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Scientific Writing New Syll 2020

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Fall semester 2020-2021 academic years

on the educational program “Scientific writing”

Discipline’s code Discipline’s title Indepen No. of hours per week Numb Independe
dent Lect Practical training Labor er of nt work of
work of ures (PT) atory credit student
student (L) (Lab) s with
s (IWS) teacher
SW 4211 Scientific writing 6 15 1 6
Academic course information
Form of education Type of course Types of lectures Types of practical Number Form of
training of IWS final
Online Practical Written task 6 Test
Lecturer Konyrbekova Tolkyn Ordabekovna
e-mail Tolkyn.79@mail.ru
Telephone number 8 7017836506
Academic presentation of the course
Aim of course Expected Learning Outcomes (LO) Indicators of LO achievement (ID)
As a result of studying the discipline the (for each LO at least 2 indicators)
undergraduate will be able to:

to introduce and 1. read and understand a theory and methodology of ID 1.1 – skims, scans and focuses on
teach learners to research works; target material in all types of reading
the followings: passages;
research as a ID 1.2 – identifies the elements of a text
specific form of and, where required, reproduce these
cognitive activity; elements in their own writing;
- the theory and ID 1.3 – understands the question types
methodology of found in the reading and how to address
scientific research them.
process; 2. acquire nature f scientific research and basic ID 2.1 – writes a variety of different
- the nature of concepts; types of essay, eg persuasive, cause
scientific and effect etc.;
research; ID 2.2 - writes a report interpreting
-the basic
and describing statistical data using
concepts of
modern appropriate language and grammar,
philosophy of analysing graphs and charts.
education and 3. demonstrate skills in argumentation, discussion ID 3.1 – evaluate and self-correct
their role in the and polemics in English; their speaking;
development of ID 3.2 - formulates expresses and
modern theory defends opinions using appropriate
and methodology vocabulary and grammatical
of language structures.
education; 4. demonstrate skills for analyses of research ID 4.1 – implements analyses of
- the trends article; research article;
of modern ID 4.2 – understands the question types
methodological found in the listening and how to
science address them
development 5. develop the skills to successfully apply ID 5.1 – uses key definitions, parts of
vocabulary which are used broadly in academic speech, common collocations and
domain. example sentences;
ID 5.2 – applies appropriate vocabulary
for the particular topic.
Prerequisites SІҮаО 3409 – Special Foreign Language – General Professional (C1) SІҮаО 3409 –
Post requisites Special Foreign Language – General Professional (C2)

Information 1. Dr Marcell. A Guide for scientific writing, Utrecht University, 2015

resources 2. Stephen Bailey. Academic Writing. Routledge, 2011
3. Els Van Geyte. Collins Writing For IELTS. Harper Collins Publishers, 2011
4. Karen Kovacs. Collins Speaking For IELTS. Harper Collins Publishers, 2011
5. 3. Fiona Aish. Collins Listening For IELTS. Harper Collins Publishers, 2011
Academic policy Academic Behavior Rules:
of the course in ATTENTION! Non-compliance with deadlines leads to loss of points! The deadline of each
the context of task is indicate
university moral d in the calendar (schedule) of implementation of the content of the curriculum. Appropriating
and ethical timeframes of homeworks or projects can be prolonged in case of softening circumstances
values (such, as illness, emergencies, the accident, unforeseen circumstances, etc.) according to the
Academic policy of university. Participation of the student in discussions will be considered in
its general assessment for discipline. Constructive questions, dialogue, and a feedback are
Academic values:
- Practical trainings/laboratories, IWS should be independent, creative.
- Plagiarism, forgery, cheating at all stages of control are unacceptable.
- Students with disabilities can receive counseling at e-mail axaule.kaibuldayeva@gmail.com
Evaluation and Criteria-based evaluation:
attestation policy assessment of learning outcomes in relation to descriptors (verification of the formation of
competencies in midterm control and exams).
Summative evaluation: assessment of work activity in an audience (at a webinar); assessment
of the completed task.
week Topic name LO ID am Maxi Form of The
s oun mum Knowledg Form of the
t of score e lesson
hou Assessme / platform
rs nt

Module 1
1 PT 1. Introduction into scientific writing LО 1 ID 1.1. 3 10 Analysis https://efedu
2 PT 2. Plagiarism and scientific misconduct LО 5 ID 5.2. 3 10 Analysis https://efedu
3 PT 3. Structure and content. LО 5 ID 5.2. 3 10 Analysis https://efedu
LO 1 ID 1.3. 435604814
IWSP 1 Consultation on the LО 3 ID 3.2 5 https://efedu
3 implementation of IWS1 .zoom.us/j/9
IWS 1. Analyze a research article LО 3 ID 3.2 25
3 Logic
Module П
4 PT 4. Reporting according to IMRAD LО 1 ID 1.2. 3 10 https://efedu
structure .zoom.us/j/9
5 PT 5 Introduction by IMRAD structure LО 5 ID 5.1. 3 10 https://efedu
5 IWSP 2 Consultation on the LО 3 ID 3.1. 5 https://efedu
implementation of IWS2 .zoom.us/j/9
5 IWS 2 LО 3 ID 3.1. 15 Logic https://efedu
Analyzing a research article written by task .zoom.us/j/9
IMRAD structure 435604814
5 MT 1 LО 1 ID 1.1. 100 https://efedu
6 PT 6 Methods part of the research work LО 1 ID 1.1. 3 10 Analysis https://efedu
7 PT 7 Results part of the research work LО 5 ID 5.1. 3 10 Analysis https://efedu
PT 8 Discussion part of the research LО 4 ID 4.2. 3 10 Analysis https://efedu
8 papers and works .zoom.us/j/9
IWSP 3 Consultation on the LО 4 ID 4.1. 5 https://efedu
8 implementation of IWS3 .zoom.us/j/9
IWS 3 Analyzing a research article written LО 3 ID 3.2. 25 Logic https://efedu
8 by IMRAD structure task .zoom.us/j/9
9 PT 9 General style of the work LО 2 ID 2.1. 3 10 Analysis https://efedu
10 PT 10 Structure an d lay-out. Numbering LО 4 ID 4.2. 3 10 Analysis https://efedu
10 IWSP 4 Consultation on the LО 4 ID 4.1. 5 https://efedu
implementation of IWS4 .zoom.us/j/9
10 IWS 4 LО 4 ID 4.1. 25 Problem
Analyzing a research article written by task
IMRAD structure
10 IWSP 5 LО 2 ID 2.2. 10
Make a structural and logical diagram of the
read material
10 МТ (Midterm Exam) LО 3 ID 3.2. 100
11 PT chapters and section. Paragraphs. LО 1 ID 1.3. 3 10 Analysis https://efedu
12 PT 12 Tables and figures of the scientific LО 1 ID 1.2. 3 10 Analysis https://efedu
papers .zoom.us/j/9
12 IWSP 6 Consultation on the LО 1 ID 1.1. 5 https://efedu
implementation of IWS5 .zoom.us/j/9
12 IWS 5 . Analyzing a research article LО 3 ID 3.1. 25 Problem https://efedu
written by IMRAD structure task .zoom.us/j/9
13 PT 13 Literature reference LО 1 ID 1.2. 3 8 Analysis https://efedu
Reference in the body of the text. .zoom.us/j/9
Reference list 435604814
14 PT 14 Syntax and word use in the LО 2 ID 2.1. 3 8 Analysis https://efedu
scientific works. .zoom.us/j/9
15 PT 15 Control work LО 1 ID 1.1. 3 https://efedu.
15 IWSP 7 Consultation on the LО 5 ID 5.1. 5 https://efedu.
implementation of IWS6 zoom.us/j/94
15 IWS 6 Analyzing a research article written LО 2 ID 2.1. 25 Analysis
by IMRAD structure
15 TEST LО 1 ID 1.1. 10
15 MT 2 LО 3 ID 3.2. 100

[Abbreviations: QS - questions for self-examination; TK - typical tasks; IT - individual tasks; CW -

control work; MT - midterm.
- Form of L and PT: webinar in MS Teams / Zoom (presentation of video materials for 10-15 minutes,
then its discussion / consolidation in the form of a discussion / problem solving / ...)
- Form of carrying out the CW: webinar (at the end of the course, the students pass screenshots of the
work to the monitor, he/she sends them to the teacher) / test in the Moodle DLS.
- All course materials (L, QS, TK, IT, etc.) see here (see Literature and Resources, p. 6).
- Tasks for the next week open after each deadline.
- CW assignments are given by the teacher at the beginning of the webinar.]

Dean Dzholdasbekova B.U.

Chairman of the Faculty Methodical Coucil Ekshembiyeva L.V

Head of the Department Madiyeva G.B.

Lecturer Konyrbekova T.O.

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