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150421007-1504 Lipids Calibrator

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Lipids Calibrator *Please note the target value change

Value sheet of Mindray BS Measurement System

Русский: Таблица результатов для системы BS компании Mindray

This Lot is the new version ApoA1
Português : Planilha de valores do Sistema de Medição BS da Mindray
reagent, the updated calibrator value
Español : Hoja de valores del sistema de medición Mindray BS
sheet is inside the box. Please select
Italiano : Scheda dei valori del sistema di misurazione BS di Mindray the corresponding value and update.
Türkçe : Mindray BS Ölçüm Sistemi’nin değer sayfası

The data of each group is same.

Русский: Данные совпадают во всех группах. Português : A dados de cada grupo é a mesma.

Español : la datos de cada grupo es la misma. Italiano : la dati di ogni gruppo è la stessa.

Türkçe : her grubun veri aynıdır.

1.BS-120: BS-120, BS-130; 11.BS-380: BS-380, BS-390;
2.BS-180: BS-180, BS-190;
12.BS-400: BS-400, BS-420;
3.BS-200: BS-200, BS-220;
4.BS-200E: BS-200E, BS-220E; 13.BS-430: BS-430, BS-450, BS-460;
5.BS-230: BS-230, BS-240;
6.BS-240E: BS-240E, BS-240Pro; 14.BS-480: BS-480, BS-490;
7.BS-300: BS-300, BS-320;
15.BS-600: BS-600, BS-620;
8.BS-330: BS-330, BS-350;
9.BS-330E: BS-330E(Serial Number starts with “XQ-”), 16.BS-800: BS-800, BS-820, BS-800M,
BS-350E(Serial Number starts with “XS-”);
10.BS-360E: BS-360E, BS-370E, BS-350S, BS-360S, BS-330E(V35.00) BS-820M, BS-1800, BS-1800plus;
(Serial Number starts with "W8-" and software version starts with
17.BS-2000: BS-2000, BS-2200,
"35.00"), BS-350E(V35.00) (Serial Number starts with "W9-" and
software version starts with "35.00"); BS-2000M, BS-2200M;

18. S1:0.9% NaCl, Conc. Of S1=0; Русский : S1: 0,9% NaCl, конц. S1=0;

Português : S1:0,9% NaCl, Conc. de S1=0; Español : S1:0,9% NaCl, Conc. de S1=0;

Italiano : S1:0,9% NaCl, conc. di S1=0; Türkçe : S1:%0,9 NaCl, S1 Kons.=0.

: 150421007 : 2022-03-31
Unit Calibration Value18
1 2 3 4 5 6
BS-120 BS-180 BS-200 BS-200E BS-230 BS-240E
1.70 1.70 1.70 1.77 1.70 1.77
7 8 9 10 11 12
BS-300 BS-330 BS-330E BS-360E BS-380 BS-400
1.77 1.70 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77
13 14 15 16 17
BS-430 BS-480 BS-600 BS-800 BS-2000
1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.74
1 2 3 4 5 6
BS-120 BS-180 BS-200 BS-200E BS-230 BS-240E
65.7 65.7 65.7 68.4 65.7 68.4
7 8 9 10 11 12
BS-300 BS-330 BS-330E BS-360E BS-380 BS-400
68.4 65.7 68.4 68.4 68.4 68.4
13 14 15 16 17
BS-430 BS-480 BS-600 BS-800 BS-2000
68.4 68.4 68.4 68.4 67.3
1 2 3 4 5 6
BS-120 BS-180 BS-200 BS-200E BS-230 BS-240E
3.40 3.40 3.40 3.58 3.40 3.68
7 8 9 10 11 12
BS-300 BS-330 BS-330E BS-360E BS-380 BS-400
3.47 3.40 3.58 3.68 3.58 3.68
13 14 15 16 17
BS-430 BS-480 BS-600 BS-800 BS-2000
3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.58
1 2 3 4 5 6
BS-120 BS-180 BS-200 BS-200E BS-230 BS-240E
131 131 131 138 131 142
7 8 9 10 11 12
BS-300 BS-330 BS-330E BS-360E BS-380 BS-400
134 131 138 142 138 142
13 14 15 16 17
BS-430 BS-480 BS-600 BS-800 BS-2000
142 142 142 142 138

2021-04 1/8 P/N:TCN21-GV02-022(1.0)

© 2021 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd All rights reserved
Lipids Calibrator *Please note the target value change
★ Note: The following value is applicable to 141821001 and before ApoA1 reagents. ★
Abbreviated name ApoA1 Calibration Rule Logit-Log(5P)
Calibrator Value Sample Vol for Diluent Vol Sample Vol For
Model Level
g/L μmol/L Dilution (μL) (μL) Analysis (μL)

S2 0.150 5.36 20 180 3

BS-120 S3 0.470 16.8 5 194 32

S4 0.970 34.6 9 187 35

300:100:3 S5 1.57 56.0 45 180 12

S6 2.50 89.3 / / 3.5

S2 0.150 5.36 20 180 3

BS-180 S3 0.470 16.8 5 194 32

S4 0.970 34.6 9 187 35

300:100:3 S5 1.57 56.0 45 180 12

S6 2.50 89.3 / / 3.5

S2 0.180 6.43 20 180 3

BS-200 S3 0.510 18.2 5 194 32

S4 0.990 35.3 9 187 35

300:100:3 S5 1.63 58.2 45 180 12

S6 2.53 90.3 / / 3.5

S2 0.160 5.71 15 135 2

BS-200E S3 0.570 20.3 45 135 2

S4 1.16 41.4 45 135 4

200:67:2 S5 1.72 61.4 35 140 8

S6 2.60 92.8 / / 2.3

S2 0.140 5.00 20 180 3

BS-300 S3 0.520 18.6 5 194 32

S4 1.07 38.2 9 187 35

300:100:3 S5 1.79 63.9 45 180 12

S6 2.67 95.0 / / 3.5

S2 0.180 6.43 20 180 3

BS-330 S3 0.510 18.2 5 194 32

S4 0.990 35.3 9 187 35

300:100:3 S5 1.63 58.2 45 180 12

S6 2.53 90.3 / / 3.5

S2 0.160 5.71 15 135 2

BS-330E S3 0.570 20.3 45 135 2

S4 1.16 41.4 45 135 4

200:67:2 S5 1.72 61.4 35 140 8

S6 2.60 92.8 / / 2.3

S2 0.160 5.71 14 126 2

BS-380 S3 0.570 20.3 40 120 2

S4 1.16 41.4 40 120 4

200:67:2 S5 1.72 61.4 30 120 8

S6 2.60 92.8 / / 2.3

S2 0.160 5.71 14 126 2

BS-400 S3 0.560 20.0 40 120 2

S4 1.16 41.4 40 120 4

200:67:2 S5 1.74 62.1 30 120 8

S6 2.54 90.7 / / 2.3

2021-04 2/8 P/N:TCN21-GV02-022(1.0)

© 2021 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd All rights reserved
Lipids Calibrator *Please note the target value change
★ Note: The following value is applicable to 141821002 and subsequent ApoA1 reagents. ★
Abbreviated name ApoA1 Calibration Rule Logit-Log(5P)
Calibrator Value Sample Vol for Diluent Vol Sample Vol For
Model Level
g/L μmol/L Dilution (μL) (μL) Analysis (μL)

S2 0.150 5.36 20 180 3

BS-120 S3 0.420 15.0 5 194 32

S4 0.950 33.9 9 187 35

300:100:3 S5 1.61 57.5 45 180 12

S6 2.58 92.1 / / 3.5

S2 0.150 5.36 20 180 3

BS-180 S3 0.420 15.0 5 194 32

S4 0.950 33.9 9 187 35

300:100:3 S5 1.61 57.5 45 180 12

S6 2.58 92.1 / / 3.5

S2 0.150 5.36 20 180 3

BS-200 S3 0.500 17.9 5 194 32

S4 1.02 36.4 9 187 35

300:100:3 S5 1.64 58.5 45 180 12

S6 2.65 94.6 / / 3.5

S2 0.120 4.28 15 135 2

BS-200E S3 0.570 20.3 45 135 2

S4 1.24 44.3 45 135 4

200:67:2 S5 1.85 66.0 35 140 8

S6 2.72 97.1 / / 2.3

S2 0.130 4.64 20 180 3

BS-300 S3 0.480 17.1 5 194 32

S4 1.11 39.6 9 187 35

300:100:3 S5 1.80 64.3 45 180 12

S6 2.62 94.0 / / 3.5

S2 0.150 5.36 20 180 3

BS-330 S3 0.500 17.9 5 194 32

S4 1.02 36.4 9 187 35

300:100:3 S5 1.64 58.5 45 180 12

S6 2.65 94.6 / / 3.5

S2 0.120 4.28 15 135 2

BS-330E S3 0.570 20.3 45 135 2

S4 1.24 44.3 45 135 4

200:67:2 S5 1.85 66.0 35 140 8

S6 2.72 97.1 / / 2.3

S2 0.140 5.00 14 126 2

BS-380 S3 0.520 18.6 40 120 2

S4 1.13 40.3 40 120 4

200:67:2 S5 1.74 62.1 30 120 8

S6 2.64 94.2 / / 2.3

S2 0.120 4.28 14 126 2

BS-400 S3 0.510 18.2 40 120 2

S4 1.13 40.3 40 120 4

200:67:2 S5 1.77 63.2 30 120 8

S6 2.65 94.6 / / 2.3

2021-04 3/8 P/N:TCN21-GV02-022(1.0)

© 2021 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd All rights reserved
Lipids Calibrator *Please note the target value change
Abbreviated name ApoB Calibration Rule Logit-Log(5P)

Calibrator Value18 Sample Vol for Diluent Vol Sample Vol For
Model Level
g/L μmol/L Dilution (μL) (μL) Analysis (μL)

S2 0.190 0.371 45 180 3

BS-120 S3 0.430 0.839 45 180 6
S4 0.920 1.79 45 180 12
300:100:3 S5 1.32 2.57 / / 3
S6 2.35 4.58 / / 6
S2 0.190 0.371 45 180 3
BS-180 S3 0.430 0.839 45 180 6
S4 0.920 1.79 45 180 12
300:100:3 S5 1.32 2.57 / / 3
S6 2.35 4.58 / / 6
S2 0.200 0.390 45 180 3
BS-200 S3 0.490 0.960 45 180 6
S4 0.950 1.85 45 180 12
300:100:3 S5 1.28 2.50 / / 3
S6 2.40 4.68 / / 6
S2 0.230 0.449 35 140 3
BS-200E S3 0.530 1.03 35 140 6
S4 1.10 2.15 35 140 12
300:100:3 S5 1.37 2.67 / / 3
S6 2.55 4.97 / / 6
S2 0.220 0.429 45 180 3
BS-300 S3 0.490 0.960 45 180 6
S4 1.01 1.97 45 180 12
300:100:3 S5 1.37 2.67 / / 3
S6 2.50 4.88 / / 6
S2 0.200 0.390 45 180 3
BS-330 S3 0.490 0.960 45 180 6
S4 0.950 1.85 45 180 12
300:100:3 S5 1.28 2.50 / / 3
S6 2.40 4.68 / / 6
S2 0.230 0.449 35 140 3
BS-330E S3 0.530 1.03 35 140 6
S4 1.10 2.15 35 140 12
300:100:3 S5 1.37 2.67 / / 3
S6 2.55 4.97 / / 6
S2 0.230 0.449 30 120 2
BS-380 S3 0.530 1.03 30 120 4
S4 1.10 2.15 30 120 8
200:67:2 S5 1.37 2.67 / / 2

S6 2.55 4.97 / / 4
S2 0.210 0.410 30 120 2
BS-400 S3 0.470 0.917 30 120 4
S4 0.980 1.91 30 120 8
200:67:2 S5 1.35 2.63 / / 2
S6 2.50 4.88 / / 4

2021-04 4/8 P/N:TCN21-GV02-022(1.0)

© 2021 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd All rights reserved
Lipids Calibrator *Please note the target value change
★ Note: The following value is applicable to 141821001 and before ApoA1 reagents. ★
Abbreviated name ApoA1 Calibration Rule Logit-Log(5P)

Calibrator Value 18 Sample Vol

Sample Vol For Diluent Vol
Model Level for Dilution
g/L μmol/L Analysis (μL) (μL)
S2 0.150 5.36 2 13 117
BS-230 S3 0.480 17.1 23.8 3 129
S4 1.05 37.5 23.4 6 125
200:67:2 S5 1.76 62.8 8 30 120
S6 2.65 95.0 2.3 / /
S2 0.160 5.71 2 13 117
BS-240E S3 0.590 21.1 2 34 102
S4 1.17 41.8 4 34 102
200:67:2 S5 1.64 58.5 8 25 100
S6 2.52 90.0 2.3 / /
S2 0.160 5.71 2 13 117
BS-360E S3 0.570 20.3 2 34 102
S4 1.13 40.3 4 34 102
200:67:2 S5 1.67 59.6 8 25 100
S6 2.60 92.8 2.3 / /
S2 0.160 5.71 2 11 99
BS-430 S3 0.570 20.3 2 30 90
S4 1.16 41.4 4 30 90
200:67:2 S5 1.72 61.4 8 25 100
S6 2.60 92.8 2.3 / /
S2 0.160 5.71 2 14 126
BS-480 S3 0.570 20.3 2 40 120
S4 1.13 40.3 4 40 120
200:67:2 S5 1.67 59.6 8 30 120
S6 2.60 92.8 2.3 / /
S2 0.160 5.71 2 11 99
BS-600 S3 0.570 20.3 2 30 90
S4 1.13 40.3 4 30 90
200:67:2 S5 1.67 59.6 8 25 100
S6 2.60 92.8 2.3 / /
S2 0.160 5.71 2 10 90
BS-800 S3 0.570 20.3 2 30 90
S4 1.13 40.3 4 30 90
200:67:2 S5 1.67 59.6 8 25 100
S6 2.60 92.8 2.3 / /
S2 0.160 5.71 2 10 90
BS-2000 S3 0.600 21.4 2 25 75
S4 1.20 42.8 4 25 75
200:67:2 S5 1.76 62.8 8 25 100
S6 2.60 92.8 2.3 / /

2021-04 5/8 P/N:TCN21-GV02-022(1.0)

© 2021 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd All rights reserved
Lipids Calibrator *Please note the target value change

★ Note: The following value is applicable to 141821002 and subsequent ApoA1 reagents. ★

Abbreviated name ApoA1 Calibration Rule Logit-Log(5P)

Calibrator Value 18 Sample Vol

Sample Vol For Diluent Vol
Model Level for Dilution
g/L μmol/L Analysis (μL) (μL)
S2 0.140 5.00 2 13 117
BS-230 S3 0.490 17.5 23.8 3 129
S4 1.07 38.2 23.4 6 125
200:67:2 S5 1.78 63.5 8 30 120
S6 2.72 97.0 2.3 / /
S2 0.130 4.64 2 13 117
BS-240E S3 0.540 19.3 2 34 102
S4 1.09 38.9 4 34 102
200:67:2 S5 1.62 57.8 8 25 100
S6 2.63 93.9 2.3 / /
S2 0.130 4.64 2 13 117
BS-360E S3 0.520 18.6 2 34 102
S4 1.09 38.9 4 34 102
200:67:2 S5 1.63 58.2 8 25 100
S6 2.59 92.5 2.3 / /
S2 0.120 4.28 2 11 99
BS-430 S3 0.450 16.1 2 30 90
S4 1.12 40.0 4 30 90
200:67:2 S5 1.68 60.0 8 25 100
S6 2.59 92.5 2.3 / /
S2 0.120 4.28 2 14 126
BS-480 S3 0.520 18.6 2 40 120
S4 1.13 40.3 4 40 120
200:67:2 S5 1.74 62.1 8 30 120
S6 2.64 94.2 2.3 / /
S2 0.130 4.64 2 11 99
BS-600 S3 0.550 19.6 2 30 90
S4 1.17 41.8 4 30 90
200:67:2 S5 1.77 63.2 8 25 100
S6 2.65 94.6 2.3 / /
S2 0.130 4.64 2 10 90
BS-800 S3 0.520 18.6 2 30 90
S4 1.09 38.9 4 30 90
200:67:2 S5 1.63 58.2 8 25 100
S6 2.59 92.5 2.3 / /
S2 0.140 5.00 2 10 90
BS-2000 S3 0.560 20.0 2 25 75
S4 1.19 42.5 4 25 75
200:67:2 S5 1.82 65.0 8 25 100
S6 2.72 97.1 2.3 / /

2021-04 6/8 P/N:TCN21-GV02-022(1.0)

© 2021 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd All rights reserved
Lipids Calibrator *Please note the target value change
Abbreviated name ApoB Calibration Rule Logit-Log(5P)

Calibrator Value18 Sample Vol

Sample Vol For Diluent Vol
Model Level for Dilution
g/L μmol/L Analysis (μL) (μL)
S2 0.210 0.410 2 30 120
BS-230 S3 0.480 0.940 4 30 120
S4 0.980 1.91 8 30 120
200:67:2 S5 1.32 2.57 2 / /
S6 2.50 4.88 4 / /
S2 0.200 0.390 2 25 100
BS-240E S3 0.450 0.878 4 25 100
S4 0.920 1.79 8 25 100
300:100:3 S5 1.39 2.71 2 / /

S6 2.50 4.88 4 / /

S2 0.210 0.410 2 25 100

BS-360E S3 0.470 0.917 4 25 100

S4 0.960 1.87 8 25 100

300:100:3 S5 1.39 2.71 2 / /

S6 2.45 4.78 4 / /

S2 0.210 0.410 2 25 100

BS-430 S3 0.460 0.897 4 25 100

S4 0.950 1.85 8 25 100

200:67:2 S5 1.36 2.65 2 / /

S6 2.55 4.97 4 / /

S2 0.200 0.390 2 30 120

BS-480 S3 0.450 0.878 4 30 120

S4 0.920 1.79 8 30 120

200:67:2 S5 1.34 2.61 2 / /

S6 2.50 4.88 4 / /

S2 0.200 0.390 2 25 100

BS-600 S3 0.450 0.878 4 25 100

S4 0.920 1.79 8 25 100

200:67:2 S5 1.34 2.61 2 / /

S6 2.50 4.88 4 / /

S2 0.200 0.390 2 25 100

BS-800 S3 0.450 0.878 4 25 100

S4 0.920 1.79 8 25 100

200:67:2 S5 1.34 2.61 2 / /

S6 2.50 4.88 4 / /

S2 0.230 0.449 2 25 100

BS-2000 S3 0.470 0.920 4 25 100

S4 0.950 1.85 8 25 100

200:67:2 S5 1.32 2.57 2 / /

S6 2.50 4.88 4 / /

English Abbreviated name Calibration Rule Model Level

Русский Принцип калибровки модель Уровень

Português Nome abreviado Regra de calibração Modelo Nível

Español nombre abreviado Regla de calibración modelo Nivel

2021-04 7/8 P/N:TCN21-GV02-022(1.0)

© 2021 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd All rights reserved
Lipids Calibrator *Please note the target value change
Italiano abbreviazione Regola di calibrazione modelli Livello

Türkçe kısaltılmış ad Kalibrasyon Kuralı model Düzey

English Calibration Value Sample Vol for Dilution Diluent Vol Sample Vol For Analysis
Объем пробы для Объем
Русский Эталонное значение Объем пробы для анализа
разбавления разбавителя
Volume da amostra Volume de Volume da amostra
Português Valor de calibração
para diluição diluente para análise
Español Valor de calibración Vol. muestra para dilución Vol. diluyente Vol. muestra para análisis
Vol. campione per
Italiano Valore di calibrazione Vol. diluente Vol. campione per analisi
la diluizione
Türkçe Kalibrasyon Değeri Dilüsyon için Numune Hacmi Seyreltici Hacmi Analiz için Numune Hacmi


English HDL-Cholesterol LDL-Cholesterol Apolipoprotein A1 Apolipoprotein B

Русский Холестерин ЛПВП Холестерин ЛПНП Аполипопротеин A1 Аполипопротеин B

Português Colesterol HDL Colesterol LDL Apolipoproteína A1 Apolipoproteína B

Español Colesterol HDL Colesterol LDL Apolipoproteína A1 Apolipoproteína B

Italiano Colesterolo HDL Colesterolo LDL Apolipoproteina A1 Apolipoproteina B

Türkçe HDL-Kolesterol LDL-Kolesterol Apolipoprotein A1 Apolipoprotein B

2021-04 8/8 P/N:TCN21-GV02-022(1.0)

© 2021 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd All rights reserved

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