AF 3 - Reporte Casos Resistencia A La Flexión y Torsión
AF 3 - Reporte Casos Resistencia A La Flexión y Torsión
AF 3 - Reporte Casos Resistencia A La Flexión y Torsión
1. Figure shows the section of an angle purlin. A bending moment of 3,000 Nm is applied to the
purlin in a plane at an angle of 30 o to the vertical y axis. If the sense of the bending moment is such
that both its components Mx and My produce tension in the positive xy quadrant, calculate the
maximum direct stress in the purlin, stating clearly the point at which it acts.
Answer: sz;max = -63.3 N/mm2 at C
2. A thin-walled, cantilever beam of unsymmetrical cross-section supports shear loads at its free end
as shown in Fig. Calculate the value of direct stress at the extremity of the lower flange (point A) at a
section halfway along the beam if the position of the shear loads is such that no twisting of the beam
Answer: 194.5 N/mm2 (tension)
3. A simply supported beam at each end, has a thin-walled cross-section, as shown in Fig. If a
uniformly distributed loading of intensity w/unit length acts on the beam in the plane of the lower,
horizontal flange, calculate the maximum direct stress due to bending of the beam and show
diagrammatically the distribution of the stress at the section where the maximum occurs. The
thickness t is to be taken as small in comparison with the other cross-sectional dimensions in
calculating the section properties Ixx, Iyy and Ixy.
2. The thin-walled box section beam ABCD shown in Figure is attached at each end to supports that
allow rotation of the ends of the beam in the longitudinal vertical plane of symmetry but prevent
rotation of the ends in vertical planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the beam. The beam is
subjected to a uniform torque loading of 20N-m/mm over the portion BC of its span. Calculate the
maximum shear stress in the cross-section of the beam and the distribution of angle of twist along its
length, G=70,000N/mm2.
3. A uniform thin-walled beam is circular in cross-section and has a constant thickness of 2.5 mm.
The beam is 2,000 mm long, carrying end torques of 450 N-m and, in the same sense, a distributed
torque loading of 1.0 N-m/mm. The loads are reacted by equal couples R at sections 500 mm distant
from each end. Calculate the maximum shear stress in the beam and sketch the distribution of twist
along its length. Take G = 30,000 N/mm2 and neglect axial constraint effects.
4. Figure shows a thin-walled cantilever box beam having a constant width of 50mm and a depth
which decreases linearly from 200mm at the built-in end to 150mm at the free end. If the beam is
subjected to a torque of 1 kNm at its free end, plot the angle of twist of the beam at 500mm intervals
along its length and determine the maximum shear stress in the beam section. Take G=25