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Cinética Questões

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dos Materiais e Metalurgia

Departamento de Ciência

Cinética e Engenharia de Reatores

Lista 5

Professor: Francisco Moura

Bibliografia: Fogler, H. S., Elementos de Engenharia das Reações
Químicas, 3a edição, Editora LTC, 2002.
Quinta Lista
Exercício P4-4 de Exercí

P4-4A The elementary liquid phase reaction

is carried out in a 500 dm3 reactor. The entering concentrations of
streams A and B are both 2-molar and the specific reaction rate is
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Departamento de Ciência

0.01 dm3/(mol·min).
(a) Calculate the time to reach 90% conversion if the reactor is a batch
reactor filled to the brim.
Assuming a stoichiometric feed (10mol A/min) to a continuous-flow
reactor, calculate the reactor volume and space-time to achieve
90% conversion if the reactor is
(b) a CSTR (Ans.: V = 22,500 dm3)
(c) a PFR (Ans.: V = 2,250 dm3)
(d) Redo (a) through (c) assuming the reaction is first-order in B and
zero-order in A with k = 0.01/min.
(e) Assume the reaction is reversible with Ke = 2dm3/mol. Calculate the
equilibrium conversion and the CSTR and PFR volumes necessary
2 to achieve 98% of the equilibrium conversion.
Quinta Lista
Exercício P4-6 de Exercí

P4-6A The elementary gas-phase reaction

A → 3B
is carried out in a flow reactor. The specific reaction rate at 50°C
is 10-4/min and the activation energy is 85 kJ/mol. Pure A enters
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Departamento de Ciência

the reactor at 10 atm and 127°C and a molar flow rate of 2.5
Calculate the reactor volume and space time to achieve 90%
conversion In
(a) a CSTR
(b) a PFR
(c) Calculate the time necessary to achieve 90% conversion in
a constant volume batch reactor.
(d) Assume the reaction is reversible with Ke = 0.04mol2/dm6
and calculate the equilibrium conversion and then redo
(a) through (c) to achieve a conversion that is 98% of the
equilibrium value.

Quinta Lista
Exercício P4-8 de Exercí

P4-8A The gas-phase reaction A + 2B → 2D is to be carried out in an

isothermal plug-flow reactor at 5.0 atm. The mole fractions of
the feed streams are: A = 0.20, B = 0.50, and inerts = 0.30.
(a) What is the steady-state volumetric flow rate at any point
in the reactor if the pressure drop due to fluid friction can
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Departamento de Ciência

be ignored?
[Ans.: v = vo(1 - 0.2χ)]
(b) What are the expressions for the concentrations of A, B,
and D as a function of conversion at any point along the
(c) What is the feed concentration (units: mol/dm3) of A if the
feed temperature is 55°C?
(d) How large must the plug-flow reactor be to achieve a
conversion (based on A) of 0.70 if the temperature in the
reactor is uniform (55°C), the volumetric feed rate is 50
dm3/min, and the rate law at 55°C is
− rA = 2.5 ⋅ C A ⋅ C B kmol / m 3 ⋅ min

4 (Ans.: V = 50.2 dm3)

Quinta Lista
Exercício P4-8 – cont. de Exercí

(e) Plot the concentrations, volumetric flow rate, and conversion as a

function of reactor length. The reactor diameter is 7.6cm.
(f) How large would a CSTR have to be to take the effluent from the
PF reactor in part (d) and achieve a conversion of 0.85 (based on
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Departamento de Ciência

the feed of A to the plug-flow reactor) if the temperature of the

CSTR is 55°C?
(g) How many 1-in.-diameter pipe tubes, 20 ft in length packed with a
catalyst, are necessary to achieve 95% conversion of A starting
with the original stream? Plot pressure and conversion as a
function of reactor length. The particles are 0.5 mm in diameter
and the bed porosity is 45%.
(h) Calculate the PFR size required to achieve 70% of the equilibrium
conversion and the CSTR size necessary to raise the conversion
of the PFR effluent to 85% of the equilibrium conversion if the
temperature is kept uniform at 100°C. The activation energy for
the reaction is 30 kJ/mol, and the reaction is reversible with an
equilibrium constant at 100°C of 10 (m3/kmol)1/2.
(Ans.: VPFR = 9.2 dm3, VCSTR = 7.4 dm3)
Quinta Lista
Exercício P4-10 de Exercí

P4-10B The elementary gaseous reaction A → B has unimolecular

reaction rate constant of 0.0015 min-1 at 80°F. This reaction is
to be carried out in parallel tubes 10ft long and 1in. inside
diameter under a pressure of 132 psig at 260°F. A production
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Departamento de Ciência

rate of 1,000lb/h of B is required. Assuming activation energy of

25,000cal/g-mole, how many tubes are needed if the conversion
of A is to be 90%? Assume perfect gas laws. A and B each
have molecular weights of 58. (California Professional
Engineers Exam)

Quinta Lista
Solução do exercício P4-12 de Exercí

P4-12B The irreversible elementary reaction 2A → B takes place in

the gas phase in an isothermal tubular (plug-flow) reactor.
Reactant A and a diluent C are fed in equimolar ratio, and
conversion of A is 80%. If the molar feed rate of A is cut in
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Departamento de Ciência

half, what is the conversion of A assuming that the feed rate of

C is left unchanged? Assume ideal behavior and that the
reactor temperature remains unchanged. (California
Professional Engineers Exam)

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