The Impact of The Mass Media On Rural Development in Ife Central Local Government
The Impact of The Mass Media On Rural Development in Ife Central Local Government
The Impact of The Mass Media On Rural Development in Ife Central Local Government
Education through media has created substantial changes in the traditional concept of education,
has eliminated most of the deficiencies of the traditional systems of education and has created
fundamental changes in education (Charlton et al., 2002). Using the mass media has caused an
increase in the knowledge level and the output of educational system in recent decades. It seems
the main reason for the popularity of television lies in its simplicity for the audiences. Since
people intend to choose the easiest way for learning and the simplicity can be found in television
Television has proved that is a strong communication means and can affect the society a great
deal. Television has been used for educational purposes after the World War II. In the beginning,
Americans knew educational television similar to lesson television. Ekoja (2003) has mentioned
that the information sources in different aspects of agriculture for the farmers are radio and
practical education, and consultation services, respectively. Jenkins and his colleagues (2003)
have conducted a research about the information technology used by the farmers of North
In Nigeria, the studies conducted by Arokoyo (2003) showed that although video, radio, and
television are the major sources of information for the farmers of this country, in the case of
establishing the foundations, it is also possible to use other developed equipment. In this country,
the print media have a specific situation in agriculture transferring as well. Television is
acknowledged as the most important medium for communicating with the rural populations of
Despite their vaunted objectivity and self-acclaimed commitment to fairness, it can be argued
that the Nigerian mass media has over the years, solely neglected the rural areas. The perspective
of the Nigeria mass media was, and continues to be (despite some progress), strictly urban. The
media reports and writes from the standpoint of an urban dweller’s world. The ills of the rural
areas, difficulties of life there, their burning sense of grievance, are seldom seriously conveyed.
Media is undoubtedly very fast vast and powerful mode on communication. Nor does it only
appeal a vast audience it has got a tremendous impact on the political run of a country and
culture of a Society, Films, T.V Shows, Journalism (newspapers and news channels) all come
under short yet large “Media”. Mass Media perform the role of dynamic waterdogs and erects its
fingers towards and backlog in a system. It diagnoses the system and opens the pit full and tries
to rectify it. As we know our country in a democratic way of living and India has completed
sixty-five years of its independence it is still in its youth stage. Our country has been successfully
serving as the largest democracy of the world. In last two decades it is observed that liberalism
has its impact on various dimensions of the human civilization. Establishment of market
economy creates challenges to heritage of our country. It affects the urban population most and
This stratification of distribution occurs not only between urban and rural areas, as much
pervious evidence attests, but more important the areas themselves, television is the mass media
with the greatest diet bias in most developing countries and radio is the most generally available
however, even radio is quite the social strata. The majority of rural people in underdeveloped
A great inequality still hundred the potential use of mass media in availability in rural areas
mirrors the unequal distribution of other resources. Even where mass media widely available
serious reservation remains concerning the contribution of the information to a more equitable
rural development.
Mass Media has been regarded as a valuable tool for economic, social and political development
in the rural areas. Every community needs the full support of Government on rural development
in order to be full civilized, even for them to know the basic needs and situation of the state
economy, because of these reasons, it is imperative now for the Mass Media to be used as the
Despite all the changes brought about by information on social scene as well as in media remains
a dominant factor with its capacity to appeal to the minds of people. Yet we often witness a
tendency to take a very narrow view of media and limit our vision by our media use and our
media habits. The whole range, scope and use of media has to be appreciated if want its
application in solving the problems our society faces from time to time. The whole range and
dimension of media has to be understood if we want to know how media can play a role in
In the wake of increasing commercialization, media’s role in expressing public thoughts is
shrinking and more constraints and barriers are developing in the way of free and fair interaction
between the media and the public. Media and the information systems in the developing
countries are being governed by dominant concepts of the urban areas. The developing countries
can meet the challenge only through developing alternative concepts of media programming,
The general objective of this study is to examine the impact of the mass media on rural
development in Ife Central local government. The specific objects include the following:
1. To ascertain the usage of mass media among people in Ife Central local government area.
2. To find out the influence of the mass media on the dissemination of information in Ife
Central LGA.
3. To determine the impact of mass media educating the rural dwellers in Ife Central local
4. To examine the influence of the mass media in addressing the socio-economic conditions of
5. To investigate the relationship between mass media and poverty alleviation among rural
The relevant research questions related to this study include the following:
1. What is the usage of mass media among people in Ife Central government area?
2. What is the influence of the mass media on the dissemination of information in Ife Central
3. What is the impact of mass media educating the rural dwellers in Ife Central local
4. What is the influence of the mass media in addressing the socio-economic conditions of the
5. What is the relationship between mass media and poverty alleviation among rural dwellers
H1 – There is a relationship between mass media and poverty alleviation among rural dwellers in
H0 – There is no relationship between mass media and poverty alleviation among rural dwellers
HO: The traditional means of communication are not in existence in Ipetu community
HO: The traditional means of communication are not credible than the modern mass media.
H3: These traditional means of communication are credible than the modern mass media.
(1) I assume that after this research work on the Need for the various mass media of
community and other rural communities will understand the basic needs for using
their various Mass media of communication for the development of their society.
(2) I also assume that this research work will enlighten the people more and educate them
I assume that this work will put to an end, the problems of mass media of communication in our
dictionary, it is being part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of a particular group of
A - CONCEPTUAL – MEDIA - According to Longman dictionary media are all the
organization such as television, newspaper, Magazines or all other forms through which
information is being passed across to the people both Traditional and Modern means.
process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts and feelings.
our ideas, views, opinion, norms, values, traditions, beliefs etc. from one person to another
through a medium.
producing the result that is wanted or intended, producing the result that is wanted or
B – OPERATIONAL –DEVELOPMENT - An advancement of something, people, community.
The study is limited to the rural communities in Nigeria but Precisely Ipetu community.
There are various literature reviewed in this study, because it is well known that no man
individuals, and authors of books related to this study were meet in order to grant this work an
absolute success. The various literature received in this study were obtained from the following
source, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Osun State and Osun State University, Osogbo,
Osun State, magazines, newspapers, journals, encyclopedia and other related works.
Many works and researchers have been done on the issue of mass media of
communication, prior to this, I tried to make more researches and consult works done especially
on the Yoruba ethnicity and other various ethnic groups and the national question.
Bearing in mind that no research is an island unto itself, it becomes obvious and
important to highlight some findings of related works agreeing with this relevant one and make
up a point of departure about the subject matter. It should be noted that different authors and
analyst share different view concerning traditional means of communication. Therefore, the
essence of this literature review is to ascertain how other authors and analyst
The 1886 peace treaty initiated by the British to put an end to the Yoruba civil strife also had
some traumatic effects on Ipetumodu. The treaty had stipulated that Modakeke, who had been at
constant wars with their fellow Ife host, would be resettled temporarily in Ipetumodu, Moro and
Edunabon and other Origbo towns before their final resettlement by the Osun-Odo Oba
confluence between Iwo and Ibadan.
The British authorities however, failed to implement the treaty to the letter early enough and on
the 27th of March, 1909, some Modakeke refugees settled in Owu Ipole, Gbongan, Edunabon,
Ede, Lasole and Akanle while many others led by the reigning Ogunsua settled in Ode Omu
(which was Originally part of the farmland of Ipetumodu people). On Sunday, 18th of July 1909,
the Modakekes suddenly and surreptitiously displaced the Ipetumodu farmers who had gone to
celebrate the annual "Egungun festival" from their farms.
The British authorities later endorsed the permanent settlement of Modakeke refugees on
Ipetumodu land without any compensation.
Ipetumodu is located on the western uplands of Yoruba land in western Nigeria, this area lies
between 300 and 600 meters above sea level. It is located in the high forest also called rain
forest. The annual rainfall is estimated to be between 130 and 150 centimeters annually, and
humidity of over 80%. This high humidity and long raining season support the cultivation of
perennial cash crops such as cocoa and kolanut tree. Although the town is now fairly urbanized
the hinterland west and east of the town centre is home to cocoa, oil palm and kolanut plantation
which are usually own by private individual from the town.
Ipetumodu is the headquarters of the Ife North local government of Osun State Nigeria. The city
is about 218 kilometers from Lagos, the commercial capital of Nigeria. It shares a boundary with
Ile-Ife, the spiritual headquarters of the Yoruba Kingdom, Yakooyo, Asipa, Akinlalu, Gbongan
and Ode-omu.
Ipetumodu has many primary and secondary schools both private and public own. Ipetumodu is
home to one of the federal government owned unity schools; Federal Government Girls College,
Ipetumodu which was established in 1995.
Ipetumodu has two markets. Obada market is held every fifth day and is located at the city
center. Akinola market is held every Friday. It was strategically located near Ife-Ibadan
expressway, which makes it one of the popular markets in Osun state.
It will be unfair to assert that African Communication scholars have rejected the study of mass
media of communication. They put more emphasy towards the study of the modern means of
Newspapers, magazines, internet, Journals etc which are not familiar with our rural community
According to Lan Mc Donad and David Hearle (1984) Defined traditional channels of
communication as “Those communication methods which have been used for centuries in rural
areas. Such as songs, plays, stories, puppet shows etc. They are often neglected, though in many
Nzekwu (1960) pointed out that “Another prototype of the modern reporters was
masquerade. Although it was masquerade in some societies. like the Yorubas’ emerged in the
night to gossip and expose scandals like a modern gossip columnist, except that the
Ikechukwu Nwosu (1990). asserted that ‘Traditional Communications core the products
of the interplay between a traditional community’s customs and conflicts, harmony and strife
cultural convergences and divergences, culture specific, tangible and intangible, symbols and
codes, oral tradition which include mythology, oral literature (poetry, story telling, proverbs)
masquerades witchcrafts, rituals, music, dance, drama, costumer and similar abstractions and
artifacts which encompass a people’s factual symbolic and cosmological existence from birth to
Bohannan and Dalton (1962). Pointed out “News is circulated with great rapidity through
the various processes of trading. Most communities had market which were not only centres of
trade but also a principal means of communication, information and recreation”. They provided a
most convenient forum to meet friends and kinsmen, exchange news and gossip while bringing
together large number of sellers, buyers and mere visitors some from distant places.
They created an atmosphere of festivity and entertainment in which gossip and exchange
of information Flourished. Some markets were also terminal points of trade routes to distribute
Basden (1964) said that “They gathered and relayed news as they passed from place to
place, communicating with fellow trader and collecting information on resource and prospects of
trade. The view that traders were satisfied with spreading their wares on the ground, waiting for
possible customers to make the first advance is entirely misleading. The phenomenon of
advertising which is so dear to modern newspaper owners has always been present in the African
market trader called the attention of prospective customers to the excellent quality and quantity
Ugboaja on his own identified mass media of communication in Africa among other
media, the market square, town crier and the gong man has been important, and very pragmatic
channels of mass communication. He likened the town crier to the radio transmitter and solicits
for the revival of traditional communication pattern by the use of traditional artifacts and social
information not only between persons and persons but between the government and the people.
The tools employed were recognized officially they are sounds, signs and symbols. But the most
common of these indigenous officials was the town crier or bellman, with his loud sounding
gong. He announces the promulgation of law and regulations meeting arrangements for
communal works and generally spread “Official” information in the community. The town crier
is very much a crucial part of the village today and can still be seen in autonomous part of the
announce the death of important personalities and to warn of imminent danger. Smoke was
also used. different thickness having particular significances, most extensively used of all is the
drums. several ethnic groups in Nigeria covered by this survey have a rich heritage of drums.
When some of these drums are expertly sounded, they are capable of conveying specific
The talking drum is the most fascinating agency or organized communication and it is a
pity that no serious study of Nigerian drums has been attempted. Exploratory investigations
reveal some data which permit little more than a superficial survey of the subject.
There are certain factors that militate against the rural communication development. They
1. POVERTY:- Lack of wealth made the ruralites to lack the basic requirement for
effective communication. Their source of income is too low, most of them engage in farming,
hunting and fishery activities which yields low capital. They are unable to purchase a radio set,
development. These ruralites are not educated, they lack the basic knowledge; inability to neither
read nor write. Even when this rural newspaper is published they are unable to read not even to
serious lack of raw materials in the rural communities, no tiled road, no community radio station,
not even a community newspaper or magazine which could have helped in information
dissemination, the rural dwellers are automatically blind from what they should know. The
journalists do not include those in the rural areas in their day to day activities, the rural people
are not communicated, they are not carried along with what is happening in the urban area. The
Mass media forms have been categorized into two broad perspectives to ease the
Human communication
words, conversation, folk-tables, proverbs, riddles and jokes, songs, town criers etc explaining
Dayo Digile (1979). Noted that “Announcer technique is down native both in content and
approach on analyzing the function of the village announcer or gong man that has clear voice of
confidence with which the message is delivered, the timing with remarkable input.
Ekwulie and Okonkwo (1995) wrote that among the Igbo people, communication began
with words of mouth. Through this medium socialization occurred with family circles with large
groups. Role ascriptions were thus explained from person to person in a grape vine fashion.
Festivals and wrestling matches were fixed and their dates announced. News of epidermic was
spread with varrying degrees of speed and concern. Stories of invading armies and intended
incursions were urgently dispersed to small clusters in enclosures of secrecy. Before the
invention of instruments that summoned people to the village or town centers, message delivery
and travel were sluggish and tended to run the whole rumour mongering. To save the loss of
message fidelity at the end of the channel and to ensure that nothing is lost in emphasis, urgency,
quality, sequence or even actual content, the people decided to invent instrument that will help to
address virtually everybody at the same time. These instrument were made possible by the help
This category of mass media is the non-verbal aspect and it included gestures, facial
expressional body movement (Kinetics) marks attire, attitude, belief, values, behaviours etc. on
the other hand there is the use of such instrument as gongs, talking drums and flute. A number of
times communication goes on without anybody necessarily opening his/her mouth to say a word.
He observed that in any given society, if at least two persons expect to understand each other to
hold the same kind of meaningful discussions; they attach a mutually accepted meaning.
This research work will be grossly incomplete without a befitting theoretical framework
which will form the foundation on which the various literature gathered and analysed in this
work would rest on. After careful examination, we arrived at two (2) theories that are considered
to be conditionally powerful. We recognized that the mass media worked with other variables to
bring about change either at the individual level or at the group or social level. The theory is the
This theory portends that through selective presentations and tendentious emphasis on
certain themes, the mass media created the impression among their audience that such theme
were part of the structure or clearly defined cultural norms of the society.
In relation to the traditional communications the media are expected to meet the felt
needs of the teaming audience who in this case are rural based. The felt needs of the people are
those functions of the mass media which includes surveillance, educating the masses,
entertainment, coordination, promoting the cultures and norms, giving them the accurate
information etc. functions of information and education respectively because his listeners get
informed and educated. The function of entertainment is achieved through the activities in
various social gatherings like festivals and dance. Such includes, New Yam Festival, masquerade
festivals, Naming Ceremonies, wrestling etc. These festivals constitute viable forms of cultural
However, through the use of masquerade and peer group in tax collection, an avenue for
enforcing attention are created because they see to the adherence of the norms of the land by the
In rural populace, the mass media of communication plays a vital role in information
between persons and person, between the government and the people.
Stella – Joan Ebo (1999) pointed out that “Mass media of communication are also
effective because they are part and parcel of African people and they understand the modes of
communication too well. People do not need to be literate before they can use this media of
communication because language and understood symbols are used to communicate to them.
This communication system is also effective because it is simple in form and generally
available to all at no material cost. Etukudo (1987) identified the town crier and the drums, the
age grade, interpersonal networks, traditional, religious groups songs and dances as the mass
media that cut across all our ethnic traditional communities. He showed in his write-up how
traditional communication systems can be made the authentic information media in the rural
Dilip mukerjee, an Indian journalist stated that our need is urgent and
and reshaping themselves. In our environment, there is, and will be for
a long time to come, much that is ugly and distasteful. If we follow the
western norm, we will be playing up only these dark spots, and thus
helping unwittingly to erode faith and confidence without which growth
This emotion-laden argument presumes that the media affect the attitudes and values of
The survey method on the basis of self administered questionnaire is the research
technique used for this study. This method is appropriate since the study is based on a critical
look concerning the various Mass media of communication as an agent of rural development. It
is also the most suitable method to gather a vast number of data since it makes data arrangement
and computation less cumber some to compute. It is also the most suitable research method for
this study.
Research design according to Haskins (1968) refers to the total plan of an investigation or
Nworgu, (1991) stated that research design is a plan or blue print which specifies how
data relating to a given problem should be collected and analysed. Research design provides the
procedural outline for the conduct of the investigation. The research design helped in providing
the necessary Framework needed by the researcher for tackling certain problems such as what
ought to constitute the target population, what is sample population and the sampling technique
to be used in determining it, how to collect and analyse the data, what type of statistical test is
appropriate etc. the researcher made use of questionnaire as a means of measuring instrument.
This study is done within the Ife Central Local Government Area of Osun State. Precisely
in Ipetumodu Community. The study treated the various mass media of communication. It also
went further to study how effective these various media of communication are and how it affects
rural development.
Population refers to animate or inanimate things which the study is focused. It could be
class, libraries, town, local government areas, states, nation or persons the researcher is interested
In this study the population used is Ipetumodu Community which comprises of 135,000
(One Hundred and Thirty-five Thousand) people, as stated by the National population
commission in 2006, National Population Census. However, the community will be stratified
Sample comprises of the part of the population studied. Nworgu (1991) stated that sample
is that part or portion of the population that is studied of the entire population.
Ezeja .E. Ogili (2005). Further narrated that sample is the actual number or part of a
F.O. Obodoeze (1996) also stated that for a researchers’ work to be successful he/she has
to lay down it sample of the population to be studied. sampling techniques is the process of
Sampling enables us to be cost-effective and cost efficient in our research that is spend
less in terms of time, money, energy and other resources (Nnayelugo: 2001). A sample random
sampling techniques will be used in different strata to select the actual respondents. And this is to
enable every member of the community to have equal chance of being selected.
A scientific means or statical tools were used to determine ‘the sample size for the study.
Yaro Yamai (1964) used this formula for finite population as –
n = 1+ N(e)2
assumed to be 5% or 0.05
n = 8348
1+8348 (0.05)2
n = 8348
1+8348 (0.0025)
n = 8348
1+20. 87
n = 8348
More so, the questionnaires were administered to adults of 18 years and above irrespective of
The measuring instrument used in collecting data is questionnaire structured fifteen (15) items.
The questionnaire would cover the postulated research questions and hypothesis as in chapter
one (1). Open ended and closed ended questions should be included in the questionnaire.
The measuring instrument employed is valid in the sense that it has numerous
advantages. The method of instrument used in measuring the data is concurrent method.
Moreover, it is expected that the rural respondents will respond accordingly by answering
the questions effectively. This study will be useful for other researchers’ n the field of mass
communication. At the end of this study, mass media of communication will truly manifest itself
The method of data used for this study were collected both from primary and secondary sources.
The researcher administered the questionnaires to the respondents in their homes and collects
their responses immediately without delay. The researcher will assist the illiterate ones by
reading out the questionnaire questions to them and indicating their responses against the
The researcher will do this in their homes and in their local language in order to enable them to
understand more effectively. The population size of Igbariam community which was collected
from the National population commission office at Agbani serves as the secondary data while the
analyze the result of the data he collected as a result of that study. This simply means, given
meanings to the characteristics of the data themselves, for better understanding, even by the
readers who are not experts in researches, data analysis helps researchers to test their hypothesis,
The researcher used the chi-Square and simple percentage statistical techniques in the
data analysis. The chi-square would be used to test the statistical significance of the hypothesis
by showing the difference or relationship between observed and expected frequency, while the
simple percentage is used to interpret and analyse the data for the understanding of the readers.
Responses will also be close tabulated during the testing of the hypothesis. Questionnaire is used
collecting data in accordance with the specification of the research question and hypotheses.
They are used to ascertain facts, opinion, beliefs, attitudes and practices. They can be structured
or unstructured. They are generally made to seek information necessary for answering the
research questions.
In this chapter, the data analysed and the results arrived at, were presented. The six
villages of Ipetumodu in Ife Central Local Government Area of Osun state were studied. A total
of 382 copies of the questionnaires were distributed and encouragingly, all were completed and
Meanwhile, this was as a result of the receptive nature of the respondents as well as
The above table shows that 267 (69.9%) respondents were male, 115 (30.1%) were
The above table shows that 101 (26.4%) were literate while 281 (73.6%) were illiterate.
This means that most of the respondents were illiterate. The researcher assisted the illiterate
people by reading out the questions of the questionnaire and indicating their responses against
the questions. The researcher did this in their local language in order to enable them understand
Table 3 shows that 60 (15.71%) of the respondents have FLSC 25 (6.54%) have
SSCE/NABTEB, 10 (2.62%) have DIP/ND, 6 (1.52%) have HND /B.Sc Nobody has M.Sc/PHD,
281 (73:56%) have no educational qualification. This indicates that a greater number of the
In table 4, the data collected shows that out of the 382 respondents that completed and
returned their questionnaire, 122 (31.9%) were single, 260 (68.1%) were married, this shows that
The above table shows that 20(5.2%) were between the age range of 18-20years, 52
(13.6%) were between the age range of 26-35 years, 95 (24.9) were between the age range of 36
and 46 years while 215 (56.3%) were between the age range of 47 and above. This shows that a
greater number of the respondents fall within the age range of 47 and above.
The table shows that 382 (100%) agreed that Ipetumodu people have traditional means of
communication. Nobody said No, and I don’t know, they all answered yes which shows that
In the above table, the data shows that 4 (1.04%) is of the opinion that Ipetumodu
people have town crier, 7(1.83%) were of Ikoro , 7 (1.83%) said it is gong, 2 (0.52%) is of
market place, 15 (3.92%) said that it is town union, while 347 (90.83%) said that all the above
This shows that all the media are in existence in the community.
Table 8 shows that 220 (57.6%) Considered town union as more credible traditional medium 75
(19.6%) consider town crier as a more credible medium, 32(8.4%) consider town crier as a more
credible medium, 22 (58%) see friends as a credible medium, 30 (7.9) consider market place as a
more credible medium while 3 (0.8%) do not consider any of the medium credible. A great
Table a shows that 310 (81.2) agreed that mass media plays a complementary role; 52 (13.60%)
said No, while 20 (5.2%) said that they do not know whether it plays the role or not. A large
number of the respondents agreed that mass media plays a complementary role.
Call to duty 5 1.3
Festivals 210
Total 382
The table 10 above shows that 100 (26.2%) expects achievement/success whenever Ikoro
sounds, 26 (6.8%) expects funeral, 23 (6.0%) expects taxation, 18 (4.7%) expect accident, 5
(1.3%) expects call to duty while 210 (55.0%) expects festivals whenever Ikoro sounds. This
means that a great number of respondents expects festivals whenever the Ikoro sounds.
In the above table that is receiving news generally about state and federal government
215 (56.30%) hear news from town crier, 26 (6.8%) from friends, 18 (4.7%) from newspapers,
23 (6.0%)) from market places, 70 (18.3%) from radio, 30 (7.9%) from television, there is
nobody that do not get news from all the options listed above.
The number of respondents that gets news generally about state and federal government
Yes 222 58.1
No 160 41.9
I don’t know - -
Total 382 100
From the above table, It shows that 222 (58.1%) own radio/Television set while 160
(41.9%) do not have radio/television set; while nobody answered I don’t know .
The above table shows that 201 (52.61%) of the respondents listen and watch television I
hour a day, 25 (6.54%) in less than I hour, 54 (14.13%) in 2 hours, 40 (10.50%) respondents
listen and watch television in 3 hours, 23 (6.02%) in more than 4 hours while 39 (10.20%)
This means that great number of the respondents listen and watch to television and radio
set a day.
The above table shows that 12 (3.1%) of the respondents get news about economic
development in Ipetumodu community through the town crier, 30 (7.9%) through Friends, 45
(11.8%) from newspapers, 228 (59.8%) from radio, 65 (17%) from television while 2 (0.50%) do
not get news from any media. This means that majority of the respondents receive news about
Table 15 shows that 33 (8.6%) of the respondents depend on the town criers for
entertainment, 28 (7.3%) depend on friends, 104 (27.2%) depend on age grade, 53 (13.9%)
depend on radio, 11 (2.9%) on television while 153 (40.1%) depends on festivals. This shows that
Here the three hypotheses used for this study were tested using the chi-square statistical
technique. The aim of this hypotheses testing is to find out if the various variable in the
hypotheses are statistically related. However, in testing the hypotheses, we compared observed
frequency with expected frequency, and the probability level of testing all the hypotheses was at
Calculated as X2 = (O-E)2
RESPONSE 0 E 0–E 0 – E2 0 – E2
Yes 382 127.3 234.7 6487.69 509.6
No 0 127.3 -127.3 16205.29 127.3
I don’t know 0 127.3 -127.3 16205.29 127.3
Total 382 382 763.6
X2 = 763.6
DF = 5
P = 0.05
2 =
∑XU 11.070
The test shows that calculated value is 76.3 while the table value at 0.05 of probability, less than
five (5) degree of freedom is 11.070 this means that the calculated value (X 2 = 763.6) is greater
Accept research hypotheses if the calculated value is greater than the table value. In the
other hand, reject research hypotheses and accept null hypotheses if the calculated value is less
Based on the decision rule stated above according to our result. We accept the research since it
Ho: These traditional means of communication are not in existence in Ipetumodu community.
In testing for hypotheses two, question 7 of the questionnaire will be used. What are these
X2 = (0-E)2
RESPONSE 0 E 0–E 0 – E2 0 – E2
Town criers 4 63 . 7 -59 . 7 3564 – 09 56.0
Ikoro 7 63 . 7 -56 . 7 3214.89 50.5
Gong 7 63 . 7 56 . 7 3214.89 50.5
Market place 2 63 . 7 61 . 7 3806.87 59 – 8
Town union 15 63 . 7 48 . 7 23071.69 37.2
All of the above 347 63 . 7 283.3 80258.89 1260.0
Total 382 382 1514.0
X2 = 1514
DF = 5
P = 0.05
E X U2 = 11.070
The above test shows that calculated value is 1514 while the table value at 0.05 level of
probability, under Five (5) degrees of freedom is 11.070, this means that the calculated value (x2
Accept research hypotheses if the calculated value is greater than the table value. On the
other hand, reject research hypotheses and accept null hypotheses if the calculated value is less
Based on the decision rule stated above and according to our result we
H0: The traditional means of communication are not more credible than the modern mass
H3; The traditional means of communication are more credible than the modern mass media.
Question 8 of the questionnaire will be used in testing these hypotheses. Which of these
X2 = (0 - E)2
Town Union 220 63.7 156.3 24429.69 383.5
Age grade 75 63.7 11.3 127.69 2.0
Town crier 32 63.7 -31.7 1004.89 15.8
Friends 22 63.7 -41.7 1738.89 27.3
Market 30 63.7 -33.7 1135.69 17.8
Nme 3 63.7 -60.7 3684.49 57.8
Total 382 382 504.2
X2 = 504.2
DF = 5
P = 0.05
E X U2 = 11.070
The above test shows that calculated value is 504.3 while the table value at 0.05 level of
probability under five (5) degree of freedom is 11.070, this means that the calculated value is (x 2 =
Accept research hypotheses if the calculated value is greater than the table value. On the other
hand, reject research hypotheses and accept null hypotheses if the calculated value is less than the
table value.
Based on the decision rule stated above and according to our result, we accept the research
hypotheses since it received statistical support. Therefore, the traditional means of communication are
This study has further supported some earlier postulations with regards to the effectiveness of
Firstly, in the calculation of chi – square for hypotheses one (I), the results show that
Ipetumodu people have various traditional means of communication. Also the calculation of chi-
square for hypotheses two, the results indicated that these traditional means of communication are
found in existence in Ipetumodu community. These include town union, Ikoro, Age grade, Market
place, Village square, Gong, Drum and Festivals etc. These traditional means of communication are
The study revealed from the results of the calculation of chi- square for hypotheses three shows
that Ipetumodu people rely many on mass media than they do on modern media for information. All
the information emanating from these media are usually more credible. From the calculation of chi-
square from the hypotheses, the results show that these mass media of communication play a
complementary role which modern mass media cannot afford, since the traditional channels in
Ipetumodu community are those communication methods which have been used for centuries and is
Finally, Mac Bride (etal) stated that even though modern technologies are increasing
constantly, humans are still making use of traditional modes of communication. These postulates
support the findings in the calculation of the Chi-square for the hypotheses which shows that these
Thus, from the findings the three researches and hypotheses in the study got an over whelming
support. The research hypotheses have been confirmed and authenticated therefore mass media of
communication are the tools for effective rural communication in Ipetumodu community
known, respected and trusted. They involve the collaboration of individuals and therefore are
never alienated. The mass media afford the individual participatory opportunity, thus removing
educator/educates concept. They therefore decentralize communication instrument like gong, Flute
and slit wooden xylophones serve as correlation media. They use various sounds to code
messages, which are decoded by the target audience appropriately and promptly too. These
instrument also supplement cultural transmission, entertainment, educating the masses and
The slit wooden xylophones which is usually stationary is used in sending messages to a
village or neighbouring villages, especially during festivals prominent among such festival (Ani)
The Flute is one effective medium of communication and a musical instrument used by
Ipetumodu people and other rural communities. It is used in raising the hopes and aspirations of
remove distortion in the channel. Distortion often arise when one media carries all kinds of
Mass media of communication plays the following functions: They perform surveillance of
the environment, advertising, it mobilizes the populace it is the window through which the
community are known to the outside world, it helps in maintaining and strengthening the people’s
culture and heritage, it helps in information dissemination, it educates the populace, it entertains
the people, it correlates the entire members of the community, it brings the people together and
1. The modern media should be used in conjunction with the mass
media of communication which people are more familiar with. This will make for
2. The society is very essential, this is because development cannot take place outside a
society, it is from the society that development takes place and human beings must be there
in order to develop the resources, to raise human standard, capacity building, because in
human resources that helps to organize/utilize natural resources and without human
resources or human being the resources cannot be developed or be used for a better living
by structures and constant. Instead of concentrating in the urban area those in the rural
areas should be carried along even with a community radio because they require such
services. The villagers should be allowed to contribute to the consent of the mass media.
needs. Literate members of the community should be appointed town criers so that apart
from disseminating information from the ruler of the town to the people, they should be
placed on salaries and be provided with radio, television and newspaper with which they
should receive government news and information to disseminate same to the people.
6. Private enterprises, individuals should be encouraged to establish and
develop community based newspapers, magazines and viewing centers, such community
based press should focus primarily on the local community and not on the state.
8. Journalists, who are practicing in the urban areas should not neglect
their home based/mass media of communication, they should help by teaching and
motivating the ruralites in the best way to achieve development, both for the community
10. There should be an effective communication this is because, it is the life blood of
every society, it makes us what we are today. Both rural dwellers, urban dwellers and the
goal. The felt needs and action needs of the people should be properly communicated to
the government through the various traditional medium of communication for rapid development
This study has attempted to identity the mass media of communication in Ipetumodu
community and other rural communities. The study also tried to determine the functions of these
mass media. It also went further to examine how the media could be established and developed as
The results of the research have shown the need and importance of traditional means of
communication for the effective rural development. Due to Limited resources and low level of
education, majority of the rural populace have no access to modern media. example, radio,
Opubor pointed out that the process of transmitting new ideas from passive to an active
respect and sharing of initiatives for an effective rural based communication which would
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Dear Respondent,
Yours Sincerely,
Answer of your choice by ticking the book against your answer just
like this
(d) Student
6) Do Ipetumodu people have traditional means of communication?
(d) Market place (e) Town union (f) all of the above
10) What are the significance of the Ikoro in the rural communities?
12) Do you own a radio/Television set?
14) Which of these media gives more credible news about economic