Activ4fjeKorean3 SuyfyjB Sample
Activ4fjeKorean3 SuyfyjB Sample
Activ4fjeKorean3 SuyfyjB Sample
This book consists of 9 units. Each unit consists of the following section.
In This Unit
Objectives and functions to learn in each
unit are presented in ‘In This Unit’.
Warm up
It presents pictures with questions that
are related to the topic of the unit to moti-
vate learners to get ready for studying.
The expressions related to the topic and
functions of each unit are presented in this
section. These essential expressions for
communication are presented in sentence
New vocabulary words that appear in each
unit are presented in this section.
Collocational expressions are categorized
separately by ‘Words that go together’.
This ‘Vocabulary’ section will function as a
dictionary for learners while studying each
Key Expressions
Various exemplary dialogues or statements
which introduce the topic and related situa-
tions of each unit are presented in this sec-
Check it
‘Check it’ enhances learners’ comprehen-
sion of the dialogue or statement.
Grammar Points
Key explanations on the new grammar
points of each unit are presented. More
explanations on the grammar are present-
ed in ‘Grammar Reference’ at the end of
this book.
Basic explanations on the essential vocab-
ulary and expressions used in the given
text are presented.
Various forms of exercises to check and
review what learners have learned are pro-
vided in this section. The last excercise in
each section provides learners not just a
simple grammar practice but a chance to
practice the grammar in practical situations
by reorganizing the exemplary dialogues or
statements using the given information.
How to Use This Book 일러두기
This is a listening exercise covering grammar,
vocabulary and expressions that are carried
throughout each unit. The contents of listen-
ing materials in this section are using authen-
tic language in a wide range of settings to
help learners prepare for real-life listening
This section introduces interesting Korean cul-
ture related to the topic of each unit. Using sim-
ple grammar structures, explanations are easy
to understand for Korean language learners.
English translations are also available at the
back of the book.
Now I can
Each unit ends with the opportunity for learners
to wrap up what they have learned and assess
their achievement of learning objectives.
Additional Expressions
Extended vocabulary words and expres-
sions are presented with illustrations and
photos. Although they are a little beyond
the level of each unit, they are useful
expressions for daily life.
Grammar Reference
This section at the end of the book pre-
sents detailed explanations of ‘Grammar
Points’ in each unit. Further explanations
on grammar structures will be helpful for
learners as well as instructors.
How to Use This Book 일러두기
Grammar Glossary
The list of all the grammar points are pre-
sented here so the learners can easily look
for an explanation of a certain grammar
It lists all the vocabulary words presented
throughout the textbook and‘Grammar
Reference’with the meanings, and indicates
the unit where they first appear.‘R’ next to
the number of unit indicates that the word is
first appeared in‘Reading & Writing’.
N noun A adjective
V verb S sentence
Contents 차례
Preface 머리말
UNIT 1 Experience 경험 16
UNIT 2 Hobbies 취미 30
UNIT 3 Employment 취업 44
UNIT 4 Fashion 유행 58
UNIT 6 Change 변화 86
Glossary 단어 색인 168
Scope and Sequence 교재 구성표
•Expressions for •Famous places •V-아/어 봤어요 •Asking and answering about
Unit 1 discussing experi- •Counting words •V-(으)ㄴ 적(이) 있다/없다 experiences (1), (2)
Experience ence for days •Asking for a description or
•A/V-았/었을 때
경험 •Food opinion
•N 전에/후에
•Expressions for •Words related to •A/V -ㅂ/습니다 •Having an interview (1), (2), (3)
interviews majors •N-입니다
Unit 3 •Words related to •A/V 았/었습니다
Employment •N-였습니다/이었습니다
취업 •S-(으)ㄴ/는데 S’
•A/V-기 때문에
•Expressions relat- •Words related to •A/V-아/어 •Out of order (1), (2), (3)
ed to breakdowns breakdowns and •N-(이)야
and repairs repairs
Unit 5 •V-(으)ㄹ게
Out of order •A/V-(으)ㄹ 거야
고장 •V-아/어
•V-(으)ㄴ N
•V-(으)ㄹ N
Listening Reading & Writing Culture Additional Expressions
듣기 읽기와 쓰기 문화 추가 표현
•Listening for what one •Reading a text about •Taekwondo •Expressions related to
can do and what one hobbies various hobbies
cannot do •Reading a notice for club
•Listening to people talk membership
about their hobbies •Writing a notice for club
•Listening to people talk •Reading an article on part- •Why won’t they eat •Resume
about getting a job time jobs of office workers miyeokguk (seaweed
•Listening to an interview •Reading a self-introduction soup)?
•Writing a self-introduction
•Listening to people talk •Checking your sensitivity •Dongdaemun Market •Expressions related to
in a beauty salon to fashion beauty salon
•Listening to people talk •Reading a text from a web
about what's in fashion site for selling secondhand
•Writing an advertisement
for selling secondhand
•Expressions for •Words related to •A/ V-네요 •Describing changes (1), (2)
discussing weather •A-아/어지다 •Asking for opinions
changes •Words related to
Unit 6 •V-게 되다
Change •제일
변화 •A/ V-(으)ㄹ까요?
•A/ V-(으)ㄹ 거예요
•Expressions for •Words related to •V-자고 하다 •Indirect speech (3), (4), (5)
Unit 9 discussing con- conflict •V-지 그래요?
flict and worry
Conflict and •V-(으)라고 하다
•Expressions for
Worry •V-지 말라고 하다
갈등과 고민 •~냐고 하다
Listening Reading & Writing Culture Additional Expressions
듣기 읽기와 쓰기 문화 추가 표현
•Listening for the changes •Reading an e-mail •Time capsule •From the cradle to the
in the past and present •Reading about the past grave
•Listening to a story of life and present state of Korea
in Korea •Writing about the future
•Listening for the changes world
after marriage
•Listening for reasons •Reading a notice on the •Is your mouth light or •Carrying messages
•Listening to a voice mes- notice-board and carrying heavy?
sage on the mobile phone the message.
•Reading an article about an
•Writing an article about an
•Listening to people talk •Reading a story about mis- •Terms of address between •Expressions for seeking
about their worry and takes related to Korean husband and wife counseling or advice
give advice language •Expressions for empathy
•Listening for the conflict •Reading an e-mail about
and worry someone’ s worry
•Writing an e-mail to give
someone a solution
In This Unit Talking about experiences 경험 표현하기
16 UNIT 1
E x p re s s i o n s 표 현
일본으로 여행 갔다 왔어요. I’
ve just come back from a trip to Japan.
Vo c a b u l a r y 어 휘
Famous places
만리장성 the Great Wall 천안문 Tienanmen Gate 루브르 박물관 National Museum of Louvre
싱가포르 Singapore 춘천 Chuncheon
귤 tangerine 스시 sushi 닭갈비 dakgalbi (chicken ribs) 돼지고기 pork
여러분 everybody / all of you 번지 점프 bungee jump 아르바이트 part-time job 온천 hot spring
꿈 dream 물건 thing / object 잡지 magazine 고향 hometown
상 prize / award 지갑 wallet 댁 house (honorific) 출장 business trip
여름 summer 이야기 story 체크인 check-in 식사 meal
입원하다 to go to hospital / 꾸다 to dream (a dream) 잃어버리다 to lose 나오다 to appear
to be hospitalized 울다 to cry 돌아가다 to go back / 헤어지다 to part /
돌아가시다 to pass away 떨어지다 to fail to return to break up
갔다 오다 to have been to (a place) 고르다 to choose / to select 시키다 to order 등산하다 to climb a mountain
조심하다 to watch out / to be careful
유명하다 famous 기쁘다 joyful / delightful / happy 즐겁다 enjoyable / merry 가깝다 close / near
짜다 salty 틀리다 wrong 어리다 young
이런 this kind of / such -하고 (같이) with (a person) 꼭 by all means / in any case 처음 for the first time
혼자 alone
Experience 17
A 재민 씨, 제주도에 가 봤어요?
B 네, 가 봤어요. 애니 씨는요?
A 저는 아직 못 가 봤어요.
B 그럼 꼭 가 보세요. 정말 좋아요.
B 한라산하고 귤이 유명해요.
Grammar Points
V-아/어 봤어요
・verb stem’
s last vowels ending with‘ㅏ’or‘ㅗ’+ -아 봤어요 : 가다 → 가 봤어요
・verbs ending with‘하다’
, 하다 → 해 봤어요 : 운전하다 → 운전해 봤어요
・In all other cases, add‘-어 봤어요’: 먹다 → 먹어 봤어요 Grammar Reference p.142
‘N은/는요?’means‘ What about N? ’and is used to ask the same question for other cases.
애니 씨는요?
18 UNIT 1
Key Expressions 본문
네, 먹어 봤어요.
냉면을 먹어 봤어요?
냉면을 먹다 번지 점프를 하다 한복을 입다
1) 제주도 2) 베이징
A 제주도에 가 봤어요?
한라산 만리장성
B 네, 가 봤어요. 애니 씨는요?
귤 천안문
A 저는 아직 못 가 봤어요.
B 그럼 꼭 가 보세요. 정말 좋아요. 3) 4)
도쿄 파리
Experience 19
A 마이클 씨, 김치 먹어 봤어요?
B 그럼요. 먹어 봤어요.
Grammar Points
V-(으)ㄴ 적(이) 있다/없다
‘ - (으)ㄴ 적이 있다’is used when a person has experienced something, and‘ -(으)ㄴ 적이 없다’is used when a person
has not experienced something.
A/V-았/었을 때
‘-았/었을 때’is used to describe the point of time that an incident happened.
20 UNIT 1
Key Expressions 본문
네, 제주도에 간 적이 있어요.
제주도에 간 적이 있어요?
제주도에 가다
A 김치 먹어 봤어요?
1) 김치를 먹다 2) 번지 점프를 하다
B 그럼요.
한국에 오다 호주에 가다
A 고향에서도 김치를 먹은 적이 있어요?
3) 한복을 입다 4) 한국 사람 집에 가다
B 아니요, 고향에서는 먹은 적이 없어요.
한국 친구 집에 가다 선생님 댁에서 파티 하다
작년에 한국에 왔을 때 처음 먹어 봤어요.
Experience 21
A 재민 씨, 일본에 가 봤어요?
B 네, 열흘 전에 일본으로 여행 갔다 왔어요.
2. T Answer 1. T
Grammar Points
N 전에/후에
‘전에’means‘ago’used with the words expressing the time, and‘후에’means‘after (the time)’
1일 2일 3일 4일 5일 6일 7일 8일 9일 10일
하루 이틀 사흘 나흘 닷새 엿새 이레 여드레 아흐레 열흘
‘N이/가 어땠어요?’is used to ask the feeling of past experience meaning‘How was N?’
여행이 어땠어요?
22 UNIT 1
Key Expressions 본문
1 Look at the calender. Ask and answer the questions about when you did it or
when you are going to do it using‘전에’or‘후에’
언제 영화를 봤어요?
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
일주일 전에 봤어요.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
영화 부산출장
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
애니 병원 시험
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
B 네, 한 달 전에 갔다 왔어요.
A 날씨가 어땠어요?
1) 일본 2) 부산 3) 인도 4) 싱가포르
한달 사흘 두달 세달
날씨 호텔 음식 여행
아주 좋다 괜찮다 아주 맛있다 즐겁다
일주일 / 일본 이 주일 / 부산 한 달 / 인도 이틀 / 싱가포르
Experience 23
1. Listen carefully and mark O if the man has experienced it before, and
mark X if he has not experienced it before.
1) 2) 3)
4) 5)
① 부산 ② 춘천 ③ 제주도
2) 맞는 것을 고르세요.
24 UNIT 1
Listening 듣기
3. Misako is talking about her journey. Listen to Misako and fill in the blanks.
언제 여행을 갔어요?
누구하고 같이 갔어요?
4. Misako’
s story goes on. Listen to Misako again and answer the questions.
공항 → ( 호텔 ) → ① ( ) → ②( )
4. 1) ① 식당 ② 시내 2) ① O ② O ③ X
혼자 누구하고 같이 갔어요?
독일 어디에 여행을 갔어요?
작년 여름 언제 여행을 갔어요? 3.
2. 1) ② 2) ③
5) 4) 3) 2) 1. 1)
Experience 25
읽기와 쓰기
26 UNIT 1
Reading & Writing 읽기와 쓰기
2) 다음 표에 써 보세요.
마이산 절앞
Answer 1. 1) O 2) X 3) X 2. 1) ① X ② O ③ X
Experience 27
읽기와 쓰기
거기 there
[Culture 문화]
돌 탑
한국에서 산에 가면 크고 작은 돌탑을 많이 볼 수 있습니다. 옛날에 한국 사람들은 돌이
나 나무, 달에 소원을 말하면 소원이 이루어진다고 생각했습니다. 그래서 지금도 산에 가면
돌탑을 만들거나 큰 나무 앞에서 소원을 말하는 사람을 볼 수 있습니다.
Translation p.158
28 UNIT 1
Additional Expressions 추가 표현
사람과 부딪히다
to bump into a person
지갑을 잃어버리다
to lose a wallet
길에서 키스하다
to kiss in the street
지갑을 줍다
to find a wallet
to fall down
길을 잃어버리다
to be lost
소매치기를 당하다
to have one’
s pocket picked
Family 29