EN 81-2+A3 Unintended Car Movement Control Operation Manual: Ach Series Hydraulic Lift Control System
EN 81-2+A3 Unintended Car Movement Control Operation Manual: Ach Series Hydraulic Lift Control System
EN 81-2+A3 Unintended Car Movement Control Operation Manual: Ach Series Hydraulic Lift Control System
EN 81-2+A3
Orhanli Mah. Katip Celebi Cad. No:17B/1 Tuzla-Istanbul / Turkey
Tel: (90) (216) 394 50 55 (pbx) Fax: (90) (216) 394 50 58
e-mail: sales@aybey.com
NOTE 1: When B59=2 (Daily Control) is chosen, optional RTC board must be installed and
parameter B44(DATE AND TIME) must be set as 1(ACTIVATED).
NOTE 2: During TEST procedure, ACH Controller passes to Inspection mode and no calls are
a) AUTOTEST With Counter System: Controller first moves car in up direction until
down relevelling is needed. Then down valve is energized but A3 valve is not. SECUR.VALVE
TEST message is flashed on the screen for 5 seconds. During 5 seconds if no motion is detected
TEST 1+ message is displayed and down valve is shut off. This shows that A3 valve runs properly.
If any motion is detected, then down valve is shut off, ERROR 68: SECU.VALVE FAULT
is reported and controller blocks itself permanently.
At next step A3 valve is energized but down valve is not. DOWN VALVE TEST message is
flashed on the screen for 5 seconds. During 5 seconds if no motion is detected TEST 2+ message is
displayed and A3 valve is shut off. This shows that Down valve runs properly.
If any motion is detected, then A3 valve is shut off, ERROR 69: DOWN VALVE FAULT is
reported and controller blocks itself permanently.
At the end of test, TEST OK message is displayed and controller exits from VALVE TEST
menu. Car is moved down to floor level.
Manual test is started using M6-UCM SERVICES > U2-UCM TEST menu.
To perform a proper and safe test, following conditions must be confirmed:
1. Be sure that there is nobody inside cabin.
2. Lift must not be used during test.
3. Lift must be in normal mode (not inspection mode) during test.
After starting manual test, all behavior of ACH controller, monitoring and control
procedures, error messages, controller responses are the same with automatic test procedure.
NOTE 1: During TEST procedure ACH Controller passes to Inspection mode and no calls are
NOTE 2: Manual test cannot be started when lift is busy.
PREOPENING AND DOOR-OPEN RELEVELLING: Cabin is in door zone and moving in slow or
leveling speed. Door is open and Door Bridging circuit bridges safety line. In this case, if any of
door zone limit switches (ML1,ML2) is opened, then ACH Controller accepts this as UCM. Door
bridge is opened and motion is stopped. Valve and contactor supply is cut immediately.
ACH controller passes to out of service mode, reports Error 72:UCM FAULT and blocks itself
permanently. Even if ACH board is restarted, it will stay in blocked mode and error report will flash
on the screen.
During pre-opening or leveling/releveling if a fault occurs on ACH Door Bridging Circuit
and bridging cannot performed, then lift will be stopped and pass to Inspection mode. ACH
controller reports Error 45: BRIDGING ERROR and blocks itself permanently. Even if ACH board
is restarted, it will stay in blocked mode and error report will flash on the screen.
NOTE : UCM conditions occurring in both cases during pre-opening and relevelling with open-
door are supposed to be the same.