Python History and Information
Python History and Information
Python History and Information
Main article: Python syntax and semantics § Indentation
Python uses whitespace indentation, rather than curly brackets or keywords, to delimit blocks. An
increase in indentation comes after certain statements; a decrease in indentation signifies the end of
the current block.[76] Thus, the program's visual structure accurately represents the program's
semantic structure.[77] This feature is sometimes termed the off-side rule, which some other
languages share, but in most languages indentation does not have any semantic meaning. The
recommended indent size is four spaces.[78]
Some Python expressions are similar to those found in languages such as C and Java, while some
are not:
Addition, subtraction, and multiplication are the same, but the behavior of division differs.
There are two types of divisions in Python. They are floor division (or integer
division) // and floating-point / division.[84] Python also uses the ** operator for
From Python 3.5, the new @ infix operator was introduced. It is intended to be used by
libraries such as NumPy for matrix multiplication.[85][86]
From Python 3.8, the syntax := , called the 'walrus operator' was introduced. It assigns
values to variables as part of a larger expression. [87]
In Python, == compares by value, versus Java, which compares numerics by
value[88] and objects by reference.[89] (Value comparisons in Java on objects can be
performed with the equals() method.) Python's is operator may be used to compare
object identities (comparison by reference). In Python, comparisons may be chained, for
example a <= b <= c .
Python uses the words and , or , not for its boolean operators rather than the
symbolic && , || , ! used in Java and C.
Python has a type of expression termed a list comprehension as well as a more general
expression termed a generator expression.[63]
Anonymous functions are implemented using lambda expressions; however, these are
limited in that the body can only be one expression.
Conditional expressions in Python are written as x if c else y [90] (different in order of
operands from the c ? x : y operator common to many other languages).
Python makes a distinction between lists and tuples. Lists are written as [1, 2, 3] ,
are mutable, and cannot be used as the keys of dictionaries (dictionary keys must
be immutable in Python). Tuples are written as (1, 2, 3) , are immutable and thus can
be used as the keys of dictionaries, provided all elements of the tuple are immutable.
The + operator can be used to concatenate two tuples, which does not directly modify
their contents, but rather produces a new tuple containing the elements of both provided
tuples. Thus, given the variable t initially equal to (1, 2, 3) ,
executing t = t + (4, 5) first evaluates t + (4, 5) , which
yields (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) , which is then assigned back to t , thereby effectively
"modifying the contents" of t , while conforming to the immutable nature of tuple objects.
Parentheses are optional for tuples in unambiguous contexts.[91]
Python features sequence unpacking wherein multiple expressions, each evaluating to
anything that can be assigned to (a variable, a writable property, etc.), are associated in
an identical manner to that forming tuple literals and, as a whole, are put on the left-hand
side of the equal sign in an assignment statement. The statement expects
an iterable object on the right-hand side of the equal sign that produces the same
number of values as the provided writable expressions when iterated through and will
iterate through it, assigning each of the produced values to the corresponding
expression on the left.[92]
Python has a "string format" operator % . This functions analogously to printf format
strings in C, e.g. "spam=%s eggs=%d" % ("blah", 2) evaluates to "spam=blah
eggs=2" . In Python 3 and 2.6+, this was supplemented by the format() method of
the str class, e.g. "spam={0} eggs={1}".format("blah", 2) . Python 3.6 added
"f-strings": blah = "blah"; eggs = 2; f'spam={blah} eggs={eggs}' .[93]
Strings in Python can be concatenated, by "adding" them (same operator as for adding
integers and floats). E.g. "spam" + "eggs" returns "spameggs" . Even if your strings
contain numbers, they are still added as strings rather than integers.
E.g. "2" + "2" returns "22" .
Python has various kinds of string literals:
o Strings delimited by single or double quote marks. Unlike in Unix
shells, Perl and Perl-influenced languages, single quote marks and double
quote marks function identically. Both kinds of string use the backslash ( \ )
as an escape character. String interpolation became available in Python 3.6
as "formatted string literals".[93]
o Triple-quoted strings, which begin and end with a series of three single or
double quote marks. They may span multiple lines and function like here
documents in shells, Perl and Ruby.
o Raw string varieties, denoted by prefixing the string literal with an r . Escape
sequences are not interpreted; hence raw strings are useful where literal
backslashes are common, such as regular expressions and Windows-style
paths. Compare " @ -quoting" in C#.
Python has array index and array slicing expressions on lists, denoted
as a[key] , a[start:stop] or a[start:stop:step] . Indexes are zero-based, and
negative indexes are relative to the end. Slices take elements from the start index up to,
but not including, the stop index. The third slice parameter, called step or stride, allows
elements to be skipped and reversed. Slice indexes may be omitted, for
example a[:] returns a copy of the entire list. Each element of a slice is a shallow
In Python, a distinction between expressions and statements is rigidly enforced, in contrast to
languages such as Common Lisp, Scheme, or Ruby. This leads to duplicating some functionality.
For example:
Methods on objects are functions attached to the object's class; the
syntax instance.method(argument) is, for normal methods and functions, syntactic
sugar for Class.method(instance, argument) . Python methods have an
explicit self parameter to access instance data, in contrast to the implicit self (or this ) in some
other object-oriented programming languages (e.g., C++, Java, Objective-C, or Ruby).[94] Apart from
this Python also provides methods, sometimes called dunder methods due to their names beginning
and ending with double-underscores, to extend the functionality of custom class to support native
functions such as print, length, comparison, support for arithmetic operations, type conversion, and
many more.[95]
Python uses duck typing and has typed objects but untyped variable names. Type constraints are
not checked at compile time; rather, operations on an object may fail, signifying that the given object
is not of a suitable type. Despite being dynamically-typed, Python is strongly-typed, forbidding
operations that are not well-defined (for example, adding a number to a string) rather than silently
attempting to make sense of them.
Python allows programmers to define their own types using classes, which are most often used
for object-oriented programming. New instances of classes are constructed by calling the class (for
example, SpamClass() or EggsClass() ), and the classes are instances of
the metaclass type (itself an instance of itself), allowing metaprogramming and reflection.
Before version 3.0, Python had two kinds of classes: old-style and new-style.[96] The syntax of both
styles is the same, the difference being whether the class object is inherited from, directly or
indirectly (all new-style classes inherit from object and are instances of type ). In versions of
Python 2 from Python 2.2 onwards, both kinds of classes can be used. Old-style classes were
eliminated in Python 3.0.
The long-term plan is to support gradual typing[97] and from Python 3.5, the syntax of the language
allows specifying static types but they are not checked in the default implementation, CPython. An
experimental optional static type checker named mypy supports compile-time type checking. [98]
Type Description Syntax examples
immutabl True
bool Boolean value
e False
b'Some ASCII'
bytes Sequence of bytes b"Some ASCII"
bytes([119, 105, 107, 105])
Complex 3+2.7 j
complex immutabl
number with real
e 3 + 2.7j
and imaginary parts
An ellipsis placehold
immutabl er to be used as an ...
ellipsis a
e index Ellipsis
in NumPy arrays
Double-precision flo
ating-point number.
The precision is
float immutabl but in practice is 1.414
e generally
implemented as a
64-bit IEEE
754 number with 53
bits of precision.[99]
Unordered set,
contains no frozenset ([4.0, 'string', Tr
frozenset immutabl
duplicates; can
e ue])
contain mixed types,
if hashable
An object
representing the
NoneType a absence of a value, None
often called null in
other languages
A placeholder that
can be returned
NotImplementedTyp immutabl from overloaded NotImplemented
ea e operators to indicate
operand types.
A Sequence of
numbers commonly
immutabl used for looping range (1, 10)
e specific number of range(10, -5, -2)
in for loops[101]
set mutable Unordered set, { 4.0, 'string', True}
contains no
duplicates; can set ()
contain mixed types,
if hashable
A character string:
str sequence of """Spanning
Unicode codepoints multiple
( 4.0, 'string', True)
tuple immutabl Can contain mixed ('single element',)
e types
Arithmetic operations[edit]
Python has the usual symbols for arithmetic operators ( + , - , * , / ), the floor division
operator // and the modulo operation % (where the remainder can be negative, e.g. 4 % -3 ==
-2 ). It also has ** for exponentiation, e.g. 5**3 == 125 and 9**0.5 == 3.0 , and a matrix
multiply operator @ .[102] These operators work like in traditional math; with the same precedence
rules, the operators infix ( + and - can also be unary to represent positive and negative numbers
The division between integers produces floating-point results. The behavior of division has changed
significantly over time:[103]
Current Python (i.e. since 3.0) changed / to always be floating-point division,
e.g. 5/2 == 2.5 .
Python 2.2 changed integer division to round towards negative infinity, e.g. 7/3 ==
2 and -7/3 == -3 . The floor division // operator was introduced. So 7//3 == 2 , -
7//3 == -3 , 7.5//3 == 2.0 and -7.5//3 == -3.0 .
Adding from __future__ import division causes a module to use Python 3.0
rules for division (see next).
Python 2.1 and earlier used C's division behavior. The / operator is integer division if
both operands are integers, and floating-point division otherwise. Integer division rounds
towards 0, e.g. 7/3 == 2 and -7/3 == -2 .
In Python terms, / is true division (or simply division), and // is floor division. / before version 3.0
is classic division.[103]
Rounding towards negative infinity, though different from most languages, adds consistency. For
instance, it means that the equation (a + b)//b == a//b + 1 is always true. It also means that
the equation b*(a//b) + a%b == a is valid for both positive and negative values of a . However,
maintaining the validity of this equation means that while the result of a%b is, as expected, in
the half-open interval [0, b), where b is a positive integer, it has to lie in the interval (b, 0] when b is
Python provides a round function for rounding a float to the nearest integer. For tie-breaking,
Python 3 uses round to even: round(1.5) and round(2.5) both produce 2 .[105] Versions before 3
used round-away-from-zero: round(0.5) is 1.0 , round(-0.5) is −1.0 .[106]
Python allows boolean expressions with multiple equality relations in a manner that is consistent with
general use in mathematics. For example, the expression a < b < c tests whether a is less
than b and b is less than c .[107] C-derived languages interpret this expression differently: in C, the
expression would first evaluate a < b , resulting in 0 or 1, and that result would then be compared
with c .[108]
Python uses arbitrary-precision arithmetic for all integer operations. The Decimal type/class in
the decimal module provides decimal floating-point numbers to a pre-defined arbitrary precision
and several rounding modes.[109] The Fraction class in the fractions module provides arbitrary
precision for rational numbers.[110]
Due to Python's extensive mathematics library, and the third-party library NumPy that further
extends the native capabilities, it is frequently used as a scientific scripting language to aid in
problems such as numerical data processing and manipulation. [111][112]
Programming examples[edit]
Hello world program:
print('Hello, world!')
if n < 0:
raise ValueError('You must enter a non negative integer')
factorial = 1
for i in range(2, n + 1):
factorial *= i
Python's large standard library, commonly cited as one of its greatest strengths, [113] provides tools
suited to many tasks. For Internet-facing applications, many standard formats and protocols such
as MIME and HTTP are supported. It includes modules for creating graphical user interfaces,
connecting to relational databases, generating pseudorandom numbers, arithmetic with arbitrary-
precision decimals,[114] manipulating regular expressions, and unit testing.
Some parts of the standard library are covered by specifications (for example, the Web Server
Gateway Interface (WSGI) implementation wsgiref follows PEP 333[115]), but most modules are not.
They are specified by their code, internal documentation, and test suites. However, because most of
the standard library is cross-platform Python code, only a few modules need altering or rewriting for
variant implementations.
As of March 2021, the Python Package Index (PyPI), the official repository for third-party Python
software, contains over 290,000[116] packages with a wide range of functionality, including:
Data analytics
Graphical user interfaces
Image processing
Machine learning
Mobile App
Computer networking
Scientific computing
System administration
Test frameworks
Text processing
Web frameworks
Web scraping
Development environments[edit]
See also: Comparison of integrated development environments § Python
Most Python implementations (including CPython) include a read–eval–print loop (REPL), permitting
them to function as a command line interpreter for which the user enters statements sequentially and
receives results immediately.
Other shells, including IDLE and IPython, add further abilities such as improved auto-completion,
session state retention and syntax highlighting.
As well as standard desktop integrated development environments, there are Web browser-based
IDEs; SageMath (intended for developing science and math-related Python
programs); PythonAnywhere, a browser-based IDE and hosting environment; and Canopy IDE, a
commercial Python IDE emphasizing scientific computing.[117]
See also: List of Python software § Python implementations
Reference implementation[edit]
CPython is the reference implementation of Python. It is written in C, meeting the C89 standard with
several select C99 features (with later C versions out, it's considered outdated; [118][119] CPython
includes its own C extensions, but third-party extensions are not limited to older C versions, can e.g.
be implemented with C11 or C++[120]).[121] It compiles Python programs into an
intermediate bytecode[122] which is then executed by its virtual machine.[123] CPython is distributed with
a large standard library written in a mixture of C and native Python. It is available for many platforms,
including Windows (starting with Python 3.9, the Python installer deliberately fails to install
on Windows 7 and 8;[124][125] Windows XP was supported until Python 3.5) and most modern Unix-
like systems, including macOS (and Apple M1 Macs, since Python 3.9.1, with experimental installer)
and unofficial support for e.g. VMS.[126] Platform portability was one of its earliest priorities, [127] during
the Python 1 and 2 time-frame, even OS/2 and Solaris were supported;[128] support has since been
dropped for a lot of platforms.
Other implementations[edit]
PyPy is a fast, compliant interpreter of Python 2.7 and 3.6.[129] Its just-in-time
compiler brings a significant speed improvement over CPython but several libraries
written in C cannot be used with it.[130]
Stackless Python is a significant fork of CPython that implements microthreads; it does
not use the call stack in the same way, thus allowing massively concurrent programs.
PyPy also has a stackless version.[131]
MicroPython and CircuitPython are Python 3 variants optimized for microcontrollers,
including Lego Mindstorms EV3.[132]
Pyston is a variant of the Python runtime that uses just-in-time compilation to speed up
the execution of Python programs.[133]
Cinder is a performance-oriented fork of CPython 3.8 that contains a number of
optimizations including bytecode inline caching, eager evaluation of coroutines, a
method-at-a-time JIT and an experimental bytecode compiler. [134]