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2-Transmission Line Parameters

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Module I: Introduction to Transmission lines
•Transmission lines are the conductors that serve as a path for
transmitting (sending) electrical waves (energy) through them.
•These basically forms a connection between transmitter and
receiver in order to permit signal transmission.
•Transmission lines in microwave engineering are known as
distributed parameter networks.
•As their voltage and current shows variation over its entire
•It enables the transfer of electrical signals by a pair of conducting
wires that are separated from each other by a dielectric medium
which is usually air.
•A transmission line is used for the transmission of electrical
power from generating substation to the various distribution
• It transmits the wave of voltage and current from one end to
• The transmission line is made up of a conductor having a
uniform cross-section along the line.
• Air act as an insulating or dielectric medium between the
Types of Transmission Lines
Open-wire transmission line:
Coaxial cable lines:
• These lines are formed when a conducting wire is coaxially inserted
inside another hollow conductor.
• These are termed as coaxial as the 2 conductors share the same axis.
These are widely used in applications where high voltage levels are
• The figure shown below represents the coaxial cable transmission line:
Microstrip Lines
Fiber Optics
Maxwell’s Equation
Maxwell’s Equation in time varying Fields
Maxwell’s Equation for harmonically varying
Losses of Transmission Lines

• radiation losses,
• conductor losses,
• heating losses (dielectric),
(i) Radiation loss:
It happens when the distance between the conductors in the transmission
line is comparable to the wavelength. In such cases the electromagnetic and
electrostatic field of the conductors acts as small antennas which conducts
out energy to the nearby conducting materials.

(ii) Conductor loss:

Conductor losses are often called power loss. It is mainly due to the
resistance of the conductor. Conductor also is also due to frequency which
is known as skin effect. Skin effect is the tendency of the alternating current
by which they tend to increase the current density near the surface more
than that at the core i.e. the current appears to flow on the skin of the

(iii) Dielectric heating loss: Dielectric heating loss is due to the potential
difference between the two conductors of a transmission line. When air is
the dielectric, loss is negligible. However, in case of solid conductors it
increases with the frequency.
Equivalent circuit of transmission line

•The two conducting wires have a certain length and the parameters of the
transmission line is distributed over all its length.

•The transmission line has mainly four parameters, These parameters are R, L,
C and G i.e. resistance, inductance, capacitance and shunt conductance.

•The two conducting wires due to separation holds some capacitance. But this
dielectric medium does not provide complete insulation hence some leakage
current flows through it.
Parameters of transmission line

•The performance of transmission line depends on the parameters of the line.

•These parameters are uniformly distributed along the line. Hence, it is also called
the distributed parameter of the transmission line.

•The inductance and resistance form series impedance whereas the capacitance and
conductance form the shunt admittance.

•Telephone lines and electricity supply lines are some examples of transmission
Primary parameters or constants of transmission
The primary line constants are parameters that describe the characteristics of
conductive transmission lines, such as pairs of copper wires, in terms of the
physical electrical properties of the line. The line constants Resistance (R)
Inductance (L) Capacitance (C) Conductance (G) are distributed through the entire
length of the line, they are called as distributed elements. These are also called as
primary constants.

• Resistance (R) is defined as the loop resistance per unit length of the wire. Its unit
is ohm/Km.

• Inductance (L) is defined as the loop inductance per unit length of the wire. Itsunit
is Henry/Km

• Capacitance (C) is defined as the loop capacitance per unit length of the wire. Its
unit is Farad/Km

• Conductance (G) is defined as the loop conductance per unit length of the wire. Its
unit is mho/Km
Secondary parameters or constants of transmission
The secondary line constants can be used, for instance, to
compare the characteristics of a waveguide to a copper line .The
secondary constants of a line are:

Characteristic Impedance :
•Characteristic Impedance (usually written as Z0) is the resistance in
parallel circuits and power planes to the flow of alternating current.
•The characteristic impedance of a uniform transmission line is the
ratio of the amplitudes of voltage and current of a single wave
propagating along the line.
•Characteristic impedance is determined by the geometry and
materials of the transmission line. The unit of characteristic
impedance is the ohm.
Characteristic Impedance Zc = √(z/y)
z = R + jωL = series impedance per unit length per phase
y = G + jωC = shunt admittance per unit length per phase
Propagation Constant:

• Electromagnetic waves propagate in a sinusoidal fashion. The

measure of change in its amplitude and phase per unit distance is
called the propagation constant.

• Denoted by the Greek letter 𝜸.

• The propagation constant for any conducting lines(like copper lines)

can be calculated by relating the primary line parameters.
Z=R+iωL Series impedance of line per unit length.
Y=G+iωC The shunt admittance of line per unit length.

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