UMP Book
UMP Book
UMP Book
Unconventional machining Process Need classification
Brief overview.
Unit 1
It is the process of removing the material from the work
piece to obtain the desired shape and size. The machining
process is classified in to two types.
1. Conventional Machining
2. Non conventional (or) Un conventional machining
(4) The high accuracy cannot be obtained in conventional
4. Tool material need not harder that the work material (In
many cases softer material can be used as the tool
5. Generally tool wear is negligible; hence tool wear is not
a problem.
6. No burn is left o the w/p
7. In most cases entire contour (or) design shape can be
obtained in one stage (or) in one setting. This is
possible source the material removal takes place
uniformly over the entire surface area simultaneous.
8. Intricate shaped contours and fine machining of
precision holes are possible.
9. For improved productivity modern Machining methods
can be easily integrated with help of CNC.
desired shape (or) contour by material removal from the w/p.
Different forms of energy applied to the work piece are
(1) Mechanical energy
(2) Electrical (or) Electro chemical energy
(3) Thermal energy
(4) Chemical energy
Classification of new machining methods is done on the
basis of the type of energy used in the working zone for
material removal actor.
Mechanical Energy
Ultrasonic machining USM
Ultrasonic Assisted machining UAM
Rotary ultrasonically Assisted Machining RUM
Abrasive Jet machining AFM
Abrasive flow machining AFM
Orbital grinding OG
Water Jet Machining WJM
Electrical Energy
Electro chemical machining ECM
Electro chemical Grinding ECG
Electro chemical discharge grinding ECDG
Electro chemical deburring ECD
Electro chemical Honing ECH
Shaped tube Electrolytic machining STEM
Electro stream drilling ESD
Electro Jet drilling EHD
Thermal Energy
Electro discharge machining EDM
Electric beam machining EBM
Laser Beam machining LBM
Electro Discharge wire cutting EDNC
Electro Discharge Grinding EDG
Plasma ARS Machining PAM
Plasma assisted machining PAM
Thermal Deburring TD
Ion Beam machining TBM
Chemical Energy
Chemical milling - CHM
Chemical Blanking - CHB
Chemical Engraving - CHE
Electro polishing - ELP
Photo chemical machining - PCM
Thermo chemical machining - TCM
All modern machining methods are generally costly
Specific power consumption is quite high
Work piece and tool must be electrically conductive
The depth of cut is limited eg LBM and etc.
Unit -2
Sand blasting is enters differ from AJM. AJM is process
meant for metal removal with the use of small abrasive
particles. Sand blasting is a surface cleaning. Process which
does not involve any metal cutting.
Surface finish achieved by the process is dependent on
the abrasive particle size.
Velocity of fluid
The velocity of the carrier gas transporting the abrasive
particles changes considerably with the change of abrasive
particle density as shown in fig.
Mixing Ratio
Fig 2.4
The mixing ratio can be kept constant only by
simultaneous increase of both gas and abrasive mass flow rate.
The abrasive mass flow can be increased by increasing the
mass flow rate of carrier gas; this is only possible by
increasing internal gas pressure as shown in fig.
Fig 2.5
Effect of abrasive flow rate on MRR
A high efficiency region for MRR can be obtained in
the case of AJM process as shown in Fig.
Fig 2.6
Fig 2.7 (b)
Divergence angle for an abrasive jet is 7.
The distance of nozzle tip from the work surface at the
base of machining is known stand off distance (or) nozzle tip
distance. Which is usually varies from 0.7 to 1.0mm.
Fig 2.8
The material is removed from the w/p due to impact
erosion of high velocity particles. The K.E of the particle is
utilized to cause the micro indentation in the work material and
the material removal is a measure of the indentation.
Fig 2.9
Fig 2.10
The relation b/w abrasive particle sized indentations depth of
and half of chord length r
r2 = 2RS = ds
Volume of material removed per particle impact (v)
Brittle material hemispherical brittle fracture.
V = 2/3 r3 = 2/3 (Ds)3/2
For ductile material (material removed is equal to the
indentation volume)
V = Zs2 [(d/2) (/3)]
V=Zds2 / 2 [neglecting s3 forms)
So if there are N numbers of particle impacts per unit.
Fig 2.11
1. This is used for abrading and frosting glass more
economically as compared to etching or grinding.
2. Cleaning of metallic smears on ceramics, oxides on
metals, resistive coatings etc.
3. Cutting and machining of fragile material like
germanium, silicon etc.
4. Machining of semiconductors
5. Fine drilling and micro welding
6. Aperture drilling for electronic microscopes.
Working of intensifier
Oil pressure is applied on one side of the large piston in
the centre of intensifier, causing a displacement of the small
pistons. During this motion, one small piston compresses the
water its cylinder as the other small piston sucks water into its
Pw is a function of the oil pressure (po) areas of the oil piston
Ao and Area of the water piston Aw.
WJM is used to cut many non metallic materials like
keplar, glass epoxy, graphite, boron, corrugated board, leather,
and many other brittle materials. It is used in shoe industry,
steel plant industry and aircraft industry.
In this operation, a high frequency electric current is
sent by the ultrasonic oscillator to the ultrasonic transducer.
The function of transducer is to convert this electrical energy
into mechanical vibrations. The vibrations so generated are of
the order of 20KH2 to 30KH2, although the available
amplitude usually varies from 0.01mm to 0.1mm. These
vibrations are then transmitted to the cutting tool via the
intermediate connecting parts such as transducer cone (or)
horn, connecting body and tool holder. This makes the tool
vibrate in a longitudinal direction. The intermediate parts
together form what is known as the Focusing Unit and the
cutter tool is fastened at its end. The shape of the cutting tool is
the same as that of cavity to be produced in it.
Work material
It is used for machining any type of material both
ductile and brittle material which includes harder material.
Tool cone and tool tip
The tool cone (also called horn) amplifies and focuses
the mechanical energy produced by the transducer and imparts
this to the w/p in such a way that energy utilization is optimum.
Practically low gain horn gives low amplitude with a high force
capability and conversely, a high gain horn has a high
amplitude and low force capability. To operate efficiently, the
horn must be tuned to within a few KH2/S of required
frequency. Titanium is a good material for the tool cone.
Tool Tip
The tool tip is attached to the base of the cone by silver
brazing, soft soldering (or) by means of screws. The area of the
tool should not exceed the area of small sector of the cone by
more than 10-15%.
An 11.98mm dia tool tip may produce a 12.00 mm hole.
Tool material is tungsten carbide but the cost of such tool will
be high tough malleable materials such as alloy sled and Steel
are also used.
Abrasive slurry
When the tool vibrates with a sp. Frequency, as
abrasive slurry [usually a mixture of abrasive grains and water
of definite proportion] is made to flow through the tool w/p
interface. The impact force due to vibrator of the tool end and
the flow of slurry through the tool-work interface actually
causes thousand of microscopic abrasive grains to remove the
work material by abrasion.)
Abrasive slurry is nothing but abrasive mixed with
water in a proper concentrator usually its concentration is 50%
by weight, however this can vary from 30 to 60%, and this
slurry is stored in a reservoir at the USM M/C and pumped to
the tool w/p interface by recirculating pumps at the rates up to
26.5L/min. some of the abrasives are.
1. Boron carbide
2. Alumina (Aluminium oxide)
3. Silicon carbide
4. Diamond dust
The main important parts are
1. Acoustic head
2. Concentrator
3. Feed Mechanism
4. Abrasive feed system
5. Ultrasonic oscillator
Acoustic Head
Major working parts of this machine are the acoustic
head. The main function of this is to produce and propagate
vibration in the tool. Energy is being drawn from the generator
in electrical form and is converted in to mechanical form by
means of transducer.
A transducer is a device that converts energy from one
form to another. In the case of USM, transducer, electrical
energy is converted to mechanical motor. Two types of
transducers used for ultrasonic machining based on two
different principles of operation. Piezoelectric and
There are some materials which exhibit change in
dimension when they are magnetized. This properly is known
as magnetostriction (or) piezomagnetism. The change can be
positive (or) negative in a direction to magnetic field and also
independent of the direction of magnetic field.
Magnetostrictive transducers
Magnetostriction can be explained in terms of domain
theory. Domains are very small elements of material in the
order of 10-8 10-9 CM3 called as Dipoles.
Under sufficient magnetic field, the magnetic dipoles
(domains) align themselves in the direction of magnetic field.
This causes either to expand (or) contract until the magnetic
domains are parallel to magnetic field.
When the material expands on the application of
magnetic field irrespective of its direction is called as positive.
Magnetostriction and similarly for negative magnetostriction
when it contracts.
Thus the strain produce (+Ve or Ve) ie J/J is very
small of the order of 10-6 to 10-5. The magnetostrictive curves
for few commonly used materials.
Fig 2.15
Magnetostrictive transducers are usually constructed
from a laminated stack of nickel (or) nickel alloy steel which,
when influenced by a strong magnetic field, will change length.
Magnetostrictive transducers have electro mechanical
conversion efficiencies ranging from only 20 to 35%. Due to its
low Conversion efficiency results in need to water cool
magnetostrictive devices to remove waste heat.
Magnetostrictive transducers are available with power
capabilities up to 2400w.
Piezoelectric transducers
Piezoelectric transducers used for USM generate
Mechanical motor through piezoelectric effect by which certain
materials. Such as quartz (or) lead and titanate. When electric
current is applied to one of these materials, the material
increases minutely in size, when the current is removed the
material instantly turns to its original shape.
Sandwich Transducers
It consists of piece (or) pieces of transducer material are
oriented between two plates of non-piezoelectric materials.
Uses of several piece of transducer materials side by side the
radiating surface can also to increased, by use of this
construction which is operates at low frequency that will match
with generator.
However this type of transducer is preferred for low
power applications of ultrasonic machining and good quality
factors are not achievable by this type of transducer. For high
power applications the performance is not satisfactory. For
very high power (about 500 Watts) the cost also becomes very
high. For better quality and cheaper transducer
magnetostrictive types are preferred.
Whatever type of transducers may be used. The losses
in then are kept to minimum when the amplitude of vibrations
are limited not to exceed 3-5 microns.
W : Natural frequency
W0 : Excitation frequency (Which is developed to the
X0 : Amplitude at frequency Wo
X : Allowable frequency to vibrate
Fig 2.16
Fig 2.17
Transducer vibration 3 5 but vibration at the tool end
>5 to 75 due to the function of mechanical amplifier.
Fig 2.18
If a taper rod is chosen in place then the nodal point
will shift from point 0 to 0 because change of centre of mass
shifted towards the larger end. This provides the smaller end to
vibrate at higher amplitude x while the larger end is at X0 to
match comfortably with the transducer. Thus a gain in
amplification is achieved for amplitude of vibration and for this
reason the concentrator some times is called as a mechanical
amplifier (or) resonator and because of its taper shape and
amplification commonly known as a Horn.
The feed mechanism of USM must perform the
following functions.
1. Bring the tool very slowly close to the w/p
2. Provide adequate cutting force and sustain this
during cutting
3. Decrease the force at a specified depth.
4. Return the tool
Feed system is to apply the static load b/w tool and w/p
during machining operation. The precision and sensitivity are
of high importance.
Feed may either be given to the acoustic head (or) to
the work piece as per the designers choice, but in general; the
feed motion is given the acoustic feed so as to permit x-y
positioning facility to the work piece.
In the fig (a) and (b) for gravity feed devices where
counter weights are used to apply the load to the feed through a
pulley and lever device respectively.
In (c) a spring loaded system is shown, for high feed
rate conditions either pneumatic (or) hydraulic system as
shown (d) may be preferred.
Abrasive feed system
The abrasive slurry can be supplied by hand in a small
m/c but for m/cs of higher power, a pump (usually centrifuged
type) is used to supply the slurry through a nozzle.
The main requirements of a generator are reliability,
efficiency simplicity in design and less cost. Vacuum tube
generators are employed usually. Small generator usually
consists of master oscillator, a buffer amplifier and an o/p
stage. The master oscillator is often of the RC type, buffer
amplifier employs transistors and the o/p stage employs
vacuum tubes.
Analysis of MRR
Two types of approach are used to analysis the metal
removal rate.
1. Empirical Approach
2. Analytic Approach
Empirical Approach
In this approach, let us consider the following
parameters that influence MRR.
By considering the above factor, MRR ( ) can be expressed as
MRR = (say), (R, , go, f,,H)
Fig 2.20
V = 2/3 r3
Here MRP / grit = V.F = 2/3 r3f
Where f- frequency of operation.
Fig 2.21
Fig 2.22
Fig 2.23
1. Biggest Grit
2. Avg. Grit
3. Smallest Grit
Process parameters
The major USM process variables affecting removal
rate, accuracy and surface finish are
(1) Power (2) Amplitude (3) Abrasive size (4) Frequency
Primarily determines the mass of tool tool holder
combination. The power requirement can be reduced when we
use hollow tool rather than by using a solid tool.
The amplitude of the tool motion affects the removal
rate and determines the maximum size of the abrasive particles
that can be used. The MRR is proportional to the square of the
Abrasive size
The abrasive particle size strongly influences the MRR.
As particle size is increased, the MRR increases proportionally.
However when the tool amplitude, a max removal rate is
reached. Larger size will only result in rapidly diminishing
removal rates.
1. Tool and die making, especially wire drawing and
extrusion dies.
2. Several machining operations like turning, threading,
grinding, milling etc
3. Machining of hard and brittle materials.
4. Producing holes of round on such other shapes which can
be provided to the cutting tool.
5. Dentistry work to drill fine holes of desired shape in
Effect of amplitude and frequency of vibration on MRR
Different researches have different prediction on the
effect of amplitude on MRR
Effect of particle velocity
Markov has shown that the MRR is directly roportional
to the particle velocity so as a linear relationship, ie. As the
particle velocity increases the number of particles impinging
per unit time and the impact force with which the particles hit
the work piece increases which is the reason for the linear trend
of the curve.
The tool electrode is connected to the ve terminal and the
work piece is connected to the +ve terminal of a dc supply
(ionization of the dielectric, that is splitting up of its molecules
into ions and electrons).
Operating principles
The EDM process involves finite discrete periods
spares the tool electrons and conductive work electrode
separated by a think film of liquid dielectric that causes the
removal of work material. The mechanism of material removal
is discussed under three different theories namely.
If we see the energy distributed by discharge spectrum
the pressure in the arc column remain b/w to and 100 kgf/mm2
which is less than the reported pr (1000 kgf/mm2) because the
acting area of discharge pressure is though to be wider than the
crater area (the area to which material is removed)
Wa 8 d m Fc Fa
l b
Wt 3 mg Vc
Among the above three theories the thermal theory is
quite acceptable which can take care to explain the major
portion of the stock removal phenomenas due to vaporization
during sparking.
Dielectric Fluid
Dielectric fluid is used in b/w the anode and cathode. If
the gap is in air (or) gas the work piece particle will adhere to
the tool electrode but use of liquid dielectric prevents this
adhesion. Quantity of metal eroded with liquid dielectric is
greater than 10 times the metal eroded with gap filled with our
(or) gas.
The process of removal of materials depends on thermal
evaporation and melting the presence of oxygen in the aim
surrounding the spark would lead to formulates of metal oxides
which adversely affect generation (or) continuation of
repetitive sparks (must of metal oxides are bad conductor).
1. Copper Electrodes
It is one of the oldest and commonly preferred as tool
material. It is mainly used because of abundant availability.
Copper being difficult to cast for tool material since its molten
state it tends to absorb oxygen from oxides.
Phosporized copper contains resides phosphorous and
exhibits lower conductivity Copper is most often used when
higher surface finish in work material is required.
dies with fine contoured, TV make small holes, for making
3. Brass Electrodes
Free machined brass is often used as dielectric material.
Due to presence of Zn alloy element, it has high wear rate due
to that it is not preferred for generation of 3-D surfaces. It is
one of the best tool materials for machining titanium alloys of
low material removal rate conditions.
4. Silver Turgesten
1) It has very similar characteristic of Cu-W electrode
2) To make very small corner radius which is better than Cu-
3) It contains very high percentage of tungsten and hence
extremely costly.
5. Tungsten
1) It has high melting point and extremely low erosion rate
2) Due to its high cost only restrict it for use in producing fine
holes (or) wire cutting operations where high order
accuracy is required.
3) To reduce the cost, tungsten coated electrodes are being
developed for use.
4) Wire electrode of tungsten of less than 0.1mm is available
for use.
6. Aluminum
In spite of high thermal and electrical conduction and
low density it has not found a suitable place in EDM ing tool
because of its low melting temp and higher tarnishing property.
When machining large 3D cavities which do not require higher
surface finish, we can are aluminum alloy known as silumin as
tool material.
Al: 85% si:11% mg: 0.4 to 0.6%
Zn:1% Ti:1% Mo,Fe and ae :1%
7. Steel
Steel some time is used as electrode even if it has lower
efficiency as compared to cupper (or) graphite.
1. It is not affected by thermal schools.
2. It does not distort because of high melting point and
chemically does not react.
3. Easily machinable over conventional method
4. Low cost of operation.
1. It being a brittle material special cares must be taken at
sharp corners.
2. It is an abrasive, material. So precaution must be taken
the protect slides of M/C tools from graphite dust.
3. Machining in graphite produce by of carbon to pollute the
4. High porosity allows the dielectric to saturate the tool
which produces internal stress when fluids inside
5. High porosity also allows moisture entrapped inside the
tool which affects the machining performance if care is
not taken.
a less brittle material it possessor high electrical resistant and
density b/w 2.4 and 3.2g/cm3.
During spark erosion process both the w/p as well as
the electrode get eroded. Erosion of electrodes (Tool) is called
as tool wear. Or electrode wear.The accuracy of the machined
part obtained depends on the electrodes wear.The hg shows the
characteristics of electrodes wear. So the electrodes wear
fastest at sharp corners and edges. The Tool wear is measured
by a number known as wear ratio.
Wear Ratio
The ratio is a comparison b/w the volume of work piece
material removed versus the volume of electrodes material
Wear ratio is mainly depends upon the physical and
chemical properties of both the electrodes and work piece
material and environmental conditions.
The melting point of the tool electrodes material has
been found to affect its wear rate and has been found to follow
the law.
Rt= 10.15 x 103 Mt 2.28
Rt Avg. metal removal rate form electrode (tool )
(m3/amp min x104)
M7 - < melting point of the tool material
Also it has been shown that
WR - = 2.25 Mr 2.3
WR Wear ratio (work/tool)
Mr Melting point ratio (work/tool)
Deep cavities or ling trough form will provide a higher
electrodes tool wear than shallow ones.
1. Increased difficulty in metal removed
2. Improper coverage of dielectric fluid in the operating
Fig 3.3
Fig 3.4
Fig 3.5
This type of generator supplies very high voltage in
excess of 110v, sparking is frequent. Since the voltage
waveform is uncontrollable, so the tool wear rate is extremely
high, we have more than 100% MRR.
Fig 3.6
R-C type Generator
Fig 3.7
Fig 3.8
In the above fig. C stores the charge during the idle
period i.e. when there is no distance in the spark gap and
delivers it to spark gap when a voltage to produce the spark is
reacted from the circuit theory,
Vo Vc dV
lc C c
Rc dt
dVc 1
Vo Vc CRc
Vc = 0, Vc=Vc , t = 0, t = tc
Vc c t
1 1
o Vo Vc .dVc o CRc .dt
log( Vo Vc)( 1)Vco 1
.t o
log( Vo Vc)Vco 1
t tco
Vo Vc 1
log .tc
Vo CRc
Vo Vc
e CRc
Vo Vc .tc
e CRc
Vo Vo
Vc .tc
1 e CRc
VC Vo 1 e CRc
Vo Vo 1 e CRc
Vo Vc
Rc Rc
ic o e CRc 2
The equation 1 shows that exponential rise of condenser
voltage and equations 2 shows that exponential decaying of
charging current.
Fig 3.9
Let us consider the discharging circuit,
Fig 3.10
Fig 3.11
Vd t
dv d 1
V Vd CR o dt
LogV t
d Vco
CR o
V t
log d
Vco CR
Vd V e CR
l d co e CR 4
Hence the vibration has to arrest effectively, it prevent
the tool wear which allows continuous charging and
discharging of condenser. This means the introduction of R in
the circuit is a primary requirement and the more the value of
R, it is bettor in reducing tool wear.
R = R1+R5
R1 line resistance R5 = spark resistance.
Hence the spark resistance cannot be charged but the
line resistance can be increased to reduce the tool wear. When
Relaxation generator are used for high power generation i.e. for
high MRR the tool wear rate becomes very high, so that they
are not prescribable for high production rate though they are
simple and less costly at the initial stage.
For this reason the electronic pulse generators have
come into the market for its higher eroding capacity with less
tool wear. However no one can eliminate the relaxation
generator for its simplicity and is seen in most M/cs.
jc = charging current
V R .C
jc o e c
We know pulse energy Ep = C.Vc2
E p C Vo 1 e Rc .C
It is seen that for mark power delivery through the gap,
the breakdown and supply voltage should follow above
relationship. If the above condition is used for maximization of
power transfer the nature of pulses is to be charged from saw
tooth shape to the rectangular one. It is difficult to achieve
hence the adoption of electronic pulse generate becomes more
1. Electronic amplifiers
Fig 3.12 (b)
Hybrid generator
It is also works in switching the operation from
saturation mode by means of switching valve or a solid state
Fig 3.14
Fig 3.15
So, K1, K2 and n values are to be determined from
experiment s and M.R.R can be written in the form
M.R.R = Vc f.
Where f- frequency of operator
- Efficiency of the M/C at any setting.
If we consider the relaxation circuit MRR I proportional
to the product of frequency of charging (f) and energy
delivered per spark (E)
MRR f. C.Vb2
metal removal rate = K1.f (1/2 CVb2)
K1 is the constant of proportionality
The frequency of charging
F = 1/t1
Fig 3.16
Process parameters
It involves
1. Effect of increasing current
2. Effect of increasing spark frequency.
3. Surface finish
4. Tool wear rate
5. Metal removal rate
1. Effect of increasing current
Fig 3.17
EDN is available is able to operate b/w 0.5 and 400 amp and
with voltage ranging from 40 to 400v DC.
Fig 3.18
Increasing spark frequency results in decrease in
surface roughness. This is because the energy available for
material removal during given period shared by a large number
of sparks because the corresponding crater size is reduced.
3. Surface Finish
The quality of the m/c surface mainly depends on the
energy of the pulse and frequency of operation. The roughness
is generally observed as
Hm hc
Hm = K4. hc/f = K1 K4 Wpn/f
Fig 3.19
The gap b/w the electrode and w/p is determined by the
spark voltage and current. The gap ranges from 0.012 to
0.050mm. The smaller, the gap, the closes the accuracy with a
better finish and slower material removal rate. As the gap
decreases efficient flushing becomes difficult to achieve.
Increasing the pulse duration of the sparks has the
effect of increasing the material removed rate, increasing
surface roughness and decreasing the electrode wear. The
values of pulse duration range from a few microseconds to
several milliseconds.
1. For machining dies for forging, blanking extrusion etc.
2. For drilling fine deep holes like in find injecting
3. Hydraulic value spools can be machined.
4. It is possible to manufacture fragile components which
are difficult to machined by converted methods because
of high tool forces.
(Advantage, Disadvantage. Self studies)
(OHP steel Ref Addition page 33-37 page 24 and 25)
Unit 4
Chemical Machining
Chemical machining [CHM] process involves using
reactive chemical solution to selectively dissolve and remove
the work piece material. Today chemical machining is
characterized as a process that used acidic (or) alkaline solution
to dissolve material in a controlled manner for the purpose of
milling (or) blanking parts. It is a very popular process for the
production of complex configuration in thin material and the
production of delicate parts that could be easily damaged by
the forces (or) conventional cutting tools. In some application,
chemical machining can be economical method for mass
material removal because material is removed simultaneously
from all surface of the part.
Maskings (or) chemically resistant coating are used to
protect the surfaces that are not to be machined.
1. Pre Cleaning
2. Masking
3. Etching
These above said methods prevent eching by constantly
circulating fresh etchant over the parts surfaces. However too
much agitation of the etchant can create areas of cavitation or
stagnation that will result in ridges, waviness or grooves in the
etched surface
The etchants must be refreshed periodically by the
addition of chemicals because the work piece material is
dissolved and carried away in solution.
During the etching process, the material erosion
progresses both inward and laterally from the exposed surface.
Fig 4.1
Depth of cut
The distance etched in to or through the part is know as
of cut.
The distance etched laterally under the mark is referred
to as the undercut
The amount of undercut that occurs in a particular
application is a function of many factors including
1. Depth of cut
2. Type & strength of etchant
3. Work piece material
1. The ratio between under cut to the depth of cut is know as
etch factor
Etch factor = under cut/ depth of cut.
4. Remove Mask
After etching the mask is removed by mechanical (or)
chemical stripping technique
1. Mechanical technique used for the etcher more durable
2. Chemical technique used for thinner mask (or) for thin,
delicate part that could be easily damaged.
5. Inspection
Final CHM process step is either inspection or further
processing by other techniques.
The process parameter for chemical machining includes
the composition and temperature of the etchant, the method of
circulating the etchant, the type of maskant, and the method of
applying the maskant.
1. Chemical resistance
2. Part Configuration
3. Quantity of parts
4. Cost
5. Ease of removal
6. Accuracy
Cut and peel masks are the only type of mask that can
be easily rescribed to produce step etching. In general, the
parts best suited for the cut and peel technique are those that
are large, requires multi step depths, or are contoured on their
surface. Typical application include large components for the
missile, aircraft, and chemical industries.
iii) Photo Resist Masks
Photo resist masking is so versatile and in such
widespread use that it has almost become a separate
nontraditional process. Commonly known as photo chemical
machining (PCM), it is used to produce intricate and precise
shapes by using a photographic image to selectively cure the
photo resist mask on a work piece
Fig 4.2 PCM Process
The purpose of an etchant is dissolve a material by
turning it into metallic salt, which then goes into solution many
chemicals are available as etchants,
ECM is the reverse of electroplating i.e. if two
electrodes are placed in both containing a conductive liquid
and D.C potential is applied across then, metal can be de plated
from the a rode and plated on the cathode.
Fig 4.3
The above technique has been used for many years for
adding metals to the surface of parts. But in ECM process,
removing the metal from the work piece, so that it is called as
reverse of electroplating.
Principle of operation
Fig 4.5
Cathode reaction
Na++e- = Na
Na + H2O = Na (OH) + H+
2H+ + 2e- = H2O
Anode reaction
By applying the electric current which causing removal
of the electrons from the atomic structure of work piece.
Fe Fe+++2e-
Fig 4.6
It shows metal w/p i.e. Fe goes into solution, Machining
is occurs and hence machined to produce reaction products as
ion-chloride and iron-hydroxide as a precipitate.
Fig 4.7
It is suitable for machining tough, high temp materials
and alloys which finds applications in aerospace industry.
It can further be seen that in removing 1cm3 of iron
(7.8g) 6.3g of water is taken from the electrolyte and 15g of
form hydroxide is produced. This much hydroxide has a vol. Of
4cm3 when dry, but in a wet state the volume of about 300cm3
of the 6.3g of water 0.28g goes as hydrogen gas.
Fig 4.8
3. Source of DC power (of sufficient capacity so that the
high current densities can be maintained b/w the tool
and w/p).
4. Electrolyte.
Cathode tool
The accuracy of the tool shape directly affects the w/p
accuracy since configuration of tool shape is reproduced on the
w/p, similar thing, surface finish of the tool directly affect
surface finish of w/p.
Aluminum brass, bronze, copper,
Anode workpiece
1. It must be a good conductor of electricity
The fixtures for holding the work are made of some
insulating material i.e. Epoxy resins or glass fiber. They should
have good thermal stability and low moisture absorption
DC power
The processes needs low voltages of the order of 2 to
20V and rare cases up to 30v. Normal current requirements are
as high as 300amp/cm2 of the w/p area to be machined. Three
phases, 440v A.C power supply available from mains is
converted to a low voltage DC by step-down transformer and a
rectifier. For maintaining the constant o/p voltage silicon
controlled rectifier is becoming very popular because of its
light weight and compact in size if it is any lack of control
occurs, sparking may occur b/w the positive voltage and the
w/p. causing damage to both. To sense that electronic sensing
devices are available with in the electrodes gap.
The electrolyte used in ECM performs many furthers.
1. To act as a conductor to carry current.
2. To remove the products of electrochemical reactions
from the gap.
3. Remove the heat generated by ECM process.
Sledging Electrolytes
It is composed of inorganic salts that produce insoluble
by products.
Eg: Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium nitrate
sodium chlorate.
Non-Sludging Electrolyte
It is composed of acids or alkalis that result in by
products that do go into colour.
E.g. sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide. In general non sludging
electrolytes produce best results.
Characteristics of Electrolyte
1. High electrode conductivity
2. Low graciosity and high sp heat
3. Non-corrosive and non toxic in nature
4. In expensive
= 26.8 amp-hr.
W = 1/F. Q.ECE
Q = Charge (coulomb)
Q = I.t
Where I current (amp)
t - Dissolution period
1 M
W It
The above equation suitable only for metal which
contains single element material. But in actual case, ECM
process machined alloy of metals which consisting of different
Va . .x n
Wn =
The charge
W1 .F .1 Va . .F 1 .x1
Q1 = =
M1 100 M 1
W .F .n Va . .F 2 .x2
Q1 = 2 =
M2 100 M 2
W .F .n Va . .F n .x n
Q1 = n =
Mn 100 M n
VaF l n X jV j
Q total =
100 j 1 M j
Hence, volumetric material removal rate Vm/unit charge
Va 100 1
Qtotal F j n X V
j j
l 1 Mj
IF current I flows for time t sec
VaF l n X jV j
Q total = I.t =
j 1 M j
Va 100 I
t F l n X jV j
j 1 Mj
Tool material
Tool required for ECM process can be made from any
conductive material. Conductivity of tools material is important
because its affects the efficiency of the process. Low
conductivity means more heat generated in the cathode and a
greater voltage drop across the electrodes (Tool).
At the same time tool material
1. Resist the erosion effects of electrolyte plate
2. Corrosion resistant
3. Easy to manufacture
Most copper, Brass, Aluminum, Bronze, Carbon,
copper-manganese, cupro-nickel, copper tungsten, stainless
steel, Titanium 99% pure.
For close gap = 0.125mm Cu=Tungsten alloys are
desirable in order to minimize damage camel by arcing,
machining blade aero foils uses 12% chromium steel as a tool.
Fig 4.9
The first encounter with process is that drilling a
straight hole involves a bare tool. While drilling the side of the
tool also contributes to the machining process and produces
parabolic profile. Ie refer to as a work corrosion is a problem if
electrolyte impinges on adjacent finished work surfaces. This
can be avoided by ensuring that a thin protrusion of material is
left b/w adjacent operators which deflect the electrolyte from
the work ie called as a Insulation i.e. the area in which ECM
action is not required should be insulated. Lade of insulation on
the sides causes un wasted machining of the work and loss in
Process parameter
The chemical reactions that take place in ECM depend
upon the particular combination of w/p material and the type of
electrolyte being used.
Eg. When iron is machined with a sodium chloride, the
resulting chemical reaction takes place
By products
If the velocity of electrolyte is too low, the heat and by
products of the reaction (hydrogen gas bubbles and sludge)
build in the gap causing non uniform material removal.
One thumb rate for determining electrolyte flow when
using sodium chloride as the electrolyte. I.e. for every 100amp,
electrolyte flow is 0.95l/min.
gap is filled with as electrolyte and the wheel is electrically
Fig 4.11
Fig 4.12
Phase I
In phase I, the metal removal is completely by
electrochemical action. The result of electrolysis process
oxides form on the w/p surface at a rate faster than they can
dissolve into sodium.
This is in contrast to the ECM process in which it is
desirable to have oxides dissolve into solution before a build
up an occur. The formed oxides are removed by the electrolyte.
Phase II
The ECG wheel rotation acts to draw fresh electrolyte
from the delivery nozzle and move it into and through the
wheel-w/p interaction zone.
The abrasive grains that are in to contact with the w/p
surface during phase II act to remove soft, non reactive oxide
layer, thus exposing fresh metal to further electrolyte action.
Unlike phase I in which no mechanically formed chip is
created, phase II produces a combination of small chips and
partially dissolved metal oxides.
Phase III
In phase III material removal is again totally
electrochemical. As the contaminated electrolyte exists the rear
of the wheel, and it removes very little material but tends to
electrolytically grinding material remove any scratches or burrs
that may have formed on the w/p.
Electrochemical grinding material removal rates that
are up to 10 times fastes than conventional grinding.
The advantages of the process over conventional
grinding are
1. Increased material removal rates.
2. Reduced heating of w/p and less risk of thermal
3. Absence of burrs of the finished surface.
4. Improved surface finish with no grinding scratches.
1. High capital cost
2. Not economical for soft material
3. High maintenance cost
1. Most excessively used for grinding of carbides
cutting tools.
2. ECG savings 75% wheel cost and above 50% in
labour costs in grinding tungsten carbide.
3. To grind fragile parts such as honey comb,
hypodermic needles, thin walled tubes and etc.
It is also an abrading process which is used for finishing
previously machined surfaces.
It is mostly used for finishing internal cylindered
surfaces as drilled or bared holes. The tool wheel called a hone,
is a bonded abrasive stone made in the form of a stick.
Electrochemical Honing
It is a modification of conventional honing techniques
where by material is removed from electrically conductive
work pieces through a combination of anodic dissolution and
mechanical abrasion.
80% or more of the material removal occurs through
electrolytic action.
Length of the stones is selected to be approximately
one-half of the length of the here being processed.
The closed bores cannot effectively processed by ECH
because of electrolyte stagnation.
Boning stones abrasives (bonded ) = Aluminum oxide
Silicon carbide or diamond grains using shellac bond to form
the honing stones.
1. To machine of aero engine turbine blades.
2. To drill deep hole for coolant in turbine blades.
3. To machining vane ends.
4. Machining of engine cashing.
1. To grinding tungsten carbide tool bits
2. Materials like cemented carbides, refractory materials,
s.s and high alloy steel can be machined by this process.
For machining inside the surfaces of the cylindrical
The word laser stands for Light Amplification using
stimulated Emission of Radiation. In a laboratory test when
lasers beam was focused on a piece of carbon a spot was
heated to approx 8000 K in 0.0005 second.
Process principle
The principle states, if an atom (or) molecule is raised
to a high energy level, (E2) by as outside energy source (Eg
heat, Light, chemical reaction etc) and is allowed to decay back
to its ground state energy level (E1), a photon (unit of light) is
Fig 5.1
Population inversion:
Usually the number of particles in the higher energy
level E2 (ie population of the higher energy level) is less than
the population E1 (of lower energy level). For laser action the
population atoms in the higher energy state should be
increased. The process of increasing the population of higher
energy level than lower energy level ie making E 2>E1 is called
as population inversion.
Setup for LBM
Fig 5.2
Feed back mechanism
The feed back mechanism is designed to allow a small
% of the coherent photons to exist the system in the form of
laser light. Although some of the photon are allowed to escape
the system, most will still be available to maintain the
amplification process through stimulated emission.
Fig 5.3
The small % that was allowed to escape is laser light,
hence the name light amplification by stimulated emission of
radiation. When we supply the electrical energy is stimulate the
atom (or) molecules of lasing atoms.
focused by an optical lens to produce a small intense spot of
light on the work surface. Optical energy is converted into heat
energy upon impact and temperature generated can be made
sufficient to melt and vaporize every known material.
Lasing Material
Solids, liquids and gases can be used as lasing materials
based on the lasing material. The lasers are classified as
1. Solid state laser
2. Gas lasers
3. Liquid state laser
The method of achieving population inversion ie raising
the atoms from lower energy state to higher energy state is
called pumping.
Fig 5.4
Solid state units have laser rods of any one of a number
of solid materials including ruby, neodymium-dipped glass and
neodymium duped yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG).
Generally the solid state lasers offer the highest power
o/p, hence in machining solid state lasers are widely used.
Ruby laser
The most commonly used laser material for solid state
is ruby. The main reasons for its use are its working is in the
visible spectral range of (wavelength) = 0.6943 m,
operates at room temp, high efficiency, high mechanical and
thermal stability and the easy production of good ruby crystals.
Fig 5.5
Ruby and Nd glass laser cannot be operated
continuously because of the poor thermal properties of the rod
material. Only the Nd- YAG rod materials are resistant enough
to thermal shock and also ruby and Nd glass laser has slow
pulse rate ie. Two pulses per second but Nd YAG laser having
the highest available power of all the solid state lasers which
are used to perform cutting, drilling and seam welding. The
cooling arrangements are also made in solid state laser,
particularly for Ruby laser, liquid nitrogen cooling system is
Gas Laser
Fig 5.6
The power o/p is depended on the length of the laser
tube. Thus Co2 laser can develop about 50w for every meter
length of tube. The problem of length could be overcome by
arranging short length tubes in a zigzag fashion with a
reflecting surface at each end.
Applications (Machining)
It is mainly used for drilling, trimming, cutting, seam
welding applications.
Plasma arc cutting torch carries a tungsten electrode
fitted in a small chamber. This electrode is connected to the
ve of a d.c power supply source. it acts as a cathode.
Two types of plasma arc used.
1.Non-transferred arc
2.Transferred arc
Fig 5.7
On one side of the torch is provided a passage for
supply of gas into the chamber. There is also a provision of
water circulation around the torch so that the electrode and the
nozzle both remain water cooled.
Non ferrous
metal : Nitrogen, Hydrogen, argon-hydrogen
Carbon and
Alloy steals
Cast iron : Nitrogen-hydrogen, compressed air,
1. The plasma jets are used for welding materials like
titanium, S.S and etc
2. Plasma arc is used for depositing filler metal (or)
surface to obtain desired properties like corrosion
resistance, wear resistance, toughness (or) antifriction
properties. The process is called plasma arc surfacing
3. The plasma arc can also be used for spraying on
prepared surface of the base material with droplets of
molten metal to obtain a surface of required thickness.
1. The main advantage of PAM is speed. For example
mild steal of 6mm thick can to cut at 3m/min.
2. Can be used to cut any metal
3. Smooth cuts, free from contaminants are obtained in
the process.
4. Can be automated.
1. Smoke and noise
2. Sharp corners are difficult to produce because of the
wide dia of plasma stream
3. Burn is often produced
4. Taper on the w/p may occur.
An electron is the lightest known partied. It is a
constituent of all atoms around whose nuclei it revolves in
orbits. The force which holds an electron in orbit is
electrostatic and it carries a negative electronic charge.
Eg: Hydrogen has one electron moving around the
nucleus of the atom has the atomic No.1.An iron atom has 26
electrons and iron has the atomic No 26.
Process principle
EBM is a thermal material removal process that utilizes
a focused beam of high velocity electrons to perform
machining operation. The machining action is achieved when
high velocity electrons strike the work piece, upon impact the
K.E of the electrons is converted into the heat necessary for
rapid melting and vaporization of any material.
Fig 5.9
Gun Construction and Working
Electron gun
The electron beam is a stream of negatively changed
particles which are generated, accelerated and to some extent,
focuses inside a device called as electron gun.
1. It consists of a tungsten cathode which is heated by a
low voltage current on heating when this filament
reaches a temp ie incandescence about 2000oC it emits
electrons by thermionic emission.
Note: Instead of tungsten filament, tungsten filament is
also used.
2. These electron move towards the anode which is kept at
a potential difference of 30-200kv. Such a high voltage
accelerates the electrons to high velocity.
3. Bias grid around the cathode helps in further narrowing
the beam and this grid is also used for controlling the
beam current. The beam passes through central hole in
the anode.
4. A tungsten diaphragm, with a small central hole
separates this portion of the gun from the rest of it.
5. Light microscope helps in focusing the beam on the w/p
6. The magnetic lens further converges the beam into a
narrow spot on the w/p (diameter /m).
The high energy beam 0f electrons which can be
focused magnetically a very small area say 0.017mm in dia.
The K.E of beam (traveling at about half the velocity of light ie
1, 60,000Km/s) is converted into heat energy upon striking the
w/p and raises its temp locally in that very small area to above
its boiling point. The electrons beam power density of 1.6
billion walts/cm2 this extremely high power density
immediately vaporizes any material on which beam impinges
and it produces very fine holes could be drilled in difficult to
machines materials such as sapphire. Electron beams can be
used both machining and welding applications.
1. For drilling synthetic jewels in the watch industry. A/S
instrument jewels can be drilled.
2. Machining operations such as cutting, drilling (or)
milling on variety of materials can be carried out with
electron beams,
3. To make the perforated holes in steel metal and
polythene sheets [Eg: dia 30m on 0.2mm thick sheet
4. To make hole in Gas orifices which is used in space
crafts, nuclear reaction.
5. To drill the holes in rotor and stator blades for super
sonic air craft engines
6. To make the precise hole in the following material
i. Alumina
ii. Aluminum
iii. Molybdenum
iv. Quartz
v. Sapphire
Types of Gun
In general electron beam systems are classified in on
the basis of
1. Type of material removal
2. voltage
3. Vacuum
A diffusion pump is capable of achieving vacuum levels
in excess of 1.3 x 10^-5 pa
Fig 5.10
A vacuum chamber is required for EBM system not only
to provide suitable environment to carry out the welding
operation but to also act as a shield to block the harmful x-
rays that are generated when the electric beam strikes the W/P.
The higher the acceleration voltage of the electron beam, the
stronger the X- rays.
The beam intensity in EBM is mainly depends upon the
1. Beam current
2. Beam diameter when it is focused on the w/p (namely
known as spot dia)
3. Focal distance of the magnetic lens.