Roadmap Regional
Roadmap Regional
Roadmap Regional
National Plan: Phase A National Plan: Phase B National Plan: Phase C National Plan: Phase D
Indicative date: 26 September 2021 Indicative date: 5 October 2021 Indicative date: 26 October 2021 Indicative date: 5 November 2021 Indicative date: Two weeks later
Category Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of
epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time
Social gatherings, Stay safe: Stay safe: Stay safe: No change For all settings, align with
leaving home and • No restrictions on reasons to • No restrictions on reasons to • No restrictions on reasons to National Plan to transition
visitors leave home and distance leave home and distance leave home and distance Intrastate travel: Australia’s National COVID-19
• No curfew • No curfew • No curfew • Allowed Response
Intrastate travel: Intrastate travel: Intrastate travel: Interstate Borders:
• Allowed across area with • Allowed across area with • Allowed across area with • May exempt vaccinated
same restrictions. same restrictions. same restrictions. residents from all domestic
Regional Victoria
• Movement between MM and • Movement between MM and • Movement between MM and restrictions (National Plan);
RV restricted to specified RV restricted to specified RV restricted to specified
purposes purposes purposes International Travel:
• Allow a resident cross the • Allow a resident cross the • Allow a resident cross the • Revised quarantine
MM/RV boundary to receive MM/RV boundary to receive MM/RV boundary to receive arrangements for
a COVID-19 vaccination if it is a COVID-19 vaccination if it is a COVID-19 vaccination if it is vaccinated International
in an adjacent LGA to where in an adjacent LGA to where in an adjacent LGA to where arrivals (returning citizens
they reside. they reside. they reside. or permanent residents)
• Permit fully vaccinated to Victoria subject to
Victorian residents to return requirements of the National
from interstate provided they Plan
have a negative pre-arrival
COVID test
Private gatherings: Private gatherings: Private gatherings: Private gatherings: Private gatherings:
• Private gatherings not • Private gatherings not • Private gatherings not • Private gatherings permitted • By 25 Dec, 30 visitors to the
permitted - intimate partner permitted - intimate partner permitted - intimate partner for up to 10 people including home
visits and single-person visits and single-person visits and single-person dependants.
bubble visits are allowed. bubble visits are allowed. bubble visits are allowed.
80% of 16+ with a single dose Returning Students to the Classroom 70% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 12+ fully vaccinated
Indicative date: 26 September 2021 Indicative date: 5 October 2021 Indicative date: 26 October 2021 Indicative date: 5 November 2021 Indicative date: Two weeks later
Category Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of
epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time
Social gatherings, Public gatherings: Public gatherings: Public gatherings: Public gatherings: For all settings, align with
leaving home and • Up to 10 people outdoors • Up to 10 people outdoors • Fully vaccinated up to 20 • Fully vaccinated: up to 30 National Plan to transition
visitors (cont) people outdoors people outdoors Australia’s National COVID-19
• If unknown vaccination: no • Unknown vaccination status: Response
change from previous no change from previous
• Remove mask for alcohol
Education and Early childhood education and Early childhood education and Early childhood education and Early childhood education and
Childcare care: care: care: care:
• Open for regional Victorian • Open for all regional Victorian • Open for all regional Victorian • Open
children children and metropolitan children and metropolitan
• Open to children of MM APAW Melbourne children of APAW Melbourne children of APAW
workers and vulnerable workers workers
children • In-home childminding in the • In-home childminding in the
• In-home childminding in the home allowed, must be from home allowed, must be from
home allowed, must be from RV. RV.
RV. • x2 weekly PCR testing for
• x2 weekly PCR testing for employees crossing in-out of
employees crossing in-out of metro/regional
80% of 16+ with a single dose Returning Students to the Classroom 70% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 12+ fully vaccinated
Indicative date: 26 September 2021 Indicative date: 5 October 2021 Indicative date: 26 October 2021 Indicative date: 5 November 2021 Indicative date: Two weeks later
Category Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of
epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time
Education and Schools: Schools: The CHO will provide Schools: The CHO will provide Schools: On-site learning for all For all settings, align with
Childcare (cont) • Vulnerable and children of advice on the return to onsite advice on the return to onsite levels with safety measures in National Plan to transition
authorised workers to attend learning for remaining year learning for remaining year place Australia’s National COVID-19
• All Prep-2 & VCE units 3&4 levels in Regional Victoria by 30 levels in Regional Victoria by 30 Response
final years VCAL and IB, with September September
the rest remaining remote
learning • V ulnerable and children On-site learning must have
• Students must be from of authorised workers to safety measures in place
regional Victoria, in addition attend
to those already attending • All prep to Year 2 & VCE units
from metro Melbourne 3&4, final years VCAL and IB
• x2 weekly PCR testing for attend
school employees crossing in- • All other students, CHO to
out of metro/regional indicate closer to start of term
On- site learning must have • Students must be from
safety measures in place Regional Vic, in addition to
those already attending from
• x2 weekly PCR testing
for school employees crossing
in-out of metro/regional
80% of 16+ with a single dose Returning Students to the Classroom 70% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 12+ fully vaccinated
Indicative date: 26 September 2021 Indicative date: 5 October 2021 Indicative date: 26 October 2021 Indicative date: 5 November 2021 Indicative date: Two weeks later
Category Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of
epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time
Funerals Funerals Funerals Funerals Funerals For all settings, align with
• Involves no more than 20 • Involves no more than 20 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 National Plan to transition
people (and those necessary people (and those necessary and 30 cap, outdoors DQ2 and and 150 cap, outdoors DQ2 Australia’s National COVID-19
to conduct the funeral), DQ4 to conduct the funeral), DQ4 100 cap (caps not inclusive of and 500 cap Response
those necessary to conduct • Unknown vaccination status:
funeral) 20 people per facility (and
• Unknown vaccination: no those necessary to conduct
change from previous funeral), DQ4
Physical recreation Physical recreation & Physical recreation & Physical recreation & Physical recreation &
& sport community sport: community sport: community sport: community sport:
(Includes indoor • Outdoor personal training • Outdoor personal training • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4
playcentres, indoor with up to 10 people/trainer with up to 10 people/trainer and 30 cap, outdoors DQ2 and and 150 cap, outdoors DQ2
skateparks and • Community sport: outside • Community sport: outside 100 cap and 500 cap
indoor trampoline only, training only. Minimum only, training only. Minimum • Community sport: outdoor • Community sport permitted
centres) number required for the sport, number required for the sport, only, training only. Minimum indoors and outdoors with
no spectators no spectators number required for the sport, minimum number required, for
• Community recreation • Community recreation spectators: public gathering spectators public gathering
facilities: outdoors only, 20 ppl facilities: outdoors only, 20 ppl limits apply limits apply
per facility per facility • Unknown vaccination: no
• Caps do not apply if 50 metres • Caps do not apply if 50 metres change from previous Outdoor seated physical
distance can be maintained distance can be maintained recreation and community
between groups outdoors (e.g. between groups outdoors (e.g. sport:
golf) golf) • Fully vaccinated: Lesser of
• Indoor physical recreation • Indoor physical recreation 25% or 5000 per venue
open (gyms), with 10 persons open (gyms), with 10 persons
per facility indoors, 20 per per facility indoors, 20 per Significant venues to be
facility outdoors, DQ4 facility outdoors, DQ4 considered for larger crowds
80% of 16+ with a single dose Returning Students to the Classroom 70% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 12+ fully vaccinated
Indicative date: 26 September 2021 Indicative date: 5 October 2021 Indicative date: 26 October 2021 Indicative date: 5 November 2021 Indicative date: Two weeks later
Category Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of
epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time
Swimming pools, Swimming pools, spas, saunas, Swimming pools, spas, saunas, Swimming pools, spas, saunas, Swimming pools, spas, saunas, For all settings, align with
hydrotherapy pools, steam rooms and springs steam rooms and springs steam rooms and springs steam rooms and springs National Plan to transition
spas, saunas, steam (indoor and outdoor): (indoor and outdoor): (indoor and outdoor): (indoor and outdoor): Australia’s National COVID-19
rooms, springs • Outdoor pools capped at 50 • Outdoor pools capped at 50 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 Response
• Indoor pools open, capped at • Indoor pools open, capped at and 30 cap, outdoors DQ2 and 150 cap, outdoors DQ2
20 per facility, DQ4 (changing 20 per facility, DQ4 (changing and 150 cap (change rooms and 500 cap
rooms closed). rooms closed). closed)
• Spas, saunas and steam • Spas, saunas and steam • Unknown vaccination: no
rooms closed. rooms closed. change from previous
• Hydrotherapy and swimming • Hydrotherapy and swimming
lessons can occur. lessons can occur.
Outdoor Outdoor playgrounds, outdoor Outdoor playgrounds, outdoor Outdoor playgrounds, outdoor Outdoor playgrounds, outdoor
playgrounds, skateparks, outdoor gym skateparks, outdoor gym skateparks, outdoor gym skateparks, outdoor gym
outdoor skateparks, equipment: equipment: equipment: equipment:
outdoor gym • Playgrounds, outdoor • Playgrounds, outdoor • Open • Open
equipment skateparks, communal gym skateparks, communal gym
equipment are open equipment are open
Creative Studios Creative Studios: Creative Studios: Creative Studios: Creative Studios:
• Allowed with up to 20 persons • Allowed with up to 20 persons • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4
per facility per facility and 30 cap, outdoors DQ2 and and 150 cap, outdoors DQ2
100 cap and 500 cap
• Unknown vaccination: no
change from previous
80% of 16+ with a single dose Returning Students to the Classroom 70% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 12+ fully vaccinated
Indicative date: 26 September 2021 Indicative date: 5 October 2021 Indicative date: 26 October 2021 Indicative date: 5 November 2021 Indicative date: Two weeks later
Category Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of
epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time
Entertainment and Entertainment venues: Entertainment venues: Entertainment venues: Seated indoor and non-seated For all settings, align with
Leisure • 20 per space indoors (e.g. • 20 per space indoors (e.g. • Fully vaccinated: Indoors 30 indoor entertainment venues: National Plan to transition
cinemas) cinemas) cap per space, outdoors DQ2 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 Australia’s National COVID-19
• Outdoor seated/non-seated • Outdoor seated/non-seated and 300 cap per space and 150 cap per space. Response
entertainment: cap at 300 entertainment: cap at 300 • Unknown vaccination: no
people per space or 25% people per space or 25% change from previous Outdoor seated entertainment:
venue capacity, whichever is venue capacity, whichever is • Fully vaccinated: Lesser of
lesser lesser 25% or 5000 per venue. Indoor
spaces DQ4 and 150 cap.
Outdoor non-seated
entertainment (for example
animal facilities):
• Fully vaccinated: 50%
capacity, indoor spaces DQ4
150 cap.
Significant venues to be
considered for larger crowds
Arcades, escape rooms, bingo Arcades, escape rooms, bingo Arcades, escape rooms, bingo Arcades, escape rooms, bingo
centres: centres: centres: centres:
• Closed • Closed • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4
and 30 cap, outdoors DQ2 and and 150 cap, outdoors DQ2
100 cap and 500 cap
• Unknown vaccination: no
change from previous
80% of 16+ with a single dose Returning Students to the Classroom 70% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 12+ fully vaccinated
Indicative date: 26 September 2021 Indicative date: 5 October 2021 Indicative date: 26 October 2021 Indicative date: 5 November 2021 Indicative date: Two weeks later
Category Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of
epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time
Entertainment and Retail betting venue: Retail betting venue: Retail betting venue: Retail betting venue: For all settings, align with
Leisure (cont) • Open – in line with retail • Open – in line with retail • Open with DQ4 • Open with DQ4 National Plan to transition
settings: settings: • Masks mandatory at all times; Australia’s National COVID-19
• Open, DQ 1 person per • Open, DQ 1 person per cannot be removed for eating/ Response
4sqm 4sqm drinking in retail settings
• COVID Check-In Marshal • COVID Check-In Marshal • COVID Check-In Marshal
• Masks mandatory at all times; • Masks mandatory at all times;
cannot be removed for eating/ cannot be removed for eating/
drinking in retail settings drinking in retail settings
Sex on premises, brothels and Sex on premises, brothels and Sex on premises, brothels and Sex on premises, brothels and
sexually explicit venues: sexually explicit venues: sexually explicit venues: sexually explicit venues:
• Closed • Closed • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4
and 30 cap and 150 cap
• Unknown vaccination: Closed
Karaoke and Nightclubs: Karaoke and Nightclubs: Karaoke and Nightclubs: Karaoke and Nightclubs:
• Closed • Closed • In line with food and drink • In line with food and drink
• Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 facility limits
and 30 cap, outdoors DQ2 and • Seated service only
100 cap • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4
• Unknown vaccination: Closed and 150 cap, outdoors DQ2
and 500 cap
General retail All retail: All retail: All retail: All retail:
• Open, DQ 1 person per 4 sqm • Open, DQ 1 person per 4 sqm • Open with DQ4 • Open with DQ4
• Masks mandatory at all times; • Masks mandatory at all times; • Masks mandatory at all times;
cannot be removed for eating/ cannot be removed for eating/ cannot be removed for eating/
drinking in retail settings drinking in retail settings drinking in retail settings
80% of 16+ with a single dose Returning Students to the Classroom 70% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 12+ fully vaccinated
Indicative date: 26 September 2021 Indicative date: 5 October 2021 Indicative date: 26 October 2021 Indicative date: 5 November 2021 Indicative date: Two weeks later
Category Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of
epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time
Hairdressing, Hairdressing, beauty, personal Hairdressing, beauty, personal Hairdressing, beauty, personal Hairdressing, beauty, personal For all settings, align with
beauty, personal care: care: care: care: National Plan to transition
care • All beauty/personal care open • All beauty/personal care open • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 Australia’s National COVID-19
with a cap of 10 DQ4 with a cap of 10 DQ4 and 30 cap and 150 cap Response
• Masks can be removed by • Masks can be removed by • Unknown vaccination: no
patron for duration of service patron for duration of service change from previous
• In home services permitted • In home services permitted • Masks can be removed by
with separate entrance and with separate entrance and patron for duration of service
exit to home and follow the exit to home and follow the • In home services permitted
density quotient requirements density quotient requirements with separate entrance and
exit to home and follow the
density quotient requirements
Hospitality Food and drink facility Food and drink facility Food and drink facility Food and drink facility
• Seated service only • Seated service only • Seated service only • Seated service only
• Outdoor cap of 30, indoor 10 • Outdoor cap of 30, indoor 10 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 • Small venues: up to 25 people
per venue and DQ4 per venue and DQ4 and 30 cap, outdoors DQ2 and if fully vaccinated before DQ
100 cap applies
• Unknown vaccination: no • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4
change from previous and 150 cap, outdoors DQ2
and 500 cap
Real Estate Services Real estate: Real estate: Real estate: Real estate:
• Private inspections and • Private inspections and • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4
auctions only, cap 10 auctions only, cap 10 and 30 cap, outdoors DQ2 and and 150 cap, outdoors DQ2
100 cap and 500 cap
• Unknown vaccination: no
change from previous
80% of 16+ with a single dose Returning Students to the Classroom 70% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 12+ fully vaccinated
Indicative date: 26 September 2021 Indicative date: 5 October 2021 Indicative date: 26 October 2021 Indicative date: 5 November 2021 Indicative date: Two weeks later
Category Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of
epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time
Tours and tour Tours (e.g. walking tours, cycling Tours (e.g. walking tours, cycling Tours (e.g. walking tours, cycling Tours (e.g. walking tours, cycling For all settings, align with
transport tours): tours): tours): tours): National Plan to transition
• Open, capped at 20 • Open, capped at 20 • Fully vaccinated: capped at • Open Australia’s National COVID-19
30 • Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 Response
Tour transport (e.g. tour buses): Tour transport (e.g. tour buses): and 150 cap, outdoors DQ2
• Open, capped at 10 • Open, capped at 10 Tour transport (e.g. tour buses): and 500 cap
• Fully vaccinated: 30 cap
Tour transport (e.g. tour buses):
• Open
• Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4
and 150 cap, outdoors DQ2
and 500 cap
80% of 16+ with a single dose Returning Students to the Classroom 70% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 12+ fully vaccinated
Indicative date: 26 September 2021 Indicative date: 5 October 2021 Indicative date: 26 October 2021 Indicative date: 5 November 2021 Indicative date: Two weeks later
Category Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of
epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time
Care Facilities Visitor restrictions: Visitor restrictions: Visitor restrictions: Visitor restrictions: For all settings, align with
Visitors • Two visitors at a time up • Two visitors at a time up • Easing of visitor restrictions. • Easing of visitor restrictions. National Plan to transition
to two per day, except to two per day, except Australia’s National COVID-19
for end of life or life for end of life or life Response
threatening conditions (2 threatening conditions (2
visitors at a time with no total visitors at a time with no total
limit per day). limit per day).
• Visits must be for a • Visits must be for a
purpose which includes: purpose which includes:
• To provide care and • To provide care and
support for the resident’s support for the resident’s
physical and emotional physical and emotional
wellbeing wellbeing
• For residents under 18 • For residents under 18
years of age years of age
• As a nominated person • As a nominated person
under the Mental Health under the Mental Health
Act Act
• To provide interpreter or • To provide interpreter or
informal language support informal language support
• To support the resident’s • To support the resident’s
care upon discharge care upon discharge
• Do not have to be from the • Do not have to be from the
same household. same household.
• No time limits. • No time limits.
• A group may exceed the • A group may exceed the
“two visitors at a time” “two visitors at a time”
rule if dependents of a visitor rule if dependents of a visitor
(or patient in hospital) are (or patient in hospital) are
in the group and care for in the group and care for
the dependents cannot be the dependents cannot be
arranged. arranged.
• Prospective residents • Prospective residents
permitted if they reside in permitted if they reside in
regional Victoria and the care regional Victoria and the care
facility they are visiting is in facility they are visiting is in
regional Victoria. regional Victoria.
• Non-essential contractors • Non-essential contractors
(such as hairdressers) are not (such as hairdressers) are not
permitted to enter. permitted to enter.
80% of 16+ with a single dose Returning Students to the Classroom 70% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 16+ fully vaccinated 80% of 12+ fully vaccinated
Indicative date: 26 September 2021 Indicative date: 5 October 2021 Indicative date: 26 October 2021 Indicative date: 5 November 2021 Indicative date: Two weeks later
Category Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of Subject to Public Health consideration of
epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time epidemiology at the time
Hospital Visitors Visitor restrictions: Visitor restrictions: Visitor restrictions: Visitor restrictions: For all settings, align with
• Two visitors at a time up to • Two visitors at a time up to • No change • Easing of visitor restrictions. National Plan to transition
two per day, except for end two per day, except for end Australia’s National COVID-19
of life or life-threatening of life or life-threatening Response
conditions (2 visitors at a time conditions (2 visitors at a time
with no total limit per day). with no total limit per day).
• Visits must be for a • Visits must be for a
purpose which includes: purpose which includes:
• As a parent, guardian or • As a parent, guardian or
carer of a child who is a carer of a child who is a
patient in hospital patient in hospital
• To provide support that is • To provide support that is
necessary for the patient’s necessary for the patient’s
emotional or physical emotional or physical
wellbeing. wellbeing.
• As a nominated person • As a nominated person
under the Mental Health under the Mental Health
Act Act
• To providing interpreter or • To providing interpreter or
informal language support informal language support
• For leaning to support • For leaning to support
the resident’s care upon the resident’s care upon
discharge discharge
• As a carer of a patient with • As a carer of a patient with
a disability a disability
• Accompanying someone • Accompanying someone
to the emergency to the emergency
department or outpatient department or outpatient
clinic clinic
• As a partner of a pregnant • As a partner of a pregnant
woman or patient in a woman or patient in a
maternity ward maternity ward
• Do not have to be from the • Do not have to be from the
same household. same household.
• No time limits. • No time limits.
• A group may exceed the • A group may exceed the
“two visitors at a time” “two visitors at a time”
rule if dependents of a visitor rule if dependents of a visitor
(or patient in hospital) are (or patient in hospital) are
in the group and care for in the group and care for
the dependents cannot be the dependents cannot be
arranged. arranged.
• Non-essential contractors • Non-essential contractors
(such as hairdressers) are not (such as hairdressers) are not
permitted to enter. permitted to enter.