Machine Shop Theory
Machine Shop Theory
Machine Shop Theory
-used in metalworking, woodturning, metal spinning, 7. Special Purpose Lathe Machine: are custom-
thermal spraying, glass working, and parts reclamation. tailored lathe machines to suit particular needs.
They are mostly used for heavy-duty jobs,
-operations: sanding, cutting, knurling, drilling, and where regular lathes can’t be used, or using
deformation of tools that are employed in creating regular lathes can be costlier or time-
objects which have symmetry about the axis of rotation. consuming.
8. CNC Lathe Machine: are the most up-to-date
a. Headstock lathe machines in terms of technology. They
b. Bed come with a modern computer numeric control
c. Tailstock system (CNC). You can use this control system
d. Carriage to add a CAD/CAM program and after that,
e. Saddle whenever you command the machine, it will
f. Cross-slide start and perform the machining operation
g. Compound rest according to your program input.
h. Tool post
i. Apron
j. Lead screw Usage of Lathe Machine:
k. Feed rod
• A lathe is a machining tool that is used
l. Chuck
primarily for shaping metal or wood. It is a
m. Main spindle
n. Leg shaper, cutter, sander, and deformer. It works
Types of lathe machine: by rotating the work piece around a stationary
cutting tool. The main use is to remove
1. Speed Lathe Machine: a high-speed, hand- unwanted parts of the material, leaving behind
operated lathe machine, mainly used by a nicely shaped work piece.
woodworkers. It can provide a spindle speed
from 1200 to 3600rpm. • Lathes can be used to shape pottery, the best-
• -comes with a very simple design, it contains known design being the Potter's wheel. Most
headstock, bed, tailstock, and tool post. suitably equipped metalworking lathes can also
be used to produce most solids of revolution,
2. Center Lathe or Engine Lathe Machine: most plane surfaces and screw threads or helices.
popular type of lathe machine. It is called center Ornamental lathes can produce three-
lathe machine, because back then almost all dimensional solids of incredible complexity.
machine tools were driven by either separate
engines or central engines. • Examples of objects that can be produced on a
-capable of handling work pieces up to 1 meter lathe include: Screws; Candlesticks; gun
in diameter, and up to 4 meters in length. barrels; cue sticks; table legs; Bowls; baseball
bats; pens; musical instruments (especially
3. Turret Lathe Machine: an advanced lathe
woodwind instruments); & crank shafts.
machine used for mass production. It is kind of
an upgraded version of an engine lathe, where Advantages and Disadvantages of Lathe Machine:
the tailstock is replaced by a revolving
hexagonal turret. Advantage:
1) High Productivity the position of the tool relative to the work
2) High Speed piece.
3) Saves Time and Money
4 Different Types of Shaping Machine Operation:
1) Highly-skilled Operators/Turners
2) Cost and Weight of the Machine 1. Horizontal Cutting: Horizontal surfaces are
3) Constant Maintenance machined by moving the work mounted on the
machine table in a cross direction concerning
the ram movement. The clapper box can be set
SHAPER MACHINE vertically or slightly inclined towards the uncut
surface. This arrangement enables the tool to
-a reciprocating type of machine tool used to produce lift automatically during the return stroke. The
Horizontal, Vertical, or Inclined flat surfaces using tool will not drag on the machined surface.
straight-line reciprocating single-point cutting tools 2. Vertical Cutting: A vertical cut is made while
similar to those which are used in lathe operation. The machining the end of a work piece, squaring up
flat surface produced may be horizontal, vertical, or a block, or machining a shoulder. The feed is
inclined given to the tool by rotating the down feed
screw of the vertical slide. The table is not
-a metal-cutting machine in which the work piece is moved vertically for this purpose. The apron is
usually held in a vise or similar device that is clamped to swiveled away from the vertical surface being
a table and can be manually operated or power driven at machined.
right angles to the path of a chisel like cutting tool with 3. Inclined Cutting: An angular cut is done at any
only one cutting edge held on the end of a reciprocating angle other than a right angle to the horizontal
or vertical plane. The work is set on the table
ram an angle
and the vertical slide of the tooth head is
Parts: swiveled to the required angle either towards
the left or towards the right from the vertical
a. Base: it holds all the loads of the machine. It is position.
made up of cast iron. It absorbs vibration and 4. Irregular Cutting: A round-nose tool is used for
other forces that occur while performing this operation. For a shallow cut, the apron may
shaping operations. be set vertically but if the curve is quite sharp,
b. Column: mounted on the base. It is also made the apron is swiveled towards the right or left
up of cast iron. Column supports the ram that is away from the surface to be cut.
moving forward and backward for operation. It
also acts for covering the drive mechanism.
c. Cross rail: raised or lowered by rotating the Types of Shaper Machine:
lifting screws to suit different sizes of work.
a. Standard Shaper: commonly use types of
d. Cross feed: a device for feeding the tool or
machine in the industry. During forward the
material crosswise in relation to the principal
cutting process occur and backward there is no
motion of either, or in relation to the long axis
cutting. Vertical Shaper is widely used for
of the machine
cutting slots, key holes, grooves etc.
e. Worktable: fixed to the saddle by bolts and
b. Vertical Shaper: movement is in vertical axis.
receives lateral or vertical movement from the
The work piece is kept on a table that can have
saddle rail. The table can be rotated at any angle
a cross, longitudinal, and rotational movement.
to meet the working requirements.
c. Horizontal Shaper: The ram holding the tool in
f. Driving pulley: Pulleys are used in many
a horizontal axis and the ram is reciprocating.
industries to transfer rotary motion between
This type machine is also used for the
different components. The increase or decrease
production of flat surfaces, key-ways, external
speed depending on the ratio of the diameter of
grooves, and more.
the driver and driven wheels
d. Geared Shaper: Very less industry using this
g. Tool head: equipped with a cutting tool that can
type of machine nowadays. In a Geared shaper,
feed the screw handle downwards to allow the
rack and pinion arrangement is utilized to make
cutting tool to perform a cutting motion.
the ram reciprocate for cutting operation. The
h. Vice: present on the table and is used to hold or
speed and direction of the traverse depend on
fasten the work piece properly. The vice has two
the number of gears and its arrangement in the
jaws, one movable and the other fixed.
gear train
i. Ram Locking Handle: the main part of the
e. Universal Shaper: In this type of machine, you
machine. The ram is built to the left and right in
can also swivel the table about its own axis. This
the guideway of the column with cast iron and
universal features enables to perform various
types of operations on this machine
j. Clapper box: to provide clearance for tool in
f. Crank Shaper: The tool (Single Point) is
return stock. It prevents the cutting edge
reciprocating in motion equal to the length of
dragging the work piece while return stock and
the stroke and the work is clamped in position
prevent tool wear.
on an adjustable table.
k. Tool slide wheel: The slides and slide ways of a
g. Draw Cut Shaper: the work piece metal is
machined tool locate and guide members which
removed during the return stroke of the Ram.
move relative to each other, usually changing
h. Hydraulic Shaper: the reciprocating motion of Disadvantages:
the ram is provided by the hydraulic
mechanism. This Hydraulic shaper uses the oil By nature, it is a slow machine because of its
under high pressure and the end of the piston straight-line forward and returns strokes the
rod is connected to the ram. The high-pressure single point cutting tool requires Several
oil first acts on one side of the piston and then strokes to complete a work. (They are slow)
on the other causing the piston to reciprocating
and the motion is transmitted to the ram. The cutting speed is not usually a very high
i. Contour Shaper: is usual shapers fixed by an speed of reciprocating motion due to the high
additional tracer mechanism. This shaper has a inertia force developed in the motion of the
pattern and follower is use to make a contour units and components of the machine.
like to shape of template. I is proper for produce
shapes that cannot be formed by shapers
To generate straight and flat surfaces.
-This is a machine that helps with surface planning of
Smooth rough surfaces. lumber and timber. It has a given width and thickness
of the material that goes in the desired surface finish
Make internal splines. that users would like their product to be after being
Make gear teeth. processed through this device.
To make dovetail slides. -Most machines are in between 4' and 6' in length,
depending on the width held by the user at their given
Make key ways in pullies or gears. location. It is not too big or too small for most users.
Machining of die, punches, and straight and -The biggest difference you would see in a machine is
curved slots. that one has more blades and another has more one-
on-one surfaces. The ones with more blades have a
Specifications of Shaper:
finer finish and thus more planing than the other one
-highest length of cut range from 175mm to 900mm History of Planer Machine:
-ram cycles per minute r strokes per minute 15-90 -Early planning ideas are known to have been
-highest vertical travel of tool slide 150mm underway in France in the 1750s. In the late 1810s, a
variety of pioneers in various British shops (including
-highest horizontal travel of table 450mm James Fox, George Rennie, Matthew Murray, Joseph
Clement, and Richard Roberts) developed the planer
-dimension of table 473-330mm
into what we today would call a machine tool. The
-floor space necessary 1981-1067mm original idea of this device was that it would speed up
the process of smoothing and finishing the surfaces of
-limit vertical travel of table 475mm already-machined pieces.
-fairly accurate net weight 1750kg -James Fox (fl. 1780–1830) machine tool maker, was
originally a butler in the service of the Rev. Thomas
-power of the motor 3hp
Gisborne, of Foxhall Lodge, Staffordshire.
-extent of stroke 610mm
-George Rennie (3 December 1791 – 30 March 1866)
Usage od Shaper: was an engineer born in London, England.
A shaping machine is used to machine surfaces. It can -Mathew Murray (1765- 20 February 1826).
cut curves, angles and many other shapes. It is a popular
- Joseph Clement (22 April 1789 – 11 March
machine in a workshop because its movement is very
1864) was a Welsh patternmaker and engineer whose
simple although it can produce a variety of work.
development of high-precision machine tools
Advantages: contributed to the birth of production engineering and
mass production
a single point tool used is inexpensive or we can
say low tooling cost. -Richard Roberts (22 April 1789 – 11 March
1864) was a Welsh patternmaker and engineer whose
The cutting stroke has a definite stopping point. development of high-precision machine tools
contributed to the birth of production engineering and
The work can be held easily in the shaper
mass production
Old vs New:
The setup is very quick and easy and also can be
readily changed from one job to another job.
• The old planer machines are the process of -The tool post is hinged to the head so that on
cutting wood, such as lumber or a log into a the return movement of the table of the cutting
thinner work material. tool will be raised and ride on the top of the
• The old planer machines are very big in size -This protects the cutting edge from being
and consume more space than the new planer damaged and permits the automatic-traverse
machines. But the old planer machines feed to operate without interference.
produce much more boards than the new ones
• Wearing Protective Gears and appropriate • It requires more power supply to work - a 200-
clothing (in a machining context) watt power supply will be sufficient for a small
planer. You can also choose between 220-volt
• Keeping the workplace clean and 110-volt models.
• Following the Machine manufacturer’s • Planer machines are noisy - the noise is low
instructions frequency and is like the noise of an air
conditioner or your refrigerator.
• Knowing and using the lock-out and tag-out
procedures • Only a single-point cutting tool can be used –
you can only cut a single-point for planer
• Keeping an emergency kit nearby machines. The most common cutting tools of
• Supervising the surrounding and equipment the planer machine are Japanese board,
Japanese board and English board
• Taking breaks