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Contrasting monophthongs (simple vowels)


[i:], [i], [e], [æ], [a:], [o:], [o], [u:], [yu:], [u], [ər], [ə]

bean – bin – Ben – ban – bar – born – bond – boom – beauty – book –
burn – bun;

peat – pit – pet – pat – part – port – pot – pool – pew – put – purr – pus;

Contrasting monophthongs in pairs

[i:] – [i]

lead – lid, read – rid, feel – fill, deal – dill, heel – hill, team – Tim, keen –
kin, seen – sin, teen – tin, leave – live;

peak – pick, seek – sick; sheep – ship, heap – hip, leap – lip, beat – bit,
feet – fit, seat – sit;

[i:] – [i]: eat fish, be sick, feel ill, see him, meet Bill, deal with, read this,
beat it; [i] – [i:]: kiss me, lip cream, till three;

[i] – [e]

bill – bell, fill – fell, till – tell, him – hem, pin – pen, tin – ten, win – when,
bid – bed, did – dead, Liz – Les, since – sense;

pit – pet, sit – set, Nick – neck, pick – peck, miss – mess, wrist – rest, lift
– left;

[i] – [e]: Big Ben, six guests, live well, since ten; [e] – [i]: tell Tim, test

[e] – [æ]

bed – bad, said – sad, beg – bag, leg – lag, hell – Hal, hem – ham;

Ben – ban, pen – pan, den – Dan, ten – tan, men – man; bend – band,
lend – land, send – sand;

bet – bat, met – mat, pet – pat, set – sat, mess – mass, wreck – rack,
peck – pack, letter – latter, better – batter;

[e] – [æ]: red bag, fell back, met Alice, pen pal; [æ] – [e]: Ann said, bad
pen, add ten, marry Mary;
[æ] – [a:]

bad – bard, lad – lard, Pam – palm, cam – calm, carry – car, Barry – bar;

cat – cart, hat – heart, mat – mart, pat – part, cap – carp, back – bark,
pack – park,

[æ] – [a:]: Dan's father, last part, fast cars; [a:] – [æ]: smart Alex, hard
candy, Karl's cat;

[æ] – [ə]

fan – fun, ran – run, sang – sung, land – lung, Dan – done, man – month,
frank – front, Sam – some, ram – rum, damp – dump, bag – bug, rag –

cat – cut, bat – but, hat – hut, fat – fuss, last – lust, task – tusk, back –
buck, lack – luck, tack – tuck, stack – stuck;

[æ] – [ə]: bad cut, bad blood, bad luck, black gun, last month, Ann's
mother; [ə] – [æ]: some tan, one man, a bag, a hat;

[a:] – [o:]

far – four, car – core, tar – tore, star – store, card – cord, bard – board,
barn – born;

park – pork, stark – stork, part – port, cart – court, Marty – Morty,

[a:] – [o:]: carport, Bart bought, hard core; [o:] – [a:]: four cars, ball
park, small yard;

[a:] – [ə]

barn – bun, calm – come, drama – drum, march – much, darn – done, far
– sofa, father – mother;

bark – buck, dark – duck, lark – luck, tar – tuck, stark – stuck, heart –

[a:] – [ər]

hard – heard, card – curd, far – fur, farm – firm, barn – burn, large –
splurge, charge – church;

heart – hurt, cart – Curt, dark – dirt, lark – lurk, park – perk, carton –
[o:] – [ər]

call – curl, hall – hurl, all – earl, Paul – pearl, saw – sir, lawn – learn;

war – were, ward – word, warm – worm, reward – reword, walk – work,
wart – worth;

four – fir, sore – sir, store – stir, core – occur, pour – purr;

born – burn, torn – turn, form – firm, board – bird, cord – curd,

course – curse, caught – curt, short – shirt, talk – Turk;

[o:] – [ər]: warm words, four birds, call Kurt; [ər] – [o:]: first floor, third
door, learn all;

[o] – [ə]

bomb – bum, rob – rub, college – color, common – come, comma –

company, body – buddy, bother – brother;

gone – done, nonsense – none, honor – honey, monitor – money,

monument – Monday, fond – front, tongs – tongue, sponsor – sponge;

conference – confess, continent – contain, content (n.) – content (adj.) ,

contract (n.) – contract (v.), contrary – control, policy – police;

lock – luck, sock – suck, cop – cup, hot – hut, not – nut, cloth – nothing,
bottle – butter, bottom – button;

[u:] – [yu:]

food – feud, fool – fume, cool – cute, who – hue, ooze – use, moose –
muse, boot – beauty;

[u:] – [u]

fool – full, pool – pull, womb – woman, food – foot, Luke – look, tooth –
took, shoot – should;

[u] – [o]

cook – cock, look – lock, rook – rock, took – stock, put – pot, good – god;

[u] – [ə]

book – buck, look – luck, took – tuck, put – but, push – hush, full – dull,
pull – hull;
The sounds [ə] (but) and [ər] (bird)

[ə] – [ər]

bud – bird, cub – curb, bun – burn, ton – turn, fun – fern, soda – coder;

luck – lurk, shut – shirt, but – Bert, hut – hurt, such – search, bust –
burst, sofa – suffer, quota – quarter;

stressed [ə] – unstressed [ə]

son – lesson, some – awesome, muss – famous, numb – venom, thud –


stressed [ər] – unstressed [ər]

fur – offer, refer – suffer, sir – answer, purr – helper, burn – stubborn,
turn – lantern;

Contrasting monophthongs and diphthongs in pairs

[e] – [ei]

pen – pain, den – Dane, many – main, fell – fail, sell – sail, bed – bade,
fed – fade, red – raid;

let – late, met – mate, debt – date, bet – bait, wet – wait, sec – sake,
wreck – rake, neck – snake;

[e] – [ei]: next day, let's stay, Ben met Kate, felt great, tell tales; [ei] –
[e]: make friends, raise hell, say when;

[a:] – [ai]

par – pie, are – eye, bar – by, charm – chime, hard – hide,

park – pike, spark – spike, harp – hype, cart – kite, Bart – bite;

[a:] – [ai]: far cry, hard to find, barfly; [ai] – [a:]: die hard, my card, like

[a:] – [au]

hard – hound, darn – down, lard – loud,

art – out, part – pout; start – stout; shark – shout;

[a:] – [au]: start now, calm down, dark house, farther south; [au] – [a:]:
how hard, downhearted;
[æ] – [ai]

pal – pile, pan – pine, man – mine, band – bind, candy – kind, hand –

lack – like, tap – type, rap – ripe, mass – mice, rat – right, fat – fight;

[æ] – [au]

Al – owl, lad – loud, sand – sound, tan – town, Dan – down, Fran – frown,

mass – mouse, lass – louse;

[o:] – [au]

nor – now, hall – howl, fall – foul, dawn – down, drawn – drown, crawl –
crown, cord – crowd, pause – spouse;

short – shout; port – pout, sport – spout;

[o:] – [ou]

saw – so, law – low, raw – row, lawn – lone, drawn – drone, clause –
close, pause – pose, cause – cozy, caught – coat, ought – oat;

hall – whole, mall – mole, bald – bold, called – cold, call – comb, walk –
woke, falcon – folk;

more – mow, bore – bow, door – doe, sore – sew, tore – tow, lord – load,
born – bone, torn – tone, mourn – mown;

[o:] – [ou]: more roads, call Flo, lawn mower; [ou] – [o:]: cold sore, old
Ford, no laws, so tall, don't fall, close call;

[o] – [ou]

nod – node, odd – owed, model – modal, modern – motel, mob – mobile,
monument – moment, column – colon, doll – roll;

option – open, pot – potent, hot – hotel, lost – ghost, monster – most,
positive – post, hostel – host;

[o] – [ou]: hot rolls, pot roast, hostile host; [ou] – [o]: role model, don't
bother, most hospitals;
[ə] – [ou]

mud – mode, nut – note, but – boat, must – most, bust – boast, bus –
both, Russ – gross;

done – donor, done – don't, won – won't, one – only, mother – motor,
does – dose, cover – clover;

[ə] – [ou]: a boat, a donor, the host, some notes; [ou] – [ə]: only one,
both mothers, won't trust, most buses, no money;

Contrasting diphthongs in pairs

[ai] – [au]

high – how, nine – noun, bright – brow, find – found, hind – hound,
signed – sound;

[ai] – [au]: nice town, try now, light-brown, night owl, five rounds; [au] –
[ai]: how nice;

[ai] – [oi]

rye – Roy, tie – toy, buy – boy, file – foil, bile – boil, pint – point, lied –

[au] – [ou]

now – no, how – owe, pow – mow, allow – low, cow – crow, thou –

owl – own, brown – bowl, cowl – coal, drown – drone, town – tone, noun
– known, loud – load,

couch – coach, pouch – poach;

[ai] – [ou]

die – doe, tie – toe, lie – low, my – Moe, sigh – so, guy – go;

ride – road, lied – load, tile – toll, pile – poll, cries – crows, flies – flows,
night – note;

[ai] – [ei]

buy – bay, pie – pay, die – day, lie – lay, sty – stay, high – hey, rye –
file – fail, mile – mail, pile – pale, tile – tail, time – tame, line – lane, pine
– pain, sign – sane, rise – raise;

rice – race, fight – fate, light – late, right – rate, height – hate;

[ai] – [ei]: my day, white paint, why wait, crime rate; [ei] – [ai]: take
time, eight miles, late night, say hi;


[ei], [ai], [au], [oi], [ou]

bay – buy – bough – boy – bone;

bait – bite – bout – boil – boat;

Dane – dine – down – Doyle – dough;

tame – time – town – toy – tone;

ale – I'll – owl – oil – old;

great – grind – ground – groin – grow;

paint – pint – pound – point – poll;

maize – mice – mouse – moist – most.

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