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Machine Shop Theory

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LATHE MACHINE • -you can set up multiple cutting tools (usually

up to 6 tools), such as drilling, countersinking,

-invented by Jacques de Vaucanson around 1751 reaming, tapping, etc.
-was developed around 1300 BC at that time there was
4. Tool room Lathe Machine: a special breed of
not developed so many parts expect headstock and
lathe machine mostly used to make precision
tailstock. But during the industrial revolution
parts and tools such as die, gauges, jigs, and
Metalworking lathe evolved into heavier machines with
thicker, more rigid bodies
-Between 19 and 20 century the electric motor is 5. Bench Lathe Machine: A bench lathe machine
replaced line shafting as a power source is a small-size, hand-operated power lathe,
mainly used for small precision work. It looks
-1950, the servomechanism is applied to control lathe very similar to speed lathe machines. Jewelers
and the other machines tools by numeric, Direct and watchmakers use this machine a lot for
numerical control machine their machining needs.
-the most versatile machine tool among all standard of 6. Automatic Lathe Machine: comes with a group
the machine tool. of mechanisms that makes it capable of
Definition: A Lathe machine is a machine tool which is changing and feeding cutting tools
used to remove metals from a work piece to give a automatically. This machine is heavy-duty,
desired shape and size. production-friendly, and expensive.

-used in metalworking, woodturning, metal spinning, 7. Special Purpose Lathe Machine: are custom-
thermal spraying, glass working, and parts reclamation. tailored lathe machines to suit particular needs.
They are mostly used for heavy-duty jobs,
-operations: sanding, cutting, knurling, drilling, and where regular lathes can’t be used, or using
deformation of tools that are employed in creating regular lathes can be costlier or time-
objects which have symmetry about the axis of rotation. consuming.
8. CNC Lathe Machine: are the most up-to-date
a. Headstock lathe machines in terms of technology. They
b. Bed come with a modern computer numeric control
c. Tailstock system (CNC). You can use this control system
d. Carriage to add a CAD/CAM program and after that,
e. Saddle whenever you command the machine, it will
f. Cross-slide start and perform the machining operation
g. Compound rest according to your program input.
h. Tool post
i. Apron
j. Lead screw Usage of Lathe Machine:
k. Feed rod
• A lathe is a machining tool that is used
l. Chuck
primarily for shaping metal or wood. It is a
m. Main spindle
n. Leg shaper, cutter, sander, and deformer. It works
Types of lathe machine: by rotating the work piece around a stationary
cutting tool. The main use is to remove
1. Speed Lathe Machine: a high-speed, hand- unwanted parts of the material, leaving behind
operated lathe machine, mainly used by a nicely shaped work piece.
woodworkers. It can provide a spindle speed
from 1200 to 3600rpm. • Lathes can be used to shape pottery, the best-
• -comes with a very simple design, it contains known design being the Potter's wheel. Most
headstock, bed, tailstock, and tool post. suitably equipped metalworking lathes can also
be used to produce most solids of revolution,
2. Center Lathe or Engine Lathe Machine: most plane surfaces and screw threads or helices.
popular type of lathe machine. It is called center Ornamental lathes can produce three-
lathe machine, because back then almost all dimensional solids of incredible complexity.
machine tools were driven by either separate
engines or central engines. • Examples of objects that can be produced on a
-capable of handling work pieces up to 1 meter lathe include: Screws; Candlesticks; gun
in diameter, and up to 4 meters in length. barrels; cue sticks; table legs; Bowls; baseball
bats; pens; musical instruments (especially
3. Turret Lathe Machine: an advanced lathe
woodwind instruments); & crank shafts.
machine used for mass production. It is kind of
an upgraded version of an engine lathe, where Advantages and Disadvantages of Lathe Machine:
the tailstock is replaced by a revolving
hexagonal turret. Advantage:
1) High Productivity the position of the tool relative to the work
2) High Speed piece.
3) Saves Time and Money
4 Different Types of Shaping Machine Operation:
1) Highly-skilled Operators/Turners
2) Cost and Weight of the Machine 1. Horizontal Cutting: Horizontal surfaces are
3) Constant Maintenance machined by moving the work mounted on the
machine table in a cross direction concerning
the ram movement. The clapper box can be set
SHAPER MACHINE vertically or slightly inclined towards the uncut
surface. This arrangement enables the tool to
-a reciprocating type of machine tool used to produce lift automatically during the return stroke. The
Horizontal, Vertical, or Inclined flat surfaces using tool will not drag on the machined surface.
straight-line reciprocating single-point cutting tools 2. Vertical Cutting: A vertical cut is made while
similar to those which are used in lathe operation. The machining the end of a work piece, squaring up
flat surface produced may be horizontal, vertical, or a block, or machining a shoulder. The feed is
inclined given to the tool by rotating the down feed
screw of the vertical slide. The table is not
-a metal-cutting machine in which the work piece is moved vertically for this purpose. The apron is
usually held in a vise or similar device that is clamped to swiveled away from the vertical surface being
a table and can be manually operated or power driven at machined.
right angles to the path of a chisel like cutting tool with 3. Inclined Cutting: An angular cut is done at any
only one cutting edge held on the end of a reciprocating angle other than a right angle to the horizontal
or vertical plane. The work is set on the table
ram an angle
and the vertical slide of the tooth head is
Parts: swiveled to the required angle either towards
the left or towards the right from the vertical
a. Base: it holds all the loads of the machine. It is position.
made up of cast iron. It absorbs vibration and 4. Irregular Cutting: A round-nose tool is used for
other forces that occur while performing this operation. For a shallow cut, the apron may
shaping operations. be set vertically but if the curve is quite sharp,
b. Column: mounted on the base. It is also made the apron is swiveled towards the right or left
up of cast iron. Column supports the ram that is away from the surface to be cut.
moving forward and backward for operation. It
also acts for covering the drive mechanism.
c. Cross rail: raised or lowered by rotating the Types of Shaper Machine:
lifting screws to suit different sizes of work.
a. Standard Shaper: commonly use types of
d. Cross feed: a device for feeding the tool or
machine in the industry. During forward the
material crosswise in relation to the principal
cutting process occur and backward there is no
motion of either, or in relation to the long axis
cutting. Vertical Shaper is widely used for
of the machine
cutting slots, key holes, grooves etc.
e. Worktable: fixed to the saddle by bolts and
b. Vertical Shaper: movement is in vertical axis.
receives lateral or vertical movement from the
The work piece is kept on a table that can have
saddle rail. The table can be rotated at any angle
a cross, longitudinal, and rotational movement.
to meet the working requirements.
c. Horizontal Shaper: The ram holding the tool in
f. Driving pulley: Pulleys are used in many
a horizontal axis and the ram is reciprocating.
industries to transfer rotary motion between
This type machine is also used for the
different components. The increase or decrease
production of flat surfaces, key-ways, external
speed depending on the ratio of the diameter of
grooves, and more.
the driver and driven wheels
d. Geared Shaper: Very less industry using this
g. Tool head: equipped with a cutting tool that can
type of machine nowadays. In a Geared shaper,
feed the screw handle downwards to allow the
rack and pinion arrangement is utilized to make
cutting tool to perform a cutting motion.
the ram reciprocate for cutting operation. The
h. Vice: present on the table and is used to hold or
speed and direction of the traverse depend on
fasten the work piece properly. The vice has two
the number of gears and its arrangement in the
jaws, one movable and the other fixed.
gear train
i. Ram Locking Handle: the main part of the
e. Universal Shaper: In this type of machine, you
machine. The ram is built to the left and right in
can also swivel the table about its own axis. This
the guideway of the column with cast iron and
universal features enables to perform various
types of operations on this machine
j. Clapper box: to provide clearance for tool in
f. Crank Shaper: The tool (Single Point) is
return stock. It prevents the cutting edge
reciprocating in motion equal to the length of
dragging the work piece while return stock and
the stroke and the work is clamped in position
prevent tool wear.
on an adjustable table.
k. Tool slide wheel: The slides and slide ways of a
g. Draw Cut Shaper: the work piece metal is
machined tool locate and guide members which
removed during the return stroke of the Ram.
move relative to each other, usually changing
h. Hydraulic Shaper: the reciprocating motion of Disadvantages:
the ram is provided by the hydraulic
mechanism. This Hydraulic shaper uses the oil  By nature, it is a slow machine because of its
under high pressure and the end of the piston straight-line forward and returns strokes the
rod is connected to the ram. The high-pressure single point cutting tool requires Several
oil first acts on one side of the piston and then strokes to complete a work. (They are slow)
on the other causing the piston to reciprocating
and the motion is transmitted to the ram.  The cutting speed is not usually a very high
i. Contour Shaper: is usual shapers fixed by an speed of reciprocating motion due to the high
additional tracer mechanism. This shaper has a inertia force developed in the motion of the
pattern and follower is use to make a contour units and components of the machine.
like to shape of template. I is proper for produce
shapes that cannot be formed by shapers
 To generate straight and flat surfaces.
-This is a machine that helps with surface planning of
 Smooth rough surfaces. lumber and timber. It has a given width and thickness
of the material that goes in the desired surface finish
 Make internal splines. that users would like their product to be after being
 Make gear teeth. processed through this device.

 To make dovetail slides. -Most machines are in between 4' and 6' in length,
depending on the width held by the user at their given
 Make key ways in pullies or gears. location. It is not too big or too small for most users.
 Machining of die, punches, and straight and -The biggest difference you would see in a machine is
curved slots. that one has more blades and another has more one-
on-one surfaces. The ones with more blades have a
Specifications of Shaper:
finer finish and thus more planing than the other one
-highest length of cut range from 175mm to 900mm History of Planer Machine:
-ram cycles per minute r strokes per minute 15-90 -Early planning ideas are known to have been
-highest vertical travel of tool slide 150mm underway in France in the 1750s. In the late 1810s, a
variety of pioneers in various British shops (including
-highest horizontal travel of table 450mm James Fox, George Rennie, Matthew Murray, Joseph
Clement, and Richard Roberts) developed the planer
-dimension of table 473-330mm
into what we today would call a machine tool. The
-floor space necessary 1981-1067mm original idea of this device was that it would speed up
the process of smoothing and finishing the surfaces of
-limit vertical travel of table 475mm already-machined pieces.
-fairly accurate net weight 1750kg -James Fox (fl. 1780–1830) machine tool maker, was
originally a butler in the service of the Rev. Thomas
-power of the motor 3hp
Gisborne, of Foxhall Lodge, Staffordshire.
-extent of stroke 610mm
-George Rennie (3 December 1791 – 30 March 1866)
Usage od Shaper: was an engineer born in London, England.

A shaping machine is used to machine surfaces. It can -Mathew Murray (1765- 20 February 1826).
cut curves, angles and many other shapes. It is a popular
- Joseph Clement (22 April 1789 – 11 March
machine in a workshop because its movement is very
1864) was a Welsh patternmaker and engineer whose
simple although it can produce a variety of work.
development of high-precision machine tools
Advantages: contributed to the birth of production engineering and
mass production
 a single point tool used is inexpensive or we can
say low tooling cost. -Richard Roberts (22 April 1789 – 11 March
1864) was a Welsh patternmaker and engineer whose
 The cutting stroke has a definite stopping point. development of high-precision machine tools
contributed to the birth of production engineering and
 The work can be held easily in the shaper
mass production
Old vs New:
 The setup is very quick and easy and also can be
readily changed from one job to another job.
• The old planer machines are the process of -The tool post is hinged to the head so that on
cutting wood, such as lumber or a log into a the return movement of the table of the cutting
thinner work material. tool will be raised and ride on the top of the
• The old planer machines are very big in size -This protects the cutting edge from being
and consume more space than the new planer damaged and permits the automatic-traverse
machines. But the old planer machines feed to operate without interference.
produce much more boards than the new ones

• The old planer machines are mechanical Classification of Planer Machine:

devices that can flatten and smooth rough
1. Double Housing Planer: consists of two
surfaces on either end side of a board. upright vertical columns which can support a
• The old planer machines have to be manually cross-rail. They are employed for the
machining of guiding surfaces, dovetails, large
fed boards one by one
beds of machines, etc.
• The new planer machine also does this but it 2. Open Side Planer: This is used for machining
has some features that make it better than the wider work pieces. It has only one column or
housing that was present on one side of the
old one.
base and a cross-rail was mounted. The single
• The new planer machines are automatic, so housing or column must be rigid because it has
they will handle large amount of wood at a to carry the entire load during machining.
time. One issue that went wrong with the old 3. Pit Planer: It is massive in construction
compared to the double housing planer. In this
planer machines was the lack of cooling. This
machine, the column which carries the cross-
caused some sort of explosion and became a rail reciprocates on the horizontal rails.
safety hazard to the worker because he could 4. Edge Planer: As the name indicates the Edge
get injured by shrapnel or flying boards. planer machine is used to bevel the edges of
steel plates which are used in the applications
• The new planer machine is the process of
of shipbuilding works and pressure vessels.
cutting wood in the same manner 5. Double Table Planer: This is similar to a
• The new planer machines provide a better double housing planer, but it only has two
tables. The table can be reciprocated
method for cooling because it uses coolant to
individually and they can also be combined
help with this problem and keep cool together and reciprocated as one unit.
effectively so no one is hurt. Used for cutting
material for preparation for further processing
into finished goods ranging from simple Usage Operation and Safety Procedures:
Similarity and Differences of Shaper and Planer:

• Shaping and planning can be both defined as

Parts of Planer Machine: the process of removing metal from a surface
in a horizontal, vertical, and inclined position
a. Bed: The planer bed is a large boxlike casting, to produce a flat or plane surface, slot, and
it acts as the foundation of the machine which
grooves by means of relative reciprocating
supports the other parts that is attached on it.
motion between the tool and work piece. Both
b. Table: It is a large, rectangular casting
mounted on the top of the guideways of the are equipped with a single-point cutting tool,
bed. It holds the work piece. The upper surface and both machines use quick return
has T slots, which facilitate clamping the work, mechanisms. When do we use Planers then?
vises, or special fixtures with T bolts.
c. Housing: The housing is a large vertical • The significance of the Planers machine is
casting, which straddles the table and bed of displayed when it is compared side-by-side to
the planer and supports the mechanism for a Shaper.
operating the tool heads.
• Due to the planer’s bigger size and the
d. Cross rail: The cross rail is a unit mounted in a
horizontal position on the vertical ways of the availability of multiple single cutting tools, it’s
housing. suitable for machining and smoothing large-
-It carries the vertical tool heads, which, by size work such as castings, forgings, and
means of cross feed screw (one of each head), boards. How these large-size works are
may be moved from left to right. accomplished are described by the operations
-It can be moved up or down by means of done on a planer.
elevating screw located within the ways of the
housing. Planer Shaper
SIZE: Relatively Bigger SIZE: Relatively Smaller
e. Tool head: The tool head contains the tool This is because Planer While Shaper machines are
post, which, in turn, holds the cutting tools. machines are meant to do used to make light cuts and
heavier and larger jobs. finer feeds
stationary, while work piece travels, while work piece is
travels stationary.
Planner has longer stroke Provides low MRR, thus
length and can take heavy cuts, shaping is relatively less
therefore, MRR is high. productive.
by gear or hydraulic quick return mechanism to
arrangement drive the ram. In modern
shaper machines, hydraulic
drive is also used.
TOOL: Uses single point TOOL: Uses single point
cutting tool. cutting tool.
But more than one tool can be
used at same time.

• It has Greater accuracy - It is like marking a

Operation on a Planer: straight line or the edge of another piece of
wood or metal. A planer machine has a depth
Horizontal operation on flat surfaces stop and feed travel, which allows it to
accurately follow the profile being cut. The
• Horizontal Operation is performed to create or
depth stop prevents your machine from going
smooth flat surfaces by giving the workpiece a
too deep on one pass, or scratching the material
reciprocating motion while feeding the tool
being cut. The feed travels along with your
crosswise to complete the cut as shown in the
workpiece to keep it in constant motion. Some
video below.
machines have multiple feeds, allowing you to
• Horizontal planning operation is commonly work in different directions at different speeds
used in automotives and manufacturing as the simultaneously.
operation can also be used to create not just flat
• Good surface finish - You can get a high surface
surfaces, but also slots, grooves and other
finish on your workpiece with the help of a
complex shapes on a wide variety of materials.
planer. If you want to get a close and uniform
Vertical operation on flat surfaces surface, the wood should be thin, flat and
• Vertical Operation on a workpiece on the other
hand is done by adjusting the saddle • More than one tool can perform on the
horizontally along the cross rail until the tool workpiece at a time - A planer can be used along
can give the required depth of cut. The vertical with a finishing or thicknessing machine. This
slide is adjusted perpendicular to the planer can help you deliver your workpiece with the
table and the apron is swiveled in a direction so desired quality.
that the tool will swing clear out of the
machined surface during the return stroke. • Less wood waste - With a planer, you can make
Vertical planing operation is commonly used in longboards shorter and thinner.
the manufacturing of columns, frames, and Disadvantages:
machine beds.
• Planer machines are expensive - but that's not
Safety Procedures: the only downside. It's difficult to find a planer
Keeping in mind the general tips on how to stay safe machine in retail stores, so you'll have to
when machining is basically what you need when purchase online unless you're lucky and happen
dealing with Planers. These tips include: to live near one of these machines.

• Wearing Protective Gears and appropriate • It requires more power supply to work - a 200-
clothing (in a machining context) watt power supply will be sufficient for a small
planer. You can also choose between 220-volt
• Keeping the workplace clean and 110-volt models.

• Following the Machine manufacturer’s • Planer machines are noisy - the noise is low
instructions frequency and is like the noise of an air
conditioner or your refrigerator.
• Knowing and using the lock-out and tag-out
procedures • Only a single-point cutting tool can be used –
you can only cut a single-point for planer
• Keeping an emergency kit nearby machines. The most common cutting tools of
• Supervising the surrounding and equipment the planer machine are Japanese board,
Japanese board and English board
• Taking breaks

Tool Used in Planer:

• Cost – you can purchase on an online self-help a. Portable Drilling Machine: small-size, hand
store, but you'll have to pay a great amount of operated power drill, making small holes up to
money 12mm.
-drill small size hole
• Its operation is finite. -work piece is held in a vice
b. Bench Drilling Machine: making holes in wood
and metals
–can perform boring, reaming and tapping;
DRILLING MACHINE drill holes up to 12.5 mm diameter in steel
–used by woodworkers and manufacturing
-machine used to make a circular hole
-as regards to its importance, it is second only to lathe c. Upright Drilling Machine: also known as pillar
machine drilling machine
-making 20mm to 40mm holes in wood and
What is a drill? metal
-looks similar to bench drill machine, but has
-hand tool, power tool, or machine with a rotating more powerful motor and more drilling
cutting tip, reciprocating hammer or chisel used for capacity
making a hole on something -drilling, reaming, tapping screws, spot-facing
machining, and batch production
-a drill that uses electricity is called an electric drill d. CNC Drilling Machine: Computer Numerical
Control, automatically controlled via a
-drill that works when you turn a handle is a hand drill computer that interprets a set of machine-
-the word drill come into use in the early 1600s and readable instruction called G-code
-more accurate and offers improved
derive from Middle Dutch word ‘drillen’, meaning to
bore or turn in a circle.
e. Sensitive Drilling Machine: designed for low-
History of Drilling Machine volume drilling of small diameter holes
-called sensitive drilling machine because a
Hand drills: One of the first drill to be invented was the skilled operator is closely attuned to the feel of
bore drill. This device was invented in Egypt sometime the work under the drill…
around the year 3000 B.C. f. Radial Drilling Machine: has its spindle
mounted to the arm that can be rotated around
The Modern Day Drill: developed from a tool known as the column
an awl, which originally consisted of a sharped stone –allows the operator to drill in various locations
attach to a stick and was used to make holes by a hand. without having to reposition the work piece
Later developed into strap drill, to bow drill (what the g. Gang Drilling Machine: a multi-column drilling
Egyptians used) machine in which numerous drill heads and
columns are mounted on a single table
The Auger Drill: This drill can still be found in use today –drilling holes in a work piece successively
and was invented in the Roman Ages. The auger was a h. Deep-Hole Drilling Machine: drill holes with at
metal corkscrew-like drill with two wooden handles at most a 20:1 diameter to depth ratio
the top, giving it a ‘T’ shape –usually oriented horizontally allowing larger
work piece to lay
Electric Drills: The first one was invented and patented i. Multi-Spindle Drilling Machine: drill multiple
in 1889 by two Australians, Arthur Arnot and William holes in a single work piece simultaneously,
Bryan. They paired up an electric motor to a traditional repeating the same hole pattern for every part
drill design. –suited to mass production with identical parts
j. Turret-Type Drilling Machine: multiple tools
-a stationary drill that was too heavy to move from place attached to a rotating turret
to place. It has limited utility and could only be used in -mass production where many holes drilled in
locations with ample electrical power the same piece with different sizes and depths
-drills one hole at a time
Important Milestones to Remember: k. Micro Drilling Machine: small drill machine
where feed is manually controlled, and
1894: first portable handheld drill, Wilhelm designed to drill small holes with extreme
and Carl Fein in Stuttgart, Germany in 1895 precisions
-electronics or jewelry-making
1917: Black and Decker- revolutionary hand Parts of a Drilling Machine:
drill, first design shape like a gun with a finger-trigger
switch and a handle like a gun a. Base: supports the machine
b. Column: connects the base, table, and head of a
1961: first cordless drill. Black and Decker used drilling machine
a nickel-cadmium battery to power it -serves as a linear slide on which the table
moves up and down
Types of Drilling Machines: c. Arm: allows for some travel in a direction
perpendicular to the column
d. Drill head: contains the spindle, feed  Metric. 0.15 to 76.0 mm diameters
mechanism and drill chuck
e. Worktable: provides a stable surface for the
work piece.  Most drill press spindles are made with a No. 2
-has T slots or holes to facilitate clamping of the or No. 3 Morse Taper (often indicated as MT)
work piece  A drill sleeve is needed when the drill is too
f. Spindle: shaft assembly with bearings that small for the spindle
connects the electric motor to the chuck  A drill socket is used when the spindle is too
-designed to have a little rotational eccentricity small for the drill
as possible to ensure drilled holes are
Types of Drilling Tools:
g. Electric motor: drives the spindle either directly
with a geared box or with a series of belts and a. Flat or spade drill: used when the same size
pulleys twist drill is not available
b. Straight fluted drill: has grooves or flutes
running parallel to the drill axis.
Drilling Machine Tools:
-inconvenient in standard practice.
-A drill is a fluted cutting tool used to originate or -mainly used in drilling brass, copper or other
enlarge a hole in a solid material softer material
c. Twist drill: most common type.
-Most drills are made of HSS (High-Speed Steel) or -can be classified into parallel shank (short or
carbon steel and are available with straight or taper stub) and taper shank twist drill
tanks and with tungsten carbide tips d. Parallel shank:
 Short Series or “Jobbers” Twist Drill:
Parts of a Drill: A twist drill is composed of 3 principal two helical flutes with parallel shank.
parts (point, shank, and body) Diameter ranges from 02 to 16 mm
increasing by 02 to 03 mm in lower
a. Point: a cone-shaped end that does the cutting. series to 025mm in higher series
Components are: e. Taper shank:
 Dead center: sharp edge at the extreme  Taper Shank Twist Drill: have two
tip helical flutes with tapered shank.
 Lips: cutting edge of drill Shanks for this drills conform Morse
 Lip Clearance: amount by which the Taper. Diameter ranges 3-100 mm
surface of the point is relieved back  Taper shank Core Drill: intended for
from the lips enlarging cored, punched or drilled
b. Shank: portion of drill that mounts into the holes
chuck or spindle f. Oil tube drill: used for drilling deep holes
 Straight-shank drills are used with a g. Centre drill: straight shank, two fluted twist
chuck drills used when center holes are drilled on the
 Taper-shank drills have self-holding ends of a shaft
tapers (No. 1 to No. 5 Morse Taper)
 Tang: Located at end of taper shank. It
provides a mean of separating the taper Drilling Machine Operations:
from the holding device
c. Body: portion of drill between a point and a a. Drilling: producing of cylindrical hole, one of
shank. Components are: simplest method of producing a hole
 Flute: 2 or more spiral grooves b. Reaming: accurate way of sizing and finishing a
 Margin: narrow strip extending back hole which have been previously drilled.
along the entire length of drill body –reamer cannot originate a hole
 Body clearance: part of the drill body c. Boring: enlarge a hole, a slow process
that has been reduced in order to lower d. Counterboring: enlarging the end of a hole
friction between drill and hole cylindrically, guided by a pilot
 Web: metal column that separates the e. Countersinking: making a cone-shaped
flutes enlargement of the end of a hole
Drill Holding Devices: mechanism for holding a drill in f. Spot facing: smoothing and squaring the
the drill press depends on its shank. Drills with straight surface around the hole
g. Tapping: cutting internal threads
shanks are held by a moveable jaw mechanism called
h. Lapping: sizing and finishing a small diameter
chuck. hole already hardened by removing a very small
 Drills with taper shanks are held in place by a amount of material
tapered spindle i. Grinding: finish a hardened hole
Drill Sizes: j. Trepanning: producing a hole by removing a
metal along the circumference of a hollow
 Numbers. #80 to #1 (0.0135” to 0.2280” cutting tool
diameters). –performed for producing large holes
 Letters. A to Z (0.234” to 0.413” diameters)
1 1
 Inches and Fractions. 64 " 𝑡𝑜 3 2 " diameters
BORING MACHINE the bar may support on the headstock
spindle end only. For long work, the bar
-Device for producing smooth and accurate holes in a is supported on the spindle end and on
work piece by enlarging existing holes with a bore, the column bearing block.
which may bear a single cutting tip of steel, cemented  Types of Horizontal Boring Machine:
carbide, or diamond or may be a small grinding wheel. a. Table type horizontal boring
machine: The table types are the
Old Boring Machine: most common of all horizontal
• First referred to as TUNNEL BORING boring machines.
MACHINE; also known as mole. -This type of machine is suitable
for general purpose work where
• Built by Henri Maus in 1846 as per other operations, in addition to
commissioned by the King of Sardinia to dig boring, is required to be
the Fréjus Rail Tunnel between France and performed.
Italy through the Alphs. b. Floor type horizontal boring
machine: The floor type horizontal
Usage of Boring Machine: boring machine having notable
uses a constant floor-plate on
The boring process is widely used in various industries,
which T-slots is providing to hold
including aerospace, automotive, medical, and
the work.
manufacturing. It is particularly useful for creating
-This is so designed for holding
precise holes with tight tolerances, which are essential
very large and heavy work pieces
for many applications. For instance, in the aerospace
which are difficult to be mounted
industry, boring is used to create holes for turbine
and adjusted on a table.
blades, engine components, and other critical parts. In
c. Planner type horizontal boring
the automotive industry, boring is used to create
machine: The planer type
cylinder bores for engines, while in the medical
horizontal boring machine
industry, boring is used to create holes for surgical
resembles the table type but the
table slides direct on the bed
Classification of Boring Machine: instead of on a saddle angles to the
spindle similar to a planer.
1. Horizontal Boring Machine: -This type of machine is suitable
 In types of boring machine, the for supporting a long work.
horizontal boring machine is one of the 2. Vertical Boring Machine :
most useful and important machines.  Vertical Boring Machine is also
 A horizontal boring machine can called Production Machine because
perform boring, reaming, turning, multiple tools can be used at a time in
threading, facing, milling, grooving, this machine and hence the
recessing and many other operations production rate increases.
with suitable tools.  In this machine, more than one
 Main parts: surface of the workpiece can be
1. Bed - Part of the machine which is machined simultaneously at a time.
fitting on the floor of the shop and has  Main Parts:
a box-like casting; supports the 1) Bed - The bed is present at the
column, tables and other parts of the bottom and is the base of the
machine. vertical boring machine. The bed
2. Headstock Supporting Column supports every component of the
- Provides support to the headstock and machine.
guides it up and down accurately by the 2) Vertical Columns - Two vertical
guideways. columns are on both sides of the
3. End Supporting Column - vertical boring machine. These
Situated at the other end of the bed vertical columns are mounted on
houses. The column may be adjusted the bed.
on the slide ways of the bed towards or 3) Cross Rail - Cross rail moves
away from the spindle for supporting vertically up and down on the
the different length of boring bars. guideways of the vertical columns.
4. Headstock - The headstock This cross rail can be set on any
mounting on the column supports, position vertically by moving up or
drives, and feeds the tool. down and fixing at the required
5. Saddle and Table - The tables position.
support the work and is, therefore, 4) Spindle Head - The spindle head
provides T-slots for holding various is also known as the tool head or
devices. The saddle allows the work to headstock. It slides on the
be moved longitudinally on the bed. guideways that are present on the
6. Boring Bars - Supports the cutter vertical column and cross rail.
for holding operations on jobs having This spindle head can move
large bore diameters. For short holes, upward and downward and it can
also go forward and backward. This 5) Table and Saddle - The table
spindle head can also be rotated at helps to fasten and hold the
a certain angle. workpiece in a fixture in the
5) Tool Post – The tool post is used required position. So it has T-
to hold the boring tool in a vertical shaped slots built into it. The
boring machine. One or two tool saddle gives the longitudinal
posts can be used as per motion to the work piece.
requirement. It moves sideways Advantages and Disadvantages:
towards the left or right on the
cross rail. Guideways are also made Advantages:
on the cross rail for the tool post to
a. Precision
b. Efficiency
6) Supporting Arm - On the top,
there is a supporting arc present c. Safety
between the two columns. This d. Environmental impact
supporting arc supports the two Disadvantages:
columns so that these columns do a. Cost
not bend or get inclined during the b. Limited capabilities
working of the vertical boring c. Limited mobility
7) Circulatory Table - One of the
most important parts of the vertical MILLING MACHINE
boring machine. This circulatory
table rotates on its vertical axis. In -It is one of the most widely used processes of
other machines, the tool rotates machining custom parts with precise tolerances.
but as large work pieces are to be
worked on the vertical boring -using rotating cutters to remove material by advancing
machine, so the table is made to a cutter into a work piece.
8) Clamping Device - The clamping -Milling covers various operations and machines, from
device is fixed on the T-slot of the small individual parts to large, heavy-duty group
circulatory table. This clamping milling operations.
device is used to hold the work
piece. Parts of Milling Machine:
3. Jig Boring Machine:
 The jig boring is the most accurate a. MOTOR - generate or convert power (electrical
machine of all machine tools. to mechanical)
 Used to produce jigs, fixtures, tools, b. VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL - control the
and other parts. That requires a high speed of the machine
degree of accuracy. They are defined c. QUILL FEED HAND LEVER - combine the
by terms of highest accuracy through quill mechanism with the shaft
rigidity, low thermal expansion, and d. DIGITAL READOUT - showing the position of
precise means of measuring distance the part of the vise table or tool
for locating and spacing holes. e. RAM - part of protruding arm on the vertical
 Main Parts: milling machine
1) Head-stock - It is also called the f. RAM LOCKS - lock part of the ram on the
spindle head, it is fixed on the position for stability
column in the front. The spindle is g. RAM ADJUST HANDLE - lever to adjust the
held in the shaft. As this shaft is position of the ram or arm
moving upward and downward it h. TABLE STOP DOGS - functions as a table stop
becomes more like a telescopic i. TABLE POWER FEED - adjust the table by
mechanism. rotating the available lever
2) Column - It is also a hollow j. COLUMN - supports or cradles for the other
component made of cast iron. It is milling machine parts.
supporting the headstock, k. SADDLE TRAVERSE CRANK - connecting
guideways and vertical head gives saddle and engine crank.
axis for positioning. l. KNEE - On the knee, there are various wheels
3) Bed - The tools on which the that have a function to automatically manage
machine is grounded is called a the movement. BASE - the foundation for the
bed. It is made of cast iron which milling machine
supports the pillar, saddle, control m. VERTICAL TRAVERSE CRANK - connecting
penal, and the whole machine. part of the vertical knee with the machine arm.
4) Pick-up Devices - It is connected n. SADDLE - becomes the cradle of the table
to the table and saddle. It is helping o. TABLE TRAVERSE CRANK HANDLE - a
to control various machine handle/lever connecting the table with the
operations automatically. crank, so you adjust it easily.
p. TABLE - a place to bind work pieces for the
milling process
q. QUILL FEED HANDWHEEL - allows the  This machine can make spur,
milling cutter to be raised and lowered bevel, spiral, twist drill, reamer,
r. QUILL FEED RATE SELECTOR - adjust the milling cutter
quill speed (Inches per revolution; .001, .003,  All operations done by a shaper can
.005) also be performed in universal
s. TOOL HEAD - It holds and rotates the cutting milling machine
tool of the milling machine on specific or even e. Omniversal Milling Machine
custom-built centers of machining.  The table has 4 movements
t. MOTOR SWITCH - adjust the motor drive  The additional swiveling
u. TABLE LOCKS - make the table position fixed. arrangement of the table helps in
v. SPINDLE - a holding place for cutting tools on machining spiral grooves in
the vertical milling machine reamers and bevel gears
w. QUILL - cutting part of the milling machine 2. Manufacturing Type or Fixed Bed Type Milling
a. Simplex Milling Machine
Significance of a Milling Machine:  The spindle or the spindle head can
travel in one direction only.
Provides:  The most common direction in
which it can move is vertical.
a. High accuracy and precision of finished work
 These types of milling machines
b. cuts metal at great speed -stable milling
c. can hold multiple cutting tools at the same time -excellent surface finish and
d. widely used in production works flatness of milled surfaces
-high tool life, high productivity &
low maintenance
Types of Milling Machine b. Duplex Milling Machine
1. Column and Knee Type: the table is mounted in  Duplex milling machines are two
the knee casting which in turn is mounted on machines located opposite the
the vertical slides of the main column. The knee other, which can work separately
is vertical and adjustable in the column and the or as a single milling machine when
table can be moved up and down to the work piece can be machined
accommodate work in various height with 2 simultaneous spindles.
a. Hand Milling Machine  The spindle can move in both
 controlled by hand
horizontal and vertical directions
 cutter is mounted on a horizontal
c. Triplex Milling Machine
arbor and is rotated by power  The spindle can move in all three
 small in size, suitable for light and
directions i.e. X Y and Z axis.
simple milling operations  Special application based on the
(examples: machining slots, customer’s requirements of related
grooves, and keyways accuracies.
b. Plain or Horizontal Milling Machine  Highly productive and accurate
3. Planer-type Milling Machine: Planer Machine
 stronger than hand millers
 table feeding is done either by hand is a machine in which unwanted material is cut
or by power a plain milling from the work piece to produce a flat surface on
machine with the work piece. Unlike Shaper Machine, in this
 a horizontal spindle is also called a machine, more than one tool can be set and
horizontal spindle milling machine perform an operation.
 the table may be feed on a. Double Housing Planer Machine
longitudinal, cross, or vertical  Most workshop use a double
direction housing planer machine.
c. Vertical Milling Machine  Two vertical housings are mounted
 Plane or Universal type one housing: One on each side and
 Spindle is vertical or perpendicular these are connected at the top by a
to the table cross member. It has a horizontal
 For machining grooves, slots, and cross rail that carries two tool
flat surfaces heads slides over the vertical faces
 Has all the movement of a table for of the machine housing.
proper setting and feeding the b. Pit Planer Machine
work.  Pit planer has a massive
d. Universal Milling Machine construction in which the table is
 The table can be swiveled to any kept in a pit and kept stationary.
angle up to 45 degrees on either The crosses rail reciprocates on a
side of the normal position horizontal rail mounted on both
 Helical milling operations can also sides of the table.
be performed  The table of the planer is leveled
with the floor, so heavy work can be
loaded. It has two tool heads and  Used to mill complex shapes and
these can be moved horizontally profiles into a work piece. It
and vertically to have the feed. By features a specialized milling cutter
means of a motor, a driving screw that can follow the contours of the
is used for driving the column work piece to create precise
c. One Side Planer Machine profiles. Profile milling machines
 One housing on one side of the base are commonly used in the
is attached or clamped on which a production of aircraft and
cross rail on a table moves. aerospace parts
 The open side planer machine has d. Planetary Milling Machine
three tool heads mounted on the  Features multiple milling heads
machine. Single housing will bear mounted on a single spindle. The
the entire load, therefore it should heads rotate around the workpiece
be rigid and robust to face the to remove material from multiple
forces. angles simultaneously, resulting in
 It can slide along the guideways of faster and more efficient milling.
the housing in the vertical Planetary milling machines are
direction which carries the tool often used in the manufacturing of
heads automotive parts and aerospace
d. Edger Planer Machine components
 Edge planer is also called plate e. Tracer Control Milling Machine
planer and is used for beveling and  Uses a stylus to trace the outline of
squaring the edges of steel plates a pattern or template, which is then
used for pressure vessels in duplicated in the work piece by the
different applications and in the milling cutter. This type of
ship buildings industry. machine is often used in the
 The table holds the work that production of dies and molds
remains in a stationary position. f. Pentahraph Milling Machine
The work piece can be attached by  A type of milling machine used to
air-operated clamps. The tool head produce highly accurate and
that mounts on the carriage moves intricate patterns or designs on
along two horizontal guideways metal, plastic or wood surfaces. It
works on the principle of a
e. Divided Table Planer Machine pantograph mechanism, which is a
 Has two tables on the bed that can
mechanical linkage that allows a
reciprocate separately or jointly.
set of connected rods to move in a
This will saves the idle time when
parallel manner
you set the work.
g. NC/CNC MIlling Machine
 Mostly suitable for mass
 A computer-controlled milling
production work that can Machine
machine that allows for precise and
is to be done identically, the work
automated control of the milling
on one of the tables is loaded, and
process. The operator inputs a
the other part can reciprocate the
program that specifies the desired
cutting tool for the finishing
milling operations, and the
machine executes those operations
4. Special Type Milling Machine
automatically. This type of
a. Rotary Table Milling Machine
machine is commonly used in the
 This type of milling machine
production of complex parts for a
features a circular table that rotates
variety of industries.
about a vertical axis. The work
piece is mounted on the table and
can be rotated to different Milling Machine Operation:
positions, allowing for milling
operations at various angles. The a. Plain milling operation aka slab milling
rotary table is powered by a motor operation
and can be operated manually or b. Face milling operation: simplest milling
automatically operation
b. Drum Milling Machine c. Side milling operation: producing flat vertical
 Designed for milling cylindrical surface on the side of the work piece
work pieces, such as drums or d. Straddle milling operation: producing flat
pipes. The work piece is held in vertical surface on both sides of the work piece
place by a series of clamps, and the e. Angular milling operation: producing angular
milling cutter rotates around the surface on the work piece at right angles on the
work piece to remove material. axis of the spindle
Drum milling machines are often f. Gang milling operation: operation if machine
used in the manufacturing of with several surfaces simultaneously
automotive parts g. Form milling operation: producing irregular
c. Profile Milling Machine contours by using form cutters
h. Profile milling operation: operation of -It also carries a hole for the pin which engages
reproduction, an outline of a template, or with the tail of the lathe carrier when the work
complex shape of a master dies on a work piece piece is held.
i. Other milling operations:  Angle Plate: It is a L shaped plate with two faces
 End milling at right angles on has slots for clamping on face
 Saw milling plate.
 Keyways, grooves and slot -When work piece is such that it is not possible
 Gear milling to clamp it to the chuck then angle plate is used.
 Helical milling  Mandrels: It is a shaft made of high carbon steel
 Cam milling and mounted between the centres.
 Thread milling -It is used for holding the pre drilled work
pieces for outside machining.
-It is always rotated with the help of a dog and
GRINDING MACHINE it is never placed in a chuck.
-Its various types are plain, step, collar, screw,
cone, gang, expansion.
 Rests: It is used to support a long slender job,
which is turned between centres.
-It prevents the bending of work piece which is
cause due to its own weight and vibrations of
MACHINE ACCESSORIES the cutting forces.
-It is generally used when length to diameter
Machine tools are devices used to shape, cut, ratio is around 1: 10-12
grind, or drill metal, wood, or other materials. They are -Mainly of two types: steady and follower.
essential in manufacturing processes as they help create  Cutting Tools: Cutting tools are essential the
products with precision and accuracy. machine accessories for performing various
machining operations, such as turing, facing,
Accessories, on the other hand, are add-ons to drilling, and threading. They come in different
machine tools that enhance their functionality. They shapes, sizes, and material to suit different
can be used for various tasks such as holding work machining requirements.
pieces securely or providing additional cutting power. -The most commonly used cutting tool for the
Lathe Machine Accessories: machines include turning tools, parting tools,
boring tools, and threading tools Carbide
 Centres: Used for holding the work piece in cutting tool are preferred over high-speed steal
lathe. tools because they are more durable and can
-The entire load of the work piece and thrust withstand higher temperature and speeds
developed due to metal cutting is taken by the
-Made up of very hard metals to resist Shaper Machine Accessories:
deflection and wear.
 Clapper Box: The clapper box is an essential
-Included angle is generally between 60-75°.
accessory used in shaper machines. It is
-Its different types are live and dead center.
responsible for providing a smooth cutting
 Chucks: Used for holding and rotating a work
action by allowing the tool to lift off the work
piece in lathe.
piece during the return stroke.
-Components of any regular of irregular can be
-Usually made of cast irons or steal and is
mounted on the ram of the shaper machine.
-Attached to the spindle with bolts with the
-Consist of two parts- the clapper block and the
back plate screwed on spindle nose.
clapper arm.
-Mainly two types: universal or three jaw chuck
 Vice: A vice is another important accessory
and four jaw chuck (independent).
used in shaper machines. It is used to hold the
 Lathe Carrier: They are used in conjunction
work piece securely in place during the cutting
with the driving plate.
-It may be straight tailed or bent tailed.
-Vices come in different sizes and shapes
-The work piece to be held is inserted in the V
depending on the size and shape of the work
shaped hole.
piece. They can be either manually or
-Work piece of larger diameter can't be held.
hydraulically operated.
 Face Plate: Used for holding the chuck in lathe.
 Step Block: Work piece is clamped to the
-It is very heavy and has strong ribs.
surface of table by strap clamp.
-Nuts and bolts are used for clamping the chuck
-Head of T-bolt fits into T-slot and other end of
with it.
the clamp is put on a step block. Clamp rest on
-Has thread in a hole in centre so that it can be
the step whose height is approximately equal to
fit into the spindle nose
the work piece height.
 Catch Plate: Also known as driving plate.
-Clamp is tightened using nut and T-bolt should
-For attachment to the end of head stock
be placed near to the work piece.
driving spindle, the hole in center in internally
-A number of clamps are used to hold large
work piece.
 Strip and stop Spin: A strip is long piece of -Keyless Chuck - Keyless chucks are designed
rectangular section. At bottom it has a to loosen and tighten a tool on the drill’s chuck
lengthwise projection. This projection fits into collar fast, either manually or when torque is
the T-slot of the table. applied.
-There are number of holes in the strip. Using -Hybrid Drill Chucks - Both keyed and
these holes, the strip is clamped to the table by keyless methods are available in hybrid drill
means of T-bolts. The work piece butts against chucks. The keyless section tightens
the side of the strip plate. automatically, while the keyed portion is
-At the other side of the work piece, stop pins adjusted on the chuck for increased gripping
are fitted in the T-slot. The stop pin screws are and torque support.
tightened to clamp the work piece. This method -These chucks securely clamp down on your
is used for holding thick work piece. drill bits, allowing them to drive into the
 Wedge Strip and Stop Spin: This method is used material without slipping.
for holding large cylindrical work piece. The  Drill Press Vises: Drill press vises are clamping
wedge strip has tong (projection) at its bottom. devices that hold the workpiece in place while
It fits into the T-slot of the table. The wedge drilling. They come in different sizes and
strip is held position by a T-bolt. designs, such as standard vises, cross-slide
-At the other side of the work piece a stop pin is vises, and angle vises.
fitted into the table. A wedge block is placed -Standard vises: A standard drill press vise
between the work and stop pin. The stop pin with two jaws moving towards and apart from
screw is tightened to clamp the work piece. A each other . Suitable for holding small to
filler block is placed between stop pin and medium workpieces.
wedge block to avoid slipping of wedge block -Cross-slide vises: A drill press vise that can
while clamping. move its jaws to the left or to the right. Allows
precise positioning of the work piece in two
Planer Machine Accessories: -Angle vises - angular adjustment on base to
allow operator to drill holes at an angle without
 Angle Plate: Used to clamp work pieces of tilting table.
irregular shapes and having holes.  Coolant system: Coolant systems are used to
-Clamped to the top of table by T-bolts. lubricate and cool the drill bit during drilling.
-Work piece is clamped to the vertical face of They help to reduce friction, heat, and wear on
angle plate. the drill bit, as well as flush away chips and
-A packing strip may be used to support the debris from the hole. Coolant systems can be
work piece at the bottom. either internal or external.
 Cutting Tools: Cutting tools are an essential -External coolant systems uses a spray
component of planer machine tool accessories. nozzle to direct coolant onto the drill bit and
They are used to remove materials from the work piece.
work piece during the machining process -Internal coolant systems deliver coolant
-Comes in various shape and sizes, including through the center of the drill bit.
straight, helical, and circular cutters. -Some drilling machines have built-in coolant
-HSS and carbide are commonly used materials systems, while others require a separate
for cutting tools due to their durability and coolant pump and reservoir.
resistance to wear and tear.  Depth Stops: Depth stops, also called drill
stops, are collars that fit around your drill bit.
Drilling Machine Accessories: They allow you to drill a specific depth, and
prevent the drill from drilling any deeper.
 Drill Bits: Drill bits are the most common They help to ensure consistent and accurate
accessory for drills. There are many different hole depths, especially when drilling multiple
drill bits types, with each being designed for holes in the same work piece.
different, specific applications and operated in
different ways.
-High Speed Steel (HSS) Bits Boring Machine Accessories:
-Brad Point (Wood) Bits  Boring Head: Used for mounting cutters while
-Masonry Drill Bits machining large diameter holes where a
-Multi-Purpose Drill Bits standard boring bar is unsuitable due to the
-Titanium Nitride HSS smaller diameter or excessive overhang of the
 Chucks: Drill chucks are spindle-mounted cutter.
mechanisms that hold a drill or other cutting -Amply supports the tool and reduces
instrument. They come in keyed, keyless, and machining time due to the larger number of
hybrid systems, allowing for rapid drill bit
cutting edges.
changes. Drill chucks are frequently linked to a  Facing Head: The facing head is mounting on
machine’s spindle through a drill chuck arbor the end of the spindle. It comprises a flange
that may be removed. provides with a diameter slide-way on which
-Keyed Chuck - Keyed chucks are designed to the tool carrying a bracket may be adjusted.
use a key to loosen or tighten the grip on a tool.
-The bracket may be fed radially or located and machine table surface or the bottom surface of
clamped at the centre for supporting a long the vise opening.
boring bar.  Pointed Wiggler or Line Finder: A wiggler is a
-A facing head enables enlarging of large tool which is used to reference the spindle of the
diameter holes, facing an external turning machine to the edge of the part or layout
operation. It is illustrating in the facing head. location.
 Boring Bars: The maximum diameter of the bar -The wiggler is mounted in the spindle of the
employed is ordinarily not larger than the machine. It can be mounted in a drill chuck or
spindle diameter, and the length is such that it collet. Start the spindle of the machine and
can reach the end column support. make the wiggler run true by bringing into
-A boring bar should be of the maximum contact, a piece of steel or some other material,
diameter and minimum length to reduce with the point of the wiggler. When the point is
bending or vibration and it may support in running true, move the table so that the point of
various ways to suit to different types of work the wiggler is lined up with the layout lines or
pieces. the edge of the part.
-Adjustable Boring Bars - These are built  Spring Loaded Edge Finder: The spring loaded
with cartridges (to hold throwaway type edge finder is an accurate and quick method of
inserts) adjustable in axial and radial directions locating the edge of the part. This type of edge
by set screws. finder consists of two pieces; the head and the
-Damped Boring Bars - In it, dampers are shank. The head and the shank are held
provided at the feed end to absorb vibrations. together using a spring. The head of the edge
-Line Boring Bars - These are used for long finder has at least one diameter that is the same
bores and can accommodate fly cutters, tool as the shank and can offset about .05 of an inch
blocks, cartridges etc. These are supported at off of the centre of the body. As the edge finder
the feed end in suitable bearings. is rotated, the eccentricity becomes more
apparent. The edge finder can be used in a drill
chuck or collect.
Milling Machine Accessories:  Vise Stop: The vise stop is used for repeat
positioning of parts. The vise stop can greatly
 Vertical Milling Attachments or Swivel reduce setup time.
Attachments: Desirable on horizontal milling Once the reference plane of the first part is
machines for substituting the horizontal found, a solid vise stop is set up to accurately
spindle by a vertical spindle motion. The position the next part. There are many styles of
attachment is a right-angle gear box having vise stops. Some vise stops are incorporated
bevel gear set in ratio of 1:1 and the axis of the into the design of the vise. Most vise stops can
vertical spindle could also be swiveled by 45°, be easily attached to either the left or right side
thus allowing the machining of bevels and of the vise.
slanted surfaces.
 High-speed Milling Attachments: With the help
of this attachment the speed of the spindle can Grinding Machine Accessories:
be increased three to four times so that the
operation with small cutters could be carried  Magnetic Chuck: Are work-piece holding
out efficiently. The attachment is mounted on devices by means of magnetic force and you use
the column with four bolts and can be swiveled this extensively in surface grinding machines;
also at any angle. magnetic chucks are available in circular and
 Slotting Attachments: With the help of this rectangular shapes. This is extremely useful
attachment, square holes, slots and a variety of when you need to grind small components.
jobs can be made on milling machine which a -Have two types of magnetic chucks- one with
rotary tool can’t do. This unit is mounted on the a permanent magnet where you engage or
column face and converts rotary motion into disengage the magnet by using a lever; and
reciprocating motion. The usual range of linear another with an electromagnet where you
movement is 0-10 cm with an adjustment for can switch the magnet on or off (from your
360 degrees swivel. This attachment allows the electric box).
machining of keyways, slots and certain  Wheel Dressers: Your diamond wheel dresser
grooves. has single or multiple diamonds mounted on a
 Universal Dividing Head: An indexing head, shank by a sintering process. Single point
also known as a dividing head or spiral head, is dresser is more popular and you use it for truing
a specialized tool that allows a work piece to be and dressing of your abrasive grinding wheel.
circularly indexed. The indexing dividing head -During dressing, you are removing the glazed
for the milling machine is a machine tool abrasive particles and expose the fresh
accessory installed on the milling machine to abrasive particles beneath it.
divide the work piece into arbitrary parts.  Precision Grinding Vise: vise is hardened and
 Parallels; Parallels or parallel bars, as they are ground on all sides and has one fixed jaw and
sometimes called, are used primarily to raise one movable jaw. Vise with a ‘V’ on the inside of
the height of the work piece. Parallels are the movable jaw is available for clamping round
precision ground bars which will assure that the work-pieces. You can use a smaller vise on a
position of the work piece is parallel to the magnetic chuck and clamp the bigger vice
directly on the machine table.
 V-Blocks: are rectangular blocks with a V-
shape on the top for holding round-shaped
components. The V blocks are made of good
quality steel, hardened and ground and you can
mount it on the magnetic chuck of your
machine. V block comes in various lengths and
clamps to clamp the work-pieces on the V block.
V blocks are convenient to clamp circular
components for surface grinding on your
 Sine Table: It is used for precise angular
measurement and used to measure sine bars
very accurately or to detect any work that
offered a high level of accuracy in measuring
-The sine bar is an exact angle measuring
instrument. It is used to measures angles very
accurately or to align the work piece at a given
angle. The sine bar is the most accurate tool
for measuring angles.
 Punch Former: is an accessory for accurately
grinding various types of punches as well as
electrodes of EDM, core pins with a surface
grinding machine. It is useful for not just round
shape radius but also for multi angle or any
unusual shapes. This accessory is very valuable
and cost-effective too. You have the Punch
Former with a crank and that can be used for
things like dressing the grinding wheel into a
multitude of curved or flat shapes.

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