Yaba College of Technology: Civil Engineering Department Fluid Mechanics (Cec107) Lecturer: Olayinka Ojewunmi (Wk3)
Yaba College of Technology: Civil Engineering Department Fluid Mechanics (Cec107) Lecturer: Olayinka Ojewunmi (Wk3)
Yaba College of Technology: Civil Engineering Department Fluid Mechanics (Cec107) Lecturer: Olayinka Ojewunmi (Wk3)
Whenever a body is placed over a liquid, either it sinks down or floats on the liquid. If we
analyze the phenomenon of flotation, we find that the body, placed over a liquid, is subjected
to the following 2 forces namely: Gravitational force and the Upthrust of the liquid.
Since the 2 forces are opposite to each other, therefore we have to study the comparative
effect of the forces. A consideration shows that if gravitational force is more than the upthrust
of the liquid, the body will sink down. But if the gravitational force is less than the upthrust of
the liquid, the body will float. This is better understood by Archimedes principle which states
The tendency of a fluid to uplift a submerged body, because of the upward thrust of the fluid, is
known as the force of buoyancy. It is always equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the
body. If the force of buoyancy is greater than the weight of the body, It will be pushed up till
the weight of the fluid is displaced is equal to the weight of the body and the body will float.
But if the force of buoyancy is less than the weight of the body, it will sink down.
This is the point through which the force of buoyancy is supposed to act. It is always the centre
of gravity of the volume of the liquid displaced. In other words, the centre of buoyancy is the
centre of area of the immersed section.
Unstable equilibrium: a body is said to be in an unstable equilibrium if it does not return to its
original position and heels farther away, when given a small angular displacement. This
happens when M < G of the floating body.
Neutral equilibrium: when a body occupies a new position and remains at rest in this new
position when given a small angular displacement then it is said to be in a neutral equilibrium
i.e M coincides G
W of water = 10 kN/m3
II. A block of wood 4m long, 2m wide and 1m deep is floating horizontally in water. If the
density of the wood be 6.8, find the volume of the water displaced and position of the
centre of buoyancy.
The distance between the centre of gravity of a floating body and the metacentre is called the
Metacentric height. Metacentre is the point where a floating body in liquid, given a small
angular displacement starts oscillating.
A little consideration will show that as the triangular wedge aom has come out of water, thus
decreasing the force of buoyancy on the left, therefore it tends to rotate the vessel in an anti
clockwise direction about 0. Similarly, as the triangular wedge ocn has gone under water, thus
increasing the force of buoyancy on the right, therefore it again it tends to rotate the vessel in
an anti clockwise direction. It is thus obvious, that these forces of buoyancy will form a couple,
which will tend to rotate the vessel in anti clockwise direction about 0. If the angle Ꝋ through
which the body is given rotation, is extremely small, then the ship may be assumed to rotate
about M
Ꝋ = very small angle (in radians) through which the ship is rotated,
am = cn = bꝊ/2
= b2Ꝋl/8
8 3 12
Substitute lb3/12 = I (I = moment if inertia of the plan of the ship) and BB1 = BM * Ꝋ in the
above equation
W. I. Ꝋ = w * V (BM*Ꝋ)