Capstone PPT 4
Capstone PPT 4
Capstone PPT 4
Presented By:
Team Members name-
1.Shweta Shinde.
2.Neha Mahadik.
3.Shweta Bhargude.
4.Neha Pawar.
Prof. M. S. Aware
Problem Statement
Literature Review
Existing System
Proposed System
System Architecture
Diagram( DFD, Use Case, Activity)
Future Scope
• Face detection is a computer technology being used in a variety of applications that identifies human
faces in digital images.
• Motion detection is the process of detecting a change in the position of an object relative to its
surroundings or a change in the surroundings relative to an object.
• Object detection is a computer technology related to computer vision and image processing that deals
with detecting instances of semantic objects of a certain class (such as humans, animals, or cars) in
digital images and videos.
• The main motivation behind this project is being able to surveil a particular area and detect
motion, facial features and objects in the environment.
• The basic idea behind this project is to detect and identify human beings as well as objects in
any given environment.
Problem Statement.
• Implementation of an edge agent for video analytics to be used in VIMEO applications.
• It includes implementing and developing algorithms to detect motion and objects in a given
environment. It also includes execution of algorithms for facial detection and recognition.
• The idea is to extract a frame from a live video stream and to analyze it using the above
mentioned algorithms.
Literature Review.
Sr.No Paper Name Year of Advantages Disadvantages
1 Human Face 2016 Background subtraction reduces The proposed system fails to
Detection and search area to detect feature with detect face if human present is
Recognition in Videos additional computational standing stationary for more
complexity. Eigenface method time.
greatly reduces the computations by
projection image from
twodimension to one-dimension
2 A Contour based Procedure for 2016 Algorithm allows to detect faces in Multiple detection recognition face
Face Detection and all the ranges of moving human needs work. and
Tracking from face.
3 A Surveillance System Based on 2016 Motion is 3D motion estimation with tracking,
Motion Detection and detected with a new approachedge recognition and classification of moving
Motion Estimation using region determination which makes objects is not supported by the proposed
Optical Flow detection faster. system.
4 Motion detection based on the 2015 The results demonstrate that the The problem of the scene
combining of the background proposed method can well illustration change is not
subtraction and spatial color fulfill the solved.The maintenance of the
information background segmentation in temporal and permanent
different situations and is robust to variation in background is one
illumination change. of the principal difficulty
5 Visual 2015 The real time alert system plays an The captured images are getting
Surveillance important role in real time so as to stored on HDD which is not secure
Using Absolute observe the motion of an as compared to storing on cloud.
Difference object in the motion
Motion restricted area
Detection and immediately the user is getting
the SMS containing text as Motion
6 Moving Object 2014 The strength of the proposed system The system does not work on
Detection, Classification and its lies in the ability to separate complex videos like disaster
Parametric background and foreground in an videos for object detection.
Evaluation accurate way and it is
implemented in simple way with low
time consumption.
7. A Fast and Robust face Detection 2014 The proposed algorithm can There are a lot of
and Tracking Algorithm robustly detect and track human improvements to be done on
face, even in the event of occlusion, face regional technique.
hence suitable for realtime video
8. Real-time Object Detection and 2011 The algorithm gave a 99 percent Algorithm does not provide path
Tracking in an Unknown Environment accuracy in an unknown of motion.
environment. Fast and Robust.
Proposed System
IoT embedded devices are already used as either primary or supplementary eyes for everything
from driverless cars and traffic monitoring to smart cities and transportation centers. Object
detection is useful for applications in various industries:
•Classification applies a prediction to an image based on an analysis of the contents.
•Detection locates objects within an image.
DFD Diagram
Use Case Diagram
Activity Diagram
We will be able to detect faces, motion and objects. Face and motion detection
is provided whereas object classification is also present.
We can apply these three algorithms to various areas according to customer requirements.
Enhancement of security.
Future Scope
Face detection can be improved to detect multiple faces from a side role as well. A model can be
trained to recognize the detected faces and classify them.
The scope of the object detection model can be increased. The model can be trained using images
of different objects. The images may include positive as well as negative images.
Motion detection module can be further extended to recognize what motion or action can be
performed. For Example: Standing, Raising hands
Selection of Region of Interest is applied to a fixed camera. Efforts can be made to select ROI
from a moving camera.