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Philippine Resilience Awards 2023

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Honoring Resilience-Building Excellence

of Local Leaders in the Philippines
Call for
Nominations Link and QR code
for the online nomination form:
The Philippine Resilience Awards
Get the form
Category for Women

Deadline for Nominations Extended!

The deadline for the nominations is extended to
22 September 2023.

For more information, download the toolkit at:


For inquiries, email us at:

About the
Awards Program
The Philippine Resilience Awards (PRA) is a
pioneering awards program that honors and
promotes the resilience-building excellence of
local leaders in the country.

Its primary goal is to recognize champions of

resilience in various sectors and communities,
cognizant of their breakthrough efforts amid
complex and systemic challenges, making
significant contributions to disaster risk reduction
and climate change adaptation and mitigation in
their respective communities.

Through the PRA, evidence-informed, and science

and technology-based local leadership and
innovative solutions will be highlighted, showcasing
their unique contributions to achieving climate and
disaster resilience.

The program also aims to underscore the

importance of strategic multi-stakeholder
engagement and partnerships in fostering

This year, the PRA will recognize and celebrate

women leaders from all walks of life and honor
their outstanding achievements in climate and
disaster risk reduction and resilience-building work.
Eligibility Requirements
To be considered for the Philippine Resilience Awards - Women Category,
the following minimum criteria must be met:

1 Must be a Filipino citizen.

2 Must identify as a woman.

3 Must have a significant track record in development, climate and

disaster resilience, and gender work.

4 Must have initiated programs and projects intended for climate

and disaster risk reduction and resilience building, implemented
for at least one (1) year before the deadline of submission, and
must have verifiable and immediate outputs.

5 Demonstrated leadership skills and influence in advancing gender

equity and equality in ecosystems, health, and well-being related to
climate action; and

6 Must have exhibited good moral character and not been adjudged
guilty of any criminal, civil or administrative case.
Criteria for Selection

A transformative An innovation Significant impact

leader champion to community

How the nominee Exceptional efforts in The nominee leads and

articulates and models fostering innovative and sustains an environment for
her resilience vision creative strategies in her synergies in risk and
resilience work resilience interventions
The exceptional demonstrated
leadership initiatives in Influence in policy
addressing The program initiated development relative to
transformative risks, serves as a model for climate and disaster
resilience issues, and others, showcasing resilience in either provincial,
gender inequities innovative approaches city or municipal or
demonstrated and transformative barangay level
Significant contribution to
her community
July 31 - August 22, 2023 - September -
EXTENDED! October 2023
August 25, 2023 Till Sept 22, 2023
September 22, 2023 October 2023

Stage A Stage B Evaluations Awarding

Nominations Nominations Ceremony
Nominations of Submission of Detailed Evaluation of submissions Awarding Ceremony
individuals done through Narrative Report Form by the Awards Selection during the Top Leaders'
self nomination or by Committee and Board Forum
third parties

Date Phase
Stage A Nominations
July 31 - September 22,
Nominations of individuals done through self nomination or by
third parties

Stage B Nominations
August 22 - September
Nominations of individuals done through self nomination or by
22, 2023
third parties

September - October
Evaluation of submissions by the Awards Selection Committee
and Board

Awarding Ceremony
October 2023
Awarding Ceremony during the Top Leaders' Forum
2-stage Nomination Process

Stage A Nomination Stage B Submission of Narrative Report Form

Individuals may be nominated through Following the submission of the Stage A

independent third parties or self-nomination. Nomination Form, the nominees with the
support of their nominators (if applicable) will
Nomination forms may be accessed here: prepare to submit a detailed narrative report
Via Google Forms: https://bit.ly/PRA- form as a requirement for Stage B.
Via Manual Accomplishment: Official report template may be accessed here:
https://bit.ly/PRA- Via Google Forms: https://bit.ly/PRA-
WomenNominationFormGDrive WomenStageBSubmission
Via Manual Accomplishment:

Closing Date: August 25, 2023 September 22, 2023, 11:59 PM Closing Date: September 22, 2023, 11:59 PM

Both Stage A and B submissions must be made to

complete the nomination process.
Guide to the Stage A Nomination
1 The search will be conducted through an open nomination
process with two (2) identified modalities: (A) Self-nomination
and (B) Nomination by a Third Party.

Please note that nominators must be of legal age and are not
related to the nominee.

Each nominator may only nominate one (1) participant.

2 Once nominated, the nominee (with the assistance of the

nominator, if applicable) must accomplish the Nomination Form
online or manually, which can be accessed through the
following options:

a. If the Nomination Form will be accomplished ONLINE via Google


i. Access the Nomination Form through this link:


ii. Fill out all the information ACCURATELY and COMPLETELY.

iii. Access the following supporting forms through this link:

https://bit.ly/PRA-WomenNominationFormGDrive under 01
Stage A Nomination Forms

i. Nominee’s Certificate
ii. Character Reference Form
iii. Nominator’s Certification and Endorsement (if

iv. All the supporting forms must be completed in full and

UPLOADED in the Online Nomination Form. Please note
that the form will only accept files in PDF (portable
document format) ONLY.

v. Once the Online Nomination Form has been submitted,

you will receive a copy of your entry via email.

b. If the Nomination Form will be accomplished MANUALLY:

i. Download the Nomination Form from this link:

https://bit.ly/PRA-WomenNominationFormGDrive under 01
Stage A Nomination Forms

ii. Print the documents and fill out all the information

iii. Once completed, scan the documents clearly and

properly. Image format will not be accepted.

For easy reference, kindly rename the document using

this format: PRAWomen_LastName,FirstName, Middle

iv. Submit the scanned accomplished forms to

resilienceawardsph@gmail.com, with subject line or title
- PRAWomen_Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

3 Accomplished Stage A Nomination Forms shall be submitted not

later than 22 September 2023. Afterward, endeavor to prepare
and submit a detailed report for Stage B.
Guide to the Stage B
Submission of Detailed Narrative Report form
1 Following the submission of Stage A Nomination,the nominee
(with the assistance of the nominator, if applicable) shall
prepare and submit a detailed report for Stage B using the
official template provided by the Awards Secretariat.

This can be accomplished online through Google Forms or

Manually, which can be accessed through the following options:

a. If the Stage B form will be accomplished ONLINE via

Google Forms:

i. Access the Stage B Form through this link:


ii. Fill out all the information ACCURATELY and


iii. All the supporting documents must be UPLOADED

in the Online Stage B Submission Form.

iv. Once the Online Stage B Submission Form has

been submitted, you will receive a copy of your
entry via email.

b. If the Nomination Form will be accomplished


i. Download the Stage B Form from this link:

under 02 Stage B Submission of Detailed Narrative

ii. Print the documents and fill out all the information

iii. Once completed, scan the documents clearly and

properly. Image format will not be accepted.

For easy reference, kindly rename the document

using this format:
PRAWomen_LastName,FirstName, Middle Initial

iv. Submit the scanned accomplished forms to

resilienceawardsph@gmail.com, with subject
line or title - PRAWomen_StageB - Last Name,
First Name

3 Accomplished Stage B forms shall be submitted not later than

22 September 2023.

4 The Awards Secretariat will carefully evaluate the submissions,

and once deemed eligible, they will issue a formal notice to all
shortlisted nominees.

Thank you, and good luck!

For inquiries, email us at



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