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Kenya Nairobi Urban Profile

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United Nations Human Settlements Programme


Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for Sustainability (RUSPS)

Project designed and implemented by UN-HABITAT
and financed by European Commission, Government of Italy, Government of Finland and Government of the Netherlands

This report was prepared by Fernando da Cruz, Kerstin Sommer and Ombretta Tempra, elaborating on information
collected through interviews with key urban actors in Kenya.
This project and report were managed by Mohamed El Sioufi and important inputs were provided by Alioune Badiane,
Farrouk Tebbal, Clarissa Augustinus, Mohamed Halfani, Lucia Kiwala, Eduardo Moreno, Ole Lyse, Raf Tuts, Gulelat
Gebede, Gora Mboup, David Kithakye, Kibe Muigai, Richard Woods, Raakel Syrjanen and James Muteru.
Graphic design: Kerstin Sommer
The designation employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any
opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory,
city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its economic system
or degree of development. The analysis, conclusions and recommendations of the report do not necessarily reflect the views
of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), the Governing Council of UN-HABITAT or its
Member States.
Excerpts from this publication may be reproduced without authorisation, on condition that the source is indicated.
© United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), 2006
ISBN: 92-1-131803-3
United Nations Human Settlements Programme publications can be obtained from
UN-HABITAT Regional and Information Offices or directly from:
P.O.Box 30030, GPO 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Fax: + (254 20) 762 4266/7
E-mail: unhabitat@unhabitat.org
Website: http://www.unhabitat.org

African Population and Health Research Centre, AIDS Acquire Immune Deficiency Syndrome
“Population and Health Dynamics in Nairobi’s CBD Central Business District
Informal Settlements; Cross-Sectional Slums Survey, CBO Community Based Organisation
2000”, Nairobi, 2002. EMCA Environmental Management and
Amnesty International, Country Report Kenya, 2005 Coordination Act
Government of Kenya and UN-HABITAT, “Nairobi EPM Environmental Planning and
Situation Analysis Consultative Report, a collaborative Management
slum upgrading initiative”, Nairobi, June 2001. FBO Faith Based Organisation
Government of Kenya, “Economic Recovery Strategy for GDP Gross Domestic Product
Wealth and Employment Creation”, Nairobi, 2004. GTZ Gesellshaft fur Technishe
The European Commission, “A lasting partnership”, Zusammenarbeit
Nairobi, 2003. GUO Global Urban Observatory
James G. Karuga, “Action towards a Better Nairobi: report HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
and recommendation of the Nairobi City Convention, ILRI International Livestock Research
1993”, Nairobi, 2003. Institute
Ministry of Gender Sports and Culture, “Sessional Paper ICT Information and Communication
on Gender and Development”, Nairobi , 2004. Technology
Ministry of Lands and Housing, “Kenya Country Report: A IT Information Technology
product of broad based stakeholders` consultations ITDG Intermediate Technology Development
and the National Urban Forum held in Nairobi, 12-13 Group
August 2004”, Nairobi, 2004. KENSUP Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme
Winnie Mitullah, “The Case of Nairobi, Kenya”, University LASDAP Local Authorities Service Delivery
of Nairobi. Action Plan
James G. Mutero and Simon M. Macharia, “Nairobi LATF Local Authorities Transfer Fund
NEPAD City Programme: framework profile of a LED Local Economic Development
sustainable city, Nairobi”, Nairobi, 2004. NACC National AIDS Control Council
NEMA, “State of Environment Report 2003, Kenya”, NCC Nairobi City Council
Nairobi, 2004. NEMA National Environment Management
UN-HABITAT, “The State of the World’s Cities, 2004”, Authority
Nairobi, 2004. NGO Non Governmental Organization
Global Urban Observatory, UN-HABITAT, “Kenya RUSPS Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for
Demographic and Health Survey”, Nairobi, 2003. Sustainability
UN-HABITAT, “The Challenge of Slums, Global Report on SIDA Swedish International Development
Human Settlements, 2003”, London, 2004. Agency
SUF Slum Upgrading Facility
SWOT Strengths,Weaknesses, Opportunities
and Threats
UMMK Kianda Ushirika wa Maisha na
Maendeleo - Kianda
UNDP United Nations Development
UNEP United Nations Environment
UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements
VCT Voluntary Counselling and Testing
WOFAK Women Fighting AIDS in Kenya
N A I R O B I C I T Y C O N S U LTAT I O N - 3 A U G U S T 2 0 0 4


Name and Organisation

Anjelina W. Nyandao Ephraim G. Kanake

Kianda Ushirika wa Maisha na Maendeleo - Kianda We Can Do It
(UMMK Kianda) Wilson Maritim
G.W. Matheka Nairobi City Council
Nairobi City Council Leah Oyake
Helen Wamitho Nairobi City Council
Women Fighting AIDS in Kenya (WOFAK) Josephine Nganga
Anne J. Muthoni Nairobi City Council
Maji Na Ufanisi Alfred Odero
Cllr Opette Institute Of Certified Public Secretaries
Nairobi City Council Joshua Wambua
Cllr Mwaura Muiruri Institute Of Certified Public Secretaries
Nairobi City Council Cllr. E.K. Ollinga
Eng Christine A. Ogut Nairobi City Council
Nairobi City Council Rose Sirali Antipa
Nyoroh A.D.K. National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)
Nairobi City Council Hudson M .Mukanga
Davinder Lamba National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)
Mazingira Institute Alice Macharia
Eng Julius M Mungai Nairobi City Council
Nairobi City Council Christine Oyaro
J M, Maina Women Fighting AIDS in Kenya (WOFAK)
Nairobi City Council Fernando Da Cruz
Nairobi City Council James Mutero
Nairobi City Council Richard Woods
Wambulwa W. M. UN-HABITAT
Nairobi City Council Mohamed El Sioufi
Pamoja Trust Kibe Muigai
Samuel Macharia UN-HABITAT
Maji Na Ufanisi

C O N TA C T S :
Alioune Badiane, Chief, Regional Office for Africa and the Arab States, e-mail: alioune.badiane@unhabitat.org
Mohamed El Sioufi, Senior Human Settlements Officer, Focal Point for RUSPS, e-mail: mohamed.el-sioufi@unhabitat.org
David Kithakye, Senior Human Settlements Officer, Focal Point for Kenya, e-mail: david.kithakye@unhabitat.org
e-mail: RUSPS@unhabitat.org

K E N YA R U S P S T E A M :

James G. Mutero, Fernando Da Cruz, Ombretta Tempra, Kerstin Sommer and Raakel Syrjanen.
United Nations Human Settlements Programme



FOREWORD - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.......................................................... 3 NAIROBI CITY PROFILE - ENVIRONMENT................................................18

NAIROBI CITY PROFILE - INTRODUCTION ................................................ 5 URBAN SECTOR........................................................................................20
NAIROBI CITY PROFILE - BACKGROUND................................................... 6 GOVERNANCE ..........................................................................................22
SLUMS .........................................................................................................24
NAIROBI CITY PROFILE - GOVERNANCE..................................................12
GENDER AND HIV/AIDS ........................................................................26
NAIROBI CITY PROFILE - SLUMS ................................................................14 ENVIRONMENT.........................................................................................28
NAIROBI CITY PROFILE - GENDER AND HIV/AIDS................................16
The annual urban growth orientated assessment of needs. It is also aimed at enhancing
rate in Sub-Saharan Af- dialogue, awareness of opportunities and challenges aiming
rica is almost 5 percent at identifying response mechanisms as a contribution to the
twice as high as in Latin implementation of the MDGs.
America and Asia. It also
has the world’s largest RUSPS addresses four main themes: governance, slums,
proportion of urban gender and HIV/AIDS and environment. It seeks to build
residents living in slums, a national profile, and three settlements representing the
which today are home capital or a large city, a medium-sized city, and a small town.
to 72 percent of urban The profiles offer an overview of the urban situation in each
Africa’s citizens represent- participating city through a series of interviews with key
ing a total of some 187 urban actors. This is followed by a city consultation where
million people. As more priorities are agreed. City-level findings provide input for
and more people seek a the national profiling that is combined with a national as-
better life in towns and sessment of institutional, legislative, financial and overall
cities, the urban slum population in Africa is projected to enabling frameworks and response mechanisms. The profiles
double every 15 years in a process known as the urbanisa- at all levels result in supporting the formation of city and
tion of poverty. African cities are thus confronted in the new national strategies and policy development. Additionally, the
Millennium with the problem of accommodating the rap- profiling facilitates sub-regional analyses, strategies and com-
idly growing urban populations in inclusive cities, providing mon policies through identification of common needs and
them with adequate shelter and basic urban services, while priorities at the sub-regional level. This provides guidance to
ensuring environmental sustainability, as well as enhancing international external support agencies in the development of
economic growth and development. their responses in the form of capacity building tools.

UN-HABITAT is the lead agency for implementation In Kenya, the profiling was undertaken under the leadership of
of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 7, Target 10 national and local authorities. This initiative has been carried
(reducing by half the number of people without sustainable out locally in Nairobi, Kisumu and Mavoko as well as nationally.
access to safe drinking water), and Target 11 (achieving The Nairobi Urban Profile focuses on the findings of a desk-
significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million study, interviews with key actors and a citywide consultation
slum dwellers by 2020). with key urban actors and institutions. Consultation
participants agreed to address the salient urban issues
As part of our drive to address this crisis, UN-HABITAT is including poverty, insecurity, corruption, pollution and crime
working with the executive Commission of the European all problems that negatively affect investments and
Union (EU) to support sustainable urban development in economic development. A consensus was reached on priority
African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. Given the interventions in the form of programme and project proposals
urgent and diverse needs, the agency found it necessary to to be implemented.
develop a tool for rapid assessment to guide immediate, mid-
and long-term interventions. In 2002, based on the European I wish to acknowledge the contributions of Mr. Mohamed El
Commission’s Consultative Guidelines for Sustainable Urban Sioufi, who developed the concept of RUSPS and is coordi-
Development Co-Operation, UN-HABITAT successfully nating its implementation. I also wish to cite those members
implemented an Urban Sector Profile Study in Somalia for of staff for their role in helping produce this report. They
the first time. The Study resulted in the identification and include Alioune Badiane, Farouk Tebbal, Clarissa Augustinus,
implementation of three major programmes with funding Mohamed Halfani, Lucia Kiwala, Eduardo Moreno, Ole Lyse,
from a variety of donors. Raf Tuts, Gulelat Kebede, Gora Mboup, David Kithakye, Kibe
Muigai, Fernando Da Cruz, Richard Woods, James Muteru,
In 2004, UN-HABITAT’s Regional Office for Africa and the Raakel Syrjanen, Ombretta Tempra and Kerstin Sommer.
Arab States took the initiative to develop the approach further
for application in over 20 countries. This was achieved in I would like to wish the Mayor of Nairobi, City Councillors
collaboration with other departments within the agency – the and all those who have participated in and supported this
Urban Development Branch with the Urban Environment initiative every success in its implementation. I also look for-
Section, the Global Urban Observatory, the Shelter Branch, ward to supporting further their efforts in the development
the Urban Governance Unit, the Gender Policy Unit, the of Nairobi.
Environment Unit and the Training and Capacity Building
Branch. This new corporate approach is known as Rapid Urban
Sector Profiling for Sustainability (RUSPS). The implementa-
tion of RUSPS was launched thanks to contributions from the
Governments of Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka
The idea behind RUSPS is to help formulate urban poverty Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations,
reduction policies at the local, national and regional levels and Executive Director,
through a rapid, participatory, crosscutting, holistic and action- UN-HABITAT


Introduction Governance

The Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for Sustainability (RUSPS) The governance system in Nairobi is comprised of an elected
is an accelerated and action-oriented urban assessment of council, an appointed administrative municipal service, a few
needs and capacity-building gaps at the city level. It is cur- civil society groups (residents’ associations) and the regulatory
rently being implemented in over 20 countries in Africa and authority of central government. The leadership of the city
the Arab States. RUSPS uses a structured approach where does not generally promote civil participation or create ac-
priority interventions are agreed upon through consultative countability frameworks for overall municipal management.
processes. The RUSPS methodology consists of three phases: Poor governance transpires in the longstanding deterioration
(1) a rapid participatory urban profiling, at national and of urban services coupled with rising crime and corruption.
local levels, focusing on Governance, Slums, Gender and The City Council must modernise in favour of efficient
HIV/AIDS, Environment, and proposed interventions; (2) revenue collection and service provision. Such efforts must
detailed priority proposals; and (3) project implementation. involve the population in a meaningful way and convey a
RUSPS in Kenya encompasses a national profile, as well as vision that is clear enough to win people’s confidence and
profiles for Nairobi, Mavoko and Kisumu, each published as ensure their participation in the development of an attractive

a separate report. This is the Nairobi report and it constitutes city for all.
a general background, a synthesis of the four themes, Gov-
ernance, Slums, Gender and HIV/AIDS and Environment,
and priority project proposals. Slums

Over 60% of Nairobi’s population lives in slums. Overall

Background policies and practices to address slum dwellers’ needs have
been poorly developed and implemented. As the informal
Kenya’s capital city, Nairobi, is an international, regional, sector keeps expanding, appropriate strategies are in order
national and local hub for commerce, transport, regional to enhance its economic growth as well as to harness the ef-
cooperation and economic development. It connects forts of various partners and communities, with a view to
together eastern, central and southern African countries. providing for slum dwellers’ basic needs through coordinated
Nairobi employs 25% of Kenyans and 43% of the country’s service delivery.
urban workers; as it generates over 45% of GDP, it is a
major contributor to Kenya’s economy. Like any other local
authority in Kenya, Nairobi City Council (NCC) finds itself Gender and HIV/AIDS
seriously challenged with respect to the resource requirements,
leading to delays and reduced urban service delivery. Lack The conditions of women, children and the disabled are gen-
of services and infrastructure constrains Nairobi’s economic erally less alarming in Nairobi than in the rest of the country.
development. Over 60% of the population live in slums and However, urbanisation of poverty runs the risk of reversing
only 22% of slum households have water connections. Higher this trend as it affects men and women differently. HIV/AIDS
income groups, or 11-12% of the population, consume 30% is more prevalent in Nairobi than in the rest of the country.
of domestic water. Inequalities are increasing. Economic There is an urgent need to develop and implement policies
conditions are deteriorating much faster for Nairobi residents that advocate changes in attitudes, promote gender equity
than the national trend. The proportion of people living below and reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS.
the national poverty line in Nairobi is rising dramatically, from
26% in 1992 to 50% in 1997. However, UN-HABITAT’s
experience shows that urban inefficiency and inequality can Environment
be reduced through improved governance. Decentralisation
and strengthening Nairobi’s financial and revenue mobi- Nairobi has been overwhelmed by rapid population growth
lisation capacities are key factors for improving the city’s coupled with weak frameworks for environmental regulation
condition. Further, NCC should expand service delivery and and implementation. With the environment deteriorat-
planning capacity. To facilitate broader-ranging cooperation, ing over many years, the repercussions are increasingly felt,
NCC should set up an urban forum for discussion and including traffic congestion, pollution, poor waste manage-
participation in order to encourage public involvement and ment, and water shortages. Strategic environmental planning
promote responsive leadership for the management of the city and management is urgently needed, along with greater
with meeting the needs of Nairobi’s population, which is involvement of local environmental partnerships for waste
the ultimate, overarching objective. A sharper focus on management and stronger enforcement to arrest environ-
pro-poor policies as well as on equitable and efficient urban mental degradation.
management is urgently needed if the potential of Nairobi
is to be enhanced. Given the capital’s significant role as
Kenya’s economic engine, improvement in city governance
and management would go a long way towards improving
conditions in the country as a whole.


The Rapid Urban Sector RUSPS in Nairobi

Profiling for Sustainability
RUSPS in Nairobi, the capital city, is one of the three simi-
The Rapid Urban Sector Profiling for Sustainability (RUSPS) lar exercises conducted in Kenya, besides those in Kisumu,
consists of an accelerated, action-oriented assessment of ur- a middle size town on Lake Victoria (eastern Kenya), and
ban conditions, focusing on priority needs, capacity gaps and Mavoko, a fast growing municipality on Nairobi’s outskirts.
existing institutional responses at local and national levels. Each urban profile is published as a separate report.
The purpose of the study is to develop urban poverty reduc-
tion policies at local, national and regional levels, through NCC representatives participated in the national consultation
an assessment of needs and response mechanisms, and as a process, a partnership platform co-developed with Kenya’s
contribution to wider-ranging implementation of the Mil- Ministry of Local Government and Ministry of Lands and
lennium Development Goals. The study is based on analysis Housing, parastatal organisations such as the National En-
of existing data and a series of interviews with all relevant vironment Management Authority (NEMA), and national
urban stakeholders, including local communities and institu- and international NGOs. The aim was to develop options for
tions, civil society, the private sector, development partners, formal inter-agency collaboration in order to create a coordi-
academics and others. This consultation typically results in nation body integrating a wide range of urban stakeholders in
a collective agreement on priorities and their development a single response mechanism.
into proposed capacity-building and other projects that
are all aimed at urban poverty reduction. RUSPS is being
implemented in over 20 African and Arab countries, offer- Report structure
ing an opportunity for comparative regional analysis. Once
completed, this series of studies will provide a framework This report consists of:
for central and local authorities and urban actors, as well as
donors and external support agencies. 1 a general background of the urban sector in Nairobi,
based on the findings of the Nairobi assessment report,
a desk study, interviews, and a city consultation that
Methodology was held in Nairobi on 12 January 2005 (see back cover
for a list of participants in the City Consultation and
RUSPS consists of three phases: bibliography). The background includes data on admin-
istration, urban planning, economy, informal and the
Phase One consists of rapid profiling of urban conditions at private sector, urban poverty, infrastructure, water, sani-
national and local levels. The capital city, a medium size city tation, public transport, street lighting, energy, health
and a small town are selected and studied to provide a repre- and education;
sentative sample in each country. The analysis focuses on four
themes: governance, slums, gender and HIV/AIDS and the 2 a synthetic assessment of four main areas governance,
environment. Information is collected through standard in- slums, gender and HIV/AIDS and environment in
terviews and discussions with institutions and key informants, terms of the institutional set-up, regulatory framework,
in order to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and resource mobilisation and performance; this second sec-
threats (SWOT) of the national and local urban set-ups. The tion also highlights agreed priorities and includes a list
findings are presented and refined during city- and national of identified projects;
consultation workshops and consensus is reached regarding
priority interventions. National and city reports synthesise 3 The third and last section includes a SWOT analysis
the information collected and outline ways forward to reduce and outlines priority project proposals for each theme.
urban poverty through holistic approaches. The proposals include beneficiaries, partners, estimated
costs, objectives, activities and outputs.
Phase two builds on the priorities identified through pre-fea-
sibility studies and develops detailed capacity building and
capital investment projects.

Phase three implements the projects developed during the

two earlier phases, with an emphasis on skills development,
institutional strengthening and replication.

This report presents the outcomes of RUSPS Phase One at

the local level in Nairobi.

Estimated Population: 3 million, Share of country’s population: 23,2% (2000)
Annual growth 2000-2015: 2.8%, Average density: 31 persons per hectare
Revenue collected: 7.0 US$ per capita, Expenditures: 21.3 US$ per capita
The richer 10% of the population accrues 45.2% of income, the poorest 10% only 1.6%.

Density: 481 persons per km2

Density: 2,490 persons per km2

Density: 10,966 persons per km2

Density: 1,962 persons per km2

Density: 49,228 persons per km2

Source: Maps Geosystem, Maps (UAE), Sharjah, U.A.E.

Nairobi has the highest growth rates per annum compared to the other growth rates in Africa. 75% of the urban
population growth is absorbed by informal settlements. The number of urban population living in slums will double
in the next 15 years. Informal settlements cover only 5% of the total residential land area of the city, but they are
inhabited by at least half of the city’s population. .



3,000 0 18,000 0

11,000 41,000 2,000


60,000 120,000 90,000 4,000


287,000 69,000 86800 44,000


KIBERA is the largest slum area in NAIROBI with currently approximately 300,000 inhabitants and is considered to be the
largest informal settlement area in Africa.

Source: Urban Poverty and Slums, Intra-City Differential Study of Nairobi, 2004


Highly centralised decision-making at national and local The latest master plan for Nairobi was developed in 1973 and
levels heavily affects Nairobi and its capacity to respond to has since been outpaced by the impact of urban growth. The
local development needs. NCC departments suffer from a Physical Planning Act 1996 places planning responsibilities
high turnover of experienced managers, particularly at the with the local authorities: the Directorate of City Planning
top management level. Furthermore, bureaucracy and cor- (DCP) is mandated to coordinate various development
ruption continue to undermine NCC’s ability to respond to activities, such as slum upgrading, micro-enterprises and
the needs of Nairobi residents. municipal reforms; in practice, though, DCP finds this
mandate overwhelming. Economic and physical planning is
The Nairobi Municipality is unable to meet residents’ de- not integrated nor harmonised with land use and land taxation.
mands for services. At lower levels the council is under-staffed The city lacks a common vision to guide its development. The
with unskilled employees who absorb the bulk of expenditure. city as well as the neighbouring municipalities would benefit
During the 2003-2004 financial year budgetary allocations from regional planning that would put them in a position to
were as follows: wages, 78.4%; operations and maintenance, harmonise and integrate the development of “Greater Nairobi”.
21%; service delivery, a meagre 4%. Environmental planning must play a crucial role in the
sustainability of the city and the surrounding environment.
Like any other local authority in Kenya, NCC collects rev-
enue but it must submit budgets for approval to the central
government. This leads to delays as the central government is
not always able promptly to respond to requests. The Local
Authority Transfer Fund Act 1999 requires the City Council
(and other local authorities) to prepare annual Local Author-
ity Service Delivery Action Plans (LASDAPs), in order to
enable city residents to participate in setting their spending

priorities. In practice, though, the LASDAP procedure is not

effectively implemented.

A number of steps could improve urban governance in Nairobi:

decentralising and strengthening of the council’s financial
and revenue mobilisation capacity; enhancing service delivery
and planning capacity; and facilitating collaboration between
various departments and institutions through creation of an
urban forum for discussion and participation. Additionally,
accountability and public participation need strengthening.

Source: Maps Geosystem, Maps (UAE), Sharjah, U.A.E.


The Council Legislation and policy making, budget approval.
Town Clerk Coordination of city management, policy/programmes implementation, accounting officer, advocacy and
customer relations.
City Treasurer Financial management/control, budget planning/implementation, collector of revenue, paymaster and finan-
cial advisor for Nairobi City Council.
City Engineer Roads, transport, public works, parks, building and maintenance
General Manager Water supply, sanitation services, revenue administration and system maintenance
Director of city planning Zoning, development control, plans approval, subdivisions, buildings design, policy planning
Director of Social Services and Rental housing, markets, libraries, community development, culture/sport, youth and street people pro-
Housing grammes.
Director of Low cost housing, settlements upgrading, and community facilities.
Housing Development
City Education Officer Pre-school education, primary and special schools.
City Medical Officer Healthcare management, public/community health, hospitals, clinics and dispensaries.
Director, Environment Pollution control, solid/liquid waste disposal and cleaner production initiatives.
Director, City Inspectorate By-laws enforcement, ceremonial guard.

Nairobi plays an important role in the global, regional,
national and local economy. It is a centre of international Every year the informal sector employs a greater share of
diplomacy, finance, banking and commerce, because of its Nairobi’s labour force, but it is not adequately regulated nor
facilities and its strategic position in the African continent. supported by the City Council. Kiosks and hawkers are still
The city is a hub of road, rail and air transport networks, largely seen as threats to city development instead of oppor-
connecting eastern, central and southern African countries, tunities and resources. Lack of services and infrastructure
and the potential for development is huge. Nairobi employs severely constrains the economic development of the infor-
25% of Kenyans and 43% of urban workers in the country, mal sector, particularly in the slums. Similarly, private sector
generating over 45% of national GDP. In a sharp contrast to involvement has not been exploited for sustainable and equi-
this central role, the financial capacity of NCC is extremely table development of the city, in terms of wealth creation and
limited, largely because of poor resource management and a service delivery. Both the municipal and the private sectors
weak revenue collection system. As a result, there is a three- must be coordinated and regulated in an innovative and par-
fold gap between the revenue collected per capita (US$ 7 on ticipatory way if they are to benefit the whole community.
average) and per capita expenditure (US$ 21).

NCC’s main sources of revenue are the Local Authorities URBAN POVERTY
Transfer Fund (LATF), property rates, parking fees, business
licences and ground rents. The NCC’s recent transfer of wa- Economic conditions are deteriorating much faster for
ter distribution to a commercial entity reduced its collected Nairobi’s residents than the national trend; the proportion
revenues by half. As for municipal staff numbers, Nairobi’s of people living below the national poverty line in Nairobi
resources are allocated as follows: 23% for by-law enforce- is increasing dramatically, from 26% in 1992 to 50% in
ment and prosecution of offenders, 20% for cleaning, 15% 1997. The most evident features of this degeneration include
for engineering, planning and housing development, and slum expansion, higher numbers of people living and beg-
24% for education and health. ging on the streets, and a rise in crime. If these trends are to
be reversed, increasing inequalities, rural to urban migration
and economic stagnation need to be addressed as a matter of
urgency. This calls for pro-poor policies along with equitable
and efficient urban management and government re-involve-
ment in basic service provision.

Source: Maps Geosystem, Maps (UAE), Sharjah, U.A.E.


According to the Local Government Act (Cap. 265 of Sanitary conditions are particularly poor in Nairobi’s slums,
the laws of Kenya), a local authority like the NCC is where a majority of residents resort to pit latrines that are
responsible for provision and management of services over-used and inadequately maintained. Nairobi is over-
within its jurisdiction. However, due to various factors whelmed by refuse generation as the council’s collection
poor economic conditions, rapid population growth, service is inefficient and restricted to a few areas only. A few
strict control by the Ministry of Local Govern- private firms are active, but there are opportunities for part-
ment, political interference and poor management nerships and cooperation between the private and informal
services are continuing to deteriorate in most parts of the sectors, communities and the City Council. Privatisation of
city; as a result, not only are the living conditions of the refuse collection is limited to middle- and high-income areas,
population worsening further, but economic production is while in informal settlements non-governmental (NGO) and
also being constrained. Lack of municipal services leaves the community-based organisation (CBO) volunteers collect re-
poor with no other alternative than buying water and elec- fuse and dispose of it in a central area for collection by city
tricity from private sources, ultimately paying far more than authorities. Opportunities for income-generating schemes
the rich do for these services. for solid waste collection in slums should be explored.


Nairobi’s rapid population growth puts available water

resources under serious pressure. Access to clean water in
Nairobi is inequitable. For households, income determines
both the environmental quality of their surroundings

and their consumption of urban services. High-income

groups barely more than 10% of the population con-
sume 30 % of domestic water, while low-income groups
64% of population consume only 35%.

Over 60% of the Nairobi population live in slums and only

22% of slum households have water connections. Slum
residents experience water shortages; 75% of them buy water
from kiosks at prices far higher than those paid by middle-
and high-income households, which typically have direct
connections to the city’s network. Many slum dwellers have
limited water for bathing and often use polluted river water.
Public taps serve a mere 3% of slum households. There are
opportunities for rainwater collection in both poor and non-
poor neighbourhoods, and they should be exploited.
At times Nairobi experiences acute water supply shortages, in
addition to problems of distribution, waste, illegal connec- Local minibuses, known as matatus, are the main form of
tions, overloading and mismanagement, all of which contrib- public transport in use in Nairobi and must be fully inte-
ute to supply shortages. Responsibility for water management grated into city transport planning to ease congestion and
has recently been transferred from the council to a more maximise their efficiency. More effective traffic regulation is
commercial-oriented, though NCC-controlled, company needed: heavy traffic should be kept out of the city centre
which is in charge of distribution, tariff setting, billing and and non-motorised transport encouraged via improvements
revenue collection. to pedestrian pavements, safe crossings and better access to


In Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD) streetlighting

is in operation, but the service must be extended to other
areas to improve security. Recent moves towards public-
private partnership such as the “Adopt a Light” campaign are
working well.


Electricity throughout Kenya is provided by the Kenya Power

and Lighting Company. Nairobi consumes 50% of the total
national power generated annually, mainly for lighting; 72%
of households in Nairobi have access to electricity but a ma-
jority of households (68%) use kerosene for cooking (20%
use electricity and 7% charcoal), with the attendant heavy
impact on the environment. Alternative energy resources
must be promoted.
Nairobi offers good education facilities which attract students
H E A LT H from around the country as well as the neighbouring countries.
These students come to the capital city to join universities and
There are great disparities in health care between informal other high-level educational institutions. Attendance ratios
settlements and the middle- and high-income areas, and the are generally good, compared to the rest of the country, but
health problems are also different. Middle- and high-income inequalities persist at higher levels, especially among the poor
groups access healthcare through private clinics or govern- and girls. In Nairobi’s slums most schools are informal and
ment hospitals whereas informal settlements are largely left they are not registered with the government. Due to a lack
out. Privatisation and cost-sharing make healthcare costs un- of recognition of informal schools, most informal students
affordable to the poor. Due to a lack of access to clean water, are not able to attain secondary education. Mechanisms to
poor hygiene, and the high densities in the informal settle- allow informal school leavers to attend secondary schools are
ments, illnesses, such as diarrhoea, malaria and tuberculosis urgently needed and female education should be specifically
affect a large number of slum dwellers, especially children. addressed and encouraged through campaigns and special
Poor living conditions and high densities are also the reason programmes.
for greater mortality rates in informal settlements compared
to the middle- and high-income areas. There is an urgent
need to address these health issues, focusing on the needs of
the urban poor.

Primary Secondary+ Primary Secondary+ Primary Secondary+
76.7 30.6 89.1 72.7 52.4 31.1
72.2 32.8 75.7 50.3 50.8 28.3

Source: Kenya MDGs Progress Report, 2003


Nairobi City Council suffers from poor governance and a • The mayor is devoid of executive powers, is elected from
lack of vision for the city. The council is weak and poorly re- a council of elected councillors, and tends to be more
sourced, with low staff morale, pay and motivation, and there responsive to their rather than citizens’ needs.
is limited investment in training and capacity-building. The • The communication strategies within the City Council
City Council has no institutional organ for policy develop- itself and between the City Council and external stake-
ment or monitoring and evaluating service effectiveness and holders are weak, although a corporate planning strategy
policy impact. Councillors are reported to interfere in staff is under preparation.
matters in the past and have put their own self-interest ahead • Segmented and uncoordinated responses from relevant
of the public good. Corrupt practices, lack of transparency as sectors must give way to comprehensive urban thinking
well as poor and inequitable revenue collection are encour- involving all of them.
aged by lack of computerisation and an otherwise inadequate • The framework for participatory programme planning
information technology systems. (LASDAP) is in place, although implementation re-
mains centralised.
There are no clear NCC poverty reduction strategies while • There is no coherent framework for private sector partici-
community outreach and involvement at grassroots levels pation and public-private partnerships in service delivery.
are limited, ad hoc and only occasional. With respect to the • There are no pro-poor policies to regulate urban services.
Local Authority Service Delivery Action Plan (LASDAP),
stakeholders report little meaningful involvement as they do
not participate in all the stages of project cycles. PERFORMANCE AND
There are no adequate communication channels between the
population and governing authorities. Urban stakeholders • Citizens are often unaware of their rights. There is
are not organised to make effective service demands on the no Citizens’ Rights Charter; a committee of outside
city authority. Without a formal and well-advertised Citizen’s stakeholders and NCC representatives effectively play

Rights Charter, it is difficult to ensure effective service deliv- ombudsman roles, but there is no formal ombudsman
ery or performance based on accountability. service.
• The NCC has no system enabling it to measure per-
BEST PRACTICE formance against specific standards or to assess its own
The Karen Langata Association performance and effectiveness.
The association took on a role model that gained recognition and legitimacy • Communities are neither coordinated nor sufficiently
when residents took a stand and withheld rate payments to the Nairobi empowered to make effective demands on city institu-
City Council for non-delivery of services. The association has also made tions.
representations to the central government in favour of developing a new
• There is no proper service delivery assessment, although
action plan for service delivery. Access to information and familiarity with the
laws granting rights to efficient service delivery have acted as the lynchpin a telephone complaints service has recently been made
of the association’s campaigns. The group has also worked with the Physical available.
Planning Department of the Ministry of Lands and Housing and prepared a • NCC budgets were previously unpublished
physical development plan for the area, which served as a legal instrument for
budget publication started in October 2004.
management and enforcement. Where the City Council failed to deliver services,
residents organised between themselves to provide security, streetlighting, • At present only tender notices, not contract awards, are
waste management and community information through civic participation. published in newspapers, causing lack of transparency.
The Karen Langata Association is considered as an example of best practice, • A framework for participatory programme planning
but its approach is one that only the wealthier neighbourhoods can usually (LASDAP) is in place, but centralised implementation
afford. Poor communities have neither the awareness nor the means required restricts stakeholder involvement in city governance.
to take such a strong stance vis-à-vis a city council. Therefore, sustainable ways • NCC leadership is neither sufficiently exposed to
of developing partnerships between NCC and residents should be explored.
LASDAP nor aware of its (potential) role in maximising
civic involvement; training is needed.

• Financial management is poor and hindered by lack • Implement an effective communication system within NCC and
of participatory planning and transparency of NCC’s between the City Council and all stakeholders.
financial decisions. • Launch a citizen’s awareness campaign.
• Local authority autonomy vis-à-vis central government • Build up an effective revenue collection strategy.
is inadequate regarding revenue generation and spend-
ing. • Guarantee an equitable taxation, i.e., pro-poor and one that does not
penalise vulnerable groups.
• Revenue collection is weak and central government
grants are limited. • Implement an effective information technology system.
• Property rates are the primary source of revenue (50%). • Train civic leaders.
However, since a NCC-controlled utility has taken over • Improve NCC organisational culture, morale, attitudes and
responsibility for Nairobi’s water distribution, the share remuneration.
of rates in the NCC revenue base has shrunk. • Establish a strategic planning and management unit, address corruption
• Property taxation does not take into account land de- and introduce a code of ethics.
velopment values, and collection of property rates is

URBAN Project proposal page 20

Urban Sector Coordinating Body for Nairobi
Project proposal page 20
SECTOR* Media campaign to raise citizens’ awareness of
rights, duties, governance, the environment,
N°2 gender and HIV/AIDS-related issues
URBAN Project proposal page 20-21
SECTOR* Revenue collection strategies for Nairobi City
N°3 Council
URBAN Project proposal page 21
Information Communication Technology
GOVER- Project proposal page 23
NANCE Training for Nairobi City Council Councillors
N°1 and Officers
GOVER- Project proposal page 24
NANCE Strategic Planning and Management Unit for
N°2 Nairobi City Council

* Urban Sector: project proposals addressing all the four themes

SLUMS • The Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme (KENSUP),
run by the Ministry of Lands and Housing, is the lead-
The majority of Nairobi’s population lives in slums with lim- ing institution for slum upgrading at the national level.
ited access to appropriate housing, electricity and sanitation.
The informal sector employs two-thirds of the city’s labour
force and a considerable share of the city’s income is pro- R E G U L AT O R Y F R A M E W O R K
duced and consumed in the slums. The precarious physical,
social and legal conditions of these settlements heavily affect • Nairobi has not updated any land use or master plan
residents’ health and environment, in addition to severely since 1973; the Strategic Development Plan for Nairobi
constraining local economic development. NGOs and CBOs is not in place.
are active at the community level, but they operate on an • Physical, economic and environmental city planners
ad hoc basis, with little coordination among them, and with should jointly develop a sustainable plan for the city. At
limited support from the government. Institutional planning the moment there is no general policy to promote local
and financial frameworks must be restructured at national economic development, and self-help is the norm. The
and local levels if the council is to be empowered to respond NCC has responded with creation of a Social Welfare
to the challenge of slum upgrading in a holistic way. Department to look after poor people’s initiatives.
The Local Authorities Service Delivery Action Plan
(LASDAP) funds mainly capital projects.
BEST PRACTICE • NCC’s capacity is constrained by inadequate financial
The Scoring Goals Project resources, a highly centralised institutional system and
Scoring Goals is an umbrella organisation consisting of 107 football teams and
limited decision-making power. Unskilled and unmoti-
14 drama groups from the 13 villages of the Kibera slum. The overall goal is to vated officers hinder good municipal management.
give poor children and young adults the chance to compete in well-organised • Decentralisation processes should be accelerated.
soccer leagues and drama competitions in order to build new perspectives, • There are no pro-poor or gender-oriented land policies.
self-esteem and confidence. To be part of the organisation, the members are
supposed to clean their living environment every Saturday and to support HIV/
• NCC effectively supports local slum upgrading initia-
AIDS prevention, as well as environmental conservation activities. By partici- tives (e.g. KENSUP), even though it has no formal,
pating in the sport and drama competitions, the participants compete to win a explicit policy in this regard.
scholarship to IT colleges, which are a walking distance from Kibera. • The land rights granting system is not transparent; there
ONGOING PROJECTS is no policy to promote slum dwellers’ access to land or
protection from eviction.
The Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme is coordinated by the Ministry of Lands
and Housing, implemented by Nairobi City Council and funded by UN-HABITAT,

and aims to upgrade Soweto village in the Kibera slum.

Mathare IVA Project

The Mathare IVA Project is implemented by Amani Housing Trust, coordinated
by the Ministry of Lands and Housing, and funded by GTZ. The project has
upgraded infrastructure services primarily roads, streetlighting, water and
sanitation with the aim of raising material standards in the settlement. Resident
participation in slum management through selected representatives is an
important feature of the project. Any conflicts over tenure between owners of
dwellings, tenants and project management, have largely been resolved.

Huruma upgrading
Huruma upgrading, is undertaken by Pamoja Trust in eastern Nairobi. The
project started with a local census and mapping of the settlement including
house ownership. In addition, the project documents the condition of health
facilities and other urban services.

T H E I N S T I T U T I O N A L S E T- U P
• Slum-related issues are the purview of the Ministry of
Lands and Housing and local authorities. However, the
connections between them are frequently inadequate,
a situation only compounded by lack of financial re-
sources for development and coordination.
• NCC is poor at follow-up activities in slums and coordi-
nating efforts between various organisations; there is no
dedicated officer for this task.
• A platform is lacking for urban development and stake-
holder coordination; duplication, waste of resources
and antagonism among all those involved characterise
interventions in the city and the slums.

• NCC lacks the financial capacity to allocate a budget for • A strategy for local economic development.
slum upgrading, leaving this task mainly to donors and • Mapping of local economic activities and related needs for infrastructure
private entities. provision and the attendant economic development of slums.
• The council collects revenue, but budgets require • A sustainable funding strategy for slum upgrading (public-private
approval by the central government and the resulting partnerships, commercial upgrading, etc.).
delays and other bottlenecks affect any local resources • Mobilisation of resources for urban development.
allocated for upgrading. • Creation of a platform for discussion, monitoring, coordination and
• Government and donors are taking an increasing interest support for all those NGOs, CBOs, the private sector, donors and local
in slum upgrading; this opportunity should be exploited authorities involved in slum upgrading efforts.
through dialogue and coordination of various activities. • Support to KENSUP: coordinate and facilitate the relationship between
• There is no formalised “Urban Sector Programme” to the Nairobi Informal Settlements Coordinating Committee, Nairobi City
which government and donors can directly allocate Council, KENSUP and other stakeholders, to avoid duplication, waste of
resources and antagonism among those involved.
• Nairobi’s informal sector is generating a large share • Combine physical, economic and environmental planning in favour of
of the city’s wealth. This vibrant potential should be Nairobi’s development.
harnessed in favour of slum upgrading, slum economic • A regulatory framework and action plan to ensure equitable and pro-poor
development and poverty reduction. At the moment, access to urban services, particularly land, water and healthcare.
there is no specific policy to address the economic • Awareness campaign to enhance citizens’ familiarity with rights and
development of slum areas or of informal sector duties.
• Financial assistance to slum residents is not well
developed, with the exception of NGO-sponsored
micro-finance. Banking services for the poor are also
limited. Inadequate incomes and lack of collateral stand
in the way of poor people’s access to credit.
• Businesses in slums are hindered by high licensing fees
as well as the specific constraints and shortcomings
characteristic to informal settlements.
• NGO and CBO activities are not always sustainable
and are often undermined by absence of an institutional


• As many as 90% of Nairobi’s slum dwellers are tenants;

URBAN Project proposal page 20
half of these feel that tenure is reasonably secure,
suggesting that the informal rental market is largely Urban Sector Coordinating Body for Nairobi
efficient. Innovative ways of ensuring security of tenure N°1
should be explored. Project proposal page 20
• Land records and land management in both formal URBAN
and informal settlements are not computerised and are SECTOR* Media campaign to raise citizens’ awareness of
subject to corruption. This leads to poor and inequitable rights, duties, governance, the environment,
N°2 gender and HIV/AIDS-related issues
land management, resulting in lack of access to land for
the poor and more generally to slum expansion. Project proposal page 20-21
• Market-based pricing bars the poor from formal land SECTOR*
ownership, leaving them heavily dependent on the Revenue collection strategies for Nairobi City
informal market. N°3 Council
• Securing formal rights to land is subject to complex Project proposal page 25
procedures which at times lack transparency. SLUMS*
• Evictions are less commonplace than they used to be; in N°1 Slum Economic Development
80% of the cases eviction is carried out by land “owners”
and, in the remaining 20%, by the NCC, the Ministry Project proposal page 25
of Lands and Housing or the Ministry of Public Works
all in a poorly handled and not always transparent N°2 Urban Development Fund
• Alternative land and housing are generally not provided * Urban Sector: project proposals addressing all the four themes
to evictees, but if so, via non-transparent methods
handled by chiefs, their agents or the NCC. Legal
recourse against eviction is possible in theory, but in
practice the poor do without any assistance.

S E T- U P
The conditions of women, children and the disabled are
generally less alarming in Nairobi than in the rest of Kenya. • The City Council lacks gender mainstreaming policies
However, the urbanisation of poverty in Nairobi runs the risk both at the workplace and in service delivery. There is
of reversing this trend as it affects men and women to dif- no policy for the protection of women and children.
ferent degrees. Women are the hardest hit by urban poverty: • The NCC also lacks a special office for gender issues
their access to land, credit and other productive resources and gender training/sensitisation; most of these matters
is restricted, as are their capabilities (illiteracy, low educa- are handled by Community Extension Workers at the
tional levels); these factors result in feminisation of poverty, NCC Department of Housing and Social Services.
a phenomenon further exacerbated by traditional beliefs and • The NCC has no HIV/AIDS policy, and any relevant
practices. records are kept by the Ministry of Health not the
HIV/AIDS is more prevalent in the capital city than else- • A HIV/AIDS study is underway, but it is not supported
where in Kenya. In general, HIV/AIDS in Kenya is more by any adequate information distribution system.
commonplace in urban than in rural areas. Traditional • A variety of institutions are involved in gender-oriented and
beliefs and practices are also responsible for the stigmatisa- HIV/AIDS issues, ranging from NGOs to CBOs, but they

tion of HIV/AIDS infected people in Nairobi. The impact are poorly organised and lack of coordination, collaboration
of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Nairobi is severe, causing and dialogue constrains effectiveness. Opportunities for
loss of productive people, adding to the number of orphans partnerships to promote gender sensitivity and HIV/AIDS
and compounding poverty. Women are more vulnerable to issues are not taken full advantage.
HIV/AIDS due to poor information, education and empow- • Mothers’ status is inadequately protected: maternity
erment, not to mention the biological factors and violence leave is restrictive, there is no paternity leave, no crèche
which place females at greater risk. areas are provided nor is any assistance for poor and/or
single mothers. The burden of child care and its eco-
The Nairobi City Council’s policy vacuum and limited re- nomic consequences adversely affect women.
source allocation for gender and HIV/AIDS issues reflect a • The NCC does not specifically allocate any financial
lack of awareness among public institutions as well as civil resources to gender mainstreaming.
society. The various NGOs and CBOs operating in the city
are uncoordinated, and formal relationships are not actively
established. Support for anything like a gender “department”
or “desk” to promote advocacy, communication and training
is missing in Nairobi. Awareness of gender and HIV/AIDS
issues needs enhancement as a matter of urgency, which
should subsequently lead to better policies.


For all the efforts by the authorities and civil society to en-
hance public awareness, gender-based violence is widespread
in Nairobi. The authorities are usually ill-equipped to deal
with gender-based violence, which is largely attributed to
lack of training of police officers and their inability to pre-
serve forensic evidence. Domestic violence, sexual assault and
rape are commonplace, and even gang rapes and rapes during
robberies, burglaries and carjackings are frequently reported.
By comparison conviction rates are abysmal. However, fe-
male security issues are giving rise to a number of efforts in

1 The NCC has arranged for community meetings in

partnership with the police, leading to creation of police
kiosks which, when staffed, have been a success.
2 The NCC has entered into partnerships with NGOs
dealing with violence against women.
3 Nairobi Women’s Hospital specialises in medical ser-
vices for female victims of domestic or other violence
but it suffers from a lack of funding.
4 Kilimani Police Station in Nairobi has been advertised
as a women-only police station dealing exclusively with
cases of rape and domestic violence.


• Awareness of gender and HIV/AIDS issues is poor

among both government institutions and civil society.
• Gender awareness and capacity building need prior en-
hancement if they are to be mainstreamed, especially • Policies to mainstream gender and HIV/AIDS at the workplace and in all of
within the NCC leadership as well as local councillors. the City Council’s activities. Adopt and implement national gender sensi-
tisation policies at city level.
• NGOs, CBOs and Faith Based Organisations (FBOs)
address gender and HIV/AIDS issues but they need • Train NCC staff in gender and HIV/AIDS awareness.
more training if they are to collaborate with each other • Collection of gender- and HIV/AIDS-disaggregated data.
more effectively. • Set up a City Council “gender desk”.
• Data collection should be disaggregated by gender in
• Coordinate relevant stakeholders and gender-related activities in
order equally to define the needs of men and women.
• Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) clinics func-
tion well, but information about HIV/AIDS prevention • Launch gender and HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns through the
media, public meetings, NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, the NCC and government-
and living with HIV/AIDS is not adequately dissemi- coordinated activities.
nated; VCT at ward level should be encouraged.
• Reinforce facilities at ward level for women and HIV-positive individuals
• There are no active mechanisms to give voice to women (VCT clinics, police kiosks, etc.).
or to children and the disabled.
• Women are not adequately represented in the NCC, as
only two out of 11 heads of department and five out of
75 councillors are females.

URBAN Project proposal page 20

Urban Sector Coordinating Body for Nairobi
Project proposal page 20
SECTOR* Media campaign to raise citizens’ awareness of
rights, duties, governance, the environment,
N°2 gender and HIV/AIDS-related issues

GENDER Project proposal page 26

HIV/AIDS Establish Gender and HIV/AIDS Management
N°1 Unit in Nairobi City Council

* Urban Sector: project proposals addressing all the four themes

THE ENVIRONMENT • NCC leadership and coordination must be strength-
ened if the council is to work more effectively with other
Rapid population growth, poor institutional governance institutions such as NEMA and the Ministry of Lands
and weak physical planning together pose serious threats to and Housing, in order to mainstream environmental
Nairobi’s environment. The city generates 2,000 tonnes of refuse concerns at city level.
daily, 68% of which is domestic and only a small proportion
is collected, mainly in the wealthy neighbourhoods and the
business (CBD) area. Environmental services in poor areas T H E P O L I C Y A N D R E G U L AT O R Y
are inadequate; refuse is dumped in open areas and residents FRAMEWORK
have no access to adequate water, sanitation or streetlighting.
Lack of investment in infrastructure maintenance over so • Enforcement of regulations is constrained by overlapping
many years results in potholed roads, inadequate storm water and outdated by-laws and statutes, together with weak
drainage and broken pedestrian pavements. Nairobi suffers implementation capacity and fragmented institutional
from traffic congestion, industrial pollution and inadequate responsibilities.
water supply and sanitation facilities. Its only river is polluted • The recent Environment Management and Co-ordination
with human waste from slums. Unplanned settlements have Act (EMCA) of 1999 came as an attempt to harmonise
permanently enclosed and cut off animal migration routes, regulations, but delays in the implementation framework
thereby reducing zoological diversity and undermining the hinder action by NCC.
economic value of the Nairobi National Park. • The NCC is drafting new by-laws, standards and
guidelines based on the 1999 statute; NEMA and the
private sector should be actively involved in this process.
T H E I N S T I T U T I O N A L S E T- U P • The 1999 Act calls for assessment of the environmental
impact of any proposed new developments involving
• The City Council is the leading authority managing NCC and NEMA, but coordination is not always
environmental issues in Nairobi. A small number of efficient.

NGOs and an unspecified number of CBOs also have • The NCC has no policy for public involvement to
environmental agendas of their own. promote good environmental governance. The Local
• The NCC is currently unable to undertake environ- Authorities Service Delivery Action Plan (LASDAP)
mental assessments or any proper monitoring, evalua- process works to a fixed budget, but its role is not well
tion, planning and management functions for lack of understood and remains problematic when it comes to
adequate capacity:, human and financial resources fall stakeholder participation.
well short of requirements, and coordination is as poor • The NCC works on a reactive basis and lacks a policy-
as the environmental awareness of the NCC leadership. making organ to plan and develop policies and evaluate
• The Environmental Department is NCC’s newest unit. their environmental impact.
Its 3,000 staff need exposure to genuine environmental • So far, elected councillors have given the environment a
issues, way beyond the grass-cutting and street-sweeping low priority, resulting in weak enforcement of policies
that keeps the bulk of them occupied. and regulations. Council members need proper training.
• The NCC has not developed any decentralised mecha- Donor programmes (SIDA, UNDP) supported
nism to facilitate local environmental responses; a few occasional training programmes in the past, but no
CBOs and NGOs have been mobilised, with NCC help, regular training is available at present.
to collect or recycle solid waste, but any efforts only take
place on an ad hoc basis.


• NCC budget allocations for environmental matters are

small, with central government funds the main source. AGREED PRIORITIES
• Generally speaking, no local revenues are specifically
earmarked for environmental activities, to the exception • Environmental planning and management training for NCC.
of the few public toilets collecting user fees in the busi- • Develop local projects in areas where the environment is a problem, and
ness district (CBD). involve the NCC, NEMA and local stakeholders.
• A few public-private partnerships supplement formal • Sustainable financial planning for environmental issues.
public services (e.g., urban “greening” of road round- • Develop a sustainable partnership framework to allow cross-subsidies.
abouts, streetlighting and waste management).
• Launch an environmental awareness campaign.
• Provide solid waste management in partnership with communities, NGOs,
AWA R E N E S S A N D CBOs and the private sector.
A C C O U N TA B I L I T Y • Traffic regulation.
• Improve public transport, cycling and pedestrian mobility.
• Environmental awareness among Nairobi’s population
• Encourage clean production and alternative energies for the manufacturing
is low; residents are not aware of the health and sector.
environmental consequences of their behaviour. An
• Protection of the Nairobi National Park.
awareness campaign is needed.
• The City Council is weak when it comes to disseminating
information or to maintaining dialogue with the private
sector, NGOs and CBOs.
• Some CBOs hold monthly public meetings and ad hoc
direct discussions.
• There is no widely known reporting mechanism for
environmental complaints.
• Lack of environmental standards hinders adequate law

URBAN Project proposal page 20

Urban Sector Coordinating Body for Nairobi
Project proposal page 20
SECTOR* Media campaign to raise citizens’ awareness of
rights, duties, governance, the environment,
N°2 gender and HIV/AIDS-related issues
ENVIRON- Project proposal page 29
Local Integrated Environmental Planning,
N°1 Management and activities implementation
ENVIRON- Project proposal page 30
Enhancement of Non-Motorised Transportation
N°2 Systems
ENVIRON- Project proposal page 30-31
Sustainable Financial Planning and Local
N°3 Resource Mobilisation
ENVIRON- Project proposal page 31
Partnerships for Solid Waste Management

URBAN Project proposal Project proposal
SECTOR Media campaign to raise citizens’ awareness of
Urban Sector Coordinating Body for Nairobi
N°1 N°2 rights, duties, governance, environment, gender
and HIV/AIDS related issues
DURATION: 12 months LOCATION: Nairobi.
DURATION: Initial 12 month phase.
BENEFICIARIES: Urban communities and relevant institu-
tions: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Planning BENEFICIARIES: All residents, and vulnerable groups in
and Development, Ministry of Lands and Housing, Ministry particular.
of Local Government, international and local development
City Council, youth and community organisations.
Ministry of Planning and National Development, Ministry ESTIMATED COST: US$ 400,000
of Finance, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of
Lands and Housing, UN-HABITAT, World Bank, UNDP, BACKGROUND: Citizens are often unaware of their rights
European Commission, heads of development partner mis- and duties. It is crucial to educate them on the most im-
sions. portant issues, including health, HIV/AIDS, gender and the
environment. Greater citizen awareness of rights and duties
ESTIMATED COST: US$ 170,000 will enhance empowerment as well as the general account-
ability of public authorities.
BACKGROUND: Nairobi’s potential for economic growth
is vast, but the institutional response to the city needs is weak A media-based campaign (radio, television, newspapers, post-
and uncoordinated. Policies and activities are implemented ers, events, etc.) should include practical details such as how

by various institutions in the absence of any proper dialogue to access services and information, lodge complaints with rel-
or coordination and therefore are fragmented and ineffec- evant institutions, and how and where to get medical help.
tive. Physical planning is not integrated with economic and
environmental planning and the city lacks a vision for its OBJECTIVE: Raise awareness of rights and duties, as well
own development. International development partners have as of governance, environmental, gender and HIV/AIDS
begun to harmonise and coordinate assistance programmes. related issues.
All urban institutions must engage in more organised col-
laboration, maximising the potential for economic growth. ACTIVITIES: (1) Assess priority needs for education through
interviews and meetings. (2) Define details of strategy and
OBJECTIVES: Creation of an urban sector coordinating implementation partners. (3) Implement pilot projects.
body, with an ability to harmonise the responses of relevant
institutions and to coordinate the efforts of civil society OUTPUT: Enhanced awareness among the citizenry.
organisations and development agencies. The nature and
modus operandi of the coordinating body will be set out in STAFF REQUIRED: Experts in development issues and
collaboration with all the urban stakeholders. communication.

ACTIVITIES: (1) Information-gathering meetings with vari-

URBAN Project proposal
ous NCC departments, NGOs, international and national de-
SECTOR Revenue collection strategies for Nairobi City
velopment partners and the private sector. (2) Assessment of
perspectives, constraints, competing demands and individual N°3 Council
concerns. (3) Assessment and scenario planning (with option
appraisals) for the various institutional roles, responsibilities LOCATION: Nairobi City Council
and implications of an Urban Sector Coordinating Body for DURATION: 12 months
Nairobi. (4) Mini-consultation with the major institutions
involved in urban functions. (5) Interim report and recom- BENEFICIARIES: Nairobi City Council, Nairobi residents,
mendations. 6) Proposal for the coordinating body: Sessional the private sector and manufacturing sectors, ratepayers, the
Paper preparation for Parliament to approve. informal sector.

OUTPUT: Creation of an Urban Sector Coordinating Body IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS: Nairobi City Council,
for Nairobi. Ministry of Local Government, the business sector, Kenya
Revenue Authority, UN-HABITAT.
STAFF REQUIRED: Coordinator/facilitator and a research
team with expertise in economics, institutions, public sector ESTIMATED COST: US$ 400,000
reform and urban management.
BACKGROUND: One of the most urgent needs of Nairobi
City Council is to improve and maximise revenue collection.
The City Council is operating from a position of insolvency
and is regularly unable to pay staff, or to deliver services effec-

tively, or to invest in service improvements. The initial practi- URBAN Project proposal
cal response is to undertake an institutional situation analysis, SECTOR Information Communication Technology
review procedures, assess alternative revenue sources and con- N°4 (ICT)
sult with ratepayers and city stakeholders, in order to make
recommendations on how best to improve and strengthen LOCATION: Nairobi City Council
the overall revenue collection system. If an efficient taxation DURATION: 24 months.
system is to be established, the sustainability and equity of
the rates paid by citizens on properties and for services must BENEFICIARIES: Nairobi City Council, local ratepayers
come under review. The main source of revenue is property and the urban poor.
taxation, which at the moment is not equitable and, most
importantly, is not harmonised with the economic strategies IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS: NCC, the private sector,
devised for Nairobi’s development. UN-HABITAT.

OBJECTIVE: Propose strategies to improve revenue collec- ESTIMATED COST: US$ 3,000,000
tion, compliance and transparency together with efficient
financial management, monitoring and reporting. BACKGROUND: Nairobi City Council manages the entire
City of Nairobi (population: nearly three million). The coun-
ACTIVITIES: (1) Institutional and needs assessment of Nai- cil itself employs some 17,000 staff. In view of this central role,
robi City Council through information-gathering interviews the City Council must handle extensive and rapidly changing
with all key departments associated with revenue collection information ranging from personnel records, public records,
and financial management. (2) Mini-consultation within key registration of business permits and ratepayer records. It must
NCC departments to co-develop and agree on revenue collec- also arrange for, monitor and enforce revenue collection and
tion priorities, conducting a SWOT analysis of City Council make information available to citizens for the purposes of
revenue management. (3) Assessment of potential alternative transparent, accountable and efficient service delivery. All
NCC revenue sources. (4) Interviews with Nairobi business these important functions are compromised by lack of ICT
sector stakeholders and other ratepayers to determine key systems, resulting in inadequate NCC overall performance
issues to be addressed in terms of compliance, improved and information processing. An ICT system is required in
management and collection. (5) A stock assessment of coun- order to ensure good governance, sound information flows,
cil-owned facilities, particularly income-generating facilities, efficient resource mobilisation and transparency. The NCC
to identify potential sources of additional or fresh incomes needs an ICT system if it is to modernise and meet service
(e.g., licences for informal sector enterprises, etc.). (6) Make delivery and proper management requirements, while at the
sure that property and service rates are equitable and, where same time mobilising revenue collection and communicating
needed, propose modified rates. (7) Interviews with Kenya effectively with the community.
Revenue Authority. (8) Consultation workshop with all
stakeholders, including ratepayers and NCC. (9) Report OBJECTIVE: Improve overall transparency, accountability,
on improved strategies and recommendations for NCC to and information flows between the NCC and its citizens
implement. (10) Support implementation of approved rec- as well as between individual NCC departments, in order
ommendations through institutional capacity-building and to strengthen the overall performance and efficiency of the
staff training. (11) Monitor outcomes and NCC financial council.
capacity trends.
ACTIVITIES: (1) A comprehensive institutional needs as-
OUTPUT: A report complete with recommendations for re- sessment of all NCC departments; assess each department
structuring property and service rates and improving overall individually, conduct interviews with key informants, under-
revenue collection. take comprehensive assessments of needs in terms of data and
information flows. (2) A mini-consultation with all NCC de-
STAFF REQUIRED: Full-time institutional and public fi- partments to identify ICT needs. (3) Develop an integrated
nance experts. information technology system and networked ICT hard-
ware for NCC. (4) Prepare ICT training tools. (5) Develop a
comprehensive, rolling training programme for NCC officers
and departments in coordination with the Human Resources
Department. (6) Training of tutors in basic ICT uses and
practice. (7) Recruit, train and support an ICT Support Unit
for system maintenance and permanent technical support.

OUTPUTS: Fully installed and networked information

and communication technology system for all Nairobi City
Council departments. Fully trained workforce and deploy-
ment of the ICT system in response to institutional needs
and information flow requirements.

STAFF REQUIRED: ICT experts and tutors.

S trengths W eak n es s es O pportunities T hre at s P riorities
• Close proxi- • Weak communication strategy • Enhance empower- • Staff Union conflicts • Implement effective
mity of local within the City Council itself ment and accoun- because of lack of communication sys-
government and between NCC and external tability transparent personnel tem within NCC and
and city stakeholders, even if a corpo- • Fight corruption policies. between the City
stakeholders. rate planning strategy is under • Communities not co- Council and all the
preparation. • Increase effectiveness stakeholders, in both
of Local Authorities ordinated or empo-
• Citizens are often unaware of wered sufficiently to senses.
Service Delivery Ac-
their rights; there is no citizens’ tion Plan (LASDAP). make effective de- • Effective structures
rights charter and a commit- mands and draw for community and
tee of outside stakeholders and responses from city in- stakeholder partici-
NCC representatives handles stitutions. pation in decision
ombudsman roles, but there is making.
no formal ombudsman service. • Citizens’ awareness

• Qualified • Local Government is not au- • The ongoing local • Property taxation, • Need for effective
manpower at tonomous enough from Cen- government reforms which is the main revenue collection
higher tiers of tral Government in generating are expected to im- source of revenues is implementation
Nairobi City budget and spending its rev- prove the efficiency inequitable and not strategy
Council. enues. and the equity of the harmonised with eco- • Equitable taxation,
• NCC budgets • Lack of updated Information service delivery and nomic and physical pro-poor and vulne-
publication Technology system impacting revenue collection planning. rable groups friendly.
started in Oc- negatively on efficiency and strategy. • Resources are devoted • Capacity building.

tober 2004. transparency. • Substantial untapped to recurrent expendi-

revenue base. ture at the expense of • Implementation of an
• NCC commercialization of ser- effective IT system.
vice delivery taking place in the • IT system would help development.
absence of such a framework. to fight corruption. • Techical and manage-
ment assistance and
• Poor information system within training.
City Council limiting financial
management and coordination.

• Strong staff • NCC councilors are self interest- • Review of Local • Delay in staff pay- • Define the criteria for
union. ed, lack of a city development Government Act to ments and low staff being elected as a
• Measures vision, sense of corporate mis- strengthen enforce- morale. councillor (e.g. educa-
to fight and sion or effective leadership. ment rules underway. • Poor organizational tion level).
reduce cor- • Corrupt practices, conflicts of • Congenial national culture at NCC lead- • Training of civic lead-
ruption interest and tribalism affect environment for im- ing to low morale and ers.
being ad- many NCC activities. proving governance poor attitudes towards • Review and strengt-
dressed. • No performance appraisal sys- expected to impact work hen existing policies.
tem. positively on local • No policy develop-
governance. • Improve staff
• At present staffing matters are ment potential or in- organisational culture,
handled as personnel functions • Local Authorities Ser- stitutional organ to morale, attitude,
(e.g. discipline, promotion, vice Delivery Action perform this role and remuneration and
salaries); there are no human Plan is in place, even no culture of policy capacity building.
resource functions such as if not completely ef- development to re-
fective. spond to institutional • In-house structures
training, promotion and career development: strate-
development. challenges faced by
NCC. gic management unit,
• NCC has no training budget or corruption and code of
strategy or policy. ethics.

GOVER- Project proposal


Urban management services are not adequate and tradition-
NANCE- Training for Nairobi City Council Councillors ally services have been ad hoc or reactive, rather than well-
N°1 and Officers planned, proactive and in a position to respond to the city’s
evolving management requirements. Most NCC department
LOCATION: Nairobi City Council heads are fully engaged with day-to-day crisis situations;
DURATION: 12 months they find themselves duty-bound to deliver services with
inadequate resources and through procedures that are nei-
BENEFICIARIES: Elected councillors, Nairobi City Coun- ther assessed, reviewed, monitored or responsive to changing
cil leaders, NCC officers. needs and operational challenges. In view of the complexity
of issues Nairobi has to face, the City Council requires the
IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS: Nairobi City Council, capacity to be responsive to service delivery needs (and those
NCC Human Resources Department, UN-HABITAT, a of the urban poor in particular) and to assess its own perfor-
training organisation. mance. If it is to be more pro-active and innovative, NCC
also needs planning abilities and the capacity to develop ef-
ESTIMATED COST: US$ 300,000 fective policies as well as to test and adopt new (including
“best practice”) approaches and ideas. In its current form, the
BACKGROUND: Most local authorities only provide basic Nairobi City Council lacks any institutional mechanism to
induction training for newly elected councillors. Such training address these concerns effectively and systematically across
focuses on formal roles and responsibilities; there is no training all its departments.
in development, budgeting or accountability matters.
Once established, the NCC Strategic Management Unit will
OBJECTIVE: Comprehensive development of urban gover- assist in monitoring and evaluation, and will help improve
nance skills performance-based accountability in service delivery. It will
identify training needs and develop future policies. Overall,
ACTIVITIES: (1) Assessment of training needs for gover- it will improve governance and accountability in a context
nance and job orientation at all levels of Nairobi City Council where effectiveness and equity are the overarching concerns.
leadership, including department heads and NCC officers. (2)
Development of training tools based on those UN-HABITAT OBJECTIVE: Establish a functional unit within the Nairobi
leadership skills training materials that have already been ad- City Council that can develop policies, guide and inform
opted and translated in Swahili, together with training material strategic management decisions, monitor and assess the ef-
dealing with participatory planning and economic and land fectiveness and performance of all aspects of NCC service
development. (3) Establish a rolling programme of compre- delivery for the benefit of the city’s whole population.
hensive training in urban governance skills.
ACTIVITIES: (1) A comprehensive institutional assess-
OUTPUTS: Better governance by Councillors and improved ment of individual NCC department functions and services.
NCC municipal service delivery. (2) Fully brief, advise and support NCC leadership and de-
partment heads regarding the creation of an inclusive and
STAFF REQUIRED: Full-time governance expert, tutors fully dedicated team of professional City Council officers
in various disciplines e.g. finance, community relations, seconded from each department to form a Strategic Man-
procurement, equitable service delivery, public complaints agement Unit (SMU) Project Team within the council. (3)
(handling and follow-up). SMU to include Council members and executive leaders,
mayor and town clerk representation. (4) Capacity building
and training activities in participatory strategic planning.
GOVER- Project proposal
(5) Facilitate development of the strategies and actions re-
NANCE Strategic Planning and Management Unit for
quired to monitor and evaluate all services as well as for
N°2 Nairobi City Council future policy development, training needs and gaps, service
equity and accountability, transparency and efficiency in
LOCATION: Nairobi City Council service delivery.
DURATION: 12 months
OUTPUTS: Institutionalised capacity to assess performance,
BENEFICIARIES: The population, and the urban poor in plan and provide guidance on all aspects of Nairobi City
particular, elected councillors, Nairobi City Council leaders, Council’s service delivery; ability to meet changing needs,
NCC officers. monitor, evaluate and make recommendations in order to
improve all aspects of administrative and urban manage-
IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS: Nairobi City Council, ment
NCC leadership, all NCC department heads, NCC Human
Resources and Training Department, UN-HABITAT. STAFF REQUIRED: Full-time coordinator/facilitator with
expertise in institutional development and change manage-
ESTIMATED COST: US$ 300,000 ment, monitoring and policy development. Experts in vari-
ous aspects of institutional administration and management,
BACKGROUND: NCC administration structures are weak e.g., developing responsive management strategies, financial
and often uncoordinated, turning their mandated delivery responsiveness, community relations and equitable service
of urban services across the city into a significant challenge. delivery.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats PRIORITIES
• The National • Lack of updated • Nairobi’s Informal • Political interference. • Creation of a platform for dis-
Land Policy land and housing Settlements Coordi- • Tribalism. cussion, monitoring, coordi-
under prepa- stock information. nating Committee nation and support of slum
ration is ex- could be remodelled • Lack of political will. upgrading actions by NGOs,
• Lack of a city de-
pected to velopment plan into a more effec- • Land planning functions, CBOs, the private sector, do-
have a positive hinders harmoni- tive and participatory financial resources man- nors and local authorities.
impact on ac- ous city growth and framework with re- agement and slum up- • Support for KENSUP: coordi-
cess to land contributes to slum gard to slum issues. grading strategies are nate and facilitate the rela-
for the poor. expansion. • Lessons from previ- heavily centralised. tionship between Nairobi’s
• The Kenya • Residents are not ous upgrading inter- • Some NGOs and slum- Informal Settlements Coordi-
Slum Upgrad- aware of their ventions should be based entreprises view nating Committee, NCC, KEN-
ing Project rights and duties; used to inform poli- slum upgrading as a SUP and other institutions, to
(KENSUP) is they do not know cies and approaches. threat, on the grounds avoid duplication, waste of
developing how to access legal • Slum service provi- that it could lead to loss of resources and friction among
and imple- support and infor- sion by NGOs (refuse business. stakeholders.
menting the mation regarding collection, cleaning), • NGOs and CBOs value their • Combine physical, economic
Kibera upgrad- their rights to land communities and independence highly and and environmental planning
ing scheme to and urban services. NCC (periodic solid are at times reluctant to in Nairobi’s development
test new up- waste collection and coordinate. plan.
grading strate- • Interventions in
disposal, water ki-
slums are uncoordi- • No systematic dissemina- • A regulatory framework and
gies for Kenya. osks) should be re-
nated, ad hoc and tion of information at all action plan to ensure equi-
• Nairobi is the overlapping. organised and any levels. table and pro-poor access to
country’s cen- potential for partner- urban resources and services,
• Poverty is spread- • Absence of a city develop-
tre of econom- ships explored. particularly land, water and
ing in Nairobi: 80% ment strategy to inform
ic production, • Partnerships for de- healthcare.
of slum dwellers urban, physical, economic
accounting velopment with the
live below the na- and environmental plan- • An awareness campaign to
for more than private sector (e.g,
tional poverty line. ning. improve familiarity with civic
45% of nation- cross-subsidies).
al GDP. • Inequitable ac- • Inadequate, inequitable rights and duties, and issues
cess to services • Regulation and sup- and corrupt land taxation such as evictions, urban ser-
• An expanded port for the informal vices, land and access to insti-
undermines slum system.
role for the in- sector. Nairobi, and in tutions.
formal sector economic devel- • Revenue is collected by
opment. Except for particular its informal • Preparation and implementa-
offers a good the municipality but man-
water kiosks, NCC sector, is generating tion of a policy to support lo-
opportunity aged by the central gov-
hardly caters for a large share of the cal economic development.
for poverty ernment; this generates
the needs of the ur- country’s wealth. This
reduction, if bottlenecks, inconsisten- • Mapping of local economic
ban poor. potential should be
adequately cies and delays that affect activities and related needs.
harnessed in favour

regulated. • The NCC budget any local resources allocat- Infrastructure provision
of slum upgrading,
cannot match com- ed for upgrading. would improve economic de-
• Increasing in- slum economic de-
terest from munity develop- velopment and pov- • Donor agencies’ support is velopment in slums.
donors and ment needs. erty reduction. unpredictable, unsustain- • Development of a sustain-
NGOs in slum • Stakeholders’ unco- able and unsystematic. able funding strategy for
• Coordination and up-
upgrading. ordinated interven- scaling of NGOs in • At the moment, there is no slum upgrading (public-pri-
tions undermine community facilita- specific policy to address vate partnerships, commer-
efficiency and tion, policy, advocacy, economic development of cial upgrading, etc.).
waste resources. research, and finance. slum areas or informal sec- • Design a mechanism to mo-
tor businesses. bilise resources in favour of
• Lack of a physical and eco- urban development.
nomic development strat- • Coordination and recording
egy for the city, and for of slum upgrading interven-
slums in particular. tions.

Project proposal Project proposal
N°1 Slum Economic Development N°2 Urban Development Fund

LOCATION: Pilot projects in selected communities. LOCATION: Nairobi

DURATION: 24 months DURATION: 10 months

BENEFICIARIES: Nairobi’s slum dwellers and the informal BENEFICIARIES: Urban poor communities, Nairobi City
sector. Council.

ties, the private sector, Nairobi City Council, KENSUP, UN- Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Local Government, Minis-
HABITAT Slum Upgrading Facility (SUF), UN-HABITAT. try of Roads and Public Works, Ministry of Lands and Hous-
BACKGROUND: The informal sector generates a large
share of Nairobi’s income. Informal settlements host family BACKGROUND: Current funding for urban development
businesses and have great potential for economic develop- is inadequate and only ad hoc. Resource allocation by Central
ment, but find themselves hindered by lack of adequate Government is scarce. A sustainable financing mechanism is
infrastructure, such as roads, electricity and water. If slums in order.
are to achieve their economic potential, their role in the city
economy must be well undestood and the relevant communi- OBJECTIVE: Design a mechanism that would mobilise
ties’ needs and opportunities identified. resources in favour of urban development, against the cur-
rent background of inadequate local revenue collection and
OBJECTIVES: Promote economic development and in- central policy coordination.
come generating activities; reduce economic vulnerability
and urban poverty. ACTIVITIES: Assessment of current urban development fi-
nancing mechanisms, institutional arrangements, regulatory
ACTIVITIES: (1) Select slum communities that can host frameworks, future costs of operations and investment, and
pilot projects. (2) Physical, social and economic mapping integration of the private sector.
of informal areas to assess economic activities and priority
needs. (3) Stakeholder analysis to identify potential develop- OUTPUTS: Initial report on current situation and future
ment partners. (4) Examine the financing mechanisms, fu- needs, feasibility report and detailed design of project pro-
ture costs of operations and types of investment that could posals.
optimise and support existing income-generating activities.
(5) Introduce new activities to complement and diversify the STAFF REQUIRED: Research team with expertise in public
local economy within a coordinated framework. (6) Set out sector finance and institutions, local government and urban
upgrading standards and strategies. (7) Implement priority development.

OUTPUTS: Economic upgrading of slums, reduction of


STAFF REQUIRED: NGOs, CBOs, experts in slum com-

munities, financial experts.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Priorities
• Community • No adequate knowledge • Recent National Gen- • Women are not ad- • HIV/AIDS and Gender main-
Development and sensitisation about der Policy could be equately represented streaming policy for at work
Section, under gender issues within NCC. operational at the city in Nairobi City Coun- and service delivery. Adapt
Social Servic- • Inadequate women’s rep- level. cil. and operationalise national
es & Housing resentation in NCC. • Increase effectiveness • Increase of HIV/ gender policy at the city level.
Department through coordination AIDS in absence • Training of NCC Chief Officers.
of NCC, focus- • No budget towards wom-
en’s issues. between Nairobi City of interventions • Gender and HIV-AIDS disag-
es on women Council and NGOs/ threatens develop-
and children. • No gender disaggregated gregated data collection for
CBOs/FBOs. ment. planning and service delivery,
• NCC’s staff un- data for monitoring and
planning due to lack of • Assistance in child • Attitudes towards with the involvement of NCC.
ion is quite caring could expound HIV/AIDS are af-
active in dis- technology and low ca- • Gender desk in Nairobi City
pacity of NCC. the job opportuni- fected by stigma Council, supported by Nairobi
crimination is- ties for the mothers, constraining the be-
sues against • No work-based HIV policy multi-stakeholder secretariat .
increasing the house- haviour of people,
women. or mainstreaming of HIV holds’ income. even if educated • Coordinate stakeholders and
issues in service delivery. and well informed gender related activities in

• NGOs and • Women have less access • Build gender aware- • Lack of gender • Gender and HIV/AIDS aware-
FBOs actively to information than men. ness. awareness and po- ness campaigns through me-
involved in ad- • Lack of civic education on • Training NCC lead- litical will. dia, public meetings, NGOs,
dressing gen- gender issues. ership, department • Prevailing cul- CBOs, FBOs, NCC and govern-
der and HIV/ heads and council- ture and traditions ment coordinated activities.
AIDS. • Cultural beliefs and tradi-
tions adversing the ad- lors. which are male • Strengthen women and HIV-
• Radio com- vancement of women. • Increase effectiveness dominated. positive persons’ facilities at
munication is of NGOs, CBOs and • Leadership male- the ward level (VCT clinics,
very efficient. • Disparity in education lev- police kiosks,etc).
els and opportunities be- FBOs through coordi- dominated.
tween boys and girls. nation. • Stigma concerning
• No mechanism to give • Strengthen facilities HIV/AIDS.
voice to women, chil- at the ward level (VCT • Vulnerable groups
dren or other vulnerable clinics, police kiosks, are not able to de-
groups. etc) for women and fend their rights
HIV-positive persons. (children and the
• No special office for wom-
en’s issues. disabled).

GENDER Projects proposal spread and impact of HIV/AIDS and to promote the inclu-
HIV/AIDS sion of pro-gender policies to redress gender disparity and its
Establish Gender & HIV/AIDS Management
N°1 Unit in Nairobi City Council problems.

OBJECTIVES: To establish a Gender and HIV/AIDS

LOCATION: Nairobi City Council Management Unit to lead and coordinate and sustain gender
DURATION: 12 months and HIV/AIDS mainstreaming activities within NCC and in
its external urban service delivery.
BENEFICIARIES: Urban poor, citizens, people living with
HIV/AIDS, all City Council Personnel. ACTIVITIES: (1) Facilitate establishment of a fully re-
sourced Gender and HIV/AIDS Management Unit within
IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS: Nairobi City Council, the Nairobi City Council. (2) Undertake a training needs
Ministry of Gender, Sports and Culture, National AIDS assessment of gender and HIV/AIDS (3) Develop training
Control Council, Local Community Groups with an interest tools (4) Implement rolling training programme together
in Gender and HIV/AIDS, CBOs, UN-HABITAT. with NCC Human Resource Department on Gender and
HIV/AIDS awareness training for all NCC officers and lead-
ESTIMATED COST: US$ 180,000 ership (5) Facilitate Gender and HIV/AIDS Management
Unit to orientate all other City Council Services towards
BACKGROUND: Nairobi City Council does not have a mainstreaming Gender and HIV/AIDS. (6) Undertake a city
work-based policy to address gender or HIV/AIDS. There is wide needs assessment and analysis through participatory
no systematic gathering of gender disaggregated data to assess rapid urban profiling by trained NCC Community Officers
the impact of policies on women, there is no compulsory (7) Undertake a City Consultation Workshop to involve all
training of the 17,000 City Council Officers to raise aware- City urban stakeholders to agree and implement a Gender
ness on Gender and HIV/AIDS. Equally there is no policy and HIV/AIDS Action Plan for Nairobi (8) Develop part-
to address Gender or HIV/AIDS in the orientation of City nerships with local communities to implement and monitor
Council Urban Services, and efforts to reach out to vulner- the Action Plan with the involvement of local communities,
able groups and poor urban communities are ad hoc and not NGOs, CBOs and private sector.
systematically planned and sustained.
OUTPUTS: All Nairobi City Council departments and
The City does not capitalise on economies of scale to use the services orientated to include strategies that reinforce gender
media and partnerships in the city to advocate for pro-gender promotion and HIV/AIDS impact reduction strategies
and HIV/AIDS impact reduction activities. Establishing a
Gender and HIV/AIDS Management Unit will enable the STAFF REQUIRED: Coordinator/facilitator with expertise
City Council to mainstream gender and HIV/AIDS both as in local government service delivery, gender and HIV/AIDS
an internal work based policy issue and to orientate all City and participatory city consultations.
Council urban services to address gender and HIV/AIDS.
There is a range of institutional and community responses
that can be implemented to support strategies to reduce the

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Priorities
• Recent esta- • Limited integration of • Donors willing to pro- • Weak institu- • Environmental planning and
blishment of a environmental issues in vide technical assistance tional struc- management training for Nairo-
Department of urban planning. towards preparation of tures for bi City Council.
Environment. • City is overwhelmed by a strategic plan. environmental • Develop a Strategic Planning
• Abundance of the magnitude and the • Existence of environ- planning and Framework and Action Plan to
environmen- complexity of environ- mental agencies: ILRI, management. address issues for Nairobi.
tal resources mental problems. UNEP, UN-HABITAT and • Inadequate in- • Develop local projects in areas
(rivers, forests, • NCC is currently unable universities. stitutional and that are environmentally chal-
parks). to undertake environ- • Potential for synergy be- staff capacity in lenged to strengthen techni-
mental assessments, tween Environment De- some NCC de- cal capacity for environmental
monitoring, evaluation, partment and NEMA . partments. planning and management, in-
planning , management, • A metropolitan plan for volving NCC, NEMA and local
communication or part- Nairobi and the neigh- stakeholders.
nership building. bouring municipalities.

• A few private/ • Limited and poorly man- • Partnerships to opti- • Private compa- • Sustainable financial planning
public partner- aged resources allocated mise local efforts and nies work only for environment issues.
ships exist to for environmental issues. resources for environ- in rich areas • Development of a sustainable
supplement Great part of the budg- mental management. and deny po- partnership framework to allow
formal public et from Central Govern- • Environment Manage- tential revenue cross subsidies.
services (e.g. ment used for salaries, ment for poverty re- for City Council
urban green- 40%, and only 60% for if not planned • Capital investment is needed for

duction (marketing of equipment, such as vehicles.

ing of road environment activities. recyclables, employ- within an over-
roundabouts, • Environmental activities ment of poor, etc). all framework
street lighting, are very costly. for the city as
waste manage- whole.
ment). • The cost of initial invest-
ment for infrastructure is
very high.


• Communi- • Refuse collection has • NCC/private sector part- • Negative pub- • Provide solid waste manage-
ty awareness been steadily falling, nerships in solid waste lic attitude ment in partnership with com-
in local en- waste production has management (few pri- towards en- munities, NGOs, CBOs and
vironmental outstripped collection vate companies collect vironmental private sector.
management and disposal. waste from wealthier ar- management • Traffic regulation (heavy goods
initiatives. • Lack of drainage, solid eas for a fee). (littering, tree transport restriction in terms of
• NCC operates a and liquid waste man- • Local enforcement of cutting, dump- roads, timing, licenses, etc).
few communal agement, poor sanita- regulations and spot ing of waste).
• Enhancement of public trans-
refuse collec- tion. checks on woodstocks • Private traffic is port, cycling and pedestrian
tion services in • Loss of forest density and to establish sources to rapidly increas- mobility.
slum areas. coverage, due to the use arrest and deter illegal ing.
wood cutting and char- • Encourage clean production
of charcoal as fuel. and alternative energy for in-
coal burning.
• Protection of Nairobi National

ENVIRON- Project proposal Improvement Action Plans with local stakeholders through a
Local Integrated Environmental Planning and participatory process which can also contribute to improve
N°1 Management, and activities implementation Environmental Governance in involving the public in
monitoring implementation of environmental activities.
DURATION: 18 months OBJECTIVES: Develop capacity of Nairobi City Council
to develop and implement integrated Environmental Action
BENEFICIARIES: Local poor urban communities, commu- Plans and incorporate participatory planning and monitor-
nity based organisations, Nairobi City Council. ing and partnership approaches. This will strengthen wide
stakeholder involvement, raise awareness, and improve envi-
IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS: Nairobi City Council, UNEP, ronmental governance and accountability.
NEMA, community based organisations, UN-HABITAT.
ACTIVITIES: (1) Identify Nairobi City Council Environ-
ESTIMATED COST: US$ 1,400,000 ment Department Training needs to develop capacity for
integrated Environmental Planning and Management to add
BACKGROUND: Nairobi City Council Environment value to planned environmental interventions. Develop train-
Department has few trained and qualified officers. ing tools. (2) Deliver technical training to address a range of
Environmental activities are mainly grass cutting and training elements e.g. physical surveying skills, community
street sweeping which are care-taking roles that do not involvement, participatory planning and monitoring, pro-
adequately address the urban environment needs of the gramme formulation and project cycle management. (3) Test
city. What is needed is proactive environmental planning, and apply skills of department through a local demonstration
implementation and management of activities that can project; develop a Comprehensive Area Environmental Im-
be sustained and that involve a wide participation of local provement Action Plan with local communities and imple-
stakeholders. Poor solid waste management, deteriorated ment the plan involving local communities at all stages of the
urban infrastructure and streetscape, pot-holed roads and project cycle. (4) Develop guidelines to replicate approach
inadequate lighting are common problems of Nairobi’s for comprehensive areas environmental improvement plans.
urban environment. There is a need to train Nairobi City
Council Officers to comprehensively assess and plan OUTPUTS: Capacity of Nairobi City Council Environment
activities to improve urban areas and to take advantage of Department comprehensively improved to lead and coordi-
economies of scale, plan and procure materials, budget nate environmental action plans with local communities.
and resource environmental improvements. Environmental Improved urban environment.
solutions should apply holistic approaches to incorporate
gender mainstreaming, community participation, ensure STAFF REQUIRED: Coordinator with expertise in
adequate planned maintenance, maximise local resource environmental management, community involvement
mobilisation and partnerships building. These issues can be participatory planning. Team of trainers and experts in en-
addressed by developing Comprehensive Area Environmental vironmental issues.

ENVIRON- Project proposal OUTPUTS: Improved city mobility, reduction of air
Enhancement of Non-Motorised pollution and traffic jams, and improvement of city economy
N°2 Transportation Systems and security.

LOCATION: Nairobi STAFF REQUIRED: Research Consultant Team with exper-

DURATION: 18 months tise in economics, urban planning and management, micro-
enterprise development.
BENEFICIARIES: Urban poor, citizens, private sector, chil-
dren, disabled persons.


UN-HABITAT, NEMA, Nairobi Business Associations, pri-
vate sector.


BACKGROUND: Nairobi traffic conditions are becoming

unbearable for the city. The existing infrastructure is no lon-
ger able to support the increasing number of private vehicles
circulating in the city and the public transport, mainly mata-
tus, is constrained in its efficiency by the overall congestion
of the road system. The consequent noise and air pollution
are very high.

There is a need to separate, when possible, private and public

traffic and improve the accessibility to bus stations.

The pedestrian mobility is severely constrained by the uncivil

behaviour of matatus and private drivers; street lights only
regulate the vehicles’ traffic, without considering pedestrians’
rights and needs.

There is no pavement system in the majority of the city and,

where one exists, it is often not maintained. This constrains
non-motorised mobility (pedestrians and bicycles). Lack of ENVIRON- Project proposal
street lights and insecurity severely constrains mobility at Sustainable Financial Planning and Local
night. N°3 Resource Mobilisation

Enhanced ‘slow mobility’ would promote the local economy: LOCATION: Nairobi
shops, kiosks, street vendors. It would also improve security, DURATION: 12 months
because the social control on public spaces would be en-
hanced. BENEFICIARIES: Urban poor, citizens, Nairobi City
Council, potential partnership organisations in private sector
OBJECTIVES: Improve non-motorised mobility, through and CBOs.
planning and design of pedestrian/cycle paths, pavement
construction, and improvement of the street light system. IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS: Nairobi City Council,
Improve public transport. Reduce traffic congestion and air UNEP, UN-HABITAT, University of Nairobi Environment
pollution. Department, Specialist NGOs, NEMA, Nairobi Business
Associations, Kenya Association of Manufacturers.
ACTIVITIES: (1) Prepare a plan for pedestrian paths and
bikeways, in participation with the City Council, private ESTIMATED COST: US$ 2,000,000
sector, shopkeepers, communities and police. Slow mobil-
ity should be encouraged within the city centre and down- BACKGROUND: Nairobi has a diversity of potential part-
town, and new connections should be encouraged between nerships and stakeholders that could be harnessed to support
the centre and low income settlements. The project should activities such as solid waste management and recycling. Nai-
also involve secondary centres (Westlands, Parklands, etc.). robi already has many private companies that collect solid
(2) Construction of new paths, pavements, improvement of waste from richer neighbourhoods, at a cost. Incentives need
street-furniture, lights and bus stops. (3) Develop private/ to be developed to encourage waste collection by private re-
public partnerships for the maintenance and management fuse enterprises in poorer areas where forms of cross subsidy
of the paths. (4) Improvement of pedestrian crossing and may be applied to achieve these incentives. Nairobi also has
‘pedestrian-oriented’ street lights. a thriving business sector which could work with the city to
develop corporate incentives.

OBJECTIVES: To recommend innovative approaches to ENVIRON- Project proposal
implement local strategies for environmental management
and maximised economic gains through incentives, partner- N°4 Partnerships for Solid Waste Management
ships, waste recycling, improved waste management and
employment creation. LOCATION: Nairobi
DURATION: 12 months
ACTIVITIES: (1) Undertake a study to draw together best
practices on local resource mobilisation for environmental BENEFICIARIES: Urban poor, citizens.
management from global knowledge centres. (2) Implement
pilot projects with emphasis on turning environmental IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS: Nairobi City Council,
management activities into economic gains, employment UN-HABITAT, NEMA, Nairobi Business Associations, pri-
creation for solid waste management and recycling. (3) vate sector, waste disposal companies.
Test ideas such as an Environmental Corporation Tax,
cross-subsidy incentives of private solid waste collection ESTIMATED COST: US$ 1,400,000
companies that collect waste from richer neighbourhoods but
which may be given incentives to collect a proportion from BACKGROUND: Waste management in the city is poor.
poorer urban environments. (4) Involve and consult local Private companies work only in rich areas, denying potential
industry, private sector and communities to assess demands revenue for the City Council, but not helping it in the waste
and market approaches to foster potential environmental collection in slums and poor neighbourhoods. If not planned
partnerships to implement and test strategies. (5) Implement within a framework for the whole city, waste collection in
demonstration pilot projects with other partners. (6) Share partnership with private sector is going to fail and increase
findings and propose recommendations at a workshop the environmental inequalities between rich and poor areas.
to assess demands balance competing interests and guide A sustainable partnership framework for waste collection
proposed recommendations with involvement of wide and disposal needs to be developed, to allow cross subsidies
stakeholder’s participation drawn from private sector, NGOs, for waste collection in poor areas. The process should be
CBOs, etc. (7) Develop a report with recommendations for participatory.
follow-up action to implement a variety of strategies on local
environmental resource mobilisation for solid waste and OBJECTIVES: Develop a sustainable solid waste
recycling projects in poor areas of Nairobi. management system for Nairobi City.

OUTPUTS: Report with recommendations for follow ACTIVITIES: (1) Prepare a framework for public/private
up action for local economic development and resource partnerships, in collaboration with waste collection companies,
mobilisation for local environmental management. Pilot private sector, NEMA, NCC, etc. (2) Implementation of
demonstration projects. Improved urban environment. pilot projects.

STAFF REQUIRED: Research Consultant Team with OUTPUTS: Improved urban environment, generation
expertise in economics, environmental management and of job opportunities, strengthened collaboration between
micro-enterprise development. private sector and Nairobi City Council.

STAFF REQUIRED: Research Consultant Team with

expertise in economics, waste management, and micro-
enterprise development.

D1# 06-50532-

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