Essy Questions On Non-Ideal Reactors
Essy Questions On Non-Ideal Reactors
Essy Questions On Non-Ideal Reactors
1.- According to several experiments carried out in a continuous stirred tank reactor we
suspect that the behavior of the reactor is not ideal. The response to a pulse tracer test is given
by equation C(t) 5t (with t in min). It seems that the reactor can be modeled
considering that the fluid elements of different ages do not mix with each other, appearing like
if small batch reactors were operating inside the continuous reactor.
a) Which fraction of the effluent remains in the reactor after the first minute after
injection of the tracer?
b) Which conversion could be achieved in this reactor if a second-order reaction were
carried out in liquid phase with kCAo = 23.75 min-1? (k referred to-rA).
2.- The second-order reaction of dimerization 2A B (rA = -kC 2)A takes place in liquid
phase, with k = 0.01 dm3/(mol·min) at the reaction temperature. The feeding is pure A with a
concentration of 8 mol/L. The theoretical volume of the reactor is 1000 L and the feeding rate
for dimerization is 25 L/min.
In order to better understand the behavior of the reactor, which does not behave ideally, a
pulse tracer test has been performed with a volumetric flow rate of 25 L/min, and the results
are shown in the following table:
t (min)0510152030405070100125150175200
C (mg/L)11295.882.270.660.945.634.526.315.77.675.112.551.730.90
We want to know the limits within which the conversion can vary depending on the degree of
3.- A pulse tracer test produces a signal with a parabolic shape that fits to the following
equation (time in minutes, concentration in kmol/m3):
C (t 2)2 0 t 2
C 0, any other t
a) The mean residence time.
b) The equations for E(t), E() and F(t).
c) The conversion obtained under completely segregated flow conditions for a liquid-
phase reaction with a rate equation r = kCA , with k = 1 min-1.
d) The parameters of the dispersion model that represent this curve, for closed-closed
4.- Consider the first-order reaction A B carried out in a tubular reactor of 10 cm in
diameter and 6.36 m in length in liquid phase. The kinetic constant is 0.25 min -1. A pulse
tracer test is performed in the reactor with the following results:
t (min)0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101214
C (g/m3)0 1 5 8 10 8 6 4 3
Calculate the conversion in the system obtained using: a) the dispersion model for a closed-
closed vessel, b) tanks-in-series model, c) ideal PFR model d) complete segregation model, e)
ideal CSTR model.
5.- In order to characterize the flow in a reactor a pulse tracer test was carried out, obtaining
the following experimental values with a volumetric flow rate of 10 L/min:
t (min) 1 234568101520304152
C (mg/L) 9 3552658277705647321573
Based on these results it is suspected that the flow in this reactor could be modeled by a
dispersion model or a tanks-in-series model. In the reactor, the reaction A + B P is carried
out in liquid phase. Since there is a large excess of B, the reaction can be considered pseudo
first order. If the reactor behaved as an ideal PFR, it would yield a 99% conversion.
Determine the conversion to be obtained in each of the following cases:
6.- We have a tank reactor of 6 m3 that gives a conversion of 75% for the first-order reaction
in liquid phase A R. However, it is suspected that the mixture is incomplete and there is an
undesirable flow pattern, since the reactor is stirred with a stir operating at low power. An
experiment with pulse tracer input shows that this is so and provides the flow model shown
schematically in the figure. Calculate the conversion that can be obtained if the stirrer is
replaced by a high-powered one to ensure the thorough mixing. What is the conversion in
both cases if the fluid used is a macrofluid?
7.- A tank of 860 L is used as a liquid-gas reactor. The gas bubbles rise through the reactor
and exit the top part. The liquid flows in the opposite direction to the gas, with a volumetric
flow rate of 5 L/s. To get an idea of the pattern of fluid flow in this tank, a pulse tracer is
injected (M = 150 g) at the entrance of the liquid and the concentration is measured at the exit
as shown in the figure.
8.- (exam feb’08) We want to perform in a tank reactor the liquid phase reaction 2 A B . It
has been determined that the rate equation is:
0.5 C A
r (r in mol·L-1·h-1 and CA in mol/L)
1 0.5 C
In order to characterize the reactor, a pulse tracer test was performed, after which it was
obtained that the tracer concentration measured versus time can be fitted to the following
C (t) 2 exp(2t
(C in mg/L and t in h)
9.- (exam sep’07) Consider the following 2 liquid-phase reactions taking place in parallel:
AB r kC
B 1 A
A 1 2 C rC k2CA
For a feeding stream containing only the reagent A, determine the concentrations of this
reagent according to the following models:
a) Ideal CSTR.
b) Ideal PFR.
c) Completely segregated flow with an E(t) identical to that obtained with a model of
tanks in series for n = 2.
d) Maximum mixedness model with the same E(t) used in the previous part.
e) For the four previous cases, also determine the concentration of B, its yield (R) and
selectivity (S).
CA0=2.5 mol/L
k1=3 L/(mol·s)
k2=0.4 s-1
=1 s
▪ Present the model equations in terms of CA instead of A. In this case, for the
complete segregation model (t), can be replaced by CA (t), CA in the equation
governing the model. A
70.- (exam feb’07) We have a reactor in which the elementary reaction A 2B takes place in
liquid phase with k = 0.15 min -1. The theoretical volume of the reactor is 430 L. In order to
characterize the behavior of the reactor a pulse tracer test has been performed with a
volumetric flow rate of 50 L/min. The concentrations measured at the exit of the reactor are
the following ones:
t (min) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6789
C (mg/L) 0 0 0 0 0 10 190161.5123.595
t (min) 10 11 12 13 14 15 161718
C (mg/L) 76 58.9 43.7 20.9 7.6 1.9 0.380.0950.0019
a) Calculate and plot the corresponding curves E(t), F(t) and E(.
b) Calculate the degree of conversion for the reaction with the segregation model.
c) Repeat the previous part using the maximum mixedness model.
d) In view of the curves E and F, indicate a possible model which represents reasonably
the behavior of the reactor. Determine the parameters of the model, compare the model
with the actual behavior of the reactor and calculate the conversion using this model.
10.- (exam jul’08) Consider a tubular reactor with residence time = 10 s, where an irreversible
first-order reaction A takes place in liquid phase, and whose rate constant
(referred to the reaction rate ri) is known, k = 0.1 s-1.
a) The behavior of this reactor can be approximated to a PFR with laminar flow regime
whose residence time distribution function is as follows:
0 t
E( t ) 2
2 t
b) Compare the result in a) with the conversion that would result from the segregation
model if the behavior of the reactor approaches that of an ideal CSTR and ideal PFR.
c) Plot the cumulative distribution function F(t) for a laminar PFR, an ideal CSTR and
an ideal PFR, and according to these curves comment on the appropriateness of
approximating the residence time distribution of a laminar PFR with that
corresponding to an ideal CSTR or an ideal PFR.
t (min) 4 8 10 14 16 18
C (mg/L) 1000 1333 1500 1666 1750 1800 2000
12.- (exam jan’09) In a 10 L reactor the elementary reversible reaction A takes place in
liquid phase at constant temperature. In order to determine whether the behavior of the reactor
can be resembled to that of a continuous stirred tank reactor with dead volume and bypass a
step tracer test has been performed using a volumetric input flow rate of 2 L/min. The exit
tracer concentrations are:
a) Obtain the model parameters and calculate the conversion at the outlet of the system
for the reaction indicated using this model.
b) Write the analytical expression of F(t) taking into account the previous model and
obtain from it the analytical expression of E(t). Plot both functions.
c) Calculate the conversion to be obtained for the above reaction with the segregation
model using the analytical expression of E(t) obtained in the previous part.
k1 (direct reaction) = 1 min-1
k2 (reverse reaction) = 0.3 min-1
in parts a) and c) consider CB0 = 0 to calculate conversion
9 m3
15 m3
14.- The liquid-phase elementary reaction A B is carried out in a non-ideal CSTR, where k
= 0.03 min-1. The model is similar to that of two CSTR with exchange. Reagent A is
introduced into the reactor with a volumetric flow of 25 L/min and a concentration of 0.02
mol/L, being the total reactor volume equal to 1000 L. When conducting a pulse tracer test the
results shown in the table were obtained. Which conversion will be obtained in the system?
t (min) 020406080120160200240280320
C (mg/L) 20001050520280160612916.4106.44
15.- (exam jul’10) In a 10 L reactor we want to carry out the elementary reversible reaction
A 1
B in liquid phase at constant temperature, with a feeding stream containing only reagent
A. Previously, the behavior of this reactor is going to be characterized, for which a tracer is
introduced by a pulse signal, and the variation of tracer concentration with time at the reactor
exit is measured. Data collected in the tracer experiment are shown in the following table:
Calculate the conversion achieved in the reactor with the following models:
b) Tanks-in-series model.
c) Maximum mixedness model.
Note: for part c) use the expression of E(t) corresponding to the tanks-in-series model
used in part b), and use time increments no longer than 0.5 minutes.
16.- (exam jan’10) A second-order reaction in liquid phase with a single reagent (αA = − 1) is
carried out in a reactor whose RTD is E( ) 27 2e3 . We have studied the behavior of this
reactor using various models for a range of values for the parameter _
R kCA0 t , obtaining the
following plot:
Obtain the values of CA for the largest possible value of the parameter R kCA0 t 50 using
the following models:
a) Ideal CSTR
b) Ideal PFR
c) Segregation model
d) Maximum mixedness model
e) 3 CSTR in series
f) Each of the above models assumes
a certain degree of both
micromixing and macromixing.
Place a point for each model in the
shaded area in the following figure.
Explain the answer.
-Part c)
This part can be solved numerically but it is faster if it is done analytically using the following
1- For the general equation of the segregation model, and A can be replaced by
3- Integration by parts is useful for an integrand with the following expression: xeax . Choose
u and dv eaxdx .
-Part d)
27 2
1- The following expression can be E( ) 2 .
9 2
used: 1 F ( ) 3 1
2- This part can be solved using Excel, but it is also solved faster using Matlab.
3- If we solve the ordinary differential equation by using Excel, you must take an increment of
the independent variable small enough, 0.02 .
17.- (exam jan’11) In a reactor of volume V = 10 L you want to carry out the reaction 2A B
in liquid phase at constant temperature. The feeding is introduced with a volumetric flow rate
Qv of 2.5 L/min and it contains only reactant A, with C A0 = 0.2 mol/L. In order to characterize
previously the behavior of the reactor, and suspecting that it behaves like a tank reactor with
dead volume, a pulse tracer test is performed using the above Q v and we measure the variation
of tracer concentration with time at the output of the reactor. The results obtained are shown
in the following table:
a) Calculate and plot E() and F(). Which fraction of tracer will be out at 4 minutes?
b) Which is the dead volume of the tank?
Calculate the conversion achieved in the reactor using the following three models:
For parts d) and e) use the analytical expression of E(t) from the model of an ideal CSTR
with dead volume.