in the urine that passes through the digestive tract what it
needs, the rest is evacuated with the stool. The human body is capable of
making biological transmutations, such as transforming sodium into
magnesium and so on. What our scientists do with difficulty in nuclear
power plants, our body does smoothly in the privacy of our cells. We can
admire the "progress of science" but as Edison said: "Until scientists can
make a blade of grass, Nature can only laugh at our scientific knowledge.
So for the time being, it's better to trust nature than scientists!"
This is the power of Amaroli: to act with the body by respecting the
"Primum non nocere" of Hippocrates (First do no harm) instead of abusing
chemical drugs, which all have one thing in common, that of lowering
general immunity! One could even say that one of the great tragedies of
our time is to have let out of hospitals chemical drugs which can save lives
in acute cases but which, in chronic illnesses, only aggravate the
intoxication of patients!
The main characteristic of those who criticize and reject amaroli is that
they have not made a personal trial of this method! They are satisfied with
emotional reactions without studying the subject thoroughly. In fact, any
therapist should have practiced amaroli on himself before advising his
patients because, in this field, nothing can replace personal experience!
The main French books on the subject are Testez l'urinothérapie by CT
Schaller and J. Razanamahay, published by Marco Pietteur, Urinothérapie
(paperback) by Lanore and L'Élixir de Vie by Coen Van der Kroone,
published by Jouvence.
Here are a few more testimonials of the benefits of amaroli:

(Many other testimonials of healing can be found in Testez

l'urinothérapie )
From a newsletter of Liège priests on mission (Peru) :
"For one year we took in a 50-year-old disabled man suffering from
prostate cancer. After several weakening chemotherapies we didn't dare to
do one more. He received 20 sessions of radiotherapy to locate the tumour
and then resumed chemo...The patient did not accept and followed the
urinotherapy. Two months later, at the check-up, the cancer disappeared
and he was in great shape. He came home happy and so did we. Another
check-up in 6 months. »
From a woman doctor: "I have been practicing for four months and I am
very enthusiastic. The first time it was difficult: all my education made
swallowing difficult! And little by little perceptions changed. Through this
gesture, I learned to love myself more and better. My spending on clothes
has dropped and now I don't get up in the morning or go to bed at night
without drinking the precious philter and I take real pleasure in lotioning
my face and body. People around me are surprised to find me looking
younger. I have spoken to some patients about it and I was surprised to see
that many of them already knew about this method. I've seen with her
wounds heal very quickly, warts disappear, migraines disappear."
From a South American doctor: "The results I get with urinotherapy are
extraordinary. First of all on myself: I lost 10 kilos in excess in three
weeks by practicing amaroli with a low-calorie diet! My intellectual
faculties have greatly improved and I have started to talk to my patients
about it. I am always amazed at the effectiveness of amaroli in a wide
variety of conditions. How could I have ignored this wonderful therapy for
so long?"
From Harald Tietze, an Australian who attended the three World
Congresses on Urine Therapy: "On the cover page of my book on urine
therapy, I had written: "Don't read this book if you feel well, if you're thin,
if you have beautiful skin, if you don't suffer from allergies, depression,
asthma, psoriasis and if you're not afraid of being bitten one day by a
poisonous snake!" I didn't think when I wrote that eye-catching sentence
that I would ever experience any of the problems on that list! On October
26, 1998, while researching wild plants for a book I was writing about, I
was bitten in the leg by a poisonous snake. The wound was bleeding and
the nearest hospital was more than an hour's walk away. It was the moment
or never to remember the sentence written on my book and to use the
miracle fluid! I did so and then went to the hospital to do some tests which
showed only a minimal reaction to the poison, much to the surprise of the
doctors. I left the hospital without "modern" treatment, happy to go out on
my own two feet rather than in a coffin!"
From Togo (Africa): "I'm a small naturo-therapist researcher. I have
always asked in my meditations and relaxation exercises to be able to be
put in contact with means of health that are true and natural. The book
"AMAROLI" that I have been able to read is a light sent into the darkness
to chase away the voluntary and artificial darkness created to put humanity
to sleep. Thanks to AMAROLI I have strengthened my conviction in the
treatment of my patients. At present, I have set up a Club that deals with
urine treatments. It is called "CLUB U-T" (Urine Therapy Club) and is
composed of people with chronic diseases. The experiences are amazing
and the members are enthusiastic about them and, as their health improves,
other people don't hesitate to approach us."
From a young Frenchman: "I have been HIV positive for five years and
asymptomatic until a year ago. Indeed, my treating teacher considered it
urgent to put me on tri-therapy because my viral load results were over
750,000 and my T4s had dropped to 286. I nevertheless decided to give
myself a chance of recovery by milder means. One of my friends
convinced me that by following the "Amaroli" therapy I had a chance of
improvement. So I read both books with great interest and put the method
into practice. I felt a rather phenomenal transformation both in the physical
and moral sense. At the same time, I discovered the products of Doctor
Eric Le Ribaut, the G5 in particular. The combination of these two
methods, together with a healthy diet without animal meat, means that my
laboratory results have already improved considerably".
On the website of the Chinese Urine Therapy Association (Taiwan), one
can read the following statement about cosmetics: "Seeking beauty is part
of human nature. Regardless of her age, every woman wants to be
beautiful. Why use cosmetics that are toxic to the skin when nature offers a
wonderful elixir? More and more Japanese women are using their own
urine to stay young and attractive. If you are not convinced, ladies, ask
around and you will discover the extraordinary results of urine therapy.
Like Princess Lady Yang, who was the favorite of Emperor Tang Ming
Huang, you'll remain ravishing and charming even in old age!" This
association also gives detailed results of treatments of cancer patients with
urine extracts.( web: http://www.auto.urine.com/sut.htm)
From an inhabitant of the Republic of Benin (Africa): "Amaroli is really
extraordinary. It's a door that opens, leading to taking care of oneself,
admiration for the wisdom of one's own body, the joy of regaining one's
lost health. I had been suffering for many years from rheumatism and
insulin-dependent diabetes. Before starting Amaroli, I ate raw vegetables
and fresh fruit for three weeks to prepare myself. When I then drank my
urine, it tasted delicious, really fragrant. I felt like I had found the
alchemists' secret, the elixir of youth, the sacred drink. After only a few
days of taking Amaroli at a dose of three glasses of the elixir of youth, I
was able to feel that I had found the secret of the alchemists, the elixir of
youth, the sacred drink.
NB In the book Test urinotherapy you will find reports of the first two
world congresses that took place in Goa, India and Gersfeld (Federal
Germany) in which Johanne and Tal participated and which brought
together hundreds of people interested in the subject, sick people who
were healed, Doctors and scientists who have studied the subject in detail,
historians who have looked at how the ancients treated themselves...in a
word, a sum of knowledge of great value on this subject still unknown to
the general public in most Western countries, with the exception of the
Federal Republic of Germany!

To conclude, here are some echoes of the Third World Congress in Belo
Horizonte, Brazil, which took place from April 28 to May 4, 2003:

A group of about ten French-speaking people led by Dr. Christian Tal

Schaller and his wife Johanne Razanamahay went to this congress which
gathered more than six hundred people from more than forty countries. An
excellent organization allowed quality exchanges in a warm atmosphere.
In addition to the testimonies of many people who have been cured thanks
to urinotherapy, researchers came to show the fruit of their studies and
health teachers shared with the public their efforts to free people from the
disease. In many South American countries, for example, teams travel to
villages to explain to people that they do not need doctors and pharmacists
to live healthy lives. With a few principles of a varied and lively vegetarian
diet, a few daily gymnastic exercises, the use of local plants and the
practice of amaroli, they can perfectly manage their health themselves.
This is indeed a revolution, that of independence. Instead of constantly
waiting for outside help, local communities are learning to manage
themselves with natural resources that cost nothing. In this way, they are
achieving an autonomy that protects them from the madness of medical
globalization, which, in the name of science, poisons the peoples of the
Earth for the sole benefit of the multinational chemical and vaccine
In many areas of public health, amaroli provides valuable services. An
Argentinean doctor has shown that pregnancies of women taking amaroli
every day are uncomplicated and that childbirths are facilitated. The
growth of children who are given a little amaroli by their parents goes
smoothly. Childhood illnesses are mild and of short duration. For the
elderly, amaroli can be the springboard to a new youth, the understanding
that it is not normal to grow old and become increasingly ill. On the
contrary, with amaroli and a healthy lifestyle, the elderly can become
younger and enjoy unfailing vitality. Many people have given shocking
testimonies of how, thanks to amaroli, they have been able to emerge from
the ills of old age and become active, dynamic and useful members of
society again. When we think of all those elderly people who lead a dull
and joyless life in homes and asylums, convinced that their ills are
incurable, up to their necks in the role of victims of life, believing that they
are forced to swallow several times a day chemical drugs that slowly
poison them, we would like the example of "old people who have become
young again" to be shown to all!
In Brazil, under the dynamic impetus of enthusiastic doctors, therapists
and health educators, knowledge of amaroli is spreading like wildfire.
Among the many lectures at the congress was one by Dr. Florence Thiriez
of Paris, who showed the value of associating the use of clay, a free and
remarkably effective medicine, with the practice of amaroli. For poor
countries, clay and amaroli can be formidable means of independence to
heal themselves naturally and free of charge. African doctors demonstrated
the use of camel urine in therapy, Sonia Rodrigues presented the success of
amaroli user groups in Mexico, Dr. Fatima Pimenta, one of the organizers
of the congress, explained how amaroli had completely changed her view
of medicine and had given her such vitality that she could now regularly
indulge in capoeira, an acrobatic dance specific to Brazil that requires
exceptional physical fitness, Dr. Carmen Ramirez from Cuba thrilled the
audience with her research and therapeutic results, Dr. Rovere from Italy
launched the idea of creating an international website on urinotherapy and
Professor Kang Kook Hee from South Korea showed how more than a
million people in his country have adopted amaroli!
Dr. Christian Tal Schaller said in his lecture: "In order for people in poor
countries to be able to follow a development model other than that of rich
countries, a few things are important:
1.A varied and lively vegetable diet that replaces animal-based foods with
highly nutritious foods such as sprouted seeds and young shoots.
2.The knowledge of amaroli and natural means of health to help the body
heal itself from all diseases.
3.The knowledge of fasting, which is of immense value, especially for the
healing of serious illnesses.
4.Emotional education as we describe it in "Release your sweet madness"
to free yourself from violence and relational conflicts.
5.The respect of shamanic traditions that ensure the opening of the right
brain and communication with the spiritual worlds.
6.The teaching of the holistic concept that makes possible the cooperation
of the various schools of thought that work for the well-being and
harmony among all living beings. In my book "Craftsmen of their
Miracle", I showed the extraordinary effectiveness of a holistic approach
in the healing of serious diseases. It is unfortunate that so many people
believe they are condemned to powerlessness and suffering when they
could, through holistic means, advance on the path of healing. »
For her part, Johanne Razanamahay said in her lecture: "In the field of
spiritual growth, I consider amaroli to be one of the most powerful
techniques available to free ourselves from the negative fear patterns and
conditioning we have received with our education. Amaroli takes us to the
heart of spirituality, which is love in action. Not just love of others but love
of all the characters within us! By detoxifying our physical, emotional and
mental bodies, we receive more and more guidance from our spiritual
body. We are then led towards the encounter with our light guides and the
angelic worlds that I described in "Death is never an accident". We regain
our unity with the divine and life ceases to be a series of conflicts and
sufferings to blossom in joy and creativity. Amaroli is a door that opens
before us to regain the lost paradise of clear consciousness and
unconditional love. »
After the congress, the group of French-speaking people went to Figueira,
in the Mina Gerais, to visit the extraordinary spiritual center created by
Trigueirinho, one of the great thinkers of our time, author of more than
sixty books with more than one million copies in Portuguese and Spanish.
Trigueirinho has passed on a lot of information on self-knowledge, prayer,
spiritual transformation, healing, ways of collaborating with the celestial
spiritual hierarchies and the intraterrestrial energy centres that support
humanity in its evolutionary process towards a consciousness freed from
the limitations of materialism and fear.
Surrounded by more than 120 permanent employees, Trigueirinho
welcomes thousands of visitors from all over the world in buildings
located in the midst of flourishing plantations, all organically cultivated.
Tobacco, alcohol, consumption of meat and dairy products, radio,
television and photography are forbidden in Figueira. The mineral,
vegetable and animal kingdoms are respected and all natural means of
therapy are used in an atmosphere dedicated to the sowing of a new state
of consciousness that will emerge in humanity in times to come.
In this centre, which is a true school of the future, one feels the presence of
the Essenes of the past whose teachings on natural health are applied in a
marvellous way. The meals, prepared with organic food, are composed
exclusively of raw and cooked vegetables and are eaten in silence, in
gratitude for the gifts that the Earth Mother gives to her children, the care
given to the sick is all natural: plants and flower elixirs, hydrotherapy,
sound therapy and spiritual healing techniques. In a green setting, a small
lake has, at one end, a place to make mud baths with clay. This is truly the
atmosphere recommended by the Essene Gospel: to let yourself be healed
by the angels of the air, water, earth and sun! And, of course, urine therapy
is part of this centre's pharmacopoeia.
All therapeutic activities are directed by Doctor Clément, a holistic doctor
who has written many books and in whom an immense medical culture has
not killed the spirit of childhood and openness to others. As a true
alchemist, Clément prepares natural medicines by collaborating with the
spirits of nature, the angels, the guides of the celestial hierarchies and the
great scientists of the intraterrestrial civilizations.
Houses nestled in lush vegetation provide spiritual retreats for those who
need them, carefully cultivated vegetable gardens, orchards and plantations
of all kinds are scattered across peaceful, rolling landscapes, and a
eucalyptus forest shelters a sanctuary where, for years, a silent vigil has
been uninterrupted. Every two hours, day and night, one of the residents
comes to meditate in this place, where one feels an intense spiritual energy
that opens consciousness to the presence of the celestial hierarchies.
Numerous social activities are offered to the residents of the area:
dispensary and free meals, harvest sharing, seed donations, support for the
local hospital, etc.
One of the particularities of Figueira is a total freedom from money.
Access is not forbidden to anyone for financial reasons since no payment
is ever required. Everything is offered free of charge. There are simply
trunks placed everywhere that invite donations to support Figueira. And,
after more than twenty years of operation, the results are impressive:
dozens of buildings, huge vegetable gardens, dozens of hectares of organic
crops, dispensaries and therapy places, an animal shelter, places for
meditation and prayer, a large conference and concert hall that houses
nearly a thousand people, etc.

In conclusion, let us acknowledge that we can marvel at the wisdom of the

Creator, who has given human beings the means to remain healthy at any
age. Illnesses are not fatalities that we should undergo by resigning
ourselves to suffering. They are opportunities to become aware of our
mistakes and to rediscover the body's powerful resources for healing.
We are at a crucial period in human history. We sometimes feel powerless
to make a difference. It is difficult for us to have a direct impact on air,
water and land pollution. Of course, we can become active in
environmental organizations, sign petitions, write open letters to
newspapers and politicians, speak out in local councils, or take any other
action that is dictated by our desire not to leave society adrift in a sea of
poisonous waste. But there is one area closer to our daily lives, where we
can reconcile our personal interest with that of the planet as a whole: the
way we manage our health.
By avoiding poisoning ourselves with harmful foods and using natural
methods, such as amaroli, to stay healthy, we not only safeguard our well-
being but also have a powerful impact on the major ecological and
political issues of our time.
We cease to be complicit in the destruction of the planet, we are no longer
docile slaves to the multinationals. We are doing all this without waging
war, without waving a flag, without blaming those who are not like us. We
understand that those who have not yet made the realizations that we have
are not bad, they are simply still young, like immature little brothers.
Are we going to punish a baby for not knowing how to walk yet? Of
course not! We understand and love him as he is, at his level of
development. Are we going to accuse and condemn the president of a
multinational because he can only see the profit of his company and not
yet the collective interest? Neither is he. We will try, with love, to patiently
educate him. We will do everything we can to help him broaden his vision.
Will we call a meat-eater a murderer and say condescendingly: "I don't kill
anymore, I'm a vegetarian! "I'm not a vegetarian anymore!" Neither are
we. Are we going to call fools those who swallow chemical remedies year-
round without realizing that they are self-destructing? No, I'm not going to
do that either! The time of religious wars and ideologies that clash and
fight each other in bloodshed can stop.
A new kind of revolution is on the march, a revolution that no longer
consists of chasing away those who sit on the throne of power in order to
take their place to dominate others in our turn, a quiet revolution because it
replaces the power games of the past with a new vision of the world in
which we act together, all of us together, no matter what the situation.
It is no longer about winning "at any price", it is about learning to
cooperate among different people, seeing our differences as
complementary rather than as gaps that separate us and drive us to fight
against each other.
We will focus on what unites us rather than what divides us, on what
brings us together rather than what separates us, on what we can learn
from each other rather than trying to level everything under the tutelage of
the strongest.
In fact, the only obstacle that stands in the way of creating this new society
is our own fear. Fear of the parts of us that we do not yet know, fear of
others, fear of disease, fear of death and fear of change. Amaroli's
knowledge is one of the powerful ways to free ourselves from these fears
that have darkened so many centuries of human history. Let us open our
consciences in the light of humanity's multimillennial wisdom and let us
all together create a world of peace, sharing, health and love!


AMAROLI-URINOTHERAPIE, pourrions-nous boire notre urine ?

-GRATITUDE once again Tal and Thierry for this video. I have been
practicing amaroli for more than 24 years, externally AND internally. I
started when I was pregnant with my first child. At that time I had read
several books on the subject in French and English. There are a lot of
books in German... if I eat fish amaroli with a fishy taste. If I eat mangoes
amaroli with an extraordinary mango taste + + + + . Fasting with amaroli
is also great. THANK YOU...

-Thank you for this video. I have tested amaroli (burn, detox, vitality) and
I can assure you that everything that is said is correct.

-Thank you for bringing this highly sensitive subject that scares almost
everyone. At one point I was doing a 3, 4 days cure of papaya and the
result was almost like papaya, i.e. delicious and free! I think I'll get back to
it after this great video! Thank you both so much.

-I testify to Amaroli on a physical and emotional or spiritual level: about

15 years ago for a week I recycled all my urine, I urinated, I drank
constantly. I used to drink my urine before, but only once or twice a day.
Result by practicing totally: I obtained an impressive intestinal cleansing...
but also working in an office, when I was on the phone "drawing" out of
habit, after three days of "total" recycling I was systematically drawing
mandalas: starting a drawing I balanced it by redoing the same pattern in
the four orientations. up-down right-left. I have a very important memory
of centering... Tal Schaller's books had guided me in this direction. thanks
to Tal Schaller and Thierry

-The study of kidney function shows us a filtration system by releasing and

then reabsorbing the compounds in the urine into the blood. Finally we all
practice amaroli without knowing it, whether you want it or not. What is
left in the urine is too much for our blood balance at the moment T. Putting
these compounds back into circulation through the (voluntary) amaroli
only makes them available again.

-I saw your video on the Amaroli on Thierry Casasnovas' channel last

Friday. I'm very happy to have discovered it this way.
When I drank it for the first time by a surge of my heart and body attracted
by it while watching the video, I was emotionally touched and I started to
cry by the recognition I had of myself in relation to my body and its purity,
while removing the dogma that urine is dirty and bad, having shame of it.
Pursuing the healing path of my heart and the incarnation of who I am, the
urine allows me to see what my body shows me, testifying in a totally
neutral, sincere and pure way to the deepest part of who I am, leading to
the compassion of myself. Even if I am not my body, it has all the
information of who I am. This is what I am becoming aware of and this
awareness/information appeared to me within seconds of drinking it. I
thank you for all the work you have done and your presence here to reveal
a much greater and deeper truth from our origins.

-Hello Thierry and Tal... - I've been practicing Amaroli since I literally
stumbled upon Tal's book "Amaroli" (In 2014, I found the book in a pile of
books left on the street in Montreuil) . When I started, I was totally
omnivorous... As soon as I started Amaroli, I confirm Tal's words, I
immediately became a vegetarian, no longer having any attraction for meat
products... there is another aspect that you could have developed in more
detail, I want to talk about the Urea. Tal explains it very well in his book...
Urea, when it passes through our digestive system, has a new function as a
powerful detoxifier for the entire digestive system! Keep up the good
work... Consciousness is opening at great speed and it is a joy to see it,
especially through your words. Thierry, most of the experiences that you
relate and share with us, especially on the fasts of all kinds, I realized them
even before I met you on videos... Like what, what you say, I confirm it, it
is only common sense... When I was in health, I used to ask people who
came to listen to me, what was, according to them, our greatest wealth?...
We quickly agreed that our greatest wealth was our health... I would tell
them: "If health is our greatest wealth, why do we entrust it to complete
strangers, just because they wear a white coat? Our health is so precious
that it should be our first passion ... What are we waiting for to take an
interest in it?" Thank you to the Souls of Thierry and Tal, as well as all
those around you, for this Magnificent Way into Consciousness through
the rediscovery of ourselves Love.
-Excellent information, I practice amaroli also fasting, and using it with
clay. I discovered both through the principle of serendipity and thanks to
your remarkable capsules, that by combining these techniques, by
associating them, in synergy, and according to an approach which certainly
remains individualized, it is possible to obtain the equivalent of a true
panacea, in existence. For the skeptics, I was initiated to these techniques
of "survival" in the Pacific, during a navigation between the Hawaiian
Islands and the Polynesian archipelagos. It was above all, to develop an
expertise on the ancestral navigation techniques of the Polynesian people
based on astronomy (etak method, star compass, constellations, sun...) and
knowledge of natural elements (wind strength, currents, waves and
observations of various parameters...). This precious knowledge allowed
the migration of the Austronesians across this marvellous ocean that is the
Pacific, and I can consider that they were exceptional navigators. Since
then, I have been guiding myself on Earth and in the universe
(astrophysicist) without ever feeling lost... Thierry and Tal your advice is
remarkable, and you don't behave like censors, like self-proclaimed
guides. It is this multidisciplinary approach, without dogmatism, without
constraints, which makes all its interest. You offer us a marvellous palette,
which allows us to make life more polychrome. You enrich each of us, by
letting us evolve according to our rhythm. It is therefore useful to highlight
the amazing potentialities of our body, especially when it is a noble by-
product of our body that is a marvel of evolution. So why go to the trouble
of investing in osmosis fountains, when the body is an osmosis in itself?
Thank you Thierry and Tal.
-My father-in-law 87 years old very sporty always traveling by bike and
when I talk about traveling it's 50 km. . eat raw ... carrots . n never
smoked ... drink a glass from time to time .... he also drank his urine ....
-In the desert during the Algerian war ambushed my father. -Alone in the
desert to survive... my father drank his urine...


ADAMO (santeamaroli@gmail.com) who presents ARTE's film LES
SUPER POWERS DE L'URINE, an exciting and very scientific
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Shivambhu.org et Shivambhu Hut that you find on the site :

http://www.BrotherSage.com has many excellent informations on teh subject !

brother sage is doing a wonderful jo to promote urinetnerapy in all countries !

on youtube tal Schaller you will fiand a video AMAROLI in English by tal schaller

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