To conclude, here are some echoes of the Third World Congress in Belo
Horizonte, Brazil, which took place from April 28 to May 4, 2003:
-GRATITUDE once again Tal and Thierry for this video. I have been
practicing amaroli for more than 24 years, externally AND internally. I
started when I was pregnant with my first child. At that time I had read
several books on the subject in French and English. There are a lot of
books in German... if I eat fish amaroli with a fishy taste. If I eat mangoes
amaroli with an extraordinary mango taste + + + + . Fasting with amaroli
is also great. THANK YOU...
-Thank you for this video. I have tested amaroli (burn, detox, vitality) and
I can assure you that everything that is said is correct.
-Thank you for bringing this highly sensitive subject that scares almost
everyone. At one point I was doing a 3, 4 days cure of papaya and the
result was almost like papaya, i.e. delicious and free! I think I'll get back to
it after this great video! Thank you both so much.
-Hello Thierry and Tal... - I've been practicing Amaroli since I literally
stumbled upon Tal's book "Amaroli" (In 2014, I found the book in a pile of
books left on the street in Montreuil) . When I started, I was totally
omnivorous... As soon as I started Amaroli, I confirm Tal's words, I
immediately became a vegetarian, no longer having any attraction for meat
products... there is another aspect that you could have developed in more
detail, I want to talk about the Urea. Tal explains it very well in his book...
Urea, when it passes through our digestive system, has a new function as a
powerful detoxifier for the entire digestive system! Keep up the good
work... Consciousness is opening at great speed and it is a joy to see it,
especially through your words. Thierry, most of the experiences that you
relate and share with us, especially on the fasts of all kinds, I realized them
even before I met you on videos... Like what, what you say, I confirm it, it
is only common sense... When I was in health, I used to ask people who
came to listen to me, what was, according to them, our greatest wealth?...
We quickly agreed that our greatest wealth was our health... I would tell
them: "If health is our greatest wealth, why do we entrust it to complete
strangers, just because they wear a white coat? Our health is so precious
that it should be our first passion ... What are we waiting for to take an
interest in it?" Thank you to the Souls of Thierry and Tal, as well as all
those around you, for this Magnificent Way into Consciousness through
the rediscovery of ourselves Love.
-Excellent information, I practice amaroli also fasting, and using it with
clay. I discovered both through the principle of serendipity and thanks to
your remarkable capsules, that by combining these techniques, by
associating them, in synergy, and according to an approach which certainly
remains individualized, it is possible to obtain the equivalent of a true
panacea, in existence. For the skeptics, I was initiated to these techniques
of "survival" in the Pacific, during a navigation between the Hawaiian
Islands and the Polynesian archipelagos. It was above all, to develop an
expertise on the ancestral navigation techniques of the Polynesian people
based on astronomy (etak method, star compass, constellations, sun...) and
knowledge of natural elements (wind strength, currents, waves and
observations of various parameters...). This precious knowledge allowed
the migration of the Austronesians across this marvellous ocean that is the
Pacific, and I can consider that they were exceptional navigators. Since
then, I have been guiding myself on Earth and in the universe
(astrophysicist) without ever feeling lost... Thierry and Tal your advice is
remarkable, and you don't behave like censors, like self-proclaimed
guides. It is this multidisciplinary approach, without dogmatism, without
constraints, which makes all its interest. You offer us a marvellous palette,
which allows us to make life more polychrome. You enrich each of us, by
letting us evolve according to our rhythm. It is therefore useful to highlight
the amazing potentialities of our body, especially when it is a noble by-
product of our body that is a marvel of evolution. So why go to the trouble
of investing in osmosis fountains, when the body is an osmosis in itself?
Thank you Thierry and Tal.
-My father-in-law 87 years old very sporty always traveling by bike and
when I talk about traveling it's 50 km. . eat raw ... carrots . n never
smoked ... drink a glass from time to time .... he also drank his urine ....
-In the desert during the Algerian war ambushed my father. -Alone in the
desert to survive... my father drank his urine...
on youtube tal Schaller you will fiand a video AMAROLI in English by tal schaller