Experimental Study of Using Pond Ash As Partial Replacement For Fine Aggregate in A Silica Fume Based Concrete
Experimental Study of Using Pond Ash As Partial Replacement For Fine Aggregate in A Silica Fume Based Concrete
Experimental Study of Using Pond Ash As Partial Replacement For Fine Aggregate in A Silica Fume Based Concrete
Volume 5 Issue 5, July-August 2021 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
In India the strength stations are primarily coal compounds such as SiO2, Al2O3 etc. which has
primarily based which requires a large quantity of cementitious property to structure bond between two
coal. As the combustion of coal it produces a giant adjoining particles.
quantity of fly ash. Fly ash is the by using product of
After the combustion of coal the residues of ash is
thermal strength station which requires a giant place
acquired in all thermal energy plants. This find out
suitable technique for its disposal. Fly ash is
about is to inspect the check end result of concrete in
accumulated by means of mechanical or electrostatic
which cement is changed by using pond ash. The fly
precipitators from the flue gases of energy plant
ash got from strength station want appropriate
whereas; backside ash is accumulated from the
approach for its disposal. So the pleasant appropriate
backside of the boilers. When these two kinds of ash,
approach which all the strength plant makes use of is
blended together, are transported in the shape of
moist disposal method. The fly ash, backside ash and
slurry and stored, the credit is known as pond ash.
water are blended till slurry is acquired and then the
The complete manufacturing of fly ash in India is
slurry is disposed in open lands.
over a hundred million tones and the disposal is
essential problem. For its disposal thermal electricity People continuously go from geographical region to
station adopts moist technique for its disposal. In city areas thereby many fold amplify in high-rise
moist technique fly ash and backside ash are blended constructions in the cities. Infrastructure improvement
with water and disposed in open lands. Pond ash in such areas mainly in creating international
utilization helps to reuse the wastes from thermal locations like India is additionally at a peak. Concrete
electricity stations as nicely as to clear up the issues is the most critical cloth in the building of the high-
of disposal of pond ash, as it consists of chemical rise structures and different infrastructure works and
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD45048 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 1249
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
river sand is the important uncooked cloth used as work. Testing of coarse aggregates was done as per
first-class aggregate in the manufacturing of concrete. IS: 383-1970. The 20mm aggregates were firstly
The natural sources of river sand are getting depleted sieved through 20mm
gradually. The demand for the safety of the herbal
sieve. They were then washed to remove dust and dirt
surroundings and the ban on mining in some areas is and were dried to surface dry condition.
similarly annoying the trouble of availability of river
sand. At present, the building enterprise is plagued 2.3. Fine Aggregate
with the shortage of this indispensable constituent The sand used for the experimental programme was
fabric of concrete. Therefore, in the existing locally procured and conformed to grading zone III as
occasions of scant sources of river sand and growth in per IS : 383-1970 The sand was first sieved through
infrastructure development, it turns into necessary 4.75 mm sieve to remove any particles greater than
and extra considerable to locate out its alternative 4.75 mm and then was washed to remove the dust
fabric in concrete. 2.4. Silica Fume
1.1. PRODUCTION OF BOTTOM ASH Silica fume also referred as micro silica or condensed
silica fume is another material that is used as an
artificial pozzolanic admixture. It is a product
resulting from reduction of high purity quartz with
coal in an electric arc furnace in the manufacture of
silicon or ferrosilicon alloy. When quartz are
subjected to 20000C reduction takes place and
SiOvapours get into fuels. In the course of exit,
Fig 1.1 Schematic Diagram of Production of By-
oxidation takes place and the product is condensed in
products from Coal- fired Power Plant
low temperature zones. In the course of exit, Silica
1.2. OBJECTIVE OF THIS STUDY fume rises as an oxidized vapour, oxidation takes
The primary goals of the investigation are place and the product is condensed in low
To find out about the homes of industrial wastes temperature zones. When the silica is condensed, it
and their suitability in changing cement and great attains non-crystalline state with ultra fine particle
aggregate size. The superfine particles are collected through the
To learn about the impact of silica fume and Pond filters. It cools, condenses and is collected in bags. It
Ash on the Workability of concrete. is further processed to remove impurities and to
control particle size. Condensed silica fumeis
To learn about the mechanical houses such as essential silicon dioxide (SiO2) more than 90 percent
compressive strength, cut up tensile strength, in non crystalline form. Since it is an airborne
flexural power of the Concrete with silica fume material like fly ash, it has spherical shape. It is
and pond ash. extremely fine with particle size less than 1 micron
To look into the crack sample and flexural and with an average diameter of about 0.1 micron,
conduct of the Reinforced Concrete beams with about 100 times smaller than average cement
foremost share of SF and Pond Ash. particles. Silica fume has specific surface area of
about 20,000m2/kg, as against 230 to 300 m2/kg. The
2. MATERIALS use of silica fume in conjunction with super
2.1. Cement plasticizer has been back bone of modern high
For this research work Ordinary Portland Cement performance concrete. High fineness, uniformity,
(OPC) 53 grade conforming to IS 8112 – 1989 was high pozzolanic activityand compatibility with other
used. American Society for Testing Materials(ASTM) ingredients are of primary importance in selection of
has designated ordinary Portland cement as Type I mineral admixture. As Silica fume has the minimum
cement used for general concrete constructions. fineness of 15,000 m2/ kg, whereas the fumed Silica
2.2. Coarse aggregate has the fineness of 190,000 m2/g which is 6 to 7
Locally available coarse aggregates having the times finer than Silica fume.
maximum size of 20mm were used in the present
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Table 3.1 physical properties of cement
S.NO Characteristics Values Standard value
1 Normal consistency 31% -
2 Initial setting time(minutes) 36min Not less than 30
3 Final setting time (minutes) 210 min Not greater than
4 Fineness (%) 3.5% <10
5 Specific gravity 3.15 -
6 Compressive strength
i 3 days 23.8 MPa Not less than 23 MPa
ii 7 days 34.2 MPa Not less than 33 MPa
iii 28 days 45.0 MPa Not less than 43 MPa
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD45048 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 1251
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD45048 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 1252
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
4.5. SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH TEST The cost of cut up tensile power and flexural
Table 4.4 Split tensile strength for different power additionally decreases at 28 days checking
curing days out due to addition of pond ash and silica fume.
SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH IN Beams of optimized combine exhibited
S.NO MIX N/mm2 appropriate flexural behaviour which can be
7 days 14 days 28 days accelerated by using growing the curing period.
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