MCN 4th Quiz
MCN 4th Quiz
MCN 4th Quiz
Quiz Coverage
REFERENCE: Silbert-Flagg, J., & Pillitteri, A. (2018). Maternal ➢ Poor ova transport from fallopian tube to the
& child health nursing: Care of the Childbearing &
Childrearing Family (Eight ed., Vol. 1.) Factors: BOTH (20%)
I. Infants
A. Phimosis
B. Hypospadias
C. Epispadias & Exstrophy Complex
D. Cryptorchidism
E. Hydrocele
II. Adolescents
III. Adult Women - Abnormal ventral placement of
A. Breast Cancer the urethral opening on the
B. Fibrocystic Breast underside of the penis.
C. Fibroadenoma of the Breast - This is a kind of birth defect or
D. Dysmenorrhea congenital condition in which the
E. Imperforated Hymen opening of the urethra is on the
F. Premenstrual Syndrome underside instead at the tip.
G. Menopausal Syndrome - The urethra is the tube through
IV. Adult Men which urine drains from the
A. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia bladder and exits from the body.
- This is common and doesn’t cause
REFERENCE: Silbert-Flagg, J., & Pillitteri, A. (2018). Maternal difficulty caring for this infant
& child health nursing: Care of the Childbearing & - Surgery usually restores the appearance of the child’s
Childrearing Family (Eight ed., Vol. penis.
- With successful treatment of hypospadias, most males
INFANTS can have normal urination
- The inability to retract the foreskin Signs and Symptoms:
from the glans of the penis ● Opening of the urethra is at the location other than the
- A condition in which the foreskin tip of the penis
can’t be pulled back or retracted ● Downward curvature of the penis → Chordee
from around the tip of the penis ● Hooded appearance of the penis because only the top
- A tight foreskin is common in baby half is covered by foreskin, and there is abnormal pain
boys who aren’t circumcised, but during urination
usually stops being a problem by
the age of 3. Nursing Consideration:
- Can occur naturally or be the result of scarring ● No circumcision or circumcision should be avoided as this
- Young boys may not need treatment unless it makes foreskin should be used for surgical repair
urination difficult or causes other symptoms ○ Surgery is performed for the correction of
- BALANITIS: hypospadias and the insertion of catheter is
➢ inflammation of the phimotic foreskin or the placed for urinary diversion
inflammation of the glands or head of the penis due ○ Part of the nursing care is catheter care
to infection or other causes ● Urinary diversion: position drainage bag at lower level
➢ Can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful, but it ○ To facilitate continuous flow of the urine
is not usually serious that can be relieved with ○ Part of the nursing care is catheter care
topical medication ○ Aseptic technique should be observed to prevent
ascending infection
Nursing Consideration ● Avoid tub baths, straddle toys, sand boxes, swimming and
● Proper hygiene rough activities
● Do not forcibly retract the skin or else other problems ○ Most children will self-limit their activity, so if the
might occur such as Paraphimosis child is older and active, encourage quiet play
● Paraphimosis during the first few weeks after surgery
○ a urologic emergency in which the retracted ○ Avoid contact sports, gyms, straddle toys, sand
foreskin of an uncircumcised male can’t return to its boxes, swimming and rough activities while the
normal anatomical position. catheter is in place.
○ It is important to recognize this condition promptly
as it can result in gangrene and amputation of the Pharmacologic Management:
glans penis ● Anticholinergic (Oxybutynin)
○ Used to treat Bladder spasm for patient with
MCHN 2 - LECTURE 4th Quiz Coverage
● Surgical correction at 6-12 mos. Of age - Failure of one or both testes to descend through the
● Testosterone (pre-op medications) to increase the size of inguinal canal into the scrotum
the penis - Also known as Undescended Testicle
● The goal of the treatment: - Usually, 1 testicle is affected but 10% of cases, both
○ Improve the physical appearance testicle are undescended
○ To be able to void in standing position - Undescended testicle is uncommon in general, but
○ To have a sexually adequate organ common among babies born prematurely
- The vast majority of the time the testicle moves into the
proper position on its own within the first few months of
- If your son has undescended testes that don't correct
itself, surgery can relocate the testicle into the scrotum.
- Cancer that forms into the cells of the breast after a skin
- Most common cancer diagnosed in women
Treatment: - Can occur in both men and women, but is more common
● Surgery in women
○ Communicating hydrocele corrected w/in 1 year - Survival rates have increased and the number of deaths
Nursing Consideration: associated with this disease is steadily declining
● Swelling & discoloration is temporary - Decline in death rates is largely due to factors such as:
● Dressing change every day ➢ Early detection
● Bathe 3 days after surgery ➢ New personalized approach to treatment
● Avoid straddle toys for 2-4 weeks. ➢ Better understanding of the disease
● Ultrasound
○ Uses soundwaves to produce image of the breast
and is often performed along with the
● Fine-needle aspiration
○ For breast lumps that feels a lot like a cyst, to see
○ This is better for evaluation on younger women’s if fluid can be withdrawn from the lump
dense breast tissue ○ This procedure can be done in the clinic
○ Breast tissues tightly packed with lobules, ducts ○ This procedure may collapse the cyst and resolves
and connective tissue, utz can also help the doctor the discomfort
distinguish between fluid filled cyst and solid mass.
● Lumpectomy or Surgical excision
○ To remove the lump
Treatment: ● Biopsy to evaluate the lump
● Fine-needle aspiration
○ Monitoring of the changes of size or feel
● Surgical excision ○ Can shrink or disappear on their own
● Cryoablation
○ A minimally invasive procedure; Treatment of
cancer by killing cancer cells with extreme cold
MCHN 2 - LECTURE 4th Quiz Coverage
Nursing Considerations and approximately 1 in 1,000 girls are born with what is
● Instruct to wear firm support bra especially after a called imperforate hymen
lumpectomy procedure - Imperforate hymen
● Avoid caffeine and fats ➢ No opening to the vagina is present
● Warm pack for discomfort ➢ Many girls will not be aware that they have an
imperforate hymen until they begin their
menstrual period and experience complications
due to blood pooling in the vagina
Signs and Symptoms:
● Abdominal pain and swelling, back pain → often come
and go each month
● Lack of a menstrual cycle → despite having other signs of
sexual maturity (developing breast and pubic hair)
- Pain at the suprapubic area or lower abdomen during or ● Dysuria (painful urination), unable to void → can occur
shortly after menstruation when pooled blood is pressed against the urethra
- Primary Dysmenorrhea → due to prostaglandin release;
8-48 hours from the start of the first day of menstruation Diagnosis:
➢ Occurs at menarche and continues throughout life ● Gynecologic Exam
○ Imperforate hymen diagnosed in girls > 10 years
➢ Commonly on the first 3-5 year after menarche or
old are often found by chance
after ovulation has established
○ Doctors may suspect an imperforate hymen
➢ Usually lifelong
following a routine newborn check
➢ Can cause severe and frequent menstrual ○ If a doctor suspects an imperforate hymen, they
cramping for severe and abnormal uterine can order vaginal or pelvic ultrasound
contraction ○ Imperforate hymen can be mistaken for other
- Secondary Dysmenorrhea → due to pathologic pelvic conditions such as transverse vaginal
condition; Dull pain that radiates to buttocks and thighs septum → a thick mass blocking the vagina and
➢ Due to physical or pathologic cause ultrasound can help confirm the diagnosis
➢ Usually starts later in life ● Ultrasound → rule out transverse vaginal septum or mass
➢ May be caused by another
medical conditions like PID
and endometriosis
● Obese
● Smoking
● Drinking alcohol during period (can
prolong menstrual pain)
● Early menarche (> 11 y.o)
● Nulliparity
● Hymenectomy → surgically cut
Nursing Consideration:
away part of the hymen using a
● Heating pad or hot baths - can help alleviate pain
scalpel or laser
● Massage on lower back - relieve cramping
● Yoga, acupuncture, transcutaneous electrical nerve
Nursing Consideration:
stimulation (TENS), aromatherapy - divert and lessen pain ● NSAIDs - for pain
sensation ● Antibiotics as ordered
● Diet modifications: low salt and sugar ● Dilator-application
- It is estimated that as many as 3 of every 4 menstruating
- Most females are born with a hymen
women have experienced some form of premenstrual
- Hymen
➢ Is a thin membrane that stretches across the - Symptoms reoccur in a predictable pattern
vagina - Physical and emotional changes that women experience
➢ Generally, has a ringlike appearance with a small with PMS may vary from just slightly noticeable to all the
opening way too intense
➢ No real medical purpose for the hymen but some - Treatment and lifestyle adjustment can help reduce or
think it may have evolved to help protect the manage the sign and symptoms of premenstrual
vagina from infection syndrome
- Most girls have small crescent or donut-shaped opening
in the hymen. This opening allows for access to the vagina
MCHN 2 - LECTURE 4th Quiz Coverage
Signs and Symptoms: ○ Insufficient serotonin levels may contribute to
● Physical s/s: premenstrual depression, fatigue, food cravings,
○ Abdominal bloating and sleep problems
○ Pelvic fullness ● Depression
○ Breast tenderness ○ Some women with severe premenstrual syndrome
○ Weight gain → due to fluid retention have undiagnosed depression
○ Joint muscle pain ○ Depression alone does not cause all symptoms
○ Headache
○ Fatigue Treatment:
○ Acne flares ● Advise women to have regular exercise and enough sleep
○ Constipation ● Avoid smoking, limit sugar salt, alcohol and caffeine
○ Diarrhea ● Yoga, acupuncture, hypnosis, massage
○ Alcohol intolerance ● Stress reduction techniques → can decrease s/s
● Emotional and behavioral s/s: ● NSAIDs
○ Tension or anxiety
○ Crying spells - The stage of life after you have not had a period for 12
○ Irritability months or longer
■ Mood swings - This is the time that marks the end of the menstrual cycle
■ Anger - It is diagnosed after 12 months without a menstrual
○ Panic attacks period
○ Premenstrual cravings (appetite changes_ - This can happen in women in their 40s or 50s, but the
○ Insomnia average age is 51.
○ Social withdrawal - A natural, biological process but the physical symptoms
○ Poor concentration (e.g. hot flashes) and emotional symptoms of menopause
○ Change in libido may disrupt sleep, lower energy, or affect emotional
● For some physical pain and emotional stress are severe health
enough to affect their daily lives
● Regardless of the severity of the s/s, generally, these will ETIOLOGY:
disappear within 4 days after the start of menstruation ● Decline of hormones
● A small number of women with premenstrual syndrome ● Hysterectomy
have disabling symptoms. This form of PMS is called ● Chemotherapy &
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) → significant Radiation
physical and behavioral symptoms that interfere with ● Primary ovarian
daily living insufficiency →
○ S/S: genetic
■ Irritability or anger that may affect other
people With the declining level of
■ Feeling of sadness or despair estrogen, progesterone,
■ Thoughts of suicide, feeling out of control testosterone, or hormones
■ Feeling of tension or anxiety, panic attacks, in women, this can lead to the different s/s of premenopausal
mood swings or crying often syndrome.
■ Often lack of interest in daily activities and
relationships In months and years leading to menopause, there is a period
■ Trouble thinking or focusing called premenopausal wherein women might experience the
■ Tiredness or low energy ff. signs and symptoms:
■ Food craving or binge eating ● Irregular periods
■ Insomnia ○ Vary among women
■ Physical symptoms: bloating, breast ○ Most likely, a woman may experience some
tenderness, headache, and joint or muscle irregularity in the periods before they end
pain ○ Skipping periods during premenopause is common
and expected.
Etiology: unknown, but there are some factors that may ■ Often menstrual periods will skip a 1 month
contribute and will return or will skip a several months
● Cyclic change in hormones or hormonal fluctuation and then their monthly cycle starts again for
○ Disappear with pregnancy and menopause a few months
● Chemical change in the brain ○ Pregnancy is still possible
○ Neurotransmitter: serotonin. This is thought to ■ Consider a pregnancy test if the woman has
play a crucial role in mood state. skipped a period and is not sure if they are
○ With the fluctuation of serotonin, this could trigger in transition towards menopause
PMS symptoms. ● Vaginal Dryness
● Hot flashes
- Also called prostate gland enlargement
- Common condition in men as they get older
- An enlarged prostate gland can cause uncomfortable Complications:
urinary symptoms such as blocking the flow of urine out ● Urinary retention
of the bladder. ○ Sudden inability to urinate
➢ Blockage causes statis, urinary tract and kidney ○ The need to have a catheter inserted into the
problems bladder to drain the urine
○ In some men with larger prostate, they need
Risk Factors: surgery to relieve the retention
● Aging (60 y.o and ● UTI (urinary tract infection)
above) ○ The inability to fully empty the bladder can
● Family history of BPH increase the risk of infection in the urinary tract
● Diabetes and heart ○ If UTI occurs frequently, there is a need for
disease (due to the surgery to remove part of the prostate
use of beta blockers) ● Bladder stones
● Obesity ○ Generally caused by an inability to completely
empty the bladder
CHILD Nursing consideration:
‒ Children often fall behind in the growth and ‒ Keep the child safe during illness care
development because of their illness. ‒ Always be sure of the location of all children in you care
‒ Nursing diagnosis: Risk for delayed growth and ‒ Ensure that doors or gates are provided near stairways or
development related to the effects of illness elevators
‒ Need to promote growth and development ‒ Ensure that doors of healthcare facilities have working
alarms to prevent children from going out and to prevent
➢ For ill infants — maintain their at home schedule
strangers from coming in
when possible
‒ Common sites: the veins on the dorsal surface of the INTRAVENOUS MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION
hand or on the flexor surface of the wrist ‒ Medications may be added to an IV line as small, one-time
‒ Leg and foot veins may also be used administration (bolus) or piggyback for longer infusions
‒ Scalp vein over the temporal area → ultimately causes ‒ Ensure that the drug to be injected is compatible with an
the least discomfort for their child because needles do IV fluid being infused
not infiltrate readily. Lesser option unless none of the ‒ To administer medicine by a bolus technique (when you
peripheral sites are accessible give more fluids than the usual IV
‒ Children who have IV infusions for long periods may medication; 10-20 cc syringe is
require the placement of an Intracath (a slim, pliable used)
catheter threaded into a vein) ‒ Students are not allowed to give
➢ Advantage: it can’t be dislodged as easily as it is IVTT medication to a patient. 30
sutured in skin; minor surgery; needs sterile days extension
‒ IV infusions must be secured in place with at least a small ‒ For piggyback infusion of
armboard. medicine: (run for a longer
➢ Clean the medicine
port on the IV line, and
insert the piggyback
system into the port
➢ Lower the level of the
main infusion bag and
adjust the flow rate
➢ Elevate the
maintenance bag of
fluid again and regulate
‒ IV fluids must be infused at a slower rate than adults
at proper rate
‒ Automatic rate-flow infusion pumps are useful when
giving potent medications (quick-effect; e.g potassium).
Should be mandatory for small children. This will give a
‒ Heparin Locks → devices that maintain open venous
slow and accurate rate of flow.
access for medicine administration while allowing
children to be free out of bed
‒ Scalp vein tubing → is used and capped at the end with a
specially designed rubber stopper or commercial trap
‒ Always remember all the spaces are filled with fluid so
that no air can enter into the vein causing air embolus.