Traditional Folk Literature
Traditional Folk Literature
Traditional Folk Literature
Learner’s Material
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Module 6
Traditional Folk Literature
“My name is nobody.”
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LO 1. Recognize and value the forms of diversity that exist in society and its importance
in children’s literature.
LO 2. Appreciate the value of traditional literature including historical, cultural,
dystopian and modern fantasy.
Folk literature includes all the myths, legends, epics, fables, and folktales passed
down by word of mouth through the generations. The
authors of traditional literature are usually unknown or
These stories have endured because they are
entertaining, they embody the culture’s belief system, and
they contain fundamental human truths by which people
have lived for centuries. Knowing the characters and
situations of folk literature is part of being culturally
Folk literature, regardless of its place of origin, seems clearly to have arisen to meet
a variety of human needs:
A. Setting
Most folktale settings remove the tale from the
real world, taking us to a time and place where
animals talk, witches and wizards roam, and
magic spells are commonplace.
The settings are usually unimportant and
described and referred to in vague terms (e.g.,
“Long ago in a land far away…” and “Once
upon a time in a dark forest…”).
Some settings reflect the typical landscape of the tale’s culture, for example,
medieval Europe with its forests, castles, and cottages, Africa with its jungles, India
and China with its splendid palaces.
B. Character
C. Plot
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storyteller in memorization; for example, events often occur in sets of three (e.g.,
three pigs, three bears, three sisters, three wishes),
The action is concentrated, no lengthy explanations and descriptions. Conflicts are
quickly established and events move swiftly to their conclusion. The action never
slows down. Endings are almost always happy (“They lived happily ever after”).
E. Style
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transformations, magical cures or other spells, encounters with helpful animals or
mysterious creatures, foolish bargains, impossible tasks, clever deceptions, and so
Some folktales have powerful visual images that we can readily identify, such as a
glass slipper, a bean stalk, a spinning wheel, a poisoned apple, a red riding hood, a
magic lamp, and a blue bird. These stark visual elements give the tales their
enduring strength.
Many folktale motifs (i.e., recurring thematic elements) are examples of magic:
helpful animals, enchanted transformations, granted wishes, etc. The magic, when
it appears, is always greeted by the characters with matter-of-factness. Characters
acknowledge magic as a normal part of life without surprise or disbelief. This
stylistic feature distances the folktale from reality, and it provides an important
distinction between folk literature and literary/modern fantasy.
Folktales often lift their heroes and heroines to higher and more refined levels
where they remain beautiful, noble, and pure through the process of sublimation.
1. Myths
Myths are stories that recount and explain the
origins of the world and the phenomena of nature.
The characters are mainly gods and goddesses, with
occasional mention of humans, and the setting is
high above earth in the home of the gods.
Myths often mirror human nature and the
essence of our sometimes primitive emotions,
instincts, and desires. Some folklorists believe that
myths are the foundation of all other ancient stories.
The best-known mythologies are of Greek,
Roman, and Norse origin.
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2. Epics
Epics are long stories of human adventure and heroism recounted
in many episodes, often in verse. Epics are grounded in mythology,
and their characters can be both human and divine. However, the hero
is always human (e.g., “Iliad”, “Odyssey”, “Beowulf” and “The Song
of Roland”). The setting is earthly but not always realistic.
Because of their length and complexity, epics are more suitable
for students in high school or college.
The most famous ones are Padraic Colum’s The Children’s
Homer, The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived before
Achilles, and The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy.
Legends and Sages
American Folklore – Legends
American Folklore – Tall Tales
King Arthur and his Knights
King Arthur for kids (animation)
Animated Tall Tales
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4. Fables
Fables are simple stories that incorporate characters
(typically animals) whose actions teach a moral lesson or
universal truth. Often the moral is stated at the end of the story.
Fables have appealed to both adults and children, yet many
fables demand abstract thinking and their points are often lost on
The use of animals as symbols for human behavior often has
made fables safe, yet effective, political tools.
The first known collection of fables in the Western world is
“Aesop’s fables”.
Famous modern fables:
Jams Thurber’s “Fables for Our Time” (1939)
Arnold Lobel’s “Fables” (1980)
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Wilhelm and Jakob Grimm’s “Nursery and Household Tales” (1812)
collected and published in Germany: helped to popularize folktales (also
see Grimm’s tales at and Animated Grimm Tales)
Joseph Jacobs’s “English Fairy Tales” (1894) collected and published in
England: further helped to popularize folk literature
Andrew Lang’s “Fairy Books” (1889-1910) collected and published a series
of fairy books containing folktales from around the world
Below are the most prevalent kinds of folktales (note that some folktales have
characteristics of two or more folktale categories):
1. Animal tales are perhaps the oldest of all folktales. They are part myth, part
fable, and part fairy tales. They play significant roles in early stories and legends.
Talking animals appear in many European folktales. For example, “The Three
Little Pigs” and “Little Red Riding Hood”.
2. Wonder tales (also known as fairy tales) are the best known of the traditional
folktales. They are stories of supernatural wonders typically depicting
the conflict between good and evil. Most conclude with the triumph of virtue
and a happy marriage. In fairy tales, the supernatural wonder is derived from
either a magical person (a fairy godmother, a wicked witch), a magical object (a
wondrous beanstalk, a talking mirror, and a magic lamp) or an enchantment (a
miraculous sleep that lasts until love’s first kiss). For example, “Cinderella”,
“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Sleeping Beauty” and “Jack and the
3. Cumulative tales are the ones in which successive additions are made to a
repetitive plot line. They are generally very simple in plot and brief, for with each
addition, the entire sequence is repeated. For example, “The Gingerbread Man”
and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”.
4. Pourquoi tales (“pourquoi” means “why” in French) seeks to explain natural
phenomena. They provide primitive explanations for the many “why” questions
early humans asked. They are found throughout the world and especially popular
in African and Native American folklore. There is a strong connection between
pourquoi tales and myths; however, the setting in pourquoi tales is earthly and
deities play no role in pourquoi tales as they do in myths. For example, “Why the
Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky” (from Southern Nigeria), “Where Stories
Come From” (from Zulu), and “Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears” (1976).
5. Noodlehead tales are light-hearted tales about silly people doing silly things.
These tales are popular because of their pure nonsense and jocularity, and
sometimes we enjoy the triumph of the good-hearted simpleton over the craftier
evil characters of the story. For example, “Hans in Luck” by the Grimm brothers
and “The Three Wishes” by Joseph Jacobs.
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Recommended online folktales websites:
For example:
James Thurber’s “Many Moons” (1943)
Roald Dahl’s “Revolting Rhymes” (1982)
Eugene Trivizas’s “The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig” (illustrated by
Helen Oxenbury) (1997)
Jon Scieszka’s “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs” (1996)
Colin & Jacqui Hawkins's "Fairytale News"(2004)
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Bosman, J. (18 Feb. 2007). "With One Word, Children’s Book Sets Off Uproar." The New
York Times. 25 Apr. 2009 <>.
Harris, R.H. It's so amazing! a book about eggs, sperm, birth, babies, and families.
Cambridge, Mass: Candlewick P. (1999).
Norton, D.E. Through the eyes of a child an introduction to children's literature. 7th ed.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. (2007).
Tunnell, M.O., and J.S. Jacobs. Children's literature, briefly. Fourth ed. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. (2008).
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