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Stereo Vision Images Processing For Real-Time Object Distance and Size Measurements

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International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 2012), 3-5 July 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Stereo Vision Images Processing for Real-time

Object Distance and Size Measurements
Yasir M Mustafah, Rahizall Noor, Hasbullah Hasbi, Amelia Wong Azma
International Islamic University Malaysia,
P.O. Box 10, 50728, Kuala Lumpur

Abstract— Human has the ability to roughly estimate the distance sequence of reflected images. The images are then analyzed to
and size of an object because of the stereo vision of human’s eyes. obtain the distance information. The distance measurement is
In this project, we proposed to utilize stereo vision system to based on the idea that the corresponding pixel of an object
accurately measure the distance and size (height and width) of point at a longer distance moves at a higher speed in a sequence
object in view. Object size identification is very useful in building of images.
systems or applications especially in autonomous system
navigation. Many recent works have started to use multiple Recently, several research works have started to utilize
vision sensors or cameras for different type of application such as multiple vision sensors for the purpose of object distance and
3D image constructions, occlusion detection and etc. Multiple size measurement. Most of the works propose to utilize stereo
cameras system has becoming more popular since cameras are configuration of cameras. One example is the work of A-Lin et
now very cheap and easy to deploy and utilize. The proposed al. where they utilize stereo vision to measure the safe driving
measurement system consists of object detection on the stereo distance of a vehicle [4]. The distance measurement is based on
images and blob extraction and distance and size calculation and the disparity of the front car in the two frame capture by the
object identification. The system also employs a fast algorithm so stereo camera. Than in the work publish by Baek et al. an
that the measurement can be done in real-time. The object improvement in the calculation of the disparity is proposed so
measurement using stereo camera is better than object detection that a more accurate object distance can be measured [5]. In
using a single camera that was proposed in many previous their work they had shown that by using their method the
research works. It is much easier to calibrate and can produce a
disparity of the object in a larger view area can be obtained.
more accurate results.
Most of the work proposed in the literature focused only on
Keywords-component; stereo vision; distance measurement; the distance measurement. As we have stated before, the object
size measurement size information is also very useful especially in a navigation
and localization of an autonomous system. Moreover, the size
I. INTRODUCTION information also can be used for a short term object
identification which is useful for autonomous system. In this
Object distance and size measurement is becoming more paper we proposed to utilize a method of measuring the
essential in many applications especially in mobile autonomous distance of an object as well as the size of the object using
system. Information on the distance and size of the surround stereo vision sensor. The method also employs a much faster
objects is useful for the navigation and localization of the algorithm so that the measurement can be done in real-time.
mobile system. Since most of autonomous systems nowadays
are equipped with vision sensors or cameras, it is very
beneficial that the vision information is utilized to obtained II. OBJECT SIZE AND DISTANCE MEASUREMENT
distance and size information that can be used to assist the The flow of the object size measurement system that we
system. proposed started with stereo vision image capture. Then, on
Many research works have been done to obtain a particular both images, a preprocessing will be applied followed by object
object distance from an image. Initially most of the proposed detection and segmentation. Finally the object distance and size
method utilizes only a single vision sensor. For example, will be calculated. From the object size, object identification
Rahman et al, proposed a person to camera distance measuring can be done. The flow of the object size measurement system is
system using a single camera based on the eye-distance [1]. as illustrated in the Figure 1 below.
The distance is obtained by calculating the variation in eye-
distance in pixels with the changes in camera to person A. Stereo Image Capture
distance. Meanwhile, Wahab et al. proposed a monocular Stereo image capture is done by using two video cameras
vision system which utilizes Hough transforms [2]. Their which are aligned in parallel in fixed position. Both cameras
system also depends on the relative size of the targeted object are calibrated so that they have matching image properties such
to determine the distance. A different approach utilizing a as the size, color space and lighting. The object of interest can
single camera was proposed by Kim et al. They proposed a be measured for its distance and size when it enters the
distance measurement method using a camera and a rotating overlapping view of the two cameras. Figure 2 below illustrates
mirror [3]. A camera in front of a rotating mirror captures a the stereo vision setup.

978-1-4673-0479-5/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

Removing Noise. The downscaling applied earlier help to
reduce the noise in the image since it average a group of pixels
together which inherently produce a smoothing effect. We
further remove the noise by applying a median filtering on the
images. Median filter is selected since it is fast and able to
produce sufficient smoothing. Figure 3 shows grayscaling and
median filtering on a captured image.

C. Object Detection and Segmentation

Object Detection. Different most of the other stereo vision
works [4][5], the stereo matching process that we utilizes is
only applied to the object of interest which can be detected
using an object detection algorithm. This approach is much
faster compared to the stereo matching using features similarity
in the two images. In our proposed system, the object of
Figure 1. The flow of the proposed object size measurement system utilizing
stereo camera.
interest is basically a foreign moving object that enters the view
of the stereo vision system. We assume that the cameras of the
system are always fixed to one position. Hence, the detection of
the object of interest is done using two operations, the pixel to
pixel background subtraction and thresholding.
The background subtraction is done by taking the
difference of every pixel, IT in the image to its respective
reference pixels in the background model, IBG. The difference
value is then thresholded with a value, TR to determine if the
pixel belongs to the object of interest or not. If the pixel does
not belong to the object of interest, it will be used to update the
background model.

Figure 2. Stereo image capture

B. Pre Processing
Improving Speed. Preprocessing is the set algorithm applied on
the images to enhance their quality and improve the
computational efficiency. It is an important and common in any
computer vision system. In the stereo vision system, a good
selection of preprocessing stages could greatly improve the
speed of the system. For our system, after the images are
captured, the size of the image is down-scaled to a quarter of its
original size to improve the computation speed. For the
proposed system, the original size which is 1280x720 pixels is
downscaled to 640x360 pixels. This reduction of size does not
affect the accuracy of the system since the size of the object of
interest in the original image is so much bigger than 2x2 pixels.
To improve the speed further we then converted the images
from the RGB (Red, Green and Blue) color space to the
grayscale color space. RGB color space consist of 3 channels
which means that it requires 3 times more computation and
memory space compared to grayscale which only consist of
one channel. By applying these two preprocessings, we
theoretically improve the speed of the system by 24 folds (2
images x 4 down-scaling factor x 3 color channels reduction).

Figure 3. Grayscaling and median filtering

IT = object if,
|IT – IBG| > TR
Background model is initialized by assuming that the first
frame in the video is the background. The background model is
updated by averaging the new intensity with the background
model intensity value. An on-line cumulative average is
computed to be a new background as:
μT =  I + (1 - ) μT-1
where μT is the model intensity, I is the intensity and  is
update weight. The value for  is set to be 0.5. Figure 4 shows
the background subtraction and thresholding on a captured
Object Segmentation. The binary image resulting from the
background subtraction and thresholding stage is then
processed for object of interest segmentation. Firstly, a quick
morphology is applied on the binary image to improve the
subtraction result. A sequence of erode and dilate operation are
involve in the morphology where the effect is to remove
smaller detected regions usually due to noise and to enlarge the
areas of object of interests and to close any holes within them.
We then applied a connected component analysis on the
image to segment the object of interests on the image.
Connected component analysis locates separated regions in the
binary image and labels them as different objects. A one pass Figure 5. Morphology and connected component analysis (CCA) and blob
connected component analysis is applied to improve the speed tracking
of the system. From the connected component analysis results,
blob extraction is done by drawing the bounding box around
every object of interests. Figure 5 shows the morphology and D. Object Distance and Size Measurement
blob extraction on a captured image. Up to this point, all the processing was done in parallel on
two images captured from the two cameras. Distance
measurement and size calculation use the information extracted
from the object of interest information on both images.
Distance measurement. Distance measurement is done by
using the using the disparity value of the object of interest in
the two image, d in pixel. Since the camera is aligned in
parallel, we can simply take the pixel difference between the
two width center lines of the object of interest as the disparity
as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Object disparity

Figure 4. Background subtraction and thresholding

The distance, D of the object can be calculated using the E. Object Identification
following equation:
Different objects can be distinguished from each other
D =  d-1 depending on their sizes. For example a car will have a
different width compared to a pedestrian. For our system object
where  is a fixed parameter given by:
is identified according to their height, h to width, w ratio and
=bf the height-width, h w product (blob area).
where b is the separation distance between two cameras and f is A database is utilized to store the information and the
focal length of the cameras. associated label of known objects. If an object with matching
information is found, the object will be identified. When a new
object with no matching height to width ratio and height-width
Size Measurement. For size measurement, which consists of product in found, a new label will be instantiated for that object
width and height, the calculations are done by using the in the database.
disparity value in pixel, d and the pixel value of the width, w
and the height, h of the blob. The calculations of actual object
width, W and height, H are done using the relationship of III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
between width per pixel, w and height per pixel, h to the The algorithm was developed using C++ programming
disparity. From our experiment we found that width per pixel language with OpenCV [6] library support and run on a single
and the height per pixel value of an object are linear and core Pentium 4 3.0 GHz processor. Tests were conducted to
inversely proportional to its disparity. The equation for the test the accuracy and the speed of the proposed object distance
width, W and height, H calculation is as the following: and measurement system. The results of some distance
W = w w measurement tests are presented in Table 1. Results on object
width and height measurement tests are presented in Table 2
H = h h and 3 respectively. Figure 7 shows some detection results on
w and h are obtained from a linear equation of a graph of w stereo images.
and h against d as the following: The results indicate that the measurement of distance is
w = m w d + c w considerably accurate with a precision of ±25cm. Size
measurement is also accurate with an error not more than
h = mh d + ch ±3cm. Given that there is a single object in view, the average
processing time for of distance and size measurement is about
where m is the gradient of the plotted graph and c is the value
67ms which means that the frame rate of the system can goes
of  at d = 0.
maximum up to 15 frames per second. 15 frames per second
The graph of w and h against d are plotted by can be considered as acceptable for most autonomous system
experimenting on several samples with known actual width and so that they can work in real time. The frame rate will drop if
height. For different disparity value (varied by changing the more objects are in the view of the cameras.
distance of the object), the value of the w and h is calculated
and plotted. Figure 6 shows the graph of w against d and its
linear equation.

Measured Actual Distance

Error (m)
Distance (m) (m)
3.101 -0.101
3.088 -0.088
2.901 0.099
3.112 -0.112
5.203 -0.203
4.880 0.120
5.204 -0.204
5.199 -0.199
7.016 -0.016
6.880 0.120
7.250 -0.250
6.810 0.190
9.917 0.083
9.780 0.220
10.211 -0.211
10.180 -0.180
Figure 7. Graph of w against d

TABLE II. OBJECT WIDTH MEASUREMENT RESULTS disparity of the object. The distance and size measurements are
Measured Actual
considerably accurate and the average time it taken per cycle is
Object Error (cm) 65ms.
Width (cm) Width (cm)
52.065 -1.065
49.830 1.170
[1] Rahman K.A., Hossain M.S., Bhuiyan M.A.-A., Tao Z., Hasanuzzaman
49.571 1.429 M., Ueno H., "Person to Camera Distance Measurement Based on Eye-
9.612 -0.612 Distance", 3rd International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous
Beverage 10.510 -1.510 Engineering, 2009 (MUE'09), pp.137-141, Qingdao, 4-6 June 2009
Box 7.786 1.214 [2] Wahab M.N.A., Sivadev, N., Sundaraj, K., "Target distance estimation
8.901 0.099 using monocular vision system for mobile robot", IEEE Conference on
67.860 0.140 Open Systems (ICOS), 2011, pp.11-15, Langkawi, Malaysia, 25-28
69.015 -1.015 Sept. 2011
Table 68.000
69.652 -1.652 [3] Kim H., Lin C. S., Song J., Chae H., "Distance Measurement Using a
66.083 1.917 Single Camera with a Rotating Mirror", International Journal of Control,
31.250 -1.250 Automation, and Systems, vol.3, no.4, pp.542-551, 2005
32.208 -2.208 [4] A-Lin H., Xue C., Ying G., Wen-Ju Y., Jie H, "Measurement of Safe
Pencil Box 30.000
28.786 1.214 Driving Distance Based on Stereo Vision", Proceedings of the 6th
29.550 0.450 International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG), 2011, pp.902-
907, Hefei, Anhui, 12-15 Aug. 2011
TABLE III. OBJECT HEIGHT MEASUREMENT RESULTS [5] Baek H. S., Choi J. M., Lee B. S., "Improvement of Distance
Measurement Algorithm on Stereo Vision System(SVS)", Proceedings
Measured of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information
Object Height Error (cm) Technologies and Applications (CUTE), 2010, pp.1-3, Sanya, 16-18
Height (cm)
(cm) Dec. 2010
80.784 -0.184 [6] Open Computer Vision Library (OpenCV),
78.645 1.955 http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/, Last accessed 20th
Chair 80.600
79.901 0.699 February 2012.
82.020 -1.420
20.196 -1.196
Beverage 19.780 -0.780
Box 17.661 1.339
19.518 -0.518
77.440 0.560
77.480 0.520
Table 78.000
76.298 1.702
79.519 -1.519
5.852 -0.852
5.198 -0.198
Pencil Box 5.000
3.986 1.014
4.101 0.899

One disadvantage of the proposed method is that it depends

strictly on constant environment lighting due to the use of
background subtraction for object detection. One way to
improve this is by using a more adaptive background
subtraction method and background models. Another
disadvantage is that the precision of the measurement is
dependent on the resolution of the camera. Higher camera
resolution would produce a more precise measurement. We
chose to reduce the image resolution so that the process can be
performed in real-time. Without the downscaling stage, the
frame rate of the system would become too low which is about
0.15 frames per second. Our immediate future work, would
involve studying the tradeoff between the resolution and the
speed of the system.

An object distance and size measurement using a stereo
vision system is proposed. The method utilizes simpler
algorithms so that a much faster processing speed can be Figure 8. Object detection results on stereo images
achieved. The background subtraction is utilized to locate
object of interest and the result is then used to calculate the


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