Lesson4 Computer Software
Lesson4 Computer Software
Lesson4 Computer Software
Text editors that allows one to enter and modify programs statements
Assembler- allows one to code in machine programs language .i.e.
processor specific
Compilers-makes it possible for programmer to convert source
code to object
code which can be stored and saved on different
Interpreters-used to convert source programs statement by statement
as it executes the program without being compiled first.
Libraries- commonly used parts or portions of a program which can
be called or includedin the programmer’s code without having to
recode that portion.
Diagnostic utilities-used to detect
bugs in the logic of program
during program development
o Communication programs- refer to programs that make it possible to
transmit data.
Word processing applications. Writing tasks previously done on
typewriters with considerable effort can now be easily completed
with word-processing software. Documents can be easily edited and
formatted. Revisions can be made by deleting (cutting), inserting,
moving (cutting and pasting), and copying data. Documents can be
stored (saved) and opened again for revisions and/or printing. Many
styles and sizes of fonts are available to make the document
attractive. Example: MS Word, Word Pad etc.
Spreadsheet applications. spreadsheet software permits
performance of an almost endless variety of quantitative tasks such
as budgeting, keeping track of inventory, preparing financial reports,
or manipulating numbers in any fashion, such as averaging each of
ten departmental monthly sales over a six-month period. A
spreadsheet contains cells, the intersection of rows and columns.
Each cell contains a value keyed in by the user. Cells also contain
Database software: A database contains a list of information items
that are similar in format and/or nature. An example is a phone book
that lists a name, address, and phone number for each entry. Once
stored in a database, information can be retrieved in several ways,
using reports and queries. For example, all the names listed for a
given area code could be printed out and used for a commercial
mailing to that area.
Examples of database software is Ms Access,
Dbase, Oracle etc.
Presentation software: for making slide shows. Allows users to
create visual presentation A speaker may use presentation software
to organize a slide show for an audience. Text, graphics, sound, and
movies can easily be included in the presentation. An added feature
is that the slide show may be enhanced by inclusion of handouts with
two to six slides printed on a page. The page may be organized to
provide space for notes to be written in by the audience as the
presentation ensues. An example of this is Power Point. Preparation
of the software is simplified by the use of 'wizards' that walk the user
through the creation of the presentation.
Desktop publishing software: This software permits the user to
prepare documents by using both word-processing devices and
graphics. Desktop publishing software uses word-processing
software, with all its ease of entering and revising data, and
supplements it with sophisticated visual features that stem from
graphics software. For example, one can enhance a printed message
with virtually any kind of illustration, such as drawings, paintings,
and photographs. . Examples of Desktoppublishing software is
PageMaker, Corel Draw, and Ms Publisher
Multimedia applications for creating video and music. Allows users
to create
image, audio, video etc. Example: Real Player, Media Player
Activity management programs like calendars and address books
NB: Nowadays most of the general purpose software is being sold as a complete
software suites such as Microsoft office or Lotus SmartSuite. These suites offer
four or more software products packaged together at a much lower price than
buying the packages separately.
Operating Systems
Allowing a user to communicate with the computer – a user gives
instructions to the computer via the OS to do various things such as copying
a file.
There are two types of interface that can be provided by the operating
system. Command based Interface
In a command based interface the user enters commands through an
interactive terminal. The commands are entered on a prompt for example the
Ms Dos prompt looks like this
Once the commands are entered on the prompt a command line interpreter(CLI)
identifies and executes the commands. A command based interface is quick to
operate and very flexible, but the user needs to learn all the commands and type
them in correctly. Examples operating systems that use command based interface
are Ms Dos and Unix.
A graphical user interface (GUI) allows the user to interact with the system using
Windows, Icons, Menus, and Pointers to control the operating system. Icons
represent programs, groups of programs, folders, devices and files. Instead of
typing a command or file name, selection is achieved by moving a pointer with a
mouse and clicking a mouse button. Windows is a Graphical user interface
based operating system. The first in the Windows series was Windows 3.11 and
the latest being Windows Vista.
The GUI has many advantages such as;
GUIs are easier for the novice user because they are more intuitive
The graphical symbols represent familiar objects such as a garbage bin
Only valid options are available to avoid confusing the user
No need to memorise commands
Help is available online showing the only relevant options
5. Which of the software below would assist a salesman in recording daily sales
for different items for which he needs totals among other analysis?
(a) Ms Word (b) Ms Access (c) Outlook (d) Ms Excel
6. Which is the most important software in a computer system?