Jurnal Model Spiral
Jurnal Model Spiral
Jurnal Model Spiral
Npm : 1219210070
Analisis dan Metode Perancangan Sistem.
Sumber Jurnal : https://e-journal.stmiklombok.ac.id/index.php/misi/article/view/77/49
A variety of tasks related to the processing of data of the drug makes the
installation Pharmacy drug data must manage well. Pengelohan data of the drug
conducted among them while receiving the drugs from the Department of health,
receive data LPLPO (report on usage and Demand Medication Sheet). Installation of
pharmacy in managing such data have weaknesses, including problems ease, speed
and accuracy. Pengelohan who do still use Computerized methods by using the
Microsoft Office Excel application so with methods such as this, the workload borne by
the employees of the Installation Pharmacy quite heavy, so the Calculation its
preparation is still undertaken by each party.
Data collection methods used include interviews, observations and study library
directly. The making of this application using Codeinniter programming language and
the MySQL database, while the design method using a method discovered by spiral
Model (Barry Boehm, 1988) based on the experience of repair-repair a Waterfall model
applied to the development of large-scale software systems (Awad, 2005).
The purpose of the making of the application system of data pengelohan in the drug
unit for clinics pengadang was ease part of the warehouse and pharmacy in the
manufacture of drug demand and consumption report which is a regular activity that
must be made and reported by each piece to the health service.
1988) Pencatatan
sebagai berikut:
Pencatatan Stok
Data Obat
dan pelanggan.
Pengecekan Stok
Obat Data Stok
Permintaan Obat
Mendata Kategori
Terima pesanan
Tanda Tangan
Kepala Puskesmas
Gambar 4. Database
3. Stok Obat
2. Halaman Kategori Obat.