Face Recognition System IJERTV8IS050150
Face Recognition System IJERTV8IS050150
Face Recognition System IJERTV8IS050150
Abstract:- In present times, face recognition has become one of use some system algorithms to pick out specific,
the best technologies for computer vision. Face recognition is distinctive details about a human’s face.
always a very difficult task in computer vision, illumination,
pose, facial expression. Face recognition tracks target objects 2.2. Face Detection
in live video images taken with a video camera. In simple
words, it is a system application for automatically identifying
In [1] This face detection process actually verifies the
a person from a still image or video frame. In this paper we image is face image or not. Detection process actually
proposed an automated face recognition system. This works on Haar Cascade classifier. Object Detection using
application based on face detection, feature extraction and Haar feature- based classifiers is an effective object
recognition algorithms, which automatically detects the detection method proposed Paul Viola and Michael Jones.
human face when the person in front of the camera It is machine learning based approach where a cascade
recognizing him. We used KLT Algorithm, Viola-Jones function is trained from images. It is used to detect objects
Algorithm face detection which detect human face using Haar in other images.
cascade classifier, however camera is continuously detecting
the face every frame, PCA algorithm for feature selection. We
apply a model combining to match the geometric 2.3. Haar Cascade Classifier Features
characteristics of the human face. In [2] Here we calculated, the first feature selected seems
Keywords—Face Recognition, Face Detection, PCA.
to focus on the property that the region of the eyes in often
darker than the region of the nose and cheeks. The second
feature chosen is based on the eye is darker characteristics
than the bridge of the nose. However, you do not need the
same window that applies to your cheeks and other places.
Human Face always play crucial role in application such as
security system, credit and debit card verification
surveillance on identify criminal public places. The main
objectives of the system are to create a facial recognition
system that can be emulated and eventually overcome this
capacity of human. This system focuses especially on the
human frontal faces. Multiple face recognition algorithms
Figure 1: Haar Cascade Classifier
have been developed and each has its own strength. Most of
the time we look at a face and are able to recognize it
instant if we are already familiar with the face. This natural face recognition system that does capturing the image of
ability, if possible, can be justified and can be used for real- face feature detection, extraction, storing and matching.
life applications. That time there are many face detection But the difficulty occurs to lay the transmission lines in the
algorithms. The first one is a local face recognition system, places where the topography is bad. The authors proposed
which uses facial features of a face to intimity the face with a system based on real-time face recognition that is
a person. The second approach or global face recognition reliable, secure and fast, and requires improvement in
system use the entire face to recognize a person. The above different lighting conditions.
two process have been implemented one to another way by 3. PROPOSED WORK
another algorithms. The neural network and its feasible Systems design is a process that defines architecture,
applications in the field of research.The complications of a components, modules, interfaces, and data requirements.
facial features that take place over time. Unconcern of those Figure [2] System design can be viewed as a system theory
changes can easily identify a person. So, the idea of application for product development. The face detection
emulate this skill is that human beings can be very technology that helps locate human face in digital images
rewarding. and video frames. The object detection technology that
2. RELATED WORK deals with detecting instances of objects in digital image
2.1. Face Tracking and videos. The proposed automated recognition system
The objective of this algorithm is to detect object of face in can be divided into five main modules:
real time and to keep tracking of the same object. Here we
3.1. Image Capture
use the training samples images of other objects of your
A camera is placed away from the entrance to capture an
choice to be detect and track by training classifier. Face
image of the front of the student. And a further process
tracking is a part of face recognition system. Here we can
goes for face detection.
3.2. Face Detection and Facial Features 3. Use viola Jones and KLT Algorithm Extract the
The appropriate and effective facial detection algorithm Region of interest in Rectangular Bounding Box.
constantly improves facial recognition. Several facial
algorithms such as face-to-face geometry, construction 4. Convert to gray scale, apply histogram equalization
methods, Face geometry-based methods, Feature Invariant and Resize to 100x100 i.e. Apply pre-processing
methods, 5. if Enrollment Phase
then Store in Database
Apply PCA (For feature Extraction)
end if
6. Post-processing
3.3. Pre-Processing
Figure 3: Extracting the face features
Extracting the face features it is called pre-processing. This
pre-processes step involves specifying the extracted facial
image and transforms to 100x100. Histogram Equalization formulate relevant tags and categories. We can then
is the most commonly used Histogram Normalization calculate the feature vectors for each of the training
technique. This improves the contrast of the image as it images, and test image, take their dot products and return
extends beyond the intensity of the image, making it even the one with the highest dot product as the match.
more clear and constraint.
4.1 Principal component analysis (PCA)
3.4. Database Development In [3] Face Detector, for which several non-derived
As we choose biometric based system every individual is learning methods are available. These include, for
required. This database development phase consists of an example, the OpenCV based face detectors, and the Haar
image capture of each individual and extracting the bio- Cascades.Elaborate work by Viola and Jones, while later
metric feature, and then it is enhanced using pre- based on Gradiente's histogram. PCA is used to describe
processing techniques and stored in the database. face images in terms set of base functions, or eigenfaces.
Eigenface was described in early identification problems.
3.5. Post-Processing PCA is a technique, so the process does not rely on class
In the proposed system, after recognizing the faces of the definition. In our implementation of eigenvalues,
person, the names are show into a video output. The result Euclidean distance. Multiple linear principal components
is generated by exporting mechanism present in the analysis. However, a face picture and video are a
database system. These generated records can be seen in multilinear array, this vector define a 1D vector from the
real time video. This ensures that person whose faces are face image and liner projection for the vector. I think it can
not recognized correctly by the system have to check in help for optimization to classify the face pixels. Ever
database. And thus, giving them the ability to correct the consider Use of eigenfaces for dimensional reduction of
system and make it more stable and accurate. eigen values, and fisher faces for feature extraction (linear
discriminant analysis). Face Detector, for which several
3.6. Proposed Algorithm simpler (non-deep learning) techniques are available.
1. Capture the Person’s Image. These include, for example, the OpenCV based face
2. Apply Face detection algorithms to detect face. detectors, and the Haar Cascades, a seminal work by Viola
and Jones, while the latter is based on the Histogram of The system has created a database by own then you do
Gradients. stuff with your rectangles that highlight the faces, as such:
With this method, the computers are taught to recognize
the visual elements within by relying on large databases and
noticing emerging patterns, the computers can make sense
of images. If the similarity is below a threshold, you can
return ‘not matched’ as well.
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time scenarios, PCA outperforms other algorithms. The
future work is for the recognition of the algorithm. In [10],
the system developed only by recognizing the 30-degree
angle variations that should be improved. Gait recognition
can be fused with face recognition systems. Poor lighting
conditions. Our system will perform well but it is not a
perfect solution.