Machine Picture / Diagram Function and Application Machine Operation
Machine Picture / Diagram Function and Application Machine Operation
Machine Picture / Diagram Function and Application Machine Operation
2. Lathe machine A lathe is a machining tool that is usedA lathe is a tool that rotates the
primarily for shaping metal or wood. workpiece on its axis to perform
The main use is to remove unwanted various operations such as cutting,
parts of the material, leaving behind a sanding, knurling, drilling, or
nicely shaped workpiece. deformation, facing, turning, with tools
that are applied to the workpiece to
create an object with symmetry about
an axis of rotation.
3. Multitasking machine It is a numerically controlled machine Multi-Tasking is when you combine
tool equipped with an automatic tool several cutting processes,
change function (including turret type) including turning, milling, drilling,
and capable of performing multiple tapping and deep-hole boring, on one
types of machining such as milling, machine as opposed to having those
turning, and grinding without changing same processes handled by multiple
the workpiece setup. The use of a machines.
multitasking machine has great
advantages such as increased work
efficiency, effective use of factory
space, and improved productivity.
4. Machining center Machining centers are critical Machining centers feature a
equipment for machining metal parts computerized automatic tool change
and components in addition to their function. In general, an operator must
primary purpose of die manufacture. It exchange the tools on an NC machine
can be used to describe various CNC tool.
tapping, drilling and milling machines.
5. Grinding machine It is one of power tools or machine Grinding machine is a type of machine
tools used for grinding, it is a type of used to grind the workpieces. It
machining using an abrasive wheel as basically uses emery or an abrasive
the cutting tool. Grinding machinery wheel as the cutting tool. The rough
can be used to reduce the particulate surface of the abrasive wheel spreads
size of various materials with into small portions of the workpiece as
precision, but is most commonly required.
recognized for its uses in the mining
industry where it is used to extract
valuable metals, such as gold and
silver, from surrounding host rock.
6. Drill press Drill press, also called Drilling This cutting tool is held in the drill
Machine, is a device for producing press by a chuck or Morse taper and is
holes in hard substances. Although rotated and fed into the work at
drill presses are used mainly for drilling variable speeds. Drill press operators
holes, they can also be used for must know how to set up the work, set
enlarging holes with a boring tool or speed and feed, and provide for
finishing holes with a reamer. coolant to get an acceptable finished
7. Welding machine Welding machines generate heat that The electric welding machine uses the
melts metal parts, so that these parts high-temperature arc generated when
can be joined. It is used to the positive and negative poles are
permanently connect metal pieces with instantaneously short-circuited
heat generated from electrical energy. to melt the solder on the electrode and
the material to be welded, and the
purpose of combining the objects to be
1. Swivel-base bench vise Vises attached directly to the top of the surface
feature a swivel, enabling the vise to rotate as
needed. Because many bench vises tend to feature
metal jaws, lining the jaws with wood or a similar
material, it is used to protect the integrity of the
2. C-clamp is a type of clamp device typically used to hold a
wood or metal work piece, and often used in, but
are not limited to, carpentry and welding. These
clamps are used in many industries such as
carpentry, welding, automotive and more. C-Clamps
have been used in wood working for quite a while,
they help hold pieces steady.
3. Single size parallel clamp The parallel clamp allows for large and wide
opening capacities and the clamp jaws remain
parallel under increased loads in order to give a
huge distribution area and prevent leaving dimples
in the wood. Parallel clamps are commonly used for
making doors, panels, cabinet doors, cabinet bases,
boxes, tables and frames.
4. Slip joint or combination pliers The slip-joint permits the jaws to be opened wider at
the hinge pin for gripping large diameter
objects. Slip-joint pliers are versatile tools that are
used for gripping and bending hardware. They have
two levels of teeth; the fine teeth located near the
front are designed for gripping small objects and
nails, while the coarse teeth located toward the
back are designed for gripping bulky nuts and bolts.
5. Interlocking joint or water pump pliers Water pump pliers are mainly used to cut thick
metal in plumbing, automotive and household
applications. It is a regular tool used extensively for
turning and holding bolts and nuts, holding pumps,
gripping irregularly work pieces and plenty more.
6. Round nose or wire looper pliers Round nose pliers are one of the primary essential
tools to jewelry making. It is normally used
to manipulate wire by opening and closing loops,
making coils, and wire working with various gauge
wires. It is used in electronics and electrical wiring
for forming a loop at the end of a wire and in jewelry
making to form a variety of bends in wire.
7. Side cutting pliers Side cutting pliers has many applications
including electrical, communications and
construction work. Use to grip, splice or cut wires,
and strip insulation. Side cutters are used to cut wire
and the leads (or legs) of components in electronics.
They can also be used to strip the insulation from
8. Diagonal cutters It is intended for the cutting of wire (they are
generally not used to grab or turn anything).
Diagonal cutting pliers are used for cutting wire and
small pins in areas that cannot be reached by larger
cutting tools.
9. Vise grip wrench It is a plier that can be locked into position, using
an over-center toggle action. They can be used to
temporarily hold a long straight edge on plywood so
you can mark a line. They can also be used to
remove stripped bolt heads if they are not too tight.
10. Hard hammers Hard hammers are used for a wide range of driving,
shaping, breaking and non-destructive striking
applications. It is used for general carpentry,
framing, nail pulling, cabinet making, assembling
furniture, upholstering, finishing, riveting, bending or
shaping metal, striking masonry drill and steel
chisels, and so on.
11. Soft-faced hammers It is a hammer designed to offer driving force
without damaging surfaces. They also reduce the
force transmitted back to the arm or hand of the
user, by temporarily deforming more than a metal
hammer would. A soft hammer is commonly used
for sheet metal fabrication.
12. Adjustable wrench This wrench has serrated jaws, one of which is
pivoted on the handle to create a strong gripping
action on the work. It is used to hold or turn pipes or
circular bars.
13. Open end wrench A wrench with an open end fits around a fastener
instead of over it, so you can slip it into an area
where there isn't room for a socket. It is used for
tightening or loosening nuts and bolts.
14. Box wrench Box wrench is used for loosening stuck
fasteners because you can apply more torque
without risking damage to a ratchet mechanism.
It is used for loosening and tightening fasteners
such as nuts and bolts.
15. Combination wrench A combination wrench is a multi-purpose tool with
the open-end for tightening and loosening in small
spaces and the box-end for leverage and a firm grip
around nuts and bolts. It can be used to unfasten
nuts and bolts with the box-end, and then separate
them quickly using the open-end.
16. Socket wrench set Socket wrench set allows you to keep the wrench
on the bolt eliminating the need to refit the wrench
every time you need to make a turn. It is used to
turn nuts and bolts with more ease than using a
regular wrench.
17. Pipe wrench This wrench has serrated jaws, one of which is
pivoted on the handle to create a strong gripping
action on the work. The adjustable pipe wrench
is used to hold or turn pipes or circular bars.
18. Ratchet A ratchet is a mechanical device that allows
continuous linear or rotary motion in only one
direction while preventing motion in the opposite
direction. It's used mostly for loosening and
tightening fasteners such as nuts and bolts.
19. Screwdriver A screwdriver is a tool, manual or powered, used for
driving screws. It is usually hand-operated and use
for turning screws with slotted heads.
20. Hacksaw A hacksaw is a hand-powered, small-toothed
saw used for cutting metal pipes, rods, brackets. It
is a type of hand tool designed specifically for
cutting through materials such as plastic, steel, and
other metals.
21. File File, in hardware and metalworking, tool of
hardened steel in the form of a bar or rod with many
small cutting edges raised on its longitudinal
surfaces. it is used for smoothing or forming objects,
especially of metal.
1. What is the relevance of studying the machine shop environment to the subject, Industrial Materials and Processes?
The relevance of studying the machine shop environment to the subject Industrial Materials and Processes is for us to
determine and learn the tools and machines that are needed and will be used in the field of work that we could have in the
2. More importantly, why do you think Industrial Materials and Processes is a core subject of Industrial Engineering? What is
its relevance to this field?
Industrial Materials and Processes is a core subject of Industrial Engineering because it tackles topics that are completely
related to the field of work of an Industrial Engineering. Its relevance is that it gives us an overview of what are we going to
encounter as an Industrial Engineer graduate such as working in factories, improving every sector of a manufacturing
company, eliminating too much waste in production processes, and maintaining an efficient system in terms of machine,
materials, as well as workers.