Tumbang Preso
Tumbang Preso
Tumbang Preso
Source: gramho.com
This is one of the most popular games played in the backyard and streets. The
game is said to be of Spanish origin in the Tagalog region and spread rapidly in other
parts of the countries and has been given different names. The ability to run, walk, and
precision in hitting the can is the ability exemplified in the game.
Objective: To hit/knock down the can with the pamato or slipper while the
“it” tries to protect it inside a circle.
No. of Players Any number of players but should not be more than 9 players
Materials empty milk can, slipper or a piece of flat stone as pamato
1. Draw a small circle, and in the centre, put an empty can, preferably an milk can.
Draw a toe-line or a starting line about five (5) meters away from the circle.
2. To pick the IT the players throw the pamato to the starting line while standing
near the empty can. The farthest or the nearest pamato from the starting line
becomes the IT. He is called the “preso” or prisoner.
3. The IT guards the empty milk can, while the other players are at their home
base (behind the starting line). The play begins with the players attempting to
hit the can and knock it down with their pamato.
4. A player is safe at the home base and when he is in possession of their pamato.
5. The players will recover their pamato if the can is knocked down and return
immediately to the home base while the IT retrieves the can and returns the
can to the standing position.
6. The IT will run after the players who pick up their pamato when the can is
returned to the upright position. If the can is knocked down, the "it" cannot tag
the other players.