Zero Kelvin Scoresheet Rules ScoreChart and Playthrough 191110
Zero Kelvin Scoresheet Rules ScoreChart and Playthrough 191110
Zero Kelvin Scoresheet Rules ScoreChart and Playthrough 191110
This is a playthrough of Round 1. The same sequence of plays is done for Rounds 2 and 3.
F = Freeze R = Re‐Roll
First set of three dice
Roll 1: 125 Freeze 5 Re‐Roll 12
Roll 2: 35 F 5 R 3
Roll 3: 2 F 2
Hi Total 12
Second set of three dice
Roll 1: 336|R 6 is 2| F 2 R 33
Roll 2: 22 F 22
Lo Total 6
Score: 12‐6 = 6; 6x2 = 12 (Recorded score)
[Note in Roll 1 I re‐rolled the 6 before I froze any dice]
Roll 1: 112234 F 113 R 224
Roll 2: 226 F 22 R 6
Roll 3: 1 F 1
Score: 1+1+[3]+2+2+1 = 7 [3s = 0] 30‐7 = 23 (Recorded Score)
***Earned Re‐Roll on Scoresheet [circled first +3]***
Roll 1: 122366 F 16 R 2236
Roll 2: 1245 F 45 R 12 [Now I have the 1 and 4]
Roll 3: 56 F 56
Score: 6+6+6+5 = 23 (Recorded Score)
[Don’t count the 1 and 4 necessary to score the rest]
[Note in Roll 1, I didn't freeze the 2nd 6 so I have more dice available to roll for a 4.]
***Earned Re‐Roll on Scoresheet [circled second +3]***
Roll 1: 5 F 5
Roll 2: 3 F 3
Roll 3: 3 F 3
Roll 4: 1 Knockout 1 and 5 [5 is the highest frozen die]
Roll 5: 2 F 2
Roll 6: 4 F 4
Score: 3+3+2+4 = 12 (Recorded Score)
[1 and 5 don’t score because the 1 knocked itself and the 5 out]
Roll 1: 112334 F 3 R 11234
Roll 2: 12344 F 3 R 1244
Roll 3: 2335 F 5 R 233
Roll 4: 662 Score 0 But I’ll use my free Re‐roll and cross it out on my score sheet.
Roll 5: 556 = F 55 Stop and Score with one die left over
Score: 3+3+5+5+5 = 21 (Recorded Score)