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Examen SPTFOrd

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Sistemas de producción y tecnologías de fabricación

3º Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriales

Escuela Politécnica Superior. Campus de Leganés

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Reservados todos los derechos.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Production Systems and Manufacturing Technologies
Department of Mechanical Engineering

EXAM January 29, 2021

Last name and name: Group:
Problem 2: (4,5 pts.)
The attached schematic drawings correspond to an example of possible geometry of the actuator device of
the landing gear doors of a passenger aircraft. An initial forging fabrication process or a molding process can
be used to manufacture this actuator device.

It is requested:
1. Explain, justifying your answer, the main differences in terms of cost and mechanical properties that
would justify using molding or forging as the initial process for the manufacture of actuator device.
Indicate, also justifying, if it would be necessary to carry out a shaping process after forging or molding,
and if necessary, in which areas of the piece it would be carried out. (1 pt.)
2. To manufacture a batch of 100 aluminum actuator devices Al 2024 T42 (ρ = 2.78g / cm3), the process
starts with forged preformed parts that already include the 35mm wide groove that gives rise to the fork-
type geometry of the piece. The subsequent machining process is carried out in 2 phases to machine the
2 faces of the forked area (the piece is turned 180º to carry out the 2nd phase). In each phase, the cavities
represented in the drawing are machined with a mill, a drilling and threading of the M22 metric hole for
the shaft and the drilling of the 8 holes of 8mm diameter marked in the figure. All operations are carried
out on the same machine tool (machining center). Additional data:
- MILLING (grooving of the cavities):
o The depth of all the cavities to be machined is 10mm.
o The tool is a mill with a diameter D = 50mm and 4 edges. Cutting parameters used: axial depth of
pass pa = 5 mm, mean radial depth pr = D / 2, feed per edge 0.1mm and cutting speed 150m / min.
o Taking into account all the pockets made in the same grip of the part (that is, all the pockets to be
made on one of the faces of the part), each pass requires that the mill travel a machining length
of 600mm.

Problem Time 1: 50 minutes. INDIVIDUAL realization ONLY WITH THEORETICAL MATERIAL (without problems)
Score for this exercise: 4.5 over 10 1

Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Production Systems and Manufacturing Technologies
Department of Mechanical Engineering

o All drilling and threading operations are carried out in the area of the part with fork-type geometry
with a 35mm wide central groove. The area where the M22 threaded hole is made for the actuator
shaft is not milled, so the thickness of each fork plate is 20mm. The 8 through holes of 8mm
diameter are made in the pocket areas of the fork where the thickness of each fork plate is 10mm.
o The pitch of the M22 thread is the normalized one (equal to 2.5mm). Recommended cutting speed
for the tap: vc = 15 m / min.
o Recommended cutting parameters for all drills: f = 0.12 mm / rev; vc = 40 m / min.

2.1 Calculate the unit cutting time for each operation (2 pts.)
2.2 Calculate the unit manufacturing time considering that the handle times account for 40% of the
total cutting time and that the total preparation time is 300 minutes. (0,75 pts.)
3. Calculate the average chip section in the part for the milling operation (grooving of the cavities). Also
calculate for this operation the average cutting power expressed in watts, considering that the specific
cutting force is 1000N / mm2. (0,75 pts.)


1.- Forja: Mejores propiedades mecánicas (afino de grano, reducción de sopladuras, orientación fibras, etc.). En
general la forja también se corresponde con un mayor coste que el moldeo debido al mayor coste de los utillajes
de forja (necesidad de varios moldes para las distintas etapas de forjado, utillajes más costosos por estar
sometidos a solicitaciones más severas, etc.). El elevado coste del utillaje del proceso de forja limita
especialmente su aplicación para volúmenes de producción reducidos.
En ambos casos (preforma forjada o moldeada) será necesario realizar operaciones de mecanizado al menos
de las zonas de interfaz con otras piezas, taladros y del alojamiento del eje para obtener las calidades necesarias
impuestas por la funcionalidad de la pieza.
Fresado (cajeados): tc = (Np*L)/Va = (Np*L)/n*az*z
n=(1000*Vc)/(pi*D) = (1000*150)/(pi*50) = 954,93rpm  955rpm
Como la profundidad axial es de 5mm y la profundidad de las cajeras es de 10mm, se necesitarán 2 pasadas.
Además, deben considerarse que la pieza incluye cajeras en sus 2 caras (2 fases de mecanizado). Por tanto, la
longitud de mecanizado total es 2*2*600mm:
tc = (600*2*2)/(955*0,1*4) = 6,28min/pieza;

Taladro previo al roscado M22: tc = L/Va = (Long+0,3*D)/n*a

Tablas de roscado, para M22, el diámetro de la broca previa para hacer el taladrado debe ser de D=19,5mm.
n=(1000*Vc)/(pi*D) = (1000*40)/(pi*19,5) = 653rpm
Se taladran las 2 placas de la pieza, teniendo cad auna de ellas un espesor de 20mm :
tc = 2*(20+0,3*19,5)/(653*0,12) = 0,66min/pieza;

Roscado M22 con macho de roscar: tc = (Np*L)/(p*n)

(Para cada pieza es necesario realizar 2 roscados de longitud 20mm en una única pasada):

Problem Time 1: 50 minutes. INDIVIDUAL realization ONLY WITH THEORETICAL MATERIAL (without problems)
Score for this exercise: 4.5 over 10 2

Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Production Systems and Manufacturing Technologies
Department of Mechanical Engineering

tc = (2*20/(paso*n))
n = (1000*15)/(pi*22) = 217rpm
tc = 40/(2,5*217) = 0,07min/pieza;
Taladros de diámetro 8mm:
Cada pieza requiere realizar 16 taladros de diámetro 8mm (8 en cada cara) con espesor a taladrar de 10mm.
tc = L/Va = 16*(l+0,3*D)/(n*a)
n=(1000*Vc)/(pi*D) = (1000*40)/(pi*8) = 1592rpm ;
tc = 16*(10+0,3*8)/(1592*0,12) = 1,04min/pieza;

Tiempo de fabricación total: tfab = tp + tm +tc
tp = 300/100 = 3min/pieza;
tm = 0,4*tc;
tfab = 3 + 1,4*tc = 3 + 1,4*(6,28+0,66+0,07+1,04) = 14,27 min/pieza

S = (az*z*pr*pa)/(pi*D) = (0,1*4*25*5)/(pi*50) = 0,32mm2
Fc = fc*S = 1000*0,32 = 320N
Pc = Fc*Vc = 320*150/60 = 800 W;

Problem Time 1: 50 minutes. INDIVIDUAL realization ONLY WITH THEORETICAL MATERIAL (without problems)
Score for this exercise: 4.5 over 10 3

Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.

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