Exp - P2 - CSTR
Exp - P2 - CSTR
Exp - P2 - CSTR
To study the performance of a cascade off three equal volumes CSTR’s in series for
the saponification of ethylene with NaOH.
2. AIM:
To determine the reaction rate constant for saponification of ethyl acetate with NaOH
at ambient temperature.
In plug flow, the concentration of reactant decreases progressively through the system
and in mixed flow, the concentration drops immediately to a low value. Because of
this fact , a plug flow reactor is more efficient than the mixed flow reactors for
reaction whose rates increases with reactants condition.
Consider a system of N mixed flow reactors that are cascaded(connected in series).
Though the concentration is uniform in each reactor, there is a change in the
concentration as fluids move from reactor to reactor. This stepwise drop in
concentration suggests that the larger the number of units in series, the closer should
be the behavior of the system approaches plug flow.
In this system effulent from one reactor is feed to the next.
Reactions: Saponification of ethyl acetate with NaOH .
-dCA/dt = k C2A
And the above equation can be written as:
(CA)n-1 /(CA)n= 1+k θn(CA)n ----------------------------(3)
For the second order reaction Eq.2 can also be written as:
(CA)n-1 /(CA)n= 1+k θn(CA)2n
The Experimental set up as shown in the figure consists of three identical stirred tanks
made of stainless steel arreanged in a cascaded manner, two feed tanks through which
chemicals are fed to the reactors. The flow rates can be adjusted by operating the
needle valve and measured by rotameter. The compressed air is used for circulation of
feed. Pressure Regulator and Pressure gauge are fitted at the compressed air line.
1. Compressed Air supply at 2 bar, 0.5 CFM.
2. Water supply
3. Drain
4. Electricity supply : 1 phase , 220 V AC, 0.5kW
5. Burette and 20 conical flask
6. Measuring cylinder and stop watch
1. N/10 NaOH -- 20 L
2. NaOH pellets – 80gm
3. N/10 HCl : 2 L
4. N/10 Ethyl acetate : 20 L
5. Phenolphthalein: few drops.
1. Prepare 20 L of N/2 NaOH solution by dissolving 80 gm of NaOH in 20 L of
2. Prepare 20 L of N/2 ethyl acetate solution by mixing 176 gm of ethyl acetate
in 20 L of water.
3. Fill the respective tanks with these solutions.
4. Adjust the flown rate of the two streams so that in the feed mixture CA0=CB0.
(i.e. have equal flow rates using calibrated rotameters).
5. Use phenolphthalein as indicator
6. Take 18 conical flask and add 20 ml of N/10 HCl in each.
7. Fill the burette with N/10 NaOH.
8. Record the ambient temperature of reaction mixture
9. Fix a feed rate for inlet streams. FA=FB (say 1-2 LPH)
10. Allow the two reactant streams to enter the first CSTR at equal feed rate so
that in the reactor CA0=CB0. Start the mixer and wait till you get the liquid out
from the 3rd CSTR. Wait for 5-10 min to attain steady state.
11. Collect the 10 ml of sample at thje outlet of 1st CSTR , IInd and IIIrd CSTR in
the conical flask containing N/10 HCl.
12. Record the volumetric feed rate of ethyl acetate and NaOH.
13. Record the volume of each reactor (V1=V2=V3).
14. Change the flow rate of each stream( keep FA=FB so that CA0=CB0) and repeat
the above steps for 3-4 flow rates.
15. Estimate the unreacted NaOH in each conical flask by titration or by
measuring the conductance of the solution.
Reactor ( 3 Nos) : Material Stainless Steel . Capacity : 1.2. Ltrs
Stirrer :Stainless Steel Impeller and Shaft coupled with FHP motor
Feed Tank :Material Stainless Steel, Capacity- 20 Ltrs
Feed Circulation : By compresses Air
Flow measurement : Rotameter 2 Nos (One for each reactant)
Piping : SS and PVC
Pressure Regulator : 0-2 kg/cm2
1. Degree of Conversion
XA =(CA0-CA)/CA0
2. Residence time
Τ = VR/V0
3. Amount of HCL taken as quench
HCLO = (VHCl x NHCl)/1000 , gmols
4. Amount of HCl reacted with the unreacted NaOH of the reaction sample
HCLR = HCLO-[(VNaOH x NNaOH)/1000], gmole
5. Concentration of unreacted NaOH in the reaction mixture.
CA = HCLR/Vsample x 1000 . gmole/L
6. Rate constant
K = (CA0-CA)/τ CA2
1. If any type of suspended particles is present in the rotameter, remove it
and clean the tube before starting.
2. If there is any leakage tight that part and wrap it with Teflon tape.
3. If rotameter fluctuating more, tight the control knob.
Octave Lavenspiel “chemical Reaction Engineering “ 3rd ed, Wiley,NY,2001