Sign of The Cross
Sign of The Cross
Sign of The Cross
In our inner self god will speak to us - The first person of the blessed trinity
Only god can satisfy the longing in our JESUS CHRIST (SON)
hearts - Second person of the blessed trinity
The prayer - Redeemer, savior
- Way of communicating to god whether we want to HOLY SPIRIT
give praise, give thanks, contrite for our sins - The third person of the holy spirit
and ask for our personal intentions
- Turning the heart toward god
GOD – the creator
Sign of the cross - GOD KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR US
- We start praying with the sign of the - IF GOD DOES NOT GRANT OUR DESIRE, HE
cross involving the father (the creator), ANSWERED IT BUT HE SAID NO
the son (savior), and the holy spirit - Yes, no , wait
(the sanctifier)
- When jesus save us from our sin IT IS CALLED THE LORD’S PRAYER BECAUSE IT
Blessed trinity IS THE PRAYER OF JESUS
This is the mystery of our faith EVERYTIME WE PRAY WE ARE GIVING THANKS TO
One god three divine person GOD
Perfect prayer – because it is the 1- There is unity in the three
lord’s prayer The word church is not only the
structure , we are the church
If we receive the holyspirit we are
known other than the church
Thanksgiving The church is a communion of
Supplication believers drawn together by god in
Sanctifier- pagpapabanal jesus christ by the power of the
holy spirit
When u receive the holy spirit we become
christians The church is trinitarian in origin
God the father prepared the
establishment of the church
the birth of the church
Jesus christ established the church
Pentecost – in the new testament , the by the power of the holy spirit
day that the holy spirit descended during pentecost
upon the disciple of jesus Founder of the universal church is
- Birth day of the church JESUS CHRIST
- 3rd glorious mystery
- Penta meaning 50 Who started the church
Jesus christ – the catholic church
was founded by jesus christ . the
new testament records jesus
activities and teachings his
appointments of the twelve apostles
ACT 2:1-4
This verse shows the miraculous
signs which is a once for all
occurrence . it has lasting Tongues of fire
significance for all who have come - symbolized the purifying and cleansing
work of the holy spirit. Through his
to know god
indwelling and infilling , he gives them
when jesus died the disciples are afraid power of godly living and effective
because they were afraid they suffer witnessing (gal.5:22-23, eph 5:18-21: 1
like jesus cor 6:19)
paraclit – gabay
miraculous speech - You will be known for what you show
Primary characteristic of holy trinity is unity
CHURCH – coming from the latin word Center of church is jesus
ecclesia, which is defined as an assembly or Unity of the church is founded in the trinity
called out one , the root meaning of church
Holy spirit is the one moving in the church and it
is not that of a building but of people
help us to become holy and sanctified
- roman 16:5 says greet the church that is
in their house paul refers to the church
in their house , not a church building
but a body of believers
- we have to lead an authentic life of
- Develop and use your talent
The is one from her very source, the one living The Church is one because of the Holy Spirit
God in three Persons. “The Church shines forth - The ‘soul’ of the Church
as ‘a people made one with in the unity of the It brings about that wonderful communion of the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’” that faithful and joins them together in Christ.
makes: The most fundamental in the Church - our unity in
faith, hope and love
Ideal unity- a unity in freedom and diversity in He is the Head, the Church is the Body.
which people with different charisms and gifts of Together they for the "whole Christ" (St.
grace serve one another Augustine). Just as the body has many members
Jesus christ died not only for few people because yet is one, so too the one Church consists of and
he dies for all of us is made up of many particular churches
Mystical body of christ – member of church
Within the unity of one faith, tolerance is not
enough. Respect, love and acceptance for one Primarily, the church is holy because of her
another and the desire to come to a ‘togetherness’ founder Jesus Christ.
is also needed To sanctify the church, Jesus Christ, gave
It is Christ who, through the Holy Spirit, makes his himself to her and sent His Spirit to her.
Church one. And we are all called to live out this Holiness is the commitment to justice. It is
oneness. transforming of the world according to God’s
plan through compassion, service and
unconditional love. It is seen through God’s
Charity /Love is the center of holiness.
Just as there is only one Christ, there can only
be one Body of Christ, only one Bride of Christ,
and therefore only one Church of Jesus Christ.
Christ loved the Church as his bride and gave Sacramentals – objects use during mass or
himself up for her, to make holy. devotional time
The Holy Spirit graces her with the fullness of Means – help us to become holy
the means of salvation and holiness.
Pew- chair in church
• The Church’s holiness is a process for
growing, a “Paschal Pilgrimage”. Sacrament – visible signs of the invisible grace of
Ang pagmamahal ng Diyos ang nagpapabanal god
sa simbahan, sa halip na likas syang banal sa White symbolizes purity
ganang sariling kakayahan. Water symbolizes cleansing of our original sin