Amm Model Test Paper Q1. (A) State The Characteristics and Function of Dielectric Fluid Used in EDM
Amm Model Test Paper Q1. (A) State The Characteristics and Function of Dielectric Fluid Used in EDM
Amm Model Test Paper Q1. (A) State The Characteristics and Function of Dielectric Fluid Used in EDM
Several types of non-traditional machining processes have been developed to meet extra required
machining conditions.
(i)What are the factors affecting rate of machining in ECM?
Material removal rate, MRR, in electrochemical machining:
MRR = C .I. h (cm3/min)
C: specific (material) removal rate (e.g., 0.2052 cm3/amp-min for nickel);
I: current (amp);
h: current efficiency (90100%).
The rates at which metal can electrochemically remove are in proportion to the current passed
through the electrolyte and the elapsed time for that operation. Many factors other than current
influence the rate of machining. These involve electrolyte type, rate of electrolyte flow, and some
other process conditions.
(j) ) Identify different modules of EDM system
Dielectric reservoir, pump and circulation system
Power generator and control unit
Working tank with work holding device
X-y table accommodating the working table
The tool holder
The servo system to feed the tool
(k) What is meant by CAPP? . List the activities associated with process planning?
CAPP refers to computer aided process planning. CAPP is used to overcome the drawbacks of
manual process planning. With the use of computers in the process planning, one can reduce the
routine clerical work of manufacturing engineers. Also it provides the opportunity to generate
rational, consistent and optimal plans.
Activities associated with process planning:
1.Analysing finished part equipments
2. Determining operating sequence
3. Selecting machines
4. Selecting material parameters
5. Calculating process times
6. Documenting process planning
High hardness
High strength
High brittleness
2.Related to workpiece structure:
Complex shapes
Typical thin and delicate geometries
Parts which are difficult in fixturing
3.Related to requirements in high surface finish and tight tolerances.
4. Related to controlling of temperature rise and residual stresses.
(b) What is Classification of Advanced Machining / Material Removal Processes?
These processes are referred to a typical group of advanced machining processes in which the
excess material is removed by non-traditional source of energy arising from electrical,
mechanical, thermal or chemical source. Most of these processes dont use a sharp cutting tool,
as in the conventional case. Advanced material
removal processes are generally classified according to the type of energy used to remove
material. The classification of these processes based on the energy is given as below: The
processes based on use of are:
1.Electro-Chemical Machining (ECM),
2.Electro-Chemical Grinding (ECG),
The processes based on the use of Thermal Energy are:
Electric- Discharge Machining (EDM),
Wire-Cut Electric Discharge Machining (WEDM)
Laser Beam Machining (LBM),
Electron Beam Machining (EBM).
The processes based on the use of Mechanical Energy are:
Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM)
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM),
Water Jet Machining (WJM),
Abrasive Water Jet Machining
Ultrasonic Machining (USM),
Ques 3: What is AJM. Explain principle of
disadvantage of AJM?
The principle of machining / cutting by abrasive jet process is explained through the
following steps:
1. Abrasive particles of size between 10 m to 50 m (depending upon the
requirement of either cutting or finishing of the workpiece) are accelerated in a
gas stream (commonly used gas stream is air at high atmospheric pressures).
2. The smaller abrasive particles are useful for finishing and bigger are used for
cutting operations.
3. The abrasive particles are directed through the nozzle, towards the workpiece
surface where-ever cutting or finishing is to be done. The distance between the tip
of the nozzle and the work surface is normally within 1 mm.
4. As the abrasive particles impact the surface of the workpiece, it causes a small
fracture at the surface of the workpiece. The material erosion occurs by the
chipping action.
5. The erosion of material by chipping action is convenient in those materials that
are hard and brittle.
6. As the particles impact the surface of workpiece, it causes a small fracture and
wear, which is carried away by the gas along with the abrasive particles.
7. The abrasive particles once used, cannot be re-used as its shape changes partially
and the workpiece material is also clogged with the abrasive particles during
impingement and subsequent flushing by the carrier gas.
AJM process is a highly flexible process wherein the abrasive media is carried by
a flexible hose, which can reach out to some difficult areas and internal regions.
AJM process creates localized forces and generates lesser heat than the
conventional machining processes.
There is no damage to the workpiece surface and also the process does not have
tool-workpiece contact, hence lesser amount of heat is generated.
The power consumption in AJM process is low.
The material removal rate is low
The process is limited to brittle and hard materials
The wear rate of nozzle is very high
The process results in poor machining accuracy
The process can cause environmental pollution
Q5.(a)What is the working principle of ECM?Explain with a neat sketch.Also state the
process variables that effect the ECM process?
Working principle of Electrochemical Machining (Theory):
Electrochemical machining is based on the principle of outlined in Fig. 2, the workpiece and tool
are the anode and cathode respectively, of the electrolytic cell, and a potential difference, usually
at about 10 V, is applied across them. A suitable electrolyte, for example aqueous sodium
chloride solution is chosen so that the cathode shape remains unchanged during electrolysis. The
electrolyte is pumped at a rate 3 to 30 m/sec through the gap between electrodes to remove the
products of machining and to diminish unwanted effects, such as those that arise with cathodic
gas generation and electric heating. The rate at which metal is then removed from the anode is
approximately in inverse proportion to the distance between the electrodes. As machining
proceeds, and with the simultaneous movement of the cathode at a typical rate, for example, 0.02
mm/sec towards the anode, the gap width along the electrode length will gradually tend to a
steady-state value. Under these conditions, a shape, roughly complementary to that of cathode,
will be produced on the anode. A typical gap width then should be about 0.4 mm.
Experimental set up
The number of process variables affects on the results of the ECM process are
1. tool feed rate 2. current density 3. electrolyte-type 4. Composition 5. temperature, 6.flow
rate 7. tool and fixture-material and finish 9. work piece material condition
10. cutting gap
Q6.(a) Describe the basic mechanism of material removal in USM? What are the components
of USM?State the advantages,limitations and applications of USM?
USM is generally used for machining brittle work material. Material removal
primarilyoccurs due to the indentation of the hard abrasive grits on the brittle work
material. As the tool vibrates, it leads to indentation of the abrasive grits. During
indentation, due to Hertzian contact stresses, cracks would develop just below the contact
site, then as indentation progresses the cracks would propagate due to increase in stress
and ultimately lead to brittle fracture of the work material under each individual
interaction site between the abrasive grits and the workpiece. The tool material should be
such that indentation by the abrasive grits does not lead to brittle failure. Thus the tools
are made of tough, strong and ductile materials like steel, stainless steel and other ductile
metallic alloys.
Ultrasonic transducer
Abrasive slurry
Abrasive feed mechanism
Tool feed mechanism
1. High accuracy and good surface finish
2. No heat generation during machining
3. Capability of drilling circular and non-circular holes in very hard materials.
4. No thermal effects on mechanical work piece.
5. Non-conductive materials can be machined.
Disadvantages of USM?
1.Tool wear
2Frequent turning is required
3Low material removal rate.
4Not economical for soft materials.
5Not suitable for heavy stock removal.
Applications of USM:
1Almost all the material can be machined except some soft materials.
21Diamond, Tungsten, Tungsten carbide, and synthetic ruby can be
successfully machined.
3USM can be used for drilling, grinding, profiling, coining, threading
and even for welding.
4For preparing wire drawing dies and tool room items.
5Used in jewellery for shaping jewels
6Drilling of screw threads and curved holes in brittle materials.
Q8. What is LBM?What is its working principle?Explain its process and state its advantages and
Laser beam have wide industrial applications including some of the machining processes. A
laser is an optical transducer that converts electrical energy into a highly coherent light beak.
One must know the full name of laser, it stands for light amplification of stimulated emission of
radiation. Laser being coherent in nature has a specific property, if it is focused by conventional
optical lenses can generate high power density.
Working Principle of LBM
LBM uses the light energy of a laser beam to remove material by vaporization and ablation. The
working principle and the process details (setup) are indicated in Figure. In this process the
energy of coherent light
beam is focused optically for predecided longer period of time. The beam is pulsed so that the
released energy results in an impulse against the work surface that does melting and evaporation.
Here the way of metal removing is same as that of EDM process but
method of generation of heat is different. The application of heat is very finely focused in case of
LBM as compared to EDM.
Process Details of LBM
Laser Tube and Lamp Assembly
This is the main part of LBM setup. It consists of a laser tube, a pair of
reflectors, one at each end of the tube, a flash tube or lamp, an amplification source, a power
supply unit and a cooling system. This whole setup is fitted inside a enclosure, which carries
good quality reflecting surfaces inside. In this setup the flash lamp goes to laser tube,
that excites the atoms of the inside media, which absorb the radiation of incoming light energy.
This enables the light to travel to and fro between two reflecting mirrors. The partial reflecting
mirror does not reflect the total light back and apart of it goes out in the form of a coherent
stream of monochromatic light. This highly amplified stream of light is focused on the workpiece
with the help of converging lense. The converging lenses is also the part of this assembly.
The range of workpiece material that can be machined by LBM includes
high hardness and strength materials like ceramics, glass to softer materials like plastics, rubber
wood, etc. A good workpiece material high light energy absorption power, poor reflectivity, poor
thermal conductivity, low specific heat, low melting point and low latent heat.
Cooling Mechanism
A cooling mechanism circulates coolant in the laser tube assembly to avoid
its over heating in long continuous operation.
Tool Feed Mechanism
There is no tool used in the LBM process. Focusing laser beam at a
pre-decided point in the workpiece serve the purpose of tool. As the
requirement of being focused shifts during the operation, its focus point can
also be shifted gradually and accordingly by moving the converging lense in a controlled manner.
This movement of the converging lense is the tool feed mechanism in LBM process.
Applications of LBM
LBM is used to perform different machining operations like drilling, slitting,
slotting, scribing operations. It is used for drilling holes of small diameter of the order of 0.025
mm. It is used for very thin stocks. Other applications are listed below :
(a)Making complex profiles in thin and hard materials like integrated
circuits and printed circuit boards (PCBS).
(b)Machining of mechanical components of watches.
(c)Smaller machining of very hard material parts.
Advantages of LBM
(a)Materials which cannot be machined by conventional methods are machined by LBM.
(b)There is no tool so no tool wear.
(c)Application of heat is very much focused so rest of the workpiece is least
affected by the heat.
(d)Drills very find and precise holes and cavities.
Disadvantages of LBM
Major disadvantages of LBM process are given below :
(a)High capital investment is involved. Operating cost is also high.
(b)Recommended for some specific operations only as production rate is
very slow.
(c)Cannot be used comfortably for high heat conductivity materials light
reflecting materials.
(d)Skilled operators are required.