Assignment - P Block: Multiple Choice Questions (With One Correct Answer)
Assignment - P Block: Multiple Choice Questions (With One Correct Answer)
Assignment - P Block: Multiple Choice Questions (With One Correct Answer)
18. For H3PO3 and H3PO4, the correct choice is –
(a) H3PO3 is dibasic and reducing
(b) H3PO3 is dibasic and non-reducing
(c) H3PO4 is tribasic and reducing
(d) H3PO3 is tribasic and non-reducing
19. Total number of lone pairs of electrons in XeOF4 is –
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
20. Which of the following ionic species has the greatest proton affinity to form stable compound?
(a) I- (b) HS- (c) NH2- (d) F-
21. Identify the incorrect statement among the following:
(a) Br2 reacts with hot and strong NaOH solution to give NaBr, NaBrO3 and water.
(b) Ozone reacts with SO2 to form SO3
(c) Silicon reacts with NaOH (aq) in the presence of air to give Na2SiO3 and H2O
(d) Cl2 reacts with excess of NH3 to give N2 and HCl
22. The percentage of π - character in the orbitals forming P – P bonds in P4 is –
(a) 25 (b) 33 (c) 50 (d) 75
23. Aqueous solution of Na2S2O3 on reaction with Cl2 gives –
(a) Na2S4O6(b) NaHSO4(c) NaCl(d) NaOH
24. The correct order of increasing bond angles in the following triatomic species is –
(a) NO2+ < NO2 < NO2− (b) NO2+ < NO2− < NO2
(c) NO2− < NO2+ < NO2 (d ) NO2− < NO2 < NO2+
25. The angular shape of molecule (O3) consists of –
(a) 1 sigma and 1 pi pond (b) 2 sigma and 1 pi bond
(c) 1 sigma and 2 pi bonds (d) 2 sigma and 1 pi bonds
Multiple Choice questions (with one of more than one correct answer)
26. When Cl2 gas is passed through hot NaOH, oxidation number of Cl changes from –
(a) – 1 to 0(b) 0 to – 1(c) 0 to + 7(d) 0 to + 5
27. Peroxo acids of sulphur are –
(a) H2SO5(b) H2S2O8(c) H2SO4(d) H2SO3
28. White phosphorus P4 has –
(a) Six P – P single bonds (b) four p – p single bonds
(c) four lone pairs of electrons (d) PPP angle of 600
29. The noble gases which form clathrates are –
(a) He (b) Ar (c) Kr (d) Xe
30. SO2 acts as a/an –
(a) Bleaching agent (b) Oxidising agent
(c) Reducing agent (d) Disinfectant
31. Which of the following are correct statements?
(a) Solid PCl5 exists as tetrahedral [PCl4]+ and octahedral [PCl6]- ions.
(b) Solid PBr5 exists as [PBr4]+ Br-
(c) Solid N2O5 exists as NO2+ NO3-
(d) Oxides of phosphoorus, P2O3 and P2O5 exist as monomers.
32. A solution of colourless salt H on boiling with excess NaOH produces a non-flammable gas. The gas
evolution ceases after sometime. Upon addition of Zn dust to the same solution, the gas evolution restarts. The
colourless salt (s) H is (are) –
(a) NH4NO3 (b) NH4NO2 (c) NH4Cl
(d) (NH4)2SO4
33. Which one of the following arrangements does not give the correct picture of the trends indicated against it?
(a) F2> Cl2> Br2> I2; Bond dissociation energy
(b) F2< Cl2> Br2> I2 ; Electronegativity
(c) F2> Cl2> Br2> I2 ; oxidizing power
(d) F2> Cl2> Br2> I2; Electron gain enthalpy.
Multiple choice questions (based on the given passage/comprehension)
Comprehension: Halogens acts as oxidizing agents. Their oxidizing power, however, decreases in the order : F2>
Cl2> Br2> I2. Therefore, a more electronegative halogen can displace a less electronegative halogen from the solution
of its halide ion. Fluoride ion can, however, be oxidized either electrolytically or by using a more powerful oxidizing
agent than fluorine itself. All the halogens combine with hydrogen under different conditions to form halogen acids
whose acidic strength vary with the strength of the H – X bond. Halogens also form a number of oxoacids such as
HOX, HXO2, HXO3 and HXO4. Their acid strength depends upon a combination of two factors such as
electronegativity and oxidation state of the halogen, and the stability of their corresponding anions. They also behave
as oxidizing agents whose strength depends upon the stability of the corresponding anions. Halogens also combine
among themselves to form inter halogen compounds (XX’, XX’3, XX’5 and X7’). Halide ions often react with
molecule of halogens or interhalogens to form polyhalide ions consisting either of the same halogen or of two or three
different halogens. Besides these, a few other anions are known, which do not contain any of the halogen atoms but
behave like halide ions. These anions are called pseudohalides and consist of two or more atoms of which one is
always a nitrogen atom.
34. The following acids have been arranged in order of decreasing acid strength. Identity the correct order ClOH
(I), BrOH (II), IOH (III)
(a) I > II > III(b) II > I > III (c) III > II > I(d) I > III > II
35. Which one of the following is not a pseudohalide?
(a) CNO- (b) RCOO- (c) OCN- (d) NNN-
36. The correct order of acid strength is –
(a) HClO4< HClO3< HClO2< HClO
(b) HClO2< HClO3< HClO4< HClO
(c) HClO4< HClO < HClO3< HClO2
(d) HClO< HClO2< HCLO3< HClO4
Column I Column II
(A) SO2 (p) Basic
(B) H2SO4 (q) Acidic
(C) HNO3 (r) Reducing
(D) NH3 (s) Oxidising