St. Paul University Philippines: Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
St. Paul University Philippines: Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
St. Paul University Philippines: Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
I. Introduction
mitigation and adoptation
learning and teaching is dynamic
adopt and change
Change is continueous, permanent, teaching learning process
So learning is changing – adopt to changes
New normal –
Used to F2F but disrupted because of modality
To adjust in the learning environment.
Many changes so this paper will look into the effects of pandemic in the new
normal and coping mechanisms in the new normal to mitigate the difficulties,
challenges in instructions .
This paper aims to determine the effects, challenges and opportunities in the
instructional process.
Table 1 shows the challenges and opportunities brought about by the COVID 19
pandemic in the instructional process.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in
human history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 200 countries. Closures
of schools, institutions and other learning spaces have impacted more than 94% of the
world’s student population. This has brought far-reaching changes in all aspects of our
lives. Social distancing and restrictive movement policies have significantly disturbed
traditional educational practices. Reopening of schools after relaxation of restriction is
another challenge with many new standard operating procedures put in place.
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Within a short span of the COVID-19 pandemic, many researchers have shared their
works on teaching and learning in different ways. Several schools, colleges and
universities have discontinued face-to-face teachings. There is a fear of losing 2020
academic year or even more in the coming future. The need of the hour is to innovate
and implement alternative educational system and assessment strategies. The COVID-19
pandemic has provided us with an opportunity to pave the way for introducing digital
learning. This article aims to provide a comprehensive report on the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic on online teaching and learning of various papers and indicate the
way forward.
Melcs is along term response to SDG 4, to develop resilient education systems , most
specially during emergencies. It can be used under circumstances as a mechanism to
ensure education continuity through the curriculum dimension/ Melcs will enable the
department to focus instruction to the most essential and indispensable competencies,
that our learners must acquire , as we anticipate challenges in learning delivery.
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Face to face learning engagement of students and teachers within the school has been
suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has paved the way to the
implementation of Modular Distance Learning as an urgent response to ensure continuity
of education. The Philippines is in the process of adapting to the new normal form of
education at present, and continuous innovations of educators and active involvement of
other stakeholders are the driving force for its success.
In this learning modality is currently used by all public schools because according to a
survey conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd), learning through printed and
digital modules emerged as the most preferred distance learning method of parents with
children who are enrolled this academic year (Bernardo, J). This is also in consideration of
the learners in rural areas where internet is not accessible for online learning.
Online platforms
Asynchronous learning means that although you will be learning from a distance, you will
virtually attend a class session each week, at the same time as your instructor and
classmates. The class is a firm, weekly time commitment that cannot be rescheduled.
Much like an on-campus class, you will have readings and assignments to complete
outside of class time to help prepare you to participate in the discussion. This kind of
preparation from students, along with a dedicated agenda set by the instructor, ensures
each class session is productive.
Examples of synchronous elearning are online chat and videoconferencing. Any learning
tool that is in real-time, such as instant messaging that allows students and teachers to
ask and answer questions immediately, is synchronous. Rather than learning on their
own students who participate in synchronous learning courses are able to interact with
other students and their teachers during the lesson.
Asynchronous learning on the other hand can be carried out even when the student or
teacher is offline. Coursework and communications delivered via email and messages
posted on community forums are perfect examples of asynchronous eLearning. In these
instances, students will typically complete the lessons on their own and merely use the
internet as a support tool rather than venturing online solely for interactive classes.
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
A student is able to follow the curriculum at their own pace, without having to worry about
scheduling conflicts. This may be a perfect option for users who enjoy taking their time with
each lesson plan in the curriculum and would prefer to research topics on their own.
However, those who may lack the motivation to do the coursework on their own may find
that they do not receive significant benefit from asynchronous learning tools. Asynchronous
learning can also lead to feelings of isolation, as there is no real interactive educational
Blended learning is the best instructional design for modern learners. Blended learning
models for online courses help engage learners with time constraints and short attention
spans. This strategy also includes the just-in-time support materials needed to increase
knowledge application.
This strategy also reduces the amount of time needed for face to face learning and is more
cost-effective than traditional classroom training. Blended online learning programs remove
location restrictions and eliminate travel costs.
There are effective teaching strategies in the new normal education which we can apply in
our teaching. The DepEd has prepared the different learning delivery modalities so that
learning must continue.
Distance learning Modular learning-self-learning materials are given through the parents or
guardians of the students concerned. They are designed for independent learning.
Online learning-needs computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone and internet connection.
TV/Radio-Based learning-this needs the guidance of the parents when the learners watch
the DepEd programs.
We are all adjusting to these new strategies in teaching and learning. Teachers and parents
should work hand in hand to help learners continue their education. There should be
constant communication between parents and teachers. All we can do now is to live
normally in this new normal and help our dear learners in their modular learning.
Studies have shown that the use of short video clips allows for more efficient processing
and memory recall. The visual and auditory nature of videos appeals to a wide audience
and allows each user to process information in a way that's natural to them. In a
nutshell, videos are good teachers.
Anything that makes life easier for people is attractive, and convenience is a real crowd
pleaser. eBooks are portable AND convenient. With a supported eBook device, you can
have a library at your fingertips. Carrying around your favorite books on your iPad,
eReader, smartphone, or table (all lightweight devices!) sounds a lot easier than lugging
around a thousand paperback books
Learning management systems (LMS) have become commonplace as the world has
turned to online learning. An LMS allows instructors and learners to seamlessly complete
the learning process online just as easily as they can in a classroom. Examples are
Edmodo, Canvas, Schoology and Edapps.
Microsoft Forms is a simple, lightweight app that lets you easily create surveys, quizzes,
and polls. In education, it can be used to create quizzes, collect feedback from teachers
and parents, or plan class and staff activities.
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share and play
learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes. Unleash the fun in classrooms, offices and
living rooms
Use the Quizizz app to learn anything, anywhere. You can study on your own or engage in
group quizzes, assignments, and presentations.
4. What are the strategies of teachers and students to adopt to the changes on
the new normal?
Attending webinars and trainings
Enhacing of ICT skills
One essential element needed to empower teachers is to shift focus from teaching to
learning -- teachers should immerse themselves in rediscovering the magic of learning,
the necessity of making mistakes, and encouraging resiliency by constantly challenging
their learning experiences. For example, technology is a relevant subject in this context
because many teachers are uncomfortable using technology and are afraid to take risks,
thinking they might break something. Learning about technology through technology
helps teachers step out of their comfort zones and feel a sense of achievement through
each successful step and, even better, through their success in troubleshooting obstacles
and showcasing their work.
Webinars are seminars that are performed on the World Wide Web. They can be
meetings, conferences, demonstrations, training or teaching, or events that are designed
to give information either one-way or interactively. Webinars can include video, audio
and textual communication. Once the user has installed the software they will be invited
to join a meeting at an allotted time. The participant users also need a pair of
headphones and a microphone. Once joined, the participant will find themselves in a
virtual classroom or meeting room. One member of the group will host the meeting
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
while other members can raise points or ask questions through the hand raising function.
Webinars can also be recorded and referenced at a later time. This function is useful for
reviewing a session or for those that were unable to attend. Webinar sessions can enable
students to engage with one another and collaborate and express their opinions and
ideas (American Institute of Higher Education, n.d; Webex, 2015).
Radio and TV are also practical tools. Today's advantage is that through social
networks, messenger, or SMS, ministries of education can communicate
effectively with parents and teachers and provide guidelines, instructions, and
structure to the learning process, using content delivered by radio or TV. Remote
learning is about online education and mixed media learning to reach as many
students as possible today.
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
And it is also a time to develop socio-emotional skills and learn more about
contributing to society as a citizen. The role of parents and family, which has
always been extremely important, is critical in that task. So, many of the help
that ministries of education providers, working through mass media, should also
go to parents. Radio, TV, SMS messages can all utilize to provide tips and advice
to them on how to support their children better.
Whether the school year is in person, fully remote, or a hybrid of the two,
teachers, administration, and school support staff are collectively navigating
uncharted territory. As we enter a brand-new normal, educators are bound to
face new challenges in the classroom. Simple recommendations that educators
can implement into their daily curriculum.
Virtual video platforms like Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Webex allow
teachers to connect with their entire class at once to provide more engaging,
effective online instruction.