Thin-Walled Structures: Son Tung Vy, Mahen Mahendran, Thananjayan Sivaprakasam
Thin-Walled Structures: Son Tung Vy, Mahen Mahendran, Thananjayan Sivaprakasam
Thin-Walled Structures: Son Tung Vy, Mahen Mahendran, Thananjayan Sivaprakasam
Thin-Walled Structures
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Keywords: The current design methods for built-up back-to-back cold-formed steel (CFS) channel compression members are
Cold-formed steel considered inadequate despite several research studies in recent times. These research studies have proposed
Built-up members improved DSM based design equations, however, they have in general led to predictions of varying accuracy.
Back-to-back sections
Further, there were some contradicting observations regarding the effects of screw connections on their
Local buckling
Distortional buckling
compression behaviour and capacities. Therefore, this research focused on the compression behaviour and ca
Screw connections pacity of built-up back-to-back CFS channel sections subject to local and/or distortional buckling. It included
compression tests of short single and back-to-back channel members failing by local-distortional interaction
buckling, development and validation of finite element models and finally a parametric study to examine the
effects of screw fastener characteristics and arrangements on the compression behaviour and capacities of back-
to-back channel members failing in local and/or distortional buckling. Using the results, the accuracy of
currently available design equations in the CFS design standards and recently published research papers was
investigated and a simple DSM based design method is recommended. This paper presents the details of this
research and the results including its findings.
1. Introduction Strength Method (DSM) for the calculations of CFS member compression
capacities. They state that the compression capacity of built-up members
Recently, cold-formed steel (CFS) applications are increasing in the can be determined using the same methods as single members, but with
construction of various residential and industrial buildings. In conven a modified slenderness ratio (le/r)m defined by Eq. (1) instead of using
tional applications, CFS structural members are normally made of single that of single/individual members (le/ri).
channel or zed sections, which have limited load-bearing capacities due ( ) √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
( )2 ( )2
to their low torsional and flexural rigidities. For applications with higher le le s
= + (1)
load-bearing capacities, single channel or zed sections are inadequate r m r o ri
and CFS built-up screw-connected back-to-back channel (BC) members
shown in Fig. 1 are often used by engineers. This is because these BC where (le/r)o is the overall slenderness ratio of the entire section about
members can be easily fabricated from commercially available single the built-up member axis, s is the intermediate fastener or spot weld
channel members, and they may have greater compression (or bending) spacing, and ri is the minimum radius of gyration of the full unreduced
capacities than the sum of their individual member capacities. In other cross-section of an individual member in the built-up section. This
words, they can provide an economical solution in many applications replacement results in the improvement of the flexural buckling stress,
where higher load-bearing capacities are needed. which may lead to an increase in the compression capacity of the built-
The BC members under compression loading can fail in one of the up member (to more than twice of its individual member capacity) if the
three failure modes: global (G), local (L) and distortional (D) buckling, failure mode is global buckling or global-local interaction buckling.
or an interaction among these three failure modes. The two major cold- The CFS design standards [1,2] are important for the practical design
formed steel design standards in North America and Australia/New of BC members, however, they still have many limitations. Firstly, Stone
Zealand [1,2] use the Effective Width Method (EWM) and the Direct and LaBoube [3] showed that using the modified slenderness ratio in
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Mahendran).
Received 26 April 2020; Received in revised form 30 August 2020; Accepted 14 October 2020
Available online 14 November 2020
0263-8231/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
importantly, the DSM design guidelines in the current standards [1,2] Table 1
and past research studies [5,7,8] are investigated before recommending Dimensions of SC87D section.
a reliable and simplified DSM based approach. Dimension Value (mm) Dimension Value (mm)
h1 13.42 b1 35.71
2. Experimental investigation h2 2.09 b2 0.80
h3 56.24 b3 39.30
2.1. Test specimens h4 2.06 b4 0.89
h5 3.48 d1 7.01
h6 1.62 d2 8.63
A commercially available channel section (SC87D) that is commonly h7 8.31
used as LSF wall studs in Australia was selected in this experimental
investigation. It was used as single channel and back-to-back channel
(BC) members in this investigation. This section shown in Fig. 3 is made
of a high strength steel grade, G550 (minimum yield strength of 550
MPa), and its base metal thickness without zinc-coating is 0.95 mm.
Table 1 provides the average measured dimensions of the channel sec
tions used in this investigation. They are designed as asymmetric sec
tions to enable them to be nested as closed sections for use in
applications with higher compression capacities. This also minimizes
any unwanted imperfections during transportation.
The specimen length was chosen as 800 mm, which was 200 mm
greater than the actual length (600 mm) used in the capacity calcula
tions and FE models. This was because in the test set-up, 100 mm seg
ments of specimens were clamped inside a specially designed connector
at each end. To limit the length tolerance and any non-uniform stresses
applied to the specimen, each specimen was cut to the specified length of
800 mm and milled flat at both ends. Fig. 4. BC87D section with one and two screws along each screw row.
To fabricate a BC member as shown in Fig. 4, two single channel
members were connected together by using 10 g self-drilling hex-head • for single channel members, the label “SC87D-600” or “SC87L-600”
screws. Three different screw arrangements were used as shown in indicates that channel depth is 87 mm and length is 600 mm, and the
Fig. 5. The relative positions of channel sections were adjusted carefully letter “D” or “L” means that distortional or local buckling mode is
to ensure that the built-up member was doubly symmetric and its ends dominant, however, “D” also includes local-distortional interaction
were flat. The fabricated BC members formed two groups based on the buckling mode.
number of screws along each row, i.e., one or two screws at the mid- • for BC members, the label “BC87D-600-1S-150” or “BC87L-600-2S-
depth of the web element. The screw spacing (s) used was 150 or 300 150” indicates that individual channel depth is 87 mm, length is 600
mm with the first row of screws from each end located at 15 mm. mm and screw spacing is 150 mm, while the letter “D” or “L” means
For ease of identification, all specimens were labelled based on their distortional or local buckling mode is dominant in its individual
cross-sectional parameters, lengths, screw spacing and other specific section with “D” also including local-distortional interaction buck
features. For example. ling mode, and “1S” or “2S” means there are one or two screws per
Fig. 6 shows the test set-up used in this investigation, where a single
or BC channel specimen was vertically loaded in compression under a
stable and strong test frame fixed to a strong reinforced concrete slab.
The 100 mm long bottom end segment of the specimen was fixed inside a
specially designed steel connector, attached to a heavy beam located at
the bottom. Similarly, the 100 mm long top end segment of the specimen
was fixed inside another connector, located under a load cell. A 200 kN
hydraulic jack placed above the load cell was used to apply the
compression load to the specimen. The top end of the hydraulic jack was
fixed to the heavy beam of the loading frame, which ensured that it was
kept stable during the test. The applied compression load and associated
axial shortening of the specimen were recorded by the load cell and a
draw-wire displacement sensor located between the hydraulic jack and
the top connector, respectively.
The use of specially designed top and bottom connectors shown in
Figs. 7 and 8 ensured that end boundary conditions of each single
channel or BC specimen are fixed. Each connector included four 20 mm
thick steel side plates welded together, and then welded to a 10 mm
thick steel end plate to form a box. The end plate was used to stop the
axial displacement of the specimen’s end-segment. Besides, there were
four M12 bolts (restraining bolts) attached on each steel side plate by
nuts welded to the side plate. They supported steel plates F1 and F2, and
Fig. 3. SC87D section. steel blocks B1 and B2 in preventing the lateral movements, bending and
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Fig. 9 shows the deformed shapes of specimens after the tests, and
their failures are dominated by distortional buckling as expected.
However, the deformed shapes exhibiting flange rotations along the
flange-web junction and local buckling deformations at some positions
of the web indicate that SC87D specimens have failed by the interaction
of local and distortional buckling (LD) modes. BC87D specimens have
also failed by LD interaction buckling mode, but distortional buckling is
more dominant since flange rotations could be clearly seen than local
web buckling deformations. Fig. 10 shows the compression load versus
shortening curves for the tested specimens, while Table 2 presents their
ultimate loads (Nc,Test). These results show that the compression capac
ities of BC87D-600-1S-150 (average 91.2 kN), BC87D-600-2S-150
(average 94.9 kN) and BC87D-600-2S-300 (average 90.7 kN) are
nearly similar (the differences are around 5%), and are almost equal to
twice the capacity of SC87D-600 (average 47.6 kN). This shows that the
effects of using two screws instead of one screw or changing the screw
spacing on the compression capacity are marginal, and the compression
capacity of BC members can be taken as twice that of single channel
Fig. 6. Test set-up.
3. Finite element modelling
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Fig. 7. Specimens fixed inside the bottom connector: (a) single channel and (b) BC.
Fig. 8. Sketches of specimens fixed inside the bottom and top connectors: (a) single channel and (b) BC.
Fig. 9. Deformed shapes of SC87D and BC87D specimens from Tests and FE analyses.
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Fig. 10. Load versus axial shortening curves for SC87D and BC87D specimens.
Fig. 11. FE models of test specimens: (a) single channel, (b) BC.
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Fig. 14. Boundary conditions and loading in FE models of specimens: (a) SC87D, (b) BC87D-1S-150, (c) BC87D-2S-150.
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Fig. 15. Shear load versus slip displacement curves for screw fasteners and 0.95 mm steel plates.
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Rasmussen [23] proposed equations to determine these curves, which 3.7. Validation of the developed finite element models
are based on the elastic modulus (E) and thickness (t) of steel plates, and
the screw diameter (d). Using their proposal, the required shear load The developed FE models were validated based on failure modes,
versus slip displacement curves were derived as shown in Fig. 15, where load-displacement curves and ultimate loads. Fig. 9 exhibits good sim
the screw sizes vary from 6 g to 14 g for 0.95 mm thick steel plates with ilarity between the deformed shapes of specimens observed in tests and
elasticity modulus of 205,000 MPa. FE analyses. It also shows that the failure mode of specimens predicted
by FE analyses is local-distortional interaction buckling as observed in
3.6. Initial geometric imperfections and residual stresses the tests. As shown in Fig. 10 and Table 2, the ultimate loads predicted
by FE analyses agree well with those from the tests. In Fig. 10, the
The single channel and BC members considered in this study are patterns of the load versus shortening curves from the tests and FE an
subjected to distortional or local buckling failure. Hence, their FE alyses are similar. However, the slopes of the load versus shortening
models included the initial geometric imperfections based on these curves from FE analyses were higher than those from test results. The
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
modes, with their magnitudes as δD = 0.3t fy /foD or δL = 0.3t fy /foL reasons for this difference are considered to be (1) modelling only the
for distortional or local buckling mode, respectively, where t is the clear length of 600 mm, (2) additional local bearing deformation of the
section thickness, fy is the yield stress, foD and foL are the distortional and clamped segments and (3) localized imperfections and variations along
local buckling stresses of single channels, respectively [2]. CFS members the specimen length. Overall, the developed FE models are considered
can also be subjected to residual stresses caused by cold-forming pro reliable for predicting the compression capacity and failure mode of
cess. However, the residual stresses were not included in FE models, single channel and BC members.
because some research studies [24–26] have shown that residual stresses
only have a small effect on the ultimate loads of CFS members.
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Table 3
Additional information of single channel sections used in parametric study.
Section Elastic buckling loads Half-wavelengths (mm) FE analyses
Nol (kN) Nod (kN) Local buckling Distortional buckling Failure mode Nc,FEA-i (kN)
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Fig. 18. Deformed shapes of BC members at their ultimate compression loads: (a) BC75D, (b) BC87D, (c) BC120D, (d) BC75L, (e) BC87L and (f) BC120L (Note that
the deformation magnitudes are scaled by a factor of three).
Table 4
Effect of screw size on the compression capacity.
Specimen Screw size Screw diameter (mm) Nc,FEA Specimen Screw size Nc,FEA Specimen Screw size Nc,FEA
(kN) (kN) (kN)
( ) where Nod and Nol are the elastic buckling loads in distortional and local
For λc > 1.5: Nce = 2
Ny (3) buckling mode, respectively.
λc For CFS built-up members, including BC members, the DSM design
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ guidelines are not available in the CFS standards [1,2]. In this study,
Ny three methods are proposed for predicting the compression capacities of
λc = (4)
Noc BC members failing in local or distortional buckling mode.
where Ny is the yield capacity, Noc is the least of the elastic compression
• Method 1: Nc,Prop-1 = min (2Ncd, 2Ncl) where Ncd and Ncl are deter
member buckling load in flexural, torsional and flexural-torsional
mined using Eqs. (5)–(10), while Noc is the least of the elastic flex
ural, torsional and flexural-torsional buckling loads. Note that the
Ncl and Ncd are determined by:
elastic flexural buckling load is determined by using the modified
slenderness ratio of the BC member (Eq. (1)), Noc = Ag π 2 E/[(le/r)m]2,
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Fig. 19. Web buckling compatibility in BC87D members with varying screw spacing (Note: the longitudinal cut plane is located at mid-height of the cross section).
where Ag is the gross area of BC section, while the elastic torsional η = [λ/(w/t) − 1.4] /0.6 if 1.4 < λ/(w/t) ≤ 2.0 (13)
and flexural-torsional buckling loads are calculated as twice those of
its individual member. Section 4.2 showed that the compression η = 1 if λ/(w/t) > 2.0 (14)
capacity of BC members subject to distortional buckling might be up
to 16% higher than that of its individual members. However, this is λ = Lyi ryi (15)
ignored and Ncd is calculated by using the distortional buckling stress
of the individual member.
• Method 2: Nc,Prop-2 is determined as for Method 1, but Noc is the
elastic flexural buckling load, determined by using the modified where Lyi, Iyi and ri are the effective length, second moment of area and
slenderness ratio of the BC member. radius of gyration about the weak axis of an individual member,
• Method 3: Nc,Prop-3 is determined as for Method 1, but Noc is twice the respectively; A is the individual member’s cross-sectional area; d is the
elastic flexural buckling load of the individual member (single distance between the individual section’s and built-up section’s cen
channel member). troids; w and t are the flange width and thickness, respectively.
5.2. DSM based design guidelines proposed by past research studies • For members buckling about the symmetry axis, the torsional or
flexural-torsional buckling does not have to be considered.
Li et al. [5] proposed design guidelines to determine the compression • The member distortional capacity shall be determined in accordance
capacity of BC members as follows: with the related provisions in the current design standards [1,2].
• The built-up member capacity is the sum of its individual member Zhang and Young [7] proposed two design methods for BC members
capacities. For built-up members of length less than 400 mm, a with longitudinal web stiffeners (Fig. 20 (a)). The first method used Eqs.
strength reduction factor of 0.9 is recommended to take into account (5)–(10) in the current standards [1,2] while the second method used
the effect of installation error. modified Eqs. (16)–(19) that consider the local instability in multiple
• To determine the elastic flexural buckling load of BC members, the compression elements. Besides, the elastic local and distortional buck
second moment of area about the weak axis (Iy) of an individual ling loads are determined by a rational buckling analysis of the sections
member shall be calculated as follows: as shown in Fig. 20 (a) while the flexural buckling load is determined by
using the modified slenderness ratio of the BC member, (le/r)m.
Iy = Iyi + ηAd2 (11)
If λl ≤ 0.673: Ncl = Nce (16)
η = 0 if λ/(w/t) ≤ 1.4 (12)
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Fig. 20. Back-to-Back sections investigated by: (a) Zhang and Young [7], (b) Lu et al. [8].
[ ( )0.5 ]( )0.5
Nol Nol DSM design guidelines in the current design standards [1,2] and past
If λl > 0.673: Ncl = 1 − 0.22 Nce (17) research studies [5,7,8] are presented. The finite strip program CUFSM
Nce Nce
was used to determine the elastic local and distortional buckling loads
If λd ≤ 0.761: Ncd = Ny (18) required for each method (Fig. 21). To conduct the buckling analyses for
the proposals of Zhang and Young [7], the solid stiffeners were replaced
[ ( )0.6 ]( )0.6 by flat elements at the screw locations with the thickness modified to t +
Nod Nod
If λd > 0.761:Ncd = 1 − 0.2 Ny (19) 6(t)0.5. Meanwhile, the least of the capacity predictions, using their two
Ny Ny
design methods, was considered as the BC member capacity. For the
Lu et al.’s [8] design guidelines are based on determining the elastic buckling analyses of BC members in other design methods, individual
local and distortional buckling loads by the rational buckling analysis of channel member was modelled in CUFSM.
the section shown in Fig. 20 (b), and the elastic flexural buckling load by Table 5 summarizes the ratios of the BC members’ compression ca
using the overall slenderness ratio of the entire BC section, (le/r)o. The pacities predicted by the above design methods to those by FE analyses.
compression capacity (Nc) of BC members was determined by: Note that the effective length factor was 0.5 since the support conditions
( *
Nc = min Nce , Ncle , Ncd
) *
if Nol > Nod or Ncd > Ncle (20) were chosen as fixed-ended. Table 5 also compares the dominant failure
modes of these members predicted by the design methods and FE ana
( ) lyses. Since the design method proposed by Li et al. [5] provided the
Nc = min Nce , Ncle *
, Ncd , Nclde *
if Nol < Nod and Ncd < Ncle (21)
same predictions as the third method proposed in this paper, Table 5
* * does not include Li et. al.’s [5] predictions. Eqs. (11)–(15) in Li et al.’s
where Ncle and Nclde are the member compression capacities for the local-
[5] design method are likely to be more suitable for BC members subject
global interaction buckling and local-distortional-global interaction
to global buckling failures. These equations are unnecessary and
buckling modes, respectively. The equations to determine Ncle and N*clde
cumbersome for short BC members failing by local or distortional
are based on the proposals of Kumar and Kalyanaraman [29], who buckling, and thus were not considered.
developed an improved local buckling capacity curve that considers the
effect of web to flange widths ratios, and Schafer [30], who suggested
methods to determine the compression capacities of CFS members 5.3. Discussion
failing in local-distortional interaction mode. These equations are not
presented herein because of their complexity. The definitions of other As shown in Table 5, the design guidelines proposed by Zhang and
parameters are as defined in Section 5.1. Young [7] may not be suitable for the investigated BC members in this
In this section, the results of investigations conducted based on the study. The average ratio of their predictions to FE analysis results is
1.062, however, the COV is 0.107. Especially, for the case of BC members,
which fail by local buckling (L), their design guidelines are unsafe by up
to 24%, and gives incorrect member failure mode (as distortional buck
ling, D). This is because their buckling analysis method based on Fig. 20
(a) gives higher local buckling loads of BC members than the real value as
shown in Fig. 22. In contrast, the design guidelines proposed by Lu et al.
[8] are very conservative, by 22% on average (overall average of 0.778
with COV of 0.123). For the BC members in Group 2, their design
guidelines predict their failure mode as local-distortional-buckling
(LDG), which was not observed in the test and FE analyses.
The current design standards [1,2] and Li et al.’s [5] proposal
(Method 3 in this paper) are able to predict the compression capacities
and failure modes of BC members, which can fail in either local or
distortional buckling mode. The ratios of their predictions to FE analysis
results vary in the range of 0.80–1.07 (average of 0.953 and COV of
0.064). Such variation can be justified considering the tolerance of the
DSM equations developed for different single channel sections, the ap
Fig. 21. Buckling analyses used for design as proposed in: (a) this paper, Lu proximations in FE analysis results and the effect due to ignoring the
et al. [8] and Li et al. [5], (b) and (c) Zhang and Young [7]. higher capacity of BC members subject to distortional buckling. The
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Table 5
Effects of screw fastener arrangement on the compression capacities of short BC members.
Specimen FE Analysis by Zhang and Young [7] by Lu et al. [8] by DSM in design standards [1,2]
Nc,FEA Failure Nc,FEA/ Nc, [7]/Nc, Failure Nc, [8]/Nc, Failure Nc,prop-1/ Nc,prop-2/ Nc,prop-3/ Failure
(kN) mode-FEA ΣNc,FEA-i FEA mode [7] FEA mode [8] Nc,FEA Nc,FEA Nc,FEA mode-p
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Table 5 (continued )
Specimen FE Analysis by Zhang and Young [7] by Lu et al. [8] by DSM in design standards [1,2]
Nc,FEA Failure Nc,FEA/ Nc, [7]/Nc, Failure Nc, [8]/Nc, Failure Nc,prop-1/ Nc,prop-2/ Nc,prop-3/ Failure
(kN) mode-FEA ΣNc,FEA-i FEA mode [7] FEA mode [8] Nc,FEA Nc,FEA Nc,FEA mode-p
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
Table 5 (continued )
Specimen FE Analysis by Zhang and Young [7] by Lu et al. [8] by DSM in design standards [1,2]
Nc,FEA Failure Nc,FEA/ Nc, [7]/Nc, Failure Nc, [8]/Nc, Failure Nc,prop-1/ Nc,prop-2/ Nc,prop-3/ Failure
(kN) mode-FEA ΣNc,FEA-i FEA mode [7] FEA mode [8] Nc,FEA Nc,FEA Nc,FEA mode-p
BC120D-800- 495.41 D 1.06 0.90 D 0.91 D 0.91 0.91 0.91 D
BC120D-800- 490.68 D 1.05 0.91 D 0.92 D 0.92 0.92 0.92 D
BC75L-800-1S- 75.39 L 1.00 1.04 D 0.71 LDG 0.92 0.90 0.93 L
BC75L-800-1S- 75.45 L 1.00 1.04 D 0.71 LDG 0.92 0.94 0.93 L
BC75L-800-1S- 75.47 L 1.00 1.04 D 0.71 LDG 0.92 0.94 0.93 L
BC75L-800-1S- 75.47 L 1.00 1.04 D 0.71 LDG 0.92 0.95 0.93 L
BC75L-800-1S- 75.74 L 1.00 1.04 D 0.71 LDG 0.92 0.95 0.92 L
BC87L-800-1S- 115.54 L 0.96 1.10 D 0.73 LDG 1.03 1.03 1.04 L
BC87L-800-1S- 115.36 L 0.96 1.11 D 0.73 LDG 1.03 1.05 1.05 L
BC87L-800-1S- 115.66 L 0.96 1.10 D 0.73 LDG 1.03 1.05 1.04 L
BC87L-800-1S- 115.27 L 0.96 1.11 D 0.73 LDG 1.03 1.06 1.05 L
BC87L-800-1S- 116.46 L 0.97 1.10 D 0.72 LDG 1.02 1.05 1.04 L
BC120L-800- 136.44 L 1.01 1.03 D 0.65 LDG 0.95 0.94 0.96 L
BC120L-800- 136.37 L 1.01 1.03 D 0.65 LDG 0.95 0.96 0.96 L
BC120L-800- 136.67 L 1.01 1.03 D 0.65 LDG 0.95 0.96 0.95 L
BC120L-800- 136.29 L 1.01 1.03 D 0.65 LDG 0.95 0.97 0.96 L
BC120L-800- 136.41 L 1.01 1.03 D 0.65 LDG 0.95 0.97 0.96 L
BC75D-800- 105.15 D 1.06 1.05 D 0.94 D 0.94 0.94 0.94 D
BC75D-800- 105.31 D 1.07 1.05 D 0.94 D 0.94 0.94 0.94 D
BC75D-800- 105.97 D 1.07 1.04 D 0.93 D 0.93 0.93 0.93 D
BC75D-800- 107.72 D 1.09 1.02 D 0.92 D 0.92 0.92 0.92 D
BC75D-800- 107.55 D 1.09 1.02 D 0.92 D 0.92 0.92 0.92 D
BC87D-800- 88.72 LD 1.01 1.15 D 0.79 LDG 1.00 1.00 1.00 D
BC87D-800- 88.45 LD 1.01 1.16 D 0.80 LDG 1.00 1.00 1.00 D
BC87D-800- 89.04 LD 1.02 1.15 D 0.79 LDG 1.00 1.00 1.00 D
BC87D-800- 89.84 LD 1.03 1.14 D 0.78 LDG 0.99 0.99 0.99 D
BC87D-800- 89.44 LD 1.02 1.14 D 0.79 LDG 0.99 0.99 0.99 D
BC120D-800- 483.31 D 1.03 1.16 D 0.94 D 0.94 0.94 0.94 D
BC120D-800- 505.76 D 1.08 1.11 D 0.89 D 0.89 0.89 0.89 D
BC120D-800- 513.59 D 1.10 1.09 D 0.88 D 0.88 0.88 0.88 D
BC120D-800- 522.98 D 1.12 1.07 D 0.86 D 0.86 0.86 0.86 D
BC120D-800- 518.36 D 1.11 1.08 D 0.87 D 0.87 0.87 0.87 D
BC75L-800-2S- 75.21 L 1.00 1.17 D 0.71 LDG 0.92 0.90 0.93 L
BC75L-800-2S- 75.43 L 1.00 1.17 D 0.71 LDG 0.92 0.94 0.93 L
BC75L-800-2S- 75.35 L 1.00 1.17 D 0.71 LDG 0.92 0.95 0.93 L
75.47 L 1.00 1.17 D 0.71 LDG 0.92 0.95 0.93 L
(continued on next page)
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Table 5 (continued )
Specimen FE Analysis by Zhang and Young [7] by Lu et al. [8] by DSM in design standards [1,2]
Nc,FEA Failure Nc,FEA/ Nc, [7]/Nc, Failure Nc, [8]/Nc, Failure Nc,prop-1/ Nc,prop-2/ Nc,prop-3/ Failure
(kN) mode-FEA ΣNc,FEA-i FEA mode [7] FEA mode [8] Nc,FEA Nc,FEA Nc,FEA mode-p
BC75L-800-2S- 75.89 L 1.00 1.16 D 0.71 LDG 0.91 0.95 0.92 L
BC87L-800-2S- 115.71 L 0.96 1.23 D 0.73 LDG 1.03 1.03 1.04 L
BC87L-800-2S- 115.65 L 0.96 1.23 D 0.73 LDG 1.03 1.05 1.04 L
BC87L-800-2S- 115.45 L 0.96 1.23 D 0.73 LDG 1.03 1.06 1.04 L
BC87L-800-2S- 115.63 L 0.96 1.23 D 0.73 LDG 1.03 1.06 1.04 L
BC87L-800-2S- 116.45 L 0.97 1.22 D 0.72 LDG 1.02 1.05 1.04 L
BC120L-800- 136.05 L 1.00 1.24 D 0.65 LDG 0.95 0.95 0.96 L
BC120L-800- 136.46 L 1.01 1.23 D 0.65 LDG 0.95 0.96 0.96 L
BC120L-800- 136.61 L 1.01 1.23 D 0.65 LDG 0.95 0.96 0.95 L
BC120L-800- 136.29 L 1.01 1.24 D 0.65 LDG 0.95 0.97 0.96 L
BC120L-800- 136.69 L 1.01 1.23 D 0.65 LDG 0.95 0.96 0.95 L
Note: “Failure mode-FEA”, “Failure mode [7]” and “Failure mode [8]” mean the failure modes of BC members given by FE analyses, the design methods of Zhang and
Young [7] and Lu et al. [8], respectively, while “Failure mode-p” means those given by the three proposed design methods.
three proposed DSM design methods based on the current design stan 6. Summary and conclusions
dards, provide nearly similar predictions. The second design method is
the most accurate (average of 0.955 and COV of 0.064), however, this This paper has presented the details and results of an investigation of
paper recommends the third method for practical use since it is the most short CFS single channel and BC members failing in distortional and
simplified, but is still reliable (average of 0.953 and COV of 0.062). local buckling mode. Compression tests were undertaken first on short
Although BC87D members exhibited local-distortional interaction CFS single channel and BC members failing in local-distortional inter
buckling (Table 5), the proposed design methods were able to predict action buckling. FE models of the tested members were developed and
their capacities reasonably well. Based on Martins et al. [31], the indi validated using the test results. Using the validated FE models, a para
vidual channel section (SC87D) may fail by “true local-distortional metric study was undertaken for 120 cases of BC members with different
interaction” buckling since its ratio of distortional to local buckling sections, screw sizes, screw spacing and number of screws per rows. The
loads is 1.298, which is in the range of 0.8–1.3. However, SC87D section BC members in the parametric study failed mostly by local or distor
cannot represent all the channel sections subject to “true tional buckling but in some cases by local-distortional interaction
local-distortional interaction” buckling. Therefore, further research buckling.
studies on BC members made of this type of channel sections are needed. This research has provided a good understanding of the compression
behaviour of short BC members. The results showed that the screw
characteristics and arrangement have only a small effect on the
compression behaviour and capacities of BC members if their failures are
S.T. Vy et al. Thin-Walled Structures 159 (2021) 107224
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