(a) Check the material balance with the tracer curve to see whether the results are
consistent. (b) If the result is consistent, determine t, V and sketch the E curve.
(a) Are the results consistent? (Check the material balance with the experimental
tracer curve.) (b) If the results are consistent, determine the amount of tracer
introduced M, and the E curve.
(a) Is the material balance consistent with the tracer curve? (b) If so, determine the
vessel volume V, 7, the F curve, and the E curve.
Tracer Conc. 0.85 0.8 0.65 0.5 0.35 0.25 0.125 0.0
14. On the basis of dispersion model, prove that the fractional conversion in a plug flow reactor depends
on dimensionless dispersion group?
15. The following data were obtained from a step tracer input to a reactor:
t (min) 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
t (min) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A2 + S↔A2S
A2S + S↔ 2AS
AS↔ A + S
25. For the dissociation reaction facilitated by catalyst, derive rate equation for adsorption rate
controlling step
A2 + S↔A2S
A2S + S↔ 2AS
AS↔ A + S
26. Gaseous A absorbs and reacts with B in liquid according to
A(g) +B(l) → R, -Ra= KCACB
in a packed bed under conditions where
kAg a = 0.1 mol/hr . m2 of reactor. Pa fi = 0.01 m3 liquid/m3 reactor
kAla= 100 m3 l iquid/m3 r eactor. hr gAl= gB=l m2/hr
a = 100 m2/m3 reactor, k=10,HA= 105
At a point in the reactor where pA = 100 Pa and CB = 100 mol/m3 liquid
calculate the rate of reaction in mol/hr . m3 of reactor.
(b) describe the following characteristics of the kinetics:
location of the major resistance (gas film, liquid film, main body
of liquid)
behavior in the liquid film (pseudo first-order reaction, instantaneous,
second-order reaction, physical transport)
28. Danckwerts and Gillham, in Trans. I. Chem. E., 44, 42, March 1966, studied the rate of CO 2
absorption into an alkaline buffered solution of K2CO3 and KHCO. The resulting reaction can be
represented as CO2(g -1) + OH-(1) =HCO3 with -r, = kCACB
In the experiment pure CO2 at 1 atm was bubbled into a packed column irrigated by rapidly
recirculating solution kept at 20°C and close to constant CB. Find the fraction of entering CO2 absorbed.
Data Column: Vr = 0.6041 m3 fl = 0.08, a = 120 m2/m3 Gas: P = 101 325 Pa, HA = 3500 Pa. m3/mol vO
= 0.0363 m3/s ,Liquid: CB = 300 mol/m3 DAl = DBl = 1.4 x10-9 m2/s, Rates: k = 0.433 m3/mol. S, kAla =
0.025 s-1
29. A batch of solids of uniform size is treated by gas in a uniform environment. Solid is converted to
give a non flaking product according to the shrinking-core model. Conversion is about 7/8 for a reaction
time of 1 h, conversion is complete in two hours. What mechanism is rate controlling?
Calculate the time needed to burn to completion particles of graphite (R, = 5 mm, p, = 2.2 gm/cm3, k" =
20 cmlsec) in an 8% oxygen stream.
For the high gas velocity used assume that film diffusion does not offer any resistance to transfer and
reaction. Reaction temperature = 900°C.
30. Air with gaseous A bubbles through a tank containing aqueous B. Reaction
occurs as follows: A(g) +B(l) → R, -Ra= KCACB
For this system
kAg a = 0.02 mol/hr m3. Pa fl= 0.98
kAl a = 10 hr-l HA = 105 Pa. mmol, very low solubility DAl=DBl=10 -6 m2/hr a = 20 m2/m3
For a point in the absorber-reactor where
pA = 5 X lo3 Pa and CB = 100 mol/m3
(a) locate the resistance to reaction (what % is in the gas film, in the liquid film, in the main body of
(b) locate the reaction zone
(c) determine the behavior in the liquid film (whether pseudo first-order reaction, instantaneous,
physical transport,etc.)
(d) calculate the rate of reaction (mol/m3 hr)
31. For a particular reactor system, involving three tanks in series, develop a graph which shows the
change in CA as a function of time, where (-rA) = kACA, CA0 = 0.25 mol L-l, kA = 0.125 min-1, and for
the system is 7.5 min; CA(O) = 0.
32. Spherical particles of zinc blende of size R = 1 mm are roasted in an 8% oxygen stream at 900°C
and 1 atm. The stoichiometry of the reaction is 2ZnS+3O2→2ZnO+2SO2
Assuming that reaction proceeds by the shrinking-core model calculate the time needed for complete
conversion of a particle and the relative resistance of ash layer diffusion during this operation.
Data: Density of solid, ρB = 4.13 gm/cm3 = 0.0425 mol/cm3 Reaction rate constant, k" = 2 cm/sec For
gases in the ZnO layer, De = 0.08 cm2/sec Note that film resistance can safely be neglected as long as a
growing ash layer is present.
33. On doubling the particle size from R to 2R the time for complete conversion triples. What is the
contribution of ash diffusion to the overall resistance for particles of size (a) R and (b) 2R
34. Spherical solid particles containing B are roasted isothermally in an oven with gas of constant
composition. Solids are converted to a firm nonflaking product according to the SCM as follows:
From the following conversion data (by chemical analysis) or core size data (by slicing and measuring)
determine the rate controlling mechanism for the transformation of solid.
dp, mm XB t, min
1 0.875 3
1.5 1 6
35. Uniform-sized spherical particles UO, are reduced to UO, in a uniform environment with the
following results:
T 0.18 0.35 0.45 0.57 0.73
XB 0.45 0.67 0.80 0.95 0.98
If reaction follows the SCM, find the controlling mechanism and a rate equation to represent this
36. A large stockpile of coal is burning. Every part of its surface is in flames. In a 24-hr period the linear
size of the pile, as measured by its silhouette against the horizon, seems to decrease by about 5%. (a)
How should the burning mass decrease in size? (b) When should the fire burn itself out? (c) State the
assumptions on which your estimation is based.
37. A stream of particles of one size are 80% converted (SCM ash diffusion control, uniform gas
environment) on passing through a reactor. If the reactor is made twice the size but with the same gas
environment, same feed rate, and same flow pattern of solids, what would be the conversion of solids?
The solids are in plug flow
38. A stream of particles of one size are 80% converted (SCM ash diffusion control, uniform gas
environment) on passing through a reactor. If the reactor is made twice the size but with the same gas
environment, same feed rate, and same flow pattern of solids, what would be the conversion of solids?
The solids are mixed flow
39. A solid feed consisting of 20 wt% of 1-mm particles and smaller 30 wt% of 2-mm particles 50 wt%
of 4-mm particles passes through a rotating tubular reactor somewhat like a cement kiln where it reacts
with gas to give a hard nonfriable solid product (SCMI reaction control, T = 4 h for 4-mm particles).
Find the residence time needed for 100% conversion of solids.
40 . A solid feed consisting of 20 wt% of 1-mm particles and smaller 30 wt% of 2-mm particles 50 wt%
of 4-mm particles passes through a rotating tubular reactor somewhat like a cement kiln where it reacts
with gas to give a hard nonfriable solid product (SCMI reaction control, T = 4 h for 4-mm particles).
Find the mean conversion of the solids for a residence time of 15 min.
41. Particles of uniform size are 70% converted on the average (shrinking core model with diffusion
controlling) when flowing through a single fluidized bed. If the reactor is made twice as large but
contains the same amount of solids and with the same gas environment what would be the conversion of
42. Particles of uniform size are 60% converted on the average (shrinking core model with reaction
controlling) when flowing through a single fluidized bed. If the reactor is made twice as large but
contains the same amount of solids and with the same gas environment what would be the conversion of
43. Solids of unchanging size, R = 0.3 mm, are reacted with gas in a steady flow bench scale fluidized
reactor with the following result.
F = 10 gm/sec, W = 1000 gm, X = 0.75
Also, the conversion is strongly temperature-sensitive suggesting that the reaction step is rate-
controlling. Design a commercial sized fluidized bed reactor (find W) to treat 4 metric tons/hr of solid
feed of size R = 0.3 mm to 98% conversion.
44. Give the advantages and disadvantages of moving-particle reactors and fixed bed reactor.
45. Give the advantages and disadvantages of slurry reactors
46. Give the advantages and disadvantages of trickle bed reactors
47. Write a note on effectiveness factor
48. Give the physical significance of Thiele Modulus and Wheeler modulus.
49. The following kinetic data are obtained in an experimental Carberry type basket reactor using 100
gm of catalyst in the paddles and different flow rates from run to run:
Mixed flow CAo = 10 mol/m3 0.2 0.3 0.5 W = 4 gm, CAo = 10 mol/m3
FAo,mol/min 0.14 0.42 1.67 2.5 1.25
CA, mol/m3 8 6 4 2 1
Determine the amount of catalyst needed in a packed bed reactor for 75% conversion of 1000 mol
A/min of a CAo = 8 mol/m3 feed.
50. Find W for mixed flow, XA = 0.90, CAo = 10 mol/m3, FAo = 1000 mol/min.
How much catalyst is needed in a packed bed reactor for 80% conversion of 1000 m3/hr of pure gaseous
A (CAo = 100 mol/m3) if the stoichiometry and rate are given by A→R